CC 04-04-77
cm OF œnTIltO. STAn: OF CALU'OR."fIA
103(;0 Torra Avanu., Cu,ercino, Cal1forni. 95014
ralapllou: 252-4505
. IIa10T ca1lacl the ":"~~I co omr at 7:30 p. a. iti th. CoUlldl O1_ar
of Cic, Ball.
Co1UIIc. tne_t: JacklOD, !fayan, lfallu, O'I&"a, Hayor Frol1ch
CauDc. Ab...t: RoDa
Staff Pna..t: City KaDapr Qu1nlaø
Director of &A.'ftiacrativa Sarv1eu I7dar
C1t, Attorn.y Ad_
Dinccor of PlidlD1Dl Del Develo¡IMDt S1.ak
Dinetor of Public Voru V1.akov1ch
Diraetor of Parka aDd lacraatioa Butlar
Ada1D1.atrativa Sarvie.. Officer VauaIm
1. (.) CauDe. Nell,A pruented to Mayor Frolich tba officbl reg.rds
md _toe froa tbe Ka,or of Nandlllo, lrit1.ab C01.....i.. in .ppnci.tion
of tha CiC1 boscitig that c1t,'s socc.r t.... vh1ch abe blld .cc.,tad in
bar cap-.cit, u Ka,or Pro-T_.
tha Staff va r.q....tad to obtain. cop, of the Cu,artiDO O1ronicl. as .
11ft of appreciation t~ tha Kayor md citizens of NaDa1mo.
(b) Hr. Varel Jolmaon presented I:VO 1IIOuuteel photolra\lhs taken during
tha 11cenc_ial celebration to ez Mayor Kerns in honor of bis e£fores
.. Ha10r 4urina th. 11cant_ial year.
2. Public be.rÞS to couid.r whether the sale of fireworks ..111 be con-
titiuad or abol1.ahad .ftar tba current y..r.
Prasantatioaa - Dr. Ruase11 P.rdoe, Stanford Univ.rsity Hospital; Jim
Eleler, CuparcÞo Liona Club; Frad Burr, De Ant: , Liona Club; S tevl.!l1 Ber-
nard, Attorna, for Red Devil Firw-'ru; Marilyn Boward, Vest Valley c:iti-
zu; !AI 110oa, Cupartbo Uvan1.a Club; Walt Aldrich, Cu,arciao citizen;
John Claud1, Cu,art1no dtiz.n; !AI DaD., CUpenine citiz.n; AIm Ang.r,
Hoot. V1.ata raa14ent; Al O1.pp.11, eup.nbo citiu..; Frank Mulkern,
CU,.rtiDo citizen ¡ Cory O1ildrass, laaaan Cmyon; O1iaf A. C.rder, County
Fira Karaholl; D.v. Caton, Cup.rtino citizen.
It v.. 1IIOv.d by Counc:. O'~.f. and s.cond.d by Counc:. Meyers to close the
public: he.rinl, which IIIOtion ..u ..itbdravn to permit .dditional disc:ussion
Pase 1
G1fts from
Kayor of
NanailllO, B. C.
G1ft to
\ ....,.. " mE .nn '. '91'. eIn ",,,,,,n ><ttTL'"
It v.. ~ 111 CowIc. Jackson, seconded by CoUIIC. !isyera and pallse:! unan-
~1, to cloaa tba public bearing.
It va aoftCI b7 CouDe. O'ltaef., saconded by Counc. Jackson and passed
vitb CoaGc. rro11cla üa.ac1D1 that tha sala of fireworks in the City of
~lt1DO VOG1d b. lI..eeI e~nebi vith tha calabratioDS of July, 1978.
It .. .øncI II, CoaRc. \Ia11:La, .acoDdeel by Counc. Meyers and p....4 unan-
s.oaa17 C1Iac tbe Staff ,rov1cle funelbi in tha 1977-78 propoaeel budlat for
a , ...tt7 eI:Laplq of fireworks.
