CC 10-17-94
Cupertino City Council
Jl~.I- v-:..
Octoba- 17, 1994
At 6:45 p.m., Mayor Koppel called Ihe mll·~'" to order in the Council Chambers, 10300
Torre Avenue. Cupemu.., and led Ihe Pledge of Al1egiance.
Council members p.-...A: John R.nlfi..,.. Don Burnett, Wally Dean, Lauralee Su......-.
and Mayor Barbara Koppel. Council members absent: None.
Planning Commission members po........4. Donna Austin, Andrea Harris, Paul Roberts, and
Vice-Cbaúman David Doyle. PIanni.. Cmuniccion members abient; Chainnm Orrin
Staff f'I.......d: City Man.ger Don Brown; City CIak Kim Smith; AdminisImive Services
Director Carol Atwood; Conummity Developmem Dim:tor Bob Cowan; City AIL.......1
Charles Kilian; Parks aod Recreation ~ Stewe Dowling; Public Information Officer
Donna KIey; aod Public Works ~ Bert VISkovidL
City ~ Don Browa "'T'''"'''ð !hit Ihe City's Public Infomudioa Officer, Donna
KIey, bad beeu 8WIIrdcd one of only IS þ,,_~IÍWD_..I1y by Ihe Jnte.,...:..,m City ,A--"1IIÏoD (lCMA), wbicb."'t" J ..~ 4300 cities. Mr. Browa described die
Student Week 10 001............ (SWING) ......_u wbic:b woalhe aW8Id for Ioca1
potouuaeut...,·.. "':00. Mayor KoppeIp. ~1IIed lheawll'd IÜqueto Ms. KIey, who
tJum1-M Ihe Cour.x:iJ for Ibeir suppon and ~ for Ibis ....... po.,p.¡.
Mayor Koppel Ie-oute."" Ihe agenda to lake on) <:ouauaaÎ<:.riom next.
Ms. Marge Bruno, Mayor of Los Altos. read into Ihe record a resolution of Ihe City of
Los Altos repading ..~ developme4l oflhe Diocae lands. Sbe asked that Ihe
Planning Commission ~ a copy during Ibeir deliberations. Ms. Bruno said they
October 17, 1994
Cupertino City Council
~Ied Cupertino's right to decide what will happen on the property, and they ICçept
the engi--ing capacity of CristD Rcy Drive, but irx:reased traffic through her city will
have a neptive impact on the quality of life in Los Altos. She asked that there be aD
Idditiona1 ingress and egress through the Cit}· of Cupertino.
Mr. Ferotb Debao, 10257 Nile Drive, said that be bad earlier requested both City Council
IIIId PI-i", Corn",ininq look at the Town Ceuter area as a whole inet","" of developing
it pier ,,~.I He said be WIll a oeigbbor to the City Ceuter project. and be was IIiII in
ûvor of providing afTordIbIe units. Allbougb the GeœraI Plan bad incrr H ~ bo.-_:.'t
demity. the mitiptúvt fee for affordable housing SIi1I oeeðed to be raised.
Mrs. Dime Haze, 226&1 s.n Juan, ~~ disappointment and fiusIratioo OYer the
bandlinø of the equcsIriao ...;... in the Highway 85 paaade. She said that their liable
had purrJuo-ed vests, hats, IIIId sc:arves, IIIId bad spent IDIIII)' hours po _ ins the bones
and mû:i"la balll)ef. Allbougb they were ready and waiting in aD orderly way. they were
not allowed to participate in the paa4. Also, they were prevented from ridinø beck to
the stab1e the way they bad come. She said both adults IIIId children were very
disappoinled IIIId inconvenienced. Mayor Koppel explained that the parade pWuaus had
not anticipaled the number of people that attended the event, IIIId the equesIriaa units
were stopped as a safety measwe. She offered ber penonaI apology IIIId said that the
equesttian units would also receive a formaIleucr of apology from the City.
