CC 06-20-77
10300 Torre.t.,... s. Capan1Do. CaUforo1a 95014
r.¡.pbo_: 252-4505
"'u¡a or !II ,-... :u.R~ OF mE cm NIQ!IC11
III.D. JIIII 20. U77. D TIll œmrcn. ".....tJI, em IWJ.
altdd':». CAL1IOU14
saøIZ to 'ID ....
fte Jfa10r ...n.. eM --ilia to order ac 7:37 p. .. 10 the C-cf1 0- Ler
of C1 t)' Ball
CoarIc. l'I"U_t: J'~~. _ara, "11tA. O'ltaafe, Ka70r Fro11ch
Staff hA_t: City ......r q..t..,.
Director of ·......4.trui.. SarYlc.. II;rdar
Dinctor of P1-.tol aDcI Dna10palaDt 51alt
Director of "'Uc ¥Orb VialtoY1ch
D1hctor of Parb .... lacruUoo Butler
....ût..e City Atton1a7 nliaD
Dep.4) City Attom.y ro.tar
2. City of Cupart1Do: Pllblic Baar1D1 to COII81c1ar adoptioD of aD -.!-
_t to Ordf..-ce 110. 002(q) '"Off-atraat Parit1D1 lequ1raMDu" to
locr.... a 1I1D~ nall v1cI~ to tao (10) feet 10 all ~rc1al.
1Datitut1oDal aDeI 1DcIuatr1al ZO_. 11&..0 1"ilad for d-.1al.
(a) First r"'iDa of Or"...--:. :10. 806: "AD Orcl1DaDca of c!1e City of
Cup.rtmo· ....4_. OrcIiDaca :10. 002(q) Sact10a 6.)It CDncem1ng
the V1clth of Park1q 5talla."
Prueotat1oo - Valter VazcI, Vallco Park
It vas _Yael by Coacc. :!feyen. secoaclacl by CDUDc. .1ac:ksoD aDcI passed =_-
1Doua1y to clo.. tba public h.ariDa.
It v.. IIOYad by CDuac. !leY'lra, ..coDclacl by Couoc. O·~.f. md pasaed with
CoUDc. Fro11ch cI1Aaotiq to accept ~. Pl_1II1 Coaaiss1øa r.c.......dation
rhat th. City Couacll IK"C _eI Ord1DaDc. So. 002(q) 1IIcrua1. the 18ÚIi-
- nal1 v1cIth 1a cow..rc1al/incluatr1al parlt1D& lou.
3. 1977-1978 OparatiDl aDcI CDDurucUoo IucIs.r
(a) laao1utloD:Io. 4489: "A Ilaso1utlO11 of eh. Ciey CoUDCll of ehe
City of CupartiDo Adoptiag aD Op.rat1n¡ md CoaarrucUoa Sudset
for Fiscal Year 1977-1978 by Rarifying Eaeilllaeea of Ray...u.. eo
b. Raeel..eI 10 Each Fund aDcI Appropriat1a1 ~aiea thenfroa for
Sp.cifl.d PTOar.. Aceiviries aud AccoUDts and S.rr~ Forth CDa-
dleioaa of Adaiaibreriag Said BuGler."
?r..ea~atiou - .10. Teabroclt. Cupertino ~iey Services
II' vas _vacl by CDUDc. .1acltsoa. secoacleil by CDunc. C'ieefe and "....ed una:-
taoualy eo cloa. the publ1c hearinl.
Ie vu _vacl by CDuac. Sell is . secoadad b., CDunc. 0 '~efe and passed ;mac-
~aly to adopt !asolutioa :!Ia. ';':'89. .
p... 1
Public hear-
inl cloud
Ord1:oClce :to
Publk aear-
inS ~..d
..... So. '-..5
_as or 'DŒ J1DIE 20, 1977, C1ft comrcn. !ŒEtDfC
4. jppI1"-'0" 1-111-77 of .....".... D.. ~J: Tentatl" Kap to adjUSt
PlCOao-tJ' Uae JnolY1a& two atat1q lrta of record. r..u1t1ll1 1:1
two lota CODt-4..4_1 . mœ- of 10,000 .q. ft. each. Sa1cI propertY
û k--tacI adj.-c to _ aørtbar1y of Pala ._ approz18atuy
100 fe. _terl;,' of the 1IItenactlOll of Pala ___ ... South Fooe-
Id.l1. loal."arcI. pl:__4 Rl-10 (lø14ac1al. .1qle-f-Uy, 10,000
aq. ft. p"r drr 1u"l UDie)......JI "eel for approval.
It ... MftcI bJ CouDc. 1Ie1l18, .ecoocIael b7 CDlac. O'Enfe ael P"'.
--f_1Y to II1I1I- Appl1catioD 1-'Dt-77.
Appl1cat1øo 12-fJ-77 of Bamhan CoDsttact1øo c-paoy: Uae Pera1t
to all_ COMtp....4- of m office buJ.1c11a& coot.i..4... appros18ately
2,000 .q. ft. of .pace. S..!4 property 18 10caee4 u tba oortheaat
comer of the iDtanect1øo of Valley C~ Dri.e ... laareloo Dri..
111 a P (Pl_eI DaYelo,...t) ZoDe. Ra~4ac1 for approval.