3. Public llearbi to COII.Iider request by Los Altos Carbaga Co. for
a rat. bcr.....
"'01ut1on 110. 4435: "A Resolution of tbe City Council of the City
of Cupertino Autbor1zitig a Increase in the Service Rat.. O1araed
by Lo. Alto. Garbaae CoIIIpany for the Colleccion an4 Disposal of Refuaa
!II a4 Froe tha City of CuperCino."
Pruc:ncadøna - .loa Jlenaci and Richard Olson, Los Alcos Carbage Company;
Dave Cacma a4 John Claudy, Cupercino citizens.
It vu movad b, Coune. O'ltaefe, seconded by CoUIIC. Jackson and passed
uua!.oualy to cloa. tha public hearing.
It v.. movad by Counc. Keyars, secondad by Counc. Nellis and passed w1ch
Counc. Jackson d:Lasanting to accept the Scaff reco~datiOD for an increase
in tha rate .che4ul. vith negociaCions co be conducted to obcain a one-can
a1Dtmum rate to be applied only for senior cicizens; and ch~ next race
d:Lacusaion :La co include negotiations for an across the board one-can
a1DiDa rate.
It v.. moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. O'Keefe and subsequently
.,1thdrawn to continue consideracion of adopcing the resolucion to che next
ragular meeting.
4435 It v.. moved by Counc. Heyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis and passed '<l1th
Couuc. Jackson d1asenting co adopt Resolution No. 4435.
In resp<'Ølle to c_nts made, the Scaff was instrucced to tJIOn1tor for the
next twO to tbree month period chose dumpscers left outside of enclosures
and acteapt to remedy the situacion.
4. Application 1-%-77 of Reynatdo Perez: Pre zoning .06 acres froQ
Santa Clara Councy 228 (Residencial, duplex) %ODe and .09 acres
froa Santa Clara County CC (Cena:ral eo_ereial) Zone, totaling .IS
acne, to City of Cupertino at-7.S (Residential, si~gle-family.
7.500 .q. ft. par dwelling unit) Zone. Said propercy is located
northarly and adjacant to Peninsula Blvd. approximately SO ft.
a..car1y of the intersection of Grand Avenue and Peninsula Blvd.
Recommended for appreval.
· .
Pala 3
4. (a) Firat raa411!.¡ of ~ca 110. 795: "An OrcU.Danca of th. Cicy 0
CUperctDo n,--4tOlI Seec1.Dn 1 of Ordinmca No. 2 by Prezonbl .06
Acree boa Sata Clara CoIlAC1 I2B Zona md .09 Acr.. fr_ SaDca
Clara CollAcy CG Zoo., Totalilll .15 Acr.., to CiC1 of Cu,arctDo
11-7.5 Zoae; Located lIorcJ¡etl, arscI Adjacent co PeniAaula Boule-
YUII. jpIU:01!daacaly 80 Ft. "'tarly of tha IDtereaccion of Graci
..... acI '...~..-1.. 1Ioa1.øar1I."
It v.. aov" '" CDaac. Ke)'are, a...nd-4 by CouDc. NaUta .01 pu.ed llAa- Public heariD
~1, to c1oa. th. "lie heariaa. clo.ed
It va a)ftcI '" CouDe. IIa11ta. aac:0ada4 '" CollAe. Jacuoa ad p..... -- Appl. 1-Z-77
~ly to approve Appl1caUoa 1-%-77. approved
It v.. IIOv" b, CouDc. Ja<>...._. .ecøaded '" CouDc. o'reefa a4 p..aed -
~ly to read OrcliDaea 110. 795 '" titla 0I11y and the Kayor'. rea41a¡
to oonatituta tha fint readtal.