Mr. Didt Schuster. 777 Stfondluol Lane, told about the difficulties his d.."gÞtas had faced
when they left the family home IIIId Iried to find affordable housing, and said that be
could not afford to leave his home and move anywhere else. Mr. Schuster tMnlr...t the
City Council for his çpo:..I.'~d to the Affordable Housing Committee ~ years
aso.1IIId for the opportunities it bas given him to be aD advocate for affordable bu--:...
Mr. Mart McKama, rcpt : ..;,. Kaiser C--ent, said that a b,,,,"-~ ...... -..- ofwork
bad gone info Highway IS IIIId its IeccaI ~I.:,.., ...:L:b..dML He II ~ated the Mayor
with a "piece of the !'Old" wbic:b bad been drilled out as a test core, and then poIi.......J IIId
IDOUIIIed with a plaque. 0-111(' Sorœ-. ackDowWøed aU the work that Mayor Koppel
and the volunteers did OIl mp..ay IS.1IIId said there bad been no icb that it tIIOUId be
such aqe event. Mayor Koppel COIflJIW'fIded the City staff: especially PIrb IIId
Recreat:ioa IIId Public Works, as well as the Sberiff's offiœrs. Parks and R«.......
Dim:tor Dowling said that Ibis was an all-volunteer effort wbic:b took bwldJeIb or ~
to briJJø tot"""" the 5 evenIS that took pbce duoo". the County. He said be r..pdltd
that the equelb;' unitslDd IOIDe other peafo.mers bad to be canceled. He ID8de the
decision to CIIDI:eI t-...~ there were hundreds of people OIl the nanps, IIuøcRds of
bicycles in the southbound 1ane, IIIId in the area of Cupatiœ's celebratiO'l tbere was a center divider, IIIId they simply could not fit 110 horses through an 01-':'"
abt>ut 12 feel wide.
Ocfober 17. 1994
Cupertino City 0MJci1
Mr. SIeYen Haze, 22681 San Juan, accepted the Mayor's apology regarding the
...-11___ of the equestrian IØlÍU. He said he appreåated all the hard WOIk dI8t Md
gone inIo the evmt, it was just dI8t there was a lot of tiuslratioo on the part of the people
that Mn: not allowed to participate.
Ms. Khrys Auble asked why the food booths were set up in the same place as the parade.
.. why the 10'l1li""11"" lIIIe bed DOt been used instead. Sbe also was disIppoinIed that
the bones wae DOt included. Pmb and Director Steve Dowling Aid that the
.,... J """.<1. bid beeo made IDOIIIbI in advance in coajundÍOD with oIber cities. The
--hnw.J lIIIe was raerwd for a SK wa1It and run in the morning. and in the aftIe.œoo
it ICMd as the link bcÞ.ocn tile evaJIs in oIber cities, all of which wae surpriJcd by the
tumøuL Mr. Dowling pointed out thIt in the Cupertino area there was a _ti6uu in tile
c:catcr or tile fieeway and 10 all of tile events were resIricIed to the ßO'Ih"'--' lIIIe.
Pr "'("",..:on and review of Santa C1ara Coonty Draft Genera1 Plan to the City Council
and P1anDing Commission.
Mr. Don W'1eden, Senior P1annerforSaru C1ara County, reviewed tbeirdraftGeoera1
Plan. He Aid tbeir growth projections show thIt through the year 2010 there will be
206,000 ~ people, so to such growth they are developing abaleg;es for
compec:t devdopmcnt thIt would be less auto-dc~rKIenf The urban developmmt
policies wae reaffirmed, and rural uni'''.oI),()Iar.:d areas will ranain rural.
Mr. W'aedea said thIt extra ...."....., was gMn to the kb of ...........cdi ve joint pI-"'g
for urbIa fiinae II'C:IIS and d.!IiÐ'"ldil1g Ioag-lam (20-year) urbIn growth ...........ia.
