CC 06-20-77 . . ern OF CDPElfœ. STAD OF CALUOII!fIA 10300 Torre.t.,... s. Capan1Do. CaUforo1a 95014 r.¡.pbo_: 252-4505 "'u¡a or !II ,-... :u.R~ OF mE cm NIQ!IC11 III.D. JIIII 20. U77. D TIll œmrcn. ".....tJI, em IWJ. altdd':». CAL1IOU14 saøIZ to 'ID .... fte Jfa10r ...n.. eM --ilia to order ac 7:37 p. .. 10 the C-cf1 0- Ler of C1 t)' Ball lOLl. CALL CoarIc. l'I"U_t: J'~~. _ara, "11tA. O'ltaafe, Ka70r Fro11ch , . Staff hA_t: City ......r q..t..,. Director of ·......4.trui.. SarYlc.. II;rdar Dinctor of P1-.tol aDcI Dna10palaDt 51alt Director of "'Uc ¥Orb VialtoY1ch D1hctor of Parb .... lacruUoo Butler ....ût..e City Atton1a7 nliaD Dep.4) City Attom.y ro.tar PCBLIC IIJ'nnrçs 2. City of Cupart1Do: Pllblic Baar1D1 to COII81c1ar adoptioD of aD -.!- _t to Ordf..-ce 110. 002(q) '"Off-atraat Parit1D1 lequ1raMDu" to locr.... a 1I1D~ nall v1cI~ to tao (10) feet 10 all ~rc1al. 1Datitut1oDal aDeI 1DcIuatr1al ZO_. 11&..0 1"ilad for d-.1al. (a) First r"'iDa of Or"...--:. :10. 806: "AD Orcl1DaDca of c!1e City of Cup.rtmo· ....4_. OrcIiDaca :10. 002(q) Sact10a 6.)It CDncem1ng the V1clth of Park1q 5talla." Prueotat1oo - Valter VazcI, Vallco Park It vas _Yael by Coacc. :!feyen. secoaclacl by CDUDc. .1ac:ksoD aDcI passed =_- 1Doua1y to clo.. tba public h.ariDa. It v.. IIOYad by CDuac. !leY'lra, ..coDclacl by Couoc. O·~.f. md pasaed with CoUDc. Fro11ch cI1Aaotiq to accept ~. Pl_1II1 Coaaiss1øa r.c.......dation rhat th. City Couacll IK"C _eI Ord1DaDc. So. 002(q) 1IIcrua1. the 18ÚIi- - nal1 v1cIth 1a cow..rc1al/incluatr1al parlt1D& lou. 3. 1977-1978 OparatiDl aDcI CDDurucUoo IucIs.r (a) laao1utloD:Io. 4489: "A Ilaso1utlO11 of eh. Ciey CoUDCll of ehe City of CupartiDo Adoptiag aD Op.rat1n¡ md CoaarrucUoa Sudset for Fiscal Year 1977-1978 by Rarifying Eaeilllaeea of Ray...u.. eo b. Raeel..eI 10 Each Fund aDcI Appropriat1a1 ~aiea thenfroa for Sp.cifl.d PTOar.. Aceiviries aud AccoUDts and S.rr~ Forth CDa- dleioaa of Adaiaibreriag Said BuGler." ?r..ea~atiou - .10. Teabroclt. Cupertino ~iey Services II' vas _vacl by CDUDc. .1acltsoa. secoacleil by CDunc. C'ieefe and "....ed una:- taoualy eo cloa. the publ1c hearinl. Ie vu _vacl by CDuac. Sell is . secoadad b., CDunc. 0 '~efe and passed ;mac- ~aly to adopt !asolutioa :!Ia. ';':'89. . CC-372 p... 1 Public hear- inl cloud Ord1:oClce :to _cad Publk aear- inS ~..d ..... So. '-..5 adopeed . e . _as or 'DŒ J1DIE 20, 1977, C1ft comrcn. !ŒEtDfC 1'L.tIIIDI: APPLICAnIllS 4. jppI1"-'0" 1-111-77 of .....".... D.. ~J: Tentatl" Kap to adjUSt PlCOao-tJ' Uae JnolY1a& two atat1q lrta of record. r..u1t1ll1 1:1 two lota CODt-4..4_1 . mœ- of 10,000 .q. ft. each. Sa1cI propertY û k--tacI adj.-c to _ aørtbar1y of Pala ._ approz18atuy 100 fe. _terl;,' of the 1IItenactlOll of Pala ___ ... South Fooe- Id.l1. loal."arcI. pl:__4 Rl-10 (lø14ac1al. .1qle-f-Uy, 10,000 aq. ft. p"r drr 1u"l UDie)......JI "eel for approval. It ... MftcI bJ CouDc. 