5. Appl1cat1oa 3-%-77 of Voo1_rth Cøu truet1.Dn eoapaa,: .._~ ap- 1.39 aera. froa CC (CeDeral c-rc1al) ZoG. to P (Plcm with ~rcia1 uaa ÞteDC) %oDe. Said propart, 1a u-
cate4 at the aortbvaat COrDer of the iticara.ct1.Dn of Scev_ creak
Bou1evar4 .4 n..y ___. Ia<-. t~d" for approval.
(a) Firat raa41D& of Or.uø-c. 110. 796: "AD O'rlUDaace of tha Cicy
of Cuperc!Do '--"!Idit'l S.edoll 1 of OrdiDaDca Yo. 2 by lezonlnl
Approx1aacaly 1.39 Acrea froa CG ZoGa to P Zoae; Located at tha
IIortbveac CorDer of th. Incaraact1.Dn of Sc..,aaa creek Ioul..ard
and 11a., Avenue."
7. Ap,licat1011 I-nt-77 of Voo111Orth CoutruetiOl1 Coapaay: teataciva Map
to cOllbiDa thr.. parca1s coataiJúna a total of 1.39 acres iDco ona
parcel. Said property 1a located at tha oorthveat comer of che
iDtara.ctiOll of Stev_ Creek Boulevar4 a4 Bl..y Avenue. Recoa-
_dad for a,proval.
8. Applicac1011 J-C-77 of VoolllOrth CoasCruCtiOll Coapaay: C.a P.1'III1t to
allow coutruetiot: of approxiftatal, 13,400 sq. ft. of ~rcial
bullditig .pac.. Said ,ropam 1a located at tha northwest comer of
the iDura.et1oø of Steveaa Creak Boulavard aDd Blaae, Avenue. iec
_4e4 for ap,roval.
First readiDg
of 01'01. Yo.
It vu !lOVed by Couae. Jacuoa, seconded by Couac. Meyars .01 p....d Uftan- Items co=bine¿
imously to coabiDa It_ S, 7 and 8.
PresentatioU - 1111 .urick, CupertiDo citizen; U Woolvorch, developer.
It v.. IDOved by Counc. ~ellis, seconded by CoUftC. Jackson and pas.ed unan-
imously co close the public heariDg.
It vu IDOved by Counc. Meyers, seconde4 by CoUftc. Jackson and passed unan-
imously to approve Application 3-Z-77 pursuant to Planning ~ssion
a.solution No. 1666 vith Condition 16 be1na amended to read as follovs:
Publ1e hear~r.g
Appl. 3-Z-77
approveci as
"'eot Cal-
jIìdar approv
WlfId OF THE APJ.¡L 4, 1977, em COUNCIL )ŒEtL'fC
"16. that the land .... inc....Hy shall be l1:aited Co an incediey titac
V1l1 not .-rat. aDr& chaD 16 ODe-II)' cripe per acr. darins ch. peak
traffic bours. lor the pUrpl'" of the 16 on_a)' trip traffic intel1-
.iC1 ~rfo_ca stan4.rd, the following accoU11tiDg of trips is her~y
iticorporated itito th. project approval:
Trips a-rated b, project
13,400 sq. ft. x 2 trip eudJ;/l,OOO sq. ft. . 26.8
the ap,llcat aball reeon a COVanaDt to deserib. the trip-acre COft-
atraiDt Del the tocal nllllber of trips allocated to the particular
ckvelo~t at the tiM of the clevelopMnt apprmral. th. covenant
ahall be wor4ecl 1a a aanner to susaest that the future purdmaaer
of pro, coaault the 1a41v1dual .... pera1t fUlS to obtain an
up-to-clate status report of the total nllllb.r of trips allocated to
each partic:ul&r property."
Ic va .,ved by CouDe. Heyera, seconded by Counc. Jackson and paued unan-
t.Gual, to approve Application 1-1H-77 puraumt [0 Planning C~ission
1aao1ut1on NO. 1667.