TIley ptopote DO cbanges in densities and aIIowIIbIc IlleS in rural areas. There will be
evc111Ua18IIDrUIion of urban pocteu, but dè:.iu. da-~ will be based 011 city
P- - may require a joint p.o....i"8 effort to faåIi1aIe MInI"YSItioo.
Counc. Deaø asked what was tile County's .-...-live about IIIIIXimum ......Ih_1be
i~ 011 WIler supplies. Mr. W'aedea said that be WIll sIaff 011 this ...u.i-t but could
DOt spat for the County as a whole. He ~.n-t that, in tile pat. most growth .. a
result of people moving into tile area, but now tile ...-....4 p"p'.ISItioo WIll lifting
chiJdrco. This is a c:omplex issue wbich !he C(W,....,.uee did DOt .4h,A. Mr. W'1Cdm
added that tbcy relied 011 tile WIler disIrict's figures. The water disIrict is ......:.. tbeir
own pIm _ did not indicate there would be any problem.
Counc.. ø.....- Slid be would like tile City to have a real .........-. in addi600 to
that dooe by the County, for deve10pment thIt does DOt oa:ur within the City's ~.. of
inßueœe, such as tile mechanism thIt is in place wilen reviewing hillside dcvdvt-·..·."
Mr. Wieden Slid they would ""ggrct a plan jointly adopted by the County and åties 10
October \7. \ 994
Cupertino City Council
Paae 4
the County' 5 decisions wou1d be more consistent with the goals of the local communities.
TIIIIt would be preferable to having extra hcarings, which wou1d impK:t the streamlining
C-. Sorensen aid there bad been earlier di....~ about a joint pa._..... apement
wiIb tbe wat-side cities. The Commu:ûty Deve~4 Dim:tor aid dud _
.... .d~x:d in the General Plan, but it _ a way bw~ ~~ and he _ not sure
dud _ tbe best lOIuâoa. He noted that the Town oCLos GaIos bad a \'a)' lun: ..fll1
joint planning effort for tbe hillciMc. and ~ bad one for the Manta Vista area.
Aøy development c:ontiguous to tbe City is...-.......'Iy sent ~ for review, and most
of Cupertino is bordaed by County parks or Mid-Pmi-Il. Open Space.
Comm. Hanis asked for more details about tbe County's strategy to rd"orm local
pallDlent finance to encourage balanced land Ole. Mr. Wicdeo said dud tbe .~
shown on page A-13S repnfing revenue sharing may be too specific a solution. There
may be othcT ways to address the issue of deciding whether to provide Deeded housing or
build shopping centers to improve tax revenues. They will be reviewing dud strategy to
make it less specific.
Vice-Cbaúnnan Doyle asked whether selecting .1onger time-fiame for plSlftllÌI1g UeaIb
JRssure from applicants and landowners to deveJop sooner. Mr. WIeden said there are
many jurisdictions that feel comfortable with . 20-year growth boundary that is tbe same
as tbe urban boundary. Another bellefit, particularty in the south COUDty, is dud it
provides valuable information to agricultural þI()fICrtY owners whether they sbou1d
rånvest in their farmland or sell it for ~
('nnwn Hanis asked about Strategy # I to cmde an ~ve County-wide plSlftllÌI1g
or¡anization. Mr. WIeden aid tbe \Ir(),~ _ dr8fted 2 years ago when the Mu......
Bill WM alive and could have ...~ a regional p...~ of some sort. This .~
_ to ClIØBf'C' that they would prefer a County-wide solution i,,~'" of a l~1 ODe.
Comm. Harris said this -w'1II'I to be a great sbift &om local to County ......,., and sbe
_ coacemed about tbe tenor of1be -"-'~"'"", in this ICICÚoD. Mr. WJedea ~.n-t
that tbe 8CIUII ~.,n.-dMions doø't go into dud Je\'d of detail, and slafrJ.l tried to
put forth IS many difrc....4 ideas IS they c::ould. He aid tbey wiD caIœ ..·""-Ioot . this
)*ticuI8r chapIer. The direc:tion over tbe last two ð«ArI- bas beat dud eKb 1p;DCy'.
