CC 03-21-77 . . cm OF aJ1'mTIBD. sun OF CALIFODiIA 10300 Torn A~, Qapert~, Cal1fomia 95014 talepboa.: 252-4505 . ~Uò' or mE ..."". U a&&U,_ or t:III CITY œucn. BItt) œ 1fAIaI 21. 1977. DI t:III ~u. t'II-U, CITY lULL wtuu:tJIO, CM.ØOBL\ 'Ih Kqor taU.. tile .,.... to cmiar at 7:30 ,. a. 111 tbe Co. -'1 aa".r of City Ball. IOU. CALL eø..c. Pnaat: Frol1da. .1-""'OD, 1Ial11a, C'lIIafa, Kayor _era CDac. AIIaat: .... Staff Pnaat: C1ty ~ar QD1A1_ D1rac:tor of ·........f.l:rat1.... Services II¡rder D1.nctor of 'laaDiAI aDd Devalo.-at Sial< D1nctor of 1'ItItUe Works Viakøv1cb II1ractor of Para ... 1acraU1oo IuUer City .uto~ .w.. EtEcrtOK or IIDl œmrcn. OmcDS 1. Kayor II: v.. ...... by CøaIIc:. ..IU., aaCODded by Cout1c. O'Eaefe a4 p..a.:¡,d unan- moud,. !:h&l: Cout1c. Frol1cb be aleel:ed Kayor for !:he coaÚl& yur. I~ v.. a:wad 111 Coutac. .JackaoD, aecanded 11,. CouDc. O'lteale ....d p..ae<i unan 1_1,. thaI: tha -f"niøaa lIa clœecl GId that a 1:11.",<..... ballot be casl: 2. Mayor Pro-Tapora It ... IK>vecI 11,. Cout1c. O'J:eefe, aecøa4ed by CouDc. .lacksou _d passed 1Doua1y that Cout1c. 1Iellia lie alecl:ad Mayor Pro-Tl!IÇOre. II: v.. ..ved by CouDc. _an. Secot14ed by CouDc. O'Eaefe _d passed un.m- t.ous1y !:hal: !:he "-'''al:1øaa be cloaed aDd !:hal: a unaD~ ballol: be case ORAL CXHm!IICArIOIIS 3. !fro Deania lihil:talter rapreseal:1D& ûe Cupertino .laycees pres_eed a rapon 00 I:l1e Cupenino Tova Heeeing '77 be1d &I: De ADza College Harcil 12. 1977. PCIL IC IIE.\IImICS 4. ....olul:1oo 30. 4410: ftA "'01uI:100 of !:he C1cy Council of el1e C1~ of Cuperl::L>... Ordar1og 1'aca~1oD of a Pon1on of Aøn Arbor Ave""e 3orthar1,. of ~r1al ParI<, .. Prov14ec1 in Section 8320 eI: seq. of the Stre<Jta aDd Ripays '-'de of the State or California; Retaining Portioos .. Public Utility Easements, and Saoieary Sew..r Easemenes." CC-361 'aae 1 CoUDC. Fro- licb el.cud !£ayor CoUDC. Sellis elected ~or ?ro-TeIIPOn Jayce.. r_ ¡Ion cn Town )feetins ']7 CC-36l p... 2 fllbl~ bear- SIll "t-¡d i . , :ullUU-'> OF tHE !fØC'4 U. 1977. cm COIDICIL IlEEtDIG It _ ~ 11, CÐae:. 1Ial11a, .ecolldeå b1 Cøtac:. O'Eeefe ICd p..leù --f_11 to cJøaa tha publie: be...baa. ... 110. 4410 It.........." Ontoe:. 1Iiall1a, ._-,.... 111 CDAC. .Jsdtsctt aDd p..I. <.' p':M --4_1:r to edopC 18so1"p1- 110. 4410. Public bear- 1JIa doe" .... 110. 44U ~... Publ1e: bear- iAI c:l0Mll 5. IaeoJtot1.,.. 110. 4411: -A tø-\qtf- of die C1t1 CDaac:U of the Cic:r of o.,..tdao onuua vacac~ of Val...., Løeat.. ..~ Loti U aDd U of tncc 110. 4382. tat...... 1.c: . a PubUe Sernc:e EM_t, Punuac to SecUs 50430 of die Cøn.. t CDde of the State of CalUomta. . It va ~ '" CDuIIc. Jac:ksoII, HCOIIIMd 111 (,!¡ me:. Heyan aDd passed --f-1I1, to ~e tha palllic bau1oc. It v. ...... 111 CMme:. J...~_. ÞOt'ß'''' 1I:r CouDc:. !fe:rers aDd p...ed --<_1)' to adopt I8solut1ra 110. 4411. 6. "'01uc:1ra 110. 