It va IIOved by CouDc. Heyers, seconded by Counc. Jac:kaon and passed with
CouDe. O'ltaef. 41ssent1ag to approve Application 3-C-77 pursuant to Planning
eo-ás1on l!U-=:..UOD So. 1668 with Condition ~o. 16 being aod1fied co
read the same as Condition 16 aDder Application 3-Z-77.
It vas IIIDv.d by CouDc. Me1ers, s.conded by Counc. JacUon and pused
_t.lual, to read Ord1aance No. 796 by title only and the Mayor's reading
to constitute the first reading.
the City Attorna)' va requested to review and subait a rec~ded policy
as to the treat.el1t of trip ends as they pertaiD :0 the selling of surplus
trips, the calc:u1ac1oaa ine1udlog a prior permittee allot..nt and other
sWUar aapecta of the question.
The Kayor requested that the r~cord r.flect that che applicant is p.r.aitted
to proceed vith the development as it is proposed subject to the modificp-
tioaa of the Plaanlog COm-f~sion conditions.
23. for r_al of it_ froa Consent Calendar.
1lav1D¡ received ,m_1_us consent from the City Council, the ~yor toolt
It_ No. 23 of the aceacU out of ord.r at which t1:De tbe City Attcrney
requested that It_ 23Ct) b. removed.
It vaa lIOV.d lIy CouDe. Heyers, seconded by CoU11C. Jackson and passed
uøaøir,)ual, to approve tbe balanc. of tbe it.. On ct.e Consent Calendar.
Ca) Rasolutlon So. 4428: "A Resolution of che Cicy Council or :~e
C1.ty of Cupertino Allovtng Certain ClaiJ:Is aDd Demartels i'ay¡¡Dle
10 tne Aaøuats and from the Fun4s as ñere~after Described :~r
Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Perioâ Ending March 29.
e .
Pq" 5
23. (b) Resolution No. 4424: "A Resolution of tha City Counc:11 of the
Cit, of eupertiDo Allowing Certain Claúu and o..u4a payable
iti the .wount anel froe the FIJ:I4a as Hereinafter DeIIcr1bacl for
Gaaeral a4 !UacaUaeoua ExpeDditures for tha Seve Day Per10cl
811"".., KIrch 21, 1'77.
(c) laao1utioa Ho. 4427: "A JI.aaolut1on of the Cit1 CoUl1Cil of the
Cic, of eupeniDo A11ov1nl CanaiD aa'- and 1)--'(1. Payable
clae' tAtt aci f_ the FUII4a u Hereinafter Ducrillacl for Cea-
eral aDd H1ac:a1l..-a Expeøditur.. for tha Seven Day Period
EDdiDa Karch 28, 1977."
Cd) laao1utioa No. 4430: "A luo1utioa of the C1t, Coundl of tbe
Cit7 of ~.rtiDo Acce,t1l1g Grant Deed of Real Property for
1IDadva1 l'urpo... froe Quad o..ve1o~t, Inc. Located at the
Horthaaat Comer of Foothill Boulevard and Santa Paula Aval1ue."
Ce) "'01I1U.1n N-J. 4432: "A Resolution of the City Council of the
CiC, of ,",p.;rtitio Ap,roviD¡ the Parcel Hap and Iaprov_t
Aar_t of rropercy Located at the Northeat Corner of Bandl.e
Dri" a4 Laz_ Drive b, Joseph F. Brown and Vera Brovu,
Atathor1zÞg tba CiC1 EDg1l1ear ad the City Clerk to Sip tbe
Parcel Hap a4 AIIthor1z1Da Execution of Agre_t 111 Col1l1ect1ol1
(I) Arch1.tactural a4 Site Approval AppUc~ions
(1) AppUcatiOll IIC-51,38O.1 - Herbert eu.v.. requuting apPrQ-
val of lIIOcI1f1cat1on of conditions of approval for ;¡ coa-
_rc:1al bu1.ld1J11 located at tbe northwest corner of Sco-
field Drive and South De ADza Boulevard. Rec_nd~d for
(2) Application 8C-51,075.441 - Vallco Park Ltd. requesting
-munt to progr.. for a t&uæ:lt sian for the Val1co
V1l1a¡e Shoppillg Center located at the southwest corner
of Wolfe Road and a-estead load. Rec~aded for
(h) Vatver of Busbes. Ucenae fee for Scout troop #470 IIIOl1e,
ra1aÞI activity froe Apd1-June, 1977.