It ... .w. by CDuoc. .Jacbon, .ecODc!acI by CoUDC. Jfeyers _4 p...ed
--f_ly to approve ¡ppl1cat1oo 12-U-77.
-.u.18 1IOTE: CoUDc. NaUl8 stepped dovD anel left tbe Couocil O1øber.
.' atapped dovD
!.'... pabl1c hur-
6. laao1ut1oD 50. 4466: h.. ResoluUoo of the City Couocll of the C1cy
of Cupertino Appo1llt1llS Ens1Deer mel Attomey.. Regnan Jaacl Local
IIIproy_t D1atric:t 77-1t.... (coot1lluacl from ,...cinS of June 6. 1917)
7. Reso1utl00 110. 4466.1: "A Reso1ucioD of che Cicy CoUDcll of cbe
City of Cupertillo Detera1D1DS to Ullderta!-.e Proceed1DSS Pursuaot co
Spacial A...._t aocI 1IoDcI Ac:s for the Mak1IIS of Ac:-
qu1a1t1oDs _41 bproy_nt. W1tbout Further Proceed1D¡S Uncier D1v1s1ou
4 of the Streets mcI B1Shvay. Code, Ragoart Jaad !.:>ca1 Improvemenc
D1atrict 77-14." (C011einued froa aeecing of June 6, 1977)
8. Resolution 50. 4466.2: "A Reso1utlou of the CiC! CoUDcll of c!1e C1cy
of Cupereino 1Iequ-t1D& Cooaent to the Ezerc1se of Ezera-1'err1torla1
.Juriacl1ct1øo to t1Ddertake Pcoceecl1als for the ~1d"1 of A.cquia1:1ona
mcI IIIprov_ca Punumc co Appropdae Special Aa.........t and
MDt lIoad Ace., lDad Local Iapro....ent Di.crlc:t 77-14."
(coot1cuacl fro. _tillg of June 6, 1977)
the Kayor apre..acI the COtI8eoaus of cbe CoUDcll 1IIe:bers co continue cÍle
c:oaduct of these 18..... 1:1 the .... aanuer as 1£ cbey wer~ a pub11c hearing
rruscltatioDa: Jerry !ferb10, Suth~r1aDd A.enue; nus Jacot., leparc
iliaci; .JoCllle Gholson, Rapart RDad; Dick O1lldreu, 1egt:ar: Røad; Dorochy
Vript, lte¡nuc Road; Jøben Ye11is, RePUt ilDad; 3ill S"ø1nner, Tv!."
Peab RDad; Virginia £1118, lle¡narc Røad; John Olson, ~dpen1:1su1a Regional.
Ope Space D1atrict;lDb.rt C. Hll1. atc"......,,; Pecer G;.;zodz. Auburn Drive.
AURI~~ OF 111E J'CI'£ 20. 1977, em OJCJcn. MEETDiC
It _ -.. ~ Q)aac. _era. .ecooclacl by Comu:. O'Eeafe aDd pee.eeI unm-
4 "1, w1tJa c-."C. llA11þ _at to adopt &uolutioD So. 4466.
Pas. 3
au. No. 446(j
It _:_eeI 111 Q\ - O·r..f~. ..CØIIcIed by Q)aac. .Jacboo .... p_eeI UDaD- Rd. Il1o.
4 -",. dtla CoaDc:. ,"1118 __t to adope ....laeS- 110. 4466.1 ....dch!-.: 4466.1 edopteé
11:_.. ,_ ûe ......... _ ch.... fZla "'oh,t:fOll 110. 4466.2.
It_ 7. ~f~ Is 1IIIao. _ tlae.. .a.. ....laelOD So. 4466.1, _. chao¡eeI
to - ~iJ....4- 110. ~.2 .... ~1DaacI co a future elate.
mlKl c:ø.c. .11f" ntoroeel to the _Uq.
C1aia for ,,- 1M hbútteel by .J_ K. CurtÛ for $95.87.
fZla ...t1Da of .JUDe 6, 1977)
It -. ...... by Cotmc. .Jacboo, ..coodeel by CoUDc. S.lUs anel p...acI unau-
~17 co cIeoy tba cla18 _lth a re~ D UUOII that th. cla1aaDt refer
tba .acter to pçU; 1IIIcIu vboae cootrol thae .top .1øDa at the t1&e of
th. 1ac:icleot.
10. .tutbority to subm.t a project or projects UDder the Publie: Worb
Grants Proar_.
P. ..taciOll - .11& B1ac:k. CupertiDo CuioD School Dinrict
Kr. Black pr..aoted the poaie1oo of the Cupertloo CDion School Dinricc
.. eadøraiDI the City pr~jee:t anel the Distrlcc's vil1fn~..s to forRO ics
ability to .uba1t a c1a1a for part of thÞ graut. !f8Iben of th. Cicy
Co_c1.l apraa.acI their appreciatioD for this spirit of cooperadveess
oIDcI ~tacl that the !layor .aocI a latter co the DiStrict .0 natiDg.
It v.. ...... by CoUDC. !feyen, ..CODdeel by CoUDC. .Jac&.oo md p..eeI Wlan-
180ualy to adopt the Staff re~adatioo that the top priority WIder the
Public Worb Greta Progr_ b. for Ph..e I develo~elt "f tbe Corporarion
11. Iaaulu of bide .ubIt1