441:: "A 1eao1uc:1ra of die Cic:r eo.mc:U cof cbe Cit)' of Cupan100 to OaaIe Street S- 'l1u1)' nata' to 'Vir¡1Iúa SVaD Placa' . Pmñ4eå iD Sect1ra SOl6 of tha Streatl aDd Bf.&bvays Cø4a, Stata ,')f CalifonaJ.a." It v_ ~ 111 CMme:. _en, MC""<lA<I 111 C:O-c. lleUis aDeI p....ed ....-f_1:r co c:loea the public !aeariAl. .... 110. 44U It.a...... 111 CMmc. O'Eeefe. lec:ooded b,. C:O-c. !fe:rars md pused aIoptecl .......f-17 cO adopt "olut1ra 110. 44U. AppI. CH1-73 approYed Inforlllt1oD v1.l1bepre- pared for eliscr1but1oD l'!.Ø:IDIG APPLICATIœS 7. AppUuc:1ra CH1-73 of Val1c:o Park, Lt4.: _dlMDt to C.. Perm1c to alloor caoastnct1ra of aD apprvK1aace 9,000 Iq. fc. ....c........t. Said propart)' is 10uc:&4 iD vaUco FasIUoIa Park ....~arl,. of .olfa Rd. appNZiaaZel,. 200 ft. soathad,. of Fr_ay Iouta 290. Reeca- 8eDdad for appraYal. It va _ed 111 CoaDc. 1le1l1a, .ecøa4ad 11,. eo.me. O'Eeefe mel passed _~l" to -II...un Appl1uc:1aG CH1-73 lUrlUlDC to PlauniD¡ Cmaissioa Resolution 50. 166S. IIHDISBED JR:SDIESS 8. Feas1bllic:r of prepar1n& mAt 1ssu1D& 1Dstruct1ous for safe 1Dsc:alla- tion of solar :.ear1Da omits by b- -vaars. It vaa the eoaletll1Ø of the CDaac:1l to accept tha Staff ..epon: stating chat iDfomac1aG OQ chis questiOl1 v1ll be prepareel md as.abIed fo.. d15- tribuc10n to be.."""e... after 1c bad been ..eviewed by che City Council. 9. Rev1ev of propo.ed o..dinanee rqulacin¡ adult theacers and :'00", s~ores. e e !u.JouUÒ> O~ mE: !IAIaI 21. 1977. ern rouNCIL !ŒEIDG It v_ __ II, Cøtmc:. .,.ra, uClldM by CouIIc. M.IUe 1114 p..." UDaD- 1su17 to Mope Claa Staff report a4ft1caU.1II adopt1oa of aD orà1uDce .ir- Uu to Chat of th. Cic:y of Sa .loa. if CIa. na14ct1al 4.f1Ditioa is __ ,........ to .....1-.., ,~ '-'"61..ecl.y zoaad. IC.ra1 pu-ed or used for r..U.Ual _. the Staff _ nil_tad to --.. a report oa vbatber J:-rat..t mytu c:o.a aadar POmoar4Ph1 and adolc tHatan _ 4afbad 1.ca the ,ropoaed orà1uDca. the Staff f1n1:IIar _ UI -_ to 1A1c1u. III -q--"' -t to tile CG zcmiDa or411Yuce co iticl.... ado.lt th.uan _ requ1r1q a us. pem1t. 10. a.a-t for _14erat1ota of a taYUad Kuter Scom Pl.. aDd f.. ".-10-1. 1114 cU.apoe1t1oa of a:1at1Dl fund ba.t.1ce. (a) First p"'t"l of OrcI1IuDce 110. 793: "AD OrcfjDaDc:e of the City of Cup.rtiDo ---d.. Sect10a 18.16.250 of tile CUpertÚlO !fuDidpal Cod. to ÞY1H Stom Dra1D F... Jlaqu1.red O1cIer Ctapter 18.16 of th. CupartiDo 1laDJ.c1pal CD4a." (b) "'olutioa 110. 4422: "A IIasolution of tile City Councu of tile City of CUpertiDo Adopt1A& a City of CupertiDO !later Stora Dra1Jaace F.. roUe)" ... EatabUab1A& !f-t-- UDit Prices for Kuter Store L1Da IDat..uat1oa laåIIurs_t." (c) "'01ut1oa 110. 4423: "A IIasolut1OD of tile City Councu of the City of CUpeniDo Adopt1zl& bYUe4 Kuter Plan. City of Cuper- tiDo StoDl Dra1Dq. Syat_, Dated Octoher U. 1975." It v.. __ lIy CouIac:. _.n. aecøaclecl lIy Counc. Jackaon and passed unan- 1:Doasly witll CouIIc. :le1l1a abataiA1A& tIIu Orcl1aance So. 793 be read by title only 1114 the KQor'. r...It"1 to c:oaatitute tile first readÚlg. It v.. ..... by CoaDc. JacboG, HCOU4ec1 by Counc. Meyers and passed unan- ~ly with CouIIc. 