1Ie1l18, .ecoocIael b7 CDlac. O'Enfe ael P"'. --f_1Y to II1I1I- Appl1catioD 1-'Dt-77. 5. . Appl1cat1øo 12-fJ-77 of Bamhan CoDsttact1øo c-paoy: Uae Pera1t to all_ COMtp....4- of m office buJ.1c11a& coot.i..4... appros18ately 2,000 .q. ft. of .pace. S..!4 property 18 10caee4 u tba oortheaat comer of the iDtanect1øo of Valley C~ Dri.e ... laareloo Dri.. 111 a P (Pl_eI DaYelo,...t) ZoDe. Ra~4ac1 for approval. It ... .w. by CDuoc. .Jacbon, .ecODc!acI by CoUDC. Jfeyers _4 p...ed --f_ly to approve ¡ppl1cat1oo 12-U-77. -.u.18 1IOTE: CoUDc. NaUl8 stepped dovD anel left tbe Couocil O1øber. .' atapped dovD r . I' !': . ~: r r ~ f): r ~. ~ t:Tnatu !.'... pabl1c hur- i'ûl i ,.. , ,. ¡', ~ , j , . tlSFI!JISIIE!) lIUSDlESS 6. laao1ut1oD 50. 4466: h.. ResoluUoo of the City Couocll of the C1cy of Cupertino Appo1llt1llS Ens1Deer mel Attomey.. Regnan Jaacl Local IIIproy_t D1atric:t 77-1t.... (coot1lluacl from ,...cinS of June 6. 1917) 7. Reso1utl00 110. 4466.1: "A Reso1ucioD of che Cicy CoUDcll of cbe City of Cupertillo Detera1D1DS to Ullderta!-.e Proceed1DSS Pursuaot co Spacial A...._t aocI M.es...DC 1IoDcI Ac:s for the Mak1IIS of Ac:- qu1a1t1oDs _41 bproy_nt. W1tbout Further Proceed1D¡S Uncier D1v1s1ou 4 of the Streets mcI B1Shvay. Code, Ragoart Jaad !.:>ca1 Improvemenc D1atrict 77-14." (C011einued froa aeecing of June 6, 1977) 8. Resolution 50. 4466.2: "A Reso1utlou of the CiC! CoUDcll of c!1e C1cy of Cupereino 1Iequ-t1D& Cooaent to the Ezerc1se of Ezera-1'err1torla1 .Juriacl1ct1øo to t1Ddertake Pcoceecl1als for the ~1d"1 of A.cquia1:1ona mcI IIIprov_ca Punumc co Appropdae Special Aa.........t and AII.es.- MDt lIoad Ace., .......pt lDad Local Iapro....ent Di.crlc:t 77-14." (coot1cuacl fro. _tillg of June 6, 1977) the Kayor apre..acI the COtI8eoaus of cbe CoUDcll 1IIe:bers co continue cÍle c:oaduct of these 18..... 1:1 the .... aanuer as 1£ cbey wer~ a pub11c hearing ltae. rruscltatioDa: Jerry !ferb10, Suth~r1aDd A.enue; nus Jacot., leparc iliaci; .JoCllle Gholson, Rapart RDad; Dick O1lldreu, 1egt:ar: Røad; Dorochy Vript, lte¡nuc Road; Jøben Ye11is, RePUt ilDad; 3ill S"ø1nner, Tv!." Peab RDad; Virginia £1118, lle¡narc Røad; John Olson, ~dpen1:1su1a Regional. Ope Space D1atrict;lDb.rt C. Hll1. atc"......,,; Pecer G;.;zodz. Auburn Drive. . . . AURI~~ OF 111E J'CI'£ 20. 1977, em OJCJcn. MEETDiC It _ -.. ~ Q)aac. _era. .ecooclacl by Comu:. O'Eeafe aDd pee.eeI unm- 4 "1, w1tJa c-."C. llA11þ _at to adopt &uolutioD So. 4466. CC-372 Pas. 3 au. No. 446(j adopuel It _:_eeI 111 Q\ - O·r..f~. ..CØIIcIed by Q)aac. .Jacboo .... p_eeI UDaD- Rd. Il1o. 4 -",. dtla CoaDc:. ,"1118 __t to adope ....laeS- 110. 4466.1 ....dch!-.: 4466.1 edopteé 11:_.. ,_ ûe ......... _ ch.... fZla "'oh,t:fOll 110. 