(i) HtuuCea of regular meetillg of March 21, 1977. (CC-361)
(j) Kinut.. of adjournad regular meetmg of March 22, 1977. (rC-
!2l!. !fIIIIber. of the City Council
Jackson, ~,ers, :fe11is, O'lCeefe, Fro1icil
;. CC-)63
,4 Iqa 6
lwIuùS OF tHE A1'UL 4, 1977, CIn' '~IC7lTCIL MDtDIG
PUlLIC _&D~ (CDI1t1oua4)
6. Appl1caUon 4-Z-77 of Pacific Vall&1 Baak: Rezon1l11 2.5; ac:res frOlll
a: (Geaaral c-rc1a1) ZoGa to P (n&tDed Dnelopaant vith c:_rc:bl
& 'CI ,rof...1oul office _ ÞC_C) ZoGa. Said properc, 18 10c:acad
iti the aortheaacedy qudraDt of IIorth De Artza Boulevar4 IIIId Stevens
c:r.ak &ou1_4. Ia< ,"_.a for apprcwal.
<a) l1nc pM''''r of OrdiaaDce 110. 797: ... Orc!1ZIaCe of the Cicy
of Cupert1ao "P'-'"t.., Saec10D 1 of Ordinac:a Il1o. 2 b, llazon1l11
2.55 au. f_ CG ZoGa to , Zaaa; Located iti the lIorthaaa~edy
Quadrat of IIorth De ADze loulaYard aci SteveM Creak Boulevard."
,. Appl1c:at1ola 2-nt-77 of 'ac1f1C: Va1la1 .-.It: Tentativ. Map to c:omb1ne
fi_ ,arc:ala iDto one pu~l c:oat"h..... 2.55 acres. Said ,rop.rcy
18 loc:atecl iti the, quadrat of :torth De ADza Boulevard
IIIId Stneu CrnIt Boulevard. 1Ia"" ""eel for apPl'OVal.
10. Applic:at1"n S-U-77 of Pacific: Val1&1 II-.It: Use Permit to aUov c:on-
scruc:t1ola of approst..&ta1y 8.000 sq. fc., 2-story offic:. build1ng on
Stevens Creek Boulevar4 aDd approxi8at.1, 4.500 sq. fr. bank fac:1l1~7
IIIId 6.000 sq. ft. offic:. build1nC 011 :torch De Anza Boulevard. Said
prc;p.rcy 18 lOc:Ued Þ the lIortheasterly quadr&:l~ of ~orth De AD:a
Boulevard &lid St~ Creek lI;nùevard. llae~ded f"r approval.
Applic:at1ous Ap,l1c:aUOIIs 4-Z-77. 2-nt-77 IIIId 5-U-77 _re c:OIIIb1ned oy c:ousel15us of rhe
c:oabiDod CoVIIc:il.
rrueatat10us - AI ChappeU, CuperUno c:1:1zeu; Rev. John P. T~ulley. St.
Joaaph'a Q1urch; Phil Bo1c:a. Pacific: Valley lIank.
Cout1nued to FoUov1nl 1ncooclua1_ 418cuas1ous recu4itil thl8 applic:at1oll. it · ::lOved
AprilS mtl. by Couue. FroUch. .ec:004ad by touuc:. 3eUl8 aud passed =;UÚD)usly that
the ..tter be coot1Dua4 to 7:30 p. m., AprilS. 1977.
K£yor FroUch edjoaned th. _t1nS at 11:50 p. m. to April 5. 1977.