1Iall1a ..C..h,t"l to adopt llesolut1OD No. 4422. It va _ed by CoaDc. Jackaou. .eC01lded by Counc. Meyers and passed unan- ~ly vith CDInIc. 1IIell1a ab.taiAiDl to ..topt Resolution ~o. 4423. It v.. _ad by CouDc. Hey.n. .ecoacled by Counc. Jackaon and passed vitb Coaac. Frol1cb cI1s.eat1q that tile ez1atiDJ unappropriated surplus ÚI the StoDl DraiA Fuad be tatd.Dad for c:out1nuecl USe untU tile total syst.. 15 ~leted. 11. GuJ.cIel1Dea ralat1q to c: .fcatiou witb p.rsons or groups vith respect to aacten p-dt"l lIafore tile City; and, review of the City's Code of Etbica. (c:out1nuecl frea ..tiDg of !£arch 1. 1911) FoUov1D& sail-f..1OD of a letter elat.d March 15. 19ï7 to the ~yor and .....ra of tII. City CouIac:U by tile City Attorn.y. me! discussion of its content.. i: vas tII. conaenaua of the Council that in the fut~re individual .....rs would b. guided ÚI their actions according to the advice c.,ntained in this letter. Also it vas agreed that tIIere would !Ie no adoption of a for.ul cede or policy ÚI th15 regard. CC-36l Pase 3 Ord. sWlar to Saø Joa.'s to b. adoptal vith .~AwAed naidcUal 4af1D1U_. Staff to re- port 011 4af- 1Dit1oD. Zont"l or4. to b. _dad Ord. Yo. 193 given first readiDl Res. No. 4422 adopted Res. ~o. 4423 adopted Sur¡>ll:S :0 ò. retained ~ers of Council fa ;:e guided by advice in Attorne?' .s letter CC-3!ol .... 4 .~~ '. ,"' , on. DOC to Ita cac:t'" fo CapeniDo ~..1oa applicaDCS . f . on. 110. 794 to b. .._ cI1zed Apr. 4 ...._C auth- oriz... for !taaquat . - luau.... OF tHE !lARCH 21. 1977, CUT CCmiCIL IŒETIrfC U. Slaur ~ad_ Dee4a as it applies to the organic lardeD progra. (CODct.... froa -CilIa of ffMch 7, 1977) P~18 -."..- - Pat Waller. OIord1Dator. oqaic gar4m It _ ..... '" 0Nac. .t1ta. ._ ~-f by CauDc. O'Eaef. &d pa..... --f .IJ Chat'. orpDtc prcIeaa proJac:t be _t1lluecl for this pwUa a... ~Ipf-" apotI the Ieq...t of tile City CauDcU tbat there ... . 25% radIIc~ %fa th.: ...pt1oD of vater; also the Staff 18 to prori4a ..scortaa f_n1..t_ ... to uke _thl7 rapona OD the __t of v.t.r ..... IICIS$ IŒIl IUSDESS 13. P~t of ~n...'I& ..au t to Leapa of Califom>.a Cities. It _ ..... b7 CøuDc. _era. .ec:onclecl 117 CauDc. .lactsOll. ...d pasaad ....-f_17 to aadIoriz. the Staff to c:anatACt the badaet for 1977-78 to ...ar. .....-ti8a ~t of $3,528 prior co Auaust 1, 1977. 14. ~t of latar C1C1 CauDell for reriev of proposed .odel purch..tng opt"...."".. It v.. ..... b7 CøuDc. !le7en, ae~d" 117 CøuDc. .l.w.... ...d p...ed ....-f_17 to adDpc the Staff R_ ~.t1_ with v_ asaillat tlJ. __t of this o~ce for eaperc;iDo tn&t with act10D should DOt fA aø'T vq hilldar other local ¡oye~tal lmiu froll adoptbl .....d ....111& the or41Dance iD ~t1oD. 15. Sett1Jl& iDt.nter 4at. for appltc.1u for c-h.ioD vacmdes. April 7, 1977 vas MC _ dae d....tt- for rec:eiv1D& appl1c:atiallS frena persona iDur...ted fA be1q _1dared for appoiD_t to c:ooa1saiOD vac:anc:1ea. Intervtavs of.uch appl1~U _ra .thecla1ed for 7:30 p. .., April U, 1977. 