4466.2. It_ 7. ~f~ Is 1IIIao. _ tlae.. .a.. ....laelOD So. 4466.1, _. chao¡eeI to - ~iJ....4- 110. ~.2 .... ~1DaacI co a future elate. mlKl c:ø.c. .11f" ntoroeel to the _Uq. 9. C1aia for ,,- 1M hbútteel by .J_ K. CurtÛ for $95.87. fZla ...t1Da of .JUDe 6, 1977) (CIOI1tiDued . It -. ...... by Cotmc. .Jacboo, ..coodeel by CoUDc. S.lUs anel p...acI unau- ~17 co cIeoy tba cla18 _lth a re~ D UUOII that th. cla1aaDt refer tba .acter to pçU; 1IIIcIu vboae cootrol thae .top .1øDa v.re at the t1&e of th. 1ac:icleot. II1V IUSDISS 10. .tutbority to subm.t a project or projects UDder the Publie: Worb Grants Proar_. P. ..taciOll - .11& B1ac:k. CupertiDo CuioD School Dinrict Kr. Black pr..aoted the poaie1oo of the Cupertloo CDion School Dinricc .. eadøraiDI the City pr~jee:t anel the Distrlcc's vil1fn~..s to forRO ics ability to .uba1t a c1a1a for part of thÞ graut. !f8Iben of th. Cicy Co_c1.l apraa.acI their appreciatioD for this spirit of cooperadveess oIDcI ~tacl that the !layor .aocI a latter co the DiStrict .0 natiDg. It v.. ...... by CoUDC. !feyen, ..CODdeel by CoUDC. .Jac&.oo md p..eeI Wlan- 180ualy to adopt the Staff re~adatioo that the top priority WIder the Public Worb Greta Progr_ b. for Ph..e I develo~elt "f tbe Corporarion Yarel. 11. Iaaulu of bide .ubIt1tteel md ..ard of contract; for Var1aa Park. Phase I, Proj.ct 77-12. Pr...tacioD - Hr. K1chul ~T ......110. Craton RDacI. It v.. _d by CoUDc. !Je1l1a. .eCODded by Counc. Mayen an4 pas.ad unan- ~ly to .arel the CODtracc to Palo AltO I.aI1dscapiDg Co. for its low bid of $63,738 vhlc:b pi... tb. cootiDIency prøY1des for a total of 570,110 for th. proj.ct. ID acIcI1tioD. the .IID of 522,100 fro. Ph.... II in tne 1977-78 budlat 18 to be tr_ferred to the Phase I developaeoc. 12. .....lu of bida sala1tted and avard of contracc for !'.onta \'1Sta Park, Pbue I, Projact 77-13. It wu IDOv.d by CoUDC. JfÆyolrs. seconded by Counc. Sel11.tl and pas^ed unan- taoua1y to avard tbe contract to O'Crady PaviDg IDe:. for its low bid of 539,063 which with the e:ontingency maites the project 54:! ,965. There is transferred from tbe Ph..e II ap?ropriati~ in the 1977-78 budget the s~ of $7,965 to Ph... I of thU projee:t. .... 110. 4466.2 _- tiDued lIa1lta Cla1lD deDiacl; shoulel b. rafarred to PC&!: School Disc. endorsement of City pro- ject Developaeot of Cor,!. Yard top priority Concrac: :0 Palo AltO Lands cap i,,& C<>ntract to o 'Cra<i7 Paving c:c- J 72 "'_4 t ~ .__c '''t.· -4 ..~ -4 f'. .- w- I';, ~" ~, ~. ...... to be _ _ 1atez- _t ....rt acepted Appl. lS-m- 73 -.led, IaldacaptDl parc:a1 J AlWit101lal _pt1ou; -rr -~I pro- œclun Cnc1auad Vater budget adopted Latcer sup- porrinl; f':ra:ufers co Board of Sup....'isors ~ , . rù;ou._ OF mz JmŒ 20, 1977, CITY œuscn. JŒETDIG 13. ktQe8C bJ .J08<Iph Caaarcla for t_porary perait fQr fruit staad for thirty clays. It .. '-')J CDaDc. .'1f_. .econded by CDaDc. Jackaon Inti pas.eeI ---_I ~": CO ...... tile &'4 -t. 14. llØüia to 0Ipcdø Ana ø-tJ:ra ....ab1litacIoD Proar... + "!'I , -1 ,-.1>.' , It - __ by CII t _Uta. HCØDcIacI by Q)aac. O'IHfe cd p..._ --I I1I;, to acIcIpt tile euff c- .......100 to pronda that all fueura ~ ..... tllia p~. wU1 be ac no tDteraac rather the the aUtiq 3% 1a~t ~. . 