ðecisions affect all othm. Some coordination is neÑe>.t. but the IP"(hani.... has yet to be
Conun. Austin said she was conoemed about the mccbai1ism for joint hillside po1icy
planning. Mr. Wicdeo said there were a numberoCmode1s and described tbejointgrowth
management study with Morgan Hill. One of the first *ps is to acquire some ofticial
...........;00 of interest from the affected jurisdictions, then at the SlaffJevd they defiue
what the community would like to have in a joint plan, what JII'O'css would be
<Xfobcr 17, 1994
Cupa1iDo City Council
......()pIÍIIfe. and where resources to accomplish it might be found. After General Plan
adopâoa tbey will have a process to prioritize the work plan with reports beck on an
annual bais.
Mr. W'Jedca explained tbIt the General Plan is p8rtly a rqu1Irory medIaßism, and pII1Iy
a WB). of ItÍmuIIIÍIII thought IDd eß'ort to bring about ¡ftlpIm........:.. of the plan. They
have many ..~ as to wIwt tbe cities ought to be doina. but each city bas its own
unique oppo.tuuity, raourœs, CIe. And in regard to affiIntabIe units, tbe CouIIty Iries to
provide policy pW'Wc. but tbe Iaad me plan showing ..... services does not have
land me .c.;.....i.:Ias.
Counc. B""¡,.. -*d slaffiftbe County's plan is a-i,.- with tbe City's General Plan
regarding tbe hiJ~. pIIrticuIarIy ÍD regard to density and formulas suc:b as tbe deasity-
slope formula. The Community Devc1opm.4 Director said tbIt tbe City adopIcd tbe
County's plan by n:r........... ~.v tbey libd the densities. Those won't change. and
they are very restrictive. There are some minor db...._~ies regarding minera1
The City M""9"" recxvnn...n&.t tbIt the Council go on record dim:dy oppo$ÍD¡ County-
wide elected bodies t- ..- there are already elected '''I''--...datives on these
It was moved by Coone. ø"'lfÍcbI. .econded by Coone. Burnett and carried gpaninonusly
to plep8I'e a 1ctter to the Santa Clara Couoty Board of Supervisors and ptanning
Commission with tbe sIIItemcIIIs as I"e((-....~"""t by sIaff ÍD tbe SII"'''''''Y Report dated
October 17, 1994, and with the 8dditiona1...~._.~DI tbIt tbe Council oppo9Cd the County-
wide elected."I" .. ""':ycs on County boards repnIing laDd use pL-,
At 7;55 p.rn.. tbe PJIIItItÍ"I Qwnmicåon adjoumed to their next regular -'''I of
October 24, 1994.
It was moved by Coone. Sorc:aJca. Jel:0I~ by Coone. Burnett, and carried 1D....:.."\WISIy
to continue item Nos. 21 and 22 to November 7,1994.
It was moved by Coone. Soc~ JeCODCIccI by Coone. 8........... and -.-.;cd
unanimously to adopt tbe eouseot ...J-A_ as .eawnn~"""'" with tbe ~.,bon of Item
Nos. 6, 12., 17, and 18, which _ pulled for discussion.
Resolution No. 9208; ~ A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino
Allowing Certain Claims and J)oornmtd.. Payable in the Amounts and From the
October 17, 1994
Cllpg~ City Council
Paae 6
Funds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Expenditura for
. the Period Ending September 30, 1994."
2. Resolution No. 9209: M A Resolution of the City Council of the City of C!.pCftiDo
Allowin¡ Certain Claims and n.--Ic Payable in the Amounts and From the
Funds as Haánaftcr Described for General and Misce11ancous Expenditures for
the Period Fming October 7, 1994."
3. RaoIuIioa No. 9210: "A ReIoIuIioa of the City Council of the City ofCupertiDo
AI1owin¡ Ca1Iin Claims and n.m.nd. Payable in the Amounts and From the
Funds as &I~ Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period
Ending October 7, 1994."