16. :.....c:uas1011. 011. proposed ar41Danca rel.UDI to abmdoned bu1.'.d1Dgs. It va aovad b7 Counc. lII<)'era, HCO"d'" by Counc. .lac:Uc.u and passed ........_1' to pIKa propoaad OrcfiAanc:e 110. 794 OG the ag....da for the April 4, 1977 _ctng for its first re..t1l1& whith vould 1Dcluc!e the rec:oa- Mllded _dIIeIIu. 17. lequeat for reillbun_t to eupeniDo ataaber of CoIaerce for ø.ø and !loIsan of the Year banquet. It va 80Ved b7 CoUIIc. !leUis, seconded by Counc. O'leefe and passed unan1alual, to ..tharize p.~t of S808 to the eupert1DO Clamber of co..erce as relcòurseaent for .d.t"tstrative costs 1D coanectiOD with t~e XaD and "CUD of the Year banquet as ~Dta1nec! 1D the cur:-e"t fiscal year's budget. , , !UoIt;u.~ OF IIIE !LUCiI 21. 1977. CIIT COONCIL !lEE':I3G CC-361 Pase 5 18. bport of llUa recei.... .... _ad of COGtrKt for Calabazu Pedu- trûD Valilqy Project p-¥tI\I COUcurraDC8 of Stata. It vu ..... '" C-C:. Jw u. .ac:øa4ec1 11, CDaDc:. lIallia aDd paned S-1, tI&u eM _net for eM Cal"'_ c:nak ....trúD Vallœ., Pro- jec& 76-2... uhl to O'G~ PariDI IDc. at ita low 1114 of SU.831.40 .... chat D:1. 1..f.. aurplaa .-.y f~ that pnri.oœ1, approprúted be raC1lrtlecl to cia. Qaatnct1œ Tø FUD4 apcIB c:artU1cat1oD c.d raUlbun_ _t 11, the I'~ II1¡Iørq ·.....1..f·trat1oD. 19. D1aCIIA1oa ralatiDa to JUG CorrUor Study. 110 fonal act10a by tha City CøaDc:U .u nqu1recI at thu tt.e. 20. Appropriatl00 fro. Store Dre1D Fund for Mriau StOia Dre1D PYoject. It .u _04 b, CøaDc. _an, .. uded b, Co_c. Jacboa ...04 paned un.. t.oualy that $4,900 be appropr1aCad fro. the Stoia Dra1D Fund for the AdriaDa Jfaner Stom Drain Projec&, Project 77-9. \IUTIEII ~ICATIOIIS 21. !loGe OI.DIlWICES 22. Secood raaoUn, of Ord1nmca 110. 791: "0\11 OrdinaDce of the C1ty of Cl&pertiDo 1la1UiDa to th. Appl1c.at1oD of ... IDteria Zoaiaa Iagula- tlOD Eatab11ah1Dg a Moratorioa OQ eøavenion of Aparcmenu to Coa40- a1n1~. .. It yu -.I lIy Couac. Nellu, MCODded lIy CoUDc. JacksoD ...04 passed lIDaa- ÚIOualy to read OrdinaDce 110. 791 by title oaly aDd the !III1or'. readiD& to coaatltute the second r..dfn,. CoatrKt .rarei- ad to O'Gracty P..iIIa !Co foraal action ApproprlaUOD for Project 77-9 S.c01l4 read 1::; of Ord. 30. 191 It y.. _04 by CoUDo:, lfellis, .ecoadad by Co_c. O'Eaefe and pas.ed lIDaa- Ord. 30. 791 !moualy to enact Ord1.amce 110. 791. aucted 23. Fint readÚII of Ord'n-c. 110. 792: "0\11 Ordinance of the C1ty of CupertiDo AaeDdiD& Ordfn.n~e 110. 490 DesigøatiD& Speed L1IIIits OD !fcClaUm aøad BetveeD !fira Vuta Avenue aad a PoiDt 900 Feet South- erly c.d Eastarly Thereof." It vas .",ed by Coaac. _en, .eCODcled by Co_c. Nelli. and passed ~- ÚIOua1y to read Ordiamce 110. 