15. ~-. IIIport OD &o.illa cd eo..uotti Dnalop...1t Act i'rogr_. tile "_.u. _ accepted -..1 !UacI. 16. la, ,-c for aD CDqt. ......-t of cond1tlooU approval 1S-nl-7J - Measurex It _ __ by CoUDc. !la1H.. aeCODdacl by CoUDC. Jacltsoa aad passed unm- úoU8ly co -..cI AppU..-tl"ll l5-'DI-7J ralieY10g Me..urex of any obligation to 8Ú11Ca1a ... 1aDcIacapa parcal 3 par the traosfer of that property co the Sat. Clara Valley V~r D1atrict vith che record to show that the _end- _t 18 ...sa ao1aly to fac1l1cue the cranaact10n betveen ~e""urex and the liater Ð1atrtct. 17. Dis__loo of sitf.&atiDI problems f1'Olt veekend construcdon work. (c:oat1DoJecI froa -t1a& of JUDe 6, 1977) CouDc. O'Eeafe w1UDtearecl to .....race 1nfonaacion for incorporation tDto the orcl1o.aca of acIcI1Uoaal aclualons aucb u utilities, discance froa ~. DOt r&qulr1q the ezcept10n procedure and also to provide e appuJ. procaclure froa the City Kaoaaer's de::1sious. the Kayor _timled daU II&t:cer to ~e nexc regularlY scheduled ",..ting. 18. F~vru-ed 1977-1978 Vater Utility Budget. It v. -.eel by CoUDC. !feyen, .ecoDded by Counc. O'ltaefe and passed "..-4_1Y to adopt cbe 1977-1978 !later Utllity Budget as submitted mcI co appropriate .....1.. accordingly vith the provision that such appro- pr1at1oaa are adY1sory ODly in nature for IDe1!t1ng unforeseen and ....rgency s1tuac1ou. 5oIt-...-da 1::_ tDcroduced by the ~yor - Tranafer cr f1::"e stations beeveen Ceotral Fir. D1atrict an4 City of San Jose. Pru_e; thief Payne, Cencral Fire District It vu .."... "y Counc. .lacksoo. seconded by Counc. O'lteefe and pa5sed unanimously for the Mayor to .ublÚt a letter to the Board or Super'bors re~terac1u. ch. C1cy'. support of che proposed transfers of stations from the Cencra! F1~e District to the City of San Jose contingent on the ex- ecution of a prior written aar.ement relating to Vest side stations. . . , t . .....uu.$ 01' 1'BE .nnn: 20, 1977. em comrcn. !ØETIlIC IoD-qacia it. - DrnlopMDt 011 paper lot. 111 UD1DcoqlOratecl area· P~...tat1.oL\II - Leo liac:b1, Sarnol_; WIll. Ford, CottOl1tlOOcl Ct.. S:.u .so.e. It ... .... !Iy CouDc:. .,eu, aecODcleel by Coac. lIalUa eel p_ecI __ t rly to _~0r1ze eM Staff to aabalt c appeal to the Ioarel of Super- Y180ra 011 cIøalo.-c ba1aa _tbor1aacl for paper Iota 10 eM ",,4"cø~r- ac.. ana 1Ib1cb ~au tile efforts of tba City tovarda coosol1ùtlOll aocI IIIdcb 18 CODtruy to tile City's Gaoerat PIau. the !Iqor "JoanrecI tile _tlog at U:57 p. a. to 7:30 p. a., Tueaclay, .J_ 21. 1977. . . CC-372 p... , Appeal re cIeYelop.aDt, pap.. Iota I