4. MoDIbIy TRaSUra"s Report and Budget Update. S'1JCember, 1994.
S. Resolution No. 9211: MA Resolution of the City Council of the City ofCupertiDo
Approving Cuuh-.t Change Order No. 2 for Reconstruction of Curbs, Gutters and
Sidewalks, Project 94-103."
Resolution No. 9212: M A Resolution of the City Council of the City of C~tioo
Accepting Grant of ¡:'Slo.:ment for Conservation Purposes fiom Iswar Prasad
Murarka and Ragini Shah Munab, as Co- Trustees of the Murarka 1994 Living
Trust, 10446 San Fernando Avenue.."
8. Resolution No. 9213; "A Resolution of the City Council of the City ofC,-,1iu..
~ Quitclaim Deed and A1AIbu.u..ion for Underground Water RigbIs fiom
Sum~ Moata Vista Ltd.. Tract No. 8657, StevaIs Creek BouIevardIMaøo
9. Resolution No. 9214: MA Resolution of the City Council of the City ofa..-6uo
,A~.. Quitclaim Deed and AuIborizIIioo for UudÞ Water RigbIs from
Jon E1endh and Debra EIeraIb, 10055 CmIc:ent Road."
10. Resolution No. 9215: "A RaOOIIion of the City Council of the City ofC.......1iu..
Ace ,...:.. Quitclaim Deed and A\dborÏ,,,.:nn for Water RigbIs from
The Home ofCbrist Cwrcl1, 10340 Bubb Road."
11. Resolution No. 9216: "A RaoIutioo of the City Council of the City ofCùt-1iu.,
Approving Executioa of ~.a.h SuppIemaIt No. 008 to Local Ageocy-sc.
MastèI. A¡iccmcnt, for FcdcnI Aid Project. Route 280IDeAIIza Bridge
13. Review of A1c:obolic: Beverage Cootrollicense for SteVenS Creek Martœt. 10629
South Foothill Boulevard.
Octœer \7, \994
Cupertjno City CouDci\
14. Information regarding p.~ rate increax by the California Water Service
. Compøny for the Los Altos suburban district for 1995 tbrou¡b 1991.
IS. Request for fee waiver by California Intencbolaslic: F~ation (CIF) for use or
the cupertino Sports Ceatcr for tcmús ct-1'I~ps.
16. Request by Jme Cbiavacci, Cable Television Advúory CommiUee membel', for.
waiver of the nde rqanIing an-I- at committee me '~''F
19. Resolution No. 9218: K A Resolution of the City CoUDCil of the City of Cupertino
Rescinding Resolution No. 9194 and Adopting the Conflict oflnraat Code for
the City ofCuperIiDo for 0fficia1s and Desi&"û-t Employees."
u............ of the Ci~ ('""mcil
Ih1lriÑ, Burnett, Dean, Koppel, and Sorensen.
Aa:eptau...; of city projects pelf()an~ under ....ub&t: ReconsIruction of Curbs,
Gutters and Sidewa1ks, Project 94-103, P a: F Construction. (No dnM.............:OO
provided in p-I... )
Counc. Burnett asked why there was . DOtation sayin¡ there was no
dnM~,....:n\1 on item Nos. 6 and 17. The City C1crIt ~..n-t that
doctvr-=,""'œ was DOt required for these itaDs, since they bad already beeø
approved by Cnomciland the wort ~()o.-d. The notation was to cxpIain tbae
was an agenda item Iisœd but there wou1d be no supporting material in the p-Ir"
12. Approval of...-- of October 3,1994, City Cno--il me....,..
The City C1crIt COf.~ page 5, pIII'III~ 7, to indÙOSlt~ the C....... B-oti_
seconded the motions rep.diug OI.Iõ.....q No. 1670, and tbIt COIIIIC. Burneu
17. Acceptance of municipal ÎIDpI'OVt'ft'~..~: App1e eo..".wter ~ Center
(Sobrato Deve1op..~ Companies), North DeADZa BouIevardIRouIe 280. (No
documentation provided in packet.)
18. Resolution No. 9217; K A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Execution of Lease Agrc:emeot with Cupertino Town Center for
Office Space for City Attorney."
Octob.. 17, 1994
Cupertino City 0uIciJ
The City Attorney explained bow the speœ to be 1ened would be used for offices,
meeting rooms. clerical wort areas, etc. He noted dJ8t many of the teDant
improvements were being done by the propaty owner.
It - mcm:d by Coone. SoICUCA, !leCOllded by Coone. Burnett, 8Dd carried unanimously
to 8ppI'OYe Item Nos. 6, 17, and 18 as rec(·¡...~ by staR: 8Dd to approve the rninut.ot
of 0ct0beI 3 with the comctions as DOled by the City C1erk..
20. AppIintions 81,163 and 24-EA-94 - City ofC~ - ,A""".dn1eøt to Tille 19,
Zœing, of the Cupertino Mum..;~ Code. to rcq_ adequate __ for coller':"
md 10adins recyclable materials in devt............. I"uj..ct. The PI-..ina
Commission reœmmeøds the granting of a Negative Declaration. Recou....o!>.-t..J
for 1ppI'OVa1.
<a) Resolution No. 9219: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino Approving the Guidelines for the Placanmt md DesigD of
Recycling Areas in ~ Projec:;.,"
(b) First """"'ing ofQ,d~ No. 1671: MAn \Jrdinance of the City CouoI:il
of the City ofCupeatiuu ,A........ti"l Tille 19 oftbc c-tiuu Muaic:ipù
Code by Adding n...,-. 19.11 To Be Entitled 'Recycling Areas'."
The Community DeveIopmeat Director (ck..~ CouociI to the staff œpon md
said dJ8t this was a minor bOIl.. 1 ¡JIÓD& itan.. He ~ dJ8t staff ~AOAed to be
as ftexible 8bout space rcquO.b....., as possi~. SÏDce ea:b teDant space_so
diffwwL Mayor Koppel opeœd the public Jaearina. No iDdividua1s wished to be
baird, md the public beariD¡ _ closed
It _ mowd by Coone. DaD, lleCo-~ by C.oo- Burnett, BOd _.;..d
.....,¡rnnusIy to approve the appI=< JC:" per ........:."1 C"""";"";"" R"".....~
Nos. 4562 and 4563.
It _ mowd by Coone. Sioremeft. 1CC'JØo~ by C...... Burnett, md .....;ed
. 1y . ..........-..:-
UI......'-"'UII to grant. ~Ye ~
It was mowd by Coone. Bumett, seoo.oðeð by C-. DaD, 8Dd -.;.d
_i"'9USly to adopt Resolution No. 9219.
Odober , 7, '994
cupertino City Cowci.I
PIle 9
The city Clak read die OId;"",~ title. It was moved by Couøc. Buroea,
seaJo-""d by Coone. DeIn. and r- ~ unanimously dill Qrdi.......,., No. 1671 be
read by title oaIy, and die Clak's ..-fUIg to constitute die first reading thereof. It
was moved by Count. Bumeu. seconded by Couøc. DeIn. and . ,.~.t"OUlly to ~uW: QroI;,...1Of! No. 1671 for first ,...,..ting
Appall of PL._oi", C_i....... draiaI of AppIÍCItÍOo 7-EXc-93 filed by Barre
o.mes. f'l['~-"'. Locus ()e,~~~K'" and Coostrucâoo, IDe.. The appIicatioD
requeIIs .. GœpIioø to ......-bud . new ~ 011 . 1IJI1..4...'-d lot in
accontmce with Sectioa 19.40.050 of die C~ti.uo Munici.,.1 Code. The
pI~t)' is Jo. ....., 11122101 SIn JuIa Roed. (w.;..."t'!I &om July IS. August J,
and ~"",.m6. 1994; staffrequesll(.·..;/lII....... to November 7. 1994.)
It was moved by Coone. SomIIa1, lCoollded by 0...... Burnett, and c:arried
Ull.Illin'OOlly to ~ this item to No\'Cmber 7.
22. AppIiadions 7-U-94. S-TM-94 and J4-EA-94 - Cupertino City Center Associates
D - Vie howit to ~dCt . 120 unit "For Rent" COI,oo.,.il1ium complex.
Tentative M8p to subdivide ODe pMd into 120 COßIIooninium units. The project
is kK"~ 81 die ....d" ~... of Stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAIIza
Boulevard.. Tbc pt.nniqg C~,,'L:aLoa ~I¡n~c die ......1:11'& of. NegatiYe
Declaration. Rec(>lunV'll ""d for 1ppIOY8I. (This item is c:uø6uued &om the
me I;,. of October 3, 1994.)
It was moved by 0--. So.~ teC;(V'>ioot! by Coone. Burnett, and c:arried
m....i.......ay to (>0-";00'" this item to Nowmber 7.
23. Review ABAG pI~l" .~ciua ~1·";.oo.J l~follU (..:f~u..d by CouDc.
0--, &mea disIñbuIIed copin of. lilt of 1"'......-1 mOODS to the ~
JfteftII~ He said .... ('nlln"'l coaIcI-ü..» ABAG ea1heir aext m ~ -ÏI\g, or
SIIbmit 1heir (.-.... ... in writin¡. _ be Ieq\ 1 :d dill this item be placed 011 the
Nowmber 7... .J. for the ~ ..-.hen to indkatr their wishes.
24. Second rc..ti.. _ ...-b.....4 ofo..I;...~ No. 1670:: "An o,.I;......<.e of the
City C~ of the City of ~ti.uo Approving . P~···,;.'I to ModifY the
Exidil'll PI........t DeveIopmeot P~....._·..:'I P(RES) Zoning Disbict With RepnI
to Buildin¡ Pad LocaIions (ApplÍCItÍOo 2-Z-94 - Chen)."
October \7, 1994
Cupertino City Council
Couoc. Bumeu absIained from participation on this item since he owned J"up...ty
adjacent to the project. The City Clerk read the title of the ordi~. It was
moved by Counc. &.wuw., seconded by Counc. Bautista, and pissed 4-0 with
Counc. Burnett ~~ to read ()rdi~ No. 1670 by title only and the City
Clak's ,-finl to ...-bbØc the scœnd ,..,.m'1l thereof. It was moved by Counc.
Sot~ scœndcd by Counc. ø,uti", and pased 4-0 with Coone. Bumeu
..,..,.:.,jng that Old;""... ~ No. 1670 be ..._~
Sberitrs Wntsíœ Subslabon status.
City Manager Don Brown said there had been a year-long evaluation of the
Sheriff's office spice on Big Basin Way in Saratoga b«SI1'- it Í$ inadequate for
their needs. There was an eJ<1~ve search for other sites without much success.
One poupuHI under serious consideration Í$ the construction of a new building on
one comer of the West Valley Community College in Saratoga. It!IeeIDS to be the
most cost-effective, and proximity to Highway 85 would reduce travel time. Mr.
Brown said there bad been some concerns raised by students and the college
board, so ...-ïl'l1P will be held to address those and any other neighborbood
CODcerIIS. Until then, an extension of the lease at the current facility bad been
Discussion of r~ and swearing in ceremony for new Mayor and Vice
Mayor ICbeduIed for November 15, 1994,6:00 p.rn.
Council coocurred to set the ~<òlllUUy for WeðN'soJay, November 16, at 6:00 p.m.
Review of ..-ìqg ca1codar for Dioc:cse bt&.
The Community DeveIopmcut Dim:tor said that the pl~....;,'5 o-rmftino
needed IdditionaI time to complete their review of this project, IDd 1118)' DOt be
done until early November. Coo- Dean said that be did DOt wish to do aaythin¡
un1ess a declsioa bas been reacbed on the 1awsuit fiJed by the City of Los Altos
I~ding the op...:... of the gate lit St. Joseph's Avenue. The City AItocœy said
th&t the Diocae bad a riøbt to a timely bea.~ on their appIk .,;0.- before
Cupertino. but ahbouøh there may be some delay 00 the Los Altos "~t
decision, it probably wou1d not be much longer. He said that be wou1d Wo"- t the
court to find out when . decision was ~ted Counc. IÙllh_ said tbIt City
staff wou1d need time to digest the information J" Kntcd lit the 1'1..._.;,,&
Cnmmiccion bearings in order to J"...-.e their rqxxt for Council. so be was in
favor of delaying the Council hearings. Council c:oocuned to discuss the Diocat
project meeting ca1codar lit the November 7 ~ng
Oaobet 17, '994
cupertino City Council
28. Consideration of conducting the State-manð....... annual review of the 0eneraJ
. PIan in two stages.
The Community Development Director directed Council to the staff report and
added that the Affordable Housing Committee rc:COIJII1I(1Idons regarding in-lieu
fees as an affordable housing mitigation measure would be beard by the p¡'mning
Commission in 4 to 6 w c ~b It was moved by Coone. Burnett, teCollded by
Coone. Dean, and carried .numima,usly to set a two-stage GeœraI Plan œview, if
it is determined that a second sI8ge is needed The scaxxI SCage could C(IIIIn~
after the first of the year, foUowing the Council'sannuaI goal sett:,. mer·'ng
The City Clerk announced that the Fine Arts Commission bad raised funds to pun:base a
baby grand piano for the Quinlan Community Center. The piano will be dediateð to the
City at a ceremony on November 2 at 7:30 p.m., in conduction with a concert by the
Cupertino Swing Band and the pre$eD1ation of the Distinguished Artist of the Year
Award to Janet Shaw of the Janlyn Dance Company.
Mayor Koppel said that staff bad done an outstanding job on the Highway 85
celebration. She noted that the Library benefit barbecue was changed to October
26 at the Senior Center, and the Madrigals will pgfunn. She noted that in
addition to the City's request to delay freeway to freeway ramp metering, 8DOIber
concern bad been raised about the 1ack of center dividers. She asked for Council's
support to take that request to the regiona1 agency to !Jee if some Wndil'lg can be
identified as soon as possible. The Council members agreed that it was an
important safety issue.
Coone. Dean reported that the EwAaeocY P\<õpIU,;Jnns Commission is coocemed
that some funds for the state will be cut oR: and they are trying to resttucture the
group so that it is on a County-wide basis.
Coone. Sorensen said that she sent the Council members copies of a report from
'oint Venture Silicon Valley, and she was pleased that Covncil was being asked
for their input. She added that Mayor Koppel was hosI1.. 8DOIber meeIing 011
October 28 and all of the Council members are invited. She also .~ 011 a
n-ti"l regardirig Community DeveIopmeot B1oc:k Grant (CDBG) funds and said
that all cities are being encouraged to use the una11oc:a1ed funds.
............ .,. "-~'-~""'1"''-''--.~.'''' ""''''''''-
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(). ...bel 17,1994
~tiw City CouaciI
Page 12
At 1:47 p.m.. CouaciI rec II t ~ lID . doled '1\0 ID diICUII ÍIÚtiaIiDJ liti....... pursuant
to Oo\~._._- Code SoctioD S49S6.9(c). ._.. CityofCut-tiw v. S. Spias. et a1.
At 10:00 p.m. o--u .ecœ--cL The City Aao.*J ...--..-- ed that CoœcíJ decided
to IâlÍllIpeCiaI cx-.. "I ~n.-"'. HaII.t: ADca ofs.c.-.~",) to meet with Council.
At 10:01 p.m., CouaciI adj.-~ to October 29, 1994, 1;30 a.m.. at the Courtyard by
Manioc, for. goal....";. m! !";na
Kim Marie Smi1h
City Cledt