792 by title oaly aDd the Mayor's reading to constitute the first r..d'nl. I£SOLIlTIOIIS 24. 30. 4420: "" ll.esolut1OD of the C1t}' Council of the City of Cuper- t1Dø Kak1D, its Order Descr1b1l1, the Boundaries Desigøaud as 'Sov- ell 76-9' to be annexed to the Cit}' and Ordering ADDø.at1oas co ehe C1ty Without Public Hear1Ap .. Provided oy La; Approx1:lately 0.73;;5 Acres Located :Son!1 Side of McClellan IIDad Between Oraage and 31me," First read1n¡ of Ord. So. 792 a;-361 i!' Pap '6 ~ ¡, i' .... JIG. 4420 ~ adopted ; ~ ~ ~H' < h ~~.. . 4413 ~. . . . '-*'Peed . 'í' Aif ~' I Ic_. ...... Ira. C, let Calm4ar; bal __ qpr<r\'ecl , , IIDIJtJ.S OF mE ø.uœ 21, 1977, CITY COIJ1lCIL !ŒETDC It .. m1IecI lIy CoaDc. _ars, ..coaded by Coomc. 5e11i. act P88.ed .--f-ly to edøpt IIiHolut100 No. 4420. U. :10. 4413: ". Þsolutioa of tha Cit)' Coomc1l of the City of Cupar- tÞo Appo1tatilla the Cit)' A£tcrrDaY, Ass15tct City A£tOrDa)' .. Deputy Cit)' A£toDla)', Ducr1biq Their Duties aDd Prov1d1l1g for Their eo.- .-at~. " It _ m1IecI 11, CoaDc. .Jac1:soD, .ecoaded lIy Coome. O'hefa aIIÒ ,au" __1 11, that 1IiHo11Jt1Da !fo. 4413 II. adopted with S.ctiDD. 5, 9(11) ... U ~--4 . ra ,..,.. lIy tha Cit)' Attorney 111 h15 1.ttar of Karch 15. un, 1ID4 that Sact1Da 15 of propos" resolutioo be _eIed by the ..w1c~ of the _roIa "1I1c1wf1D¡ rates of par" foUov1l1g the ....rd "ruo- 1_~". ~"I. "ArSWh". 26. lac¡uest for ~val of ItelllS froll Cona.nt Calendar. Ic_ (1)(2), (1)(3) and (It) were raoved frea the Consent Calendar. Ie v_ --...d b, Counc. Nellis ,seconded by Counc. O'lCeefe and p....4 _S-Sly to approve the balance of the Consent Calendar. (a) llaso1ut1ou No. 4415: "A Resolution of the City Council of the Cit)' of Cup.rt1Dø Allow1ng Certain Claills and Demancis Payable 111 the AIIouuts au4 froID the Funds .. Hereinafter Described for Salaries aDd \lages for the Payroll Perit'd Endins March 15, 1977." (11) lIesolnt1oo No. 4409: "A lIesolutlon of the City Council of the Cit)' of Cupert1Dø Alloving Certsin Claås and Demands Payable 111 the .taount act frea the Funds as Hereinafter De.crib.d for General aad IUscellaneous Expenditur.s for the Seven Day Period Ending Karch 7, 1977." (c) IIasolut1Da No. 4414: "A iesolut1on of the City Council of the Cit)' of CupertÞo Allovir.g Certain Claåa and Demands Payabl. in the AIIouut IIDd frea the Funds .. e.reinafter Described for a-eral aDd IUsceUIIDeous !xpendlturu for the Seven Day Per10d ED41u1 Karch 14, 1977." (d) llasolut1ou!fo. .vo16: "A ie.olut10n of the City Council of tha CIt)' of CUpert1Dø MaI<1:>& Certain Ad4itlous and Delet10ns to the Sel.ct Syat_ 111 Accordance with S.ction 186.3 and 186.4Dof the Str.et. aud H1abvay. Code." (e) IIasolutl00 No. 4417: "A lIesolut1on of the C1ty Council of the City of Cupert1Dø Approving the F1I1al Map and Laprov_nt Plan. of Tract :fo. 5910, llaøcho Deep C11ff Cnlt :! Located Along Stev.ns c-you Road; Developer Gataway Construction CoIIpany. Incorporated; Accepting Cert:a1n £as_nt.; Autboriz:U111 5i1ll\1n¡ of F1na1 Map ad IIIprovelCeDt Phn.; Authoriz1l1g tb. Execution of Acre_nit iD CoDDacc:ion Therør1t:h." . . ~f_ -,'.- f~' !"'~ ~: ~¡", ,"f..,'> ,.,. ~ ~t " . . . !lü&¡uò> OF tIlE IWICB 21. 1977. CITY COI]1ICIL KEETDIC 26. (f) Iøolut~ 110. 4418: "" lesolutiDD of dw Cit)' CDaDdl of the C1t1 of Cupertioo Appnril!a the Parcel _ aDd the Def.ueå la- '.u. p of r~..~.LJ' Locaca4 at the South..t CarDer of Bcae- scud .... .. 'naco Caart !If .Jos.ph P. rrmcø, nonac:e E. Fnaco. Alfred I. .... .. ~alTD 1IeDZO; AaChoriZ1q th. Cit)' ..., tr to Sip the Pateel !lap aD<I Aathar1z1q I!:DcatiDD of _ P !II t ~t1aD !berw1th." (a) ....lIIn"" lID. 4419: "" IøolatiDD of the CJ.t)' Cmttu:U of the C1t1 of C~ artioo Appnril!a Coticract aa.ae Order 110. 5 for la- p.... - of lIcC1-u- .... OIaateello Loop) Project 75-3." (Ia) - -;-1o'Ct. 110. 4421: _" 1IMo1at1aD of the CJ.ty CauDc:1l of the CiC1 of 0Iput1Do AcœpUaa a Cr_t Dead of Iaal Property fraa CiAa. IDe.. a Carporat1Ott: Property Locueå at the lIorcheallc CarDer of ~orra .'" .. Pacifica Drift; Parcel ·D·." (1) ARldtactaral... Sit. ApplO'lFal Appl1catiOtlS (1) ""Ucat1oa SC-5l.027.ll - Taylor Wheeler P1.....1"1 Corpora- t~ ~_t1q app~al of site. architecture. l_clscap1Dg .. .'~ftl\l for a prof...1oDal offic. ba1ld1q located ac the BOdl _t COrDer of Torre A_e ...d Pacifica Drive. lie< '1 I for app~al' (4) Appl1cat1oa SC-5l,3l6.2 - Kelsey Pacceraon (Valley Church) I~ tiaI applO'lFal of site. archicec:tur. ...d laDdscaping for a ad41t~ to a c:lnarch loc:ated OG the vest side of St_ltfll\l ..... b.~ ....tud lIDad and Fr_ay 280. Ie< ~eå for approval. (5) .&pp11cat1Ott ac-5l.409.2 - DeYcoa CoasuuctiOl1. Inc. request- 1D, applO'lFal of sit., architecture. lancisc:ap1q. grael1D¡. l1&ht1q ..s Sfl"f... for coutructicm of two 1DdU5trial buUcI1øp located v..tarly of and adjaceat to BaD41ey Drift approz1aately SOO ft. aortherly of che 1Dursecticm of Baolley Drive aDd AI.... Drive. Rec_ r"d.d fn approval. U) Accept_c:a of CJ.ty proJ.<:t performed uaeler cOl1tract anel authori- zat10tt to fU. lIot1c:e of Accept_ce of Coapl.tion: bIprov_u of Mc:Clall_ IIDac! Cfoutebello Loop) Project 75-3 Piazu PI1Y1u& Cooop...y ~ !feIIben of the CJ.ty C:O-dl ArES: !IOES : ABSEIl! : AlSTAtlI : .Jao:keou. !leyeno. JleU1e, O·...f.. Frolich !loDe 1Ioae IIoae CC-361 Pap i lI:I.aottes ap- ~. 'Iv....d _ -.led .... :10. 4425 adopted " St"'n Coa- 4J.t1Du ad , ~ ~ . . . IU<lUU,Ò> OF tIII!IAIæ 21.1977, CITY COIIlfcn. 3.U.U_ 26. (1) (2) ApplicaUn Be-51.158.3 - JoIm latvald and John Carroll 1&1_tiJII apJNYal of &ita. architecture ad ladsc:apiJII for a raauanat facULty loatlcl at tha I1Orthe..t conar of l1ad~ød Drt". .. Eat Estat.. 1111.....!tac ....ad for appNYal. It _ __ 111 CDac. _an, .-cøa4ed b, Couac. Je('''·oa aDd p...... --f_17 tJaac .lppliaUøa Be-Sl.158.3 ... _,cad pursuaIIt to kch1tec- ttan1 .. Sita _roYal eø.1tt.. "'olutioo 10. 700. (t) (]) ltppl1c:atioo Be-Sl,075.441 - Vallco Park, Ltd. requatù& ....~....Al of ~ az-d sips _ a port1oD of a sip proare for the vaUco V1llqa ShoppiJII CeDur located at tba _thtMn COrDer of Volf. IIøad aDd ....:e.d Ioe.d. "0:- "-1 for apJroYal. It ... ...... II, Couac. _ers, s.col14ad b, Couac. O'ltaef. ad passad --4-1, cbat ItppUc:at1oD Be-51,075.441 ... appro..... pursuaIIt to Ar- c:lúteceural .. Sit. Approwa! eo-1tt_ 1eso1uc1oD :10. 701. (1<) II1Dat.. of reaular _t1q of Karch 7, 19:'7. (CC-360) Tba City Coomc1l aiAue.. of cb. _Una of Karch 7. 1977 _r. appro<rad OD _tion of CouDc. Jac:bon, second of O:IIIIIC. SelUa øcI passed _~l, .nth Counc. _.n .bet-f"f", aft.r _cI1q th. lac parqrapb OD pq. 9 to reM, "". . ruult of a req....t b, a aty Co-hs1on for pubUcat10D of seat_cs 1A cb. QzparUDO Sceue, it vas tbe QDSeIIS... of th. City Coomcll that Coomc. Jsc~ aDd Couac. SalUs. co-editors ::sabta1n ex1st1Aa ecU.torial poUcy 1A rafr_fnf"l f~ puttiD& req....ts for support for a particular posit1011 iD doe eup.rtÜlO Scene." STAFF REPOI'l'S 27. Po11cy 011 dupUcation _d .u.stdhue1on of nae_"ts of fiD_dal iDe.rue. for clesipaeed pos1tio.... It vas .oved II, Couac. Meyen, ..coaded by CoUIIC. O'leefe ane! ~dsed _~...ly to _pt IIHolut1oo 50. 4425. This provic1ej that th. City Cl.rk is eo rae&1D all fiDaDc1&l iDe.rest SeaeeœeDes subaiteed ~.r eb. c:oci. aDd is eo ..... th_ _all_l. to a, ........rs of th. ......ra! public. 28. Staff report raþrctlnl a44it1oo to Stadan Cond1c1ocs of l.pprova!. It vas -.red b, CDanc. !fe1Us, setoaded by CoUIIC. O·&:'.fa and "uaed --4_1, tIta cbs Standard Archit.ctural and Sit. Approval eo-1ttee Conditions of Approval b. reYised as see foreb 1A that col81tt...·s l.et.r to tbe CouIIcU dated !larcb 15, 19n. as ....d.4 by the Co\ll1c1l. This 1a stated as fol~: "Coosiseent vtth the iDul1e of C1cy CoUllc:ll a.so1ut1oD 50. :.:.0:. land- sc:apiDa ap"ro<rad UDder tbis llesolut1o" :10. aball not b. install.d untU that tiM prov14ad 110 aaid llesolut1on""Xõ:' '~7. Th. ~bov. ;>ol1c:y lIOtv1thstøcliDl. th. appUcuc ahall prepar.. all laD4acapeci areas at",",,,, 00 th. ðPpnrwa4 laadscapiD¡ plan for future phl1t1". 10 a :&oan"ar apl'rC'Ved II, Deparc.at of PlaDlÚllt aDd Dneloplel1t. - . !fI5tTES OF 1'IŒ !L\IlCB 21, 1977, CIT'! COl"1lCIL MEETDIC "A f1DaDc1&l par_t.. to iDatall s&14 plutings, 1r . fot1R aad lID'Iunt KCepUbl. to tile l)1nc:tor of P1 ........1. sball be t.Dd.red to tJ,. City &t the 1Hdl41na parUt suaa. -na. ..,Uc:ac, or hia l11li:_ in iatuaat, sball, 4urtq the 1Dtaria par10II M~ _cnc:U- of tha project .. 1JIstallat1oG of ,løtiDp ia f1IttIn 1.adac:apa4 anaa. MiDta1D .&14 fawn p1a11t1q anas free froe the ar-bc1oG of -a, cruh, or other CODCItt1ou 4at~ta1 to public baalth ad "'aC7." 29. Pazka ad Iac:rut1oG ('-'-.1oe ra~ for IIcCloUa bDda Padt. ~1ou OD ...... p14dia.. It vas .",.. by C'ouDc:. _.ra. ..c:otIAIacI by CoaDC:. O·Esef. aDd passad unan- t.Ns1y to raq_t the Staff to put ia resolut1oG fom th. proposed lIcel.llm 1laDc:b Parlt ...... p14aliMs .. .uba1ttacl ia th. reviS.d dOc:u.eDt praaeDt.4 at the _t1q. this ruolut1OD to b. OD the ..eD4a for th. A¡lrll 4. 1977. ...t1q. 30. Oral reporu by scaff .-b.rs md sulnl1a.ioD of writteD reports. FoUoviDl pr..mtat1OD lIy the City ~.r of _ it. in hi. report tbat did DOt lat plac:ed OD the ..lID4a. it _. .0"" by CoIIDC:. ~.rs. s.coDded by C'ouDc:. IJeUis _4 ,...ad ........_ly that the Mayor be authorized to sip the fiaal do~t at the tt.. it is drculated re1at1D¡ to t!1. JOiDt Exercis. of '_.rs Aare_t for North Smta Clara ColIDty !fuD1c1pal Solid Waste Kmas_t. the Staff v.. directed to plac:. OD the April :.. 1977 ageada the request of th. LD. Altos Garbag. Caapmy for a rat. increø. and th.t DOtic. of this b. gtveD vU the CupartiDo SceD.. It v.. ...acI by CouDc. NelliS. secODded by CoaDc. Heyers ad p....d 1111"'- iIIoua1y that CoaDc. N.Uis b. 4irec:ted to CODtac:t Oa&1rpersOD Ste1:1b.rg of the Boar4 of S;¡perT1sora OD the CouDcU'. conc.m on us. lIy th. County of RCD DOD.y contrary to the 1ID4er.taDd1D& of th. RCDA Joint Ex.rciS. of Powers Aa~t. the City Attomey reported r.cdpt of inforut1OD that the ~1fOrD:'. Supr_ Court bad refused to h.ar the appeal by Dr. BrOVD of his 1_ suit asa1uat the City. CoIIDc11 ~ers vere rea1Dded th.t for tho.. vbo had Dot yet dODe so there v.. a Deed to file th. aauual Conflict of Interests St.teseut prior to April 1. 1977. NOlhAGEIIDA BUSINESS 31. Ilacolll1t1on by !fayor of special requests. (.) Gene.-al .\udieuce - IIone , . CC-J61 'as. 9 Keeld1m 1laDc:b Parlt us... to be put ia resolu- t10D fona !f.ayor auth- orirad to s1l11 agree- .....t bte increase requ.. t f t"cm LAGCO Ste1Db.rg to b. contac:tecì re RCD "Dey use Dr. Brovu's .ppeal refus..c Conflict of Interests to be filed CC-J61 Pase 10 O»ffe. to b. prcl'd4ad at _tillle· AI 76 aap- portad;fur- Char stadT _AI 20 Stat_ of SJI 4 to ... 4e- t....f..e4. .... So. 4426 adopt'" . . !fDI1ITES OF THE !lAl.CII 21, 1977, CITf cot'NCn MEETDIC 31. (b) Cit)' Council It v.. tha COlIS_US of the Council that the pol1q of prov141q coffee at City Q)aøcll aDd co.a1adoa _tiA" 11. raiDauud. Follov1q prasaatat10G by _or Frol1ch OD the AU "·t1oG of the Leaill1ativ. 1IaYt_ c-1tt.., it va the COQ.8_US of the eo1llu:1J. that support of All 76 be ev14eøcecl aD4 that further ata4.J 11. .... oa the 1ap11- cat10aa of AI 20. th. LaatalaUw 1IaYt... c-1tt.. va request'" to det.m1Da th. stat... of n 4 with a nII_aquat report ot the City CDuDcll. It v.. ..wed by Counc. !feyera, secouded by CouDc. O'lt.aef. aDd passed UD...~ly to adopt ....olut1oG 110. 4426 valcoa1D& tha 3.·<- E1&h School Soccer t... of Vac:øwer Is1acl, I. C. ADJOUR.'QŒBT the _or adj'.>unecl the _eting at 11:15 p. a. to 7:30 p. a., !larch 22, 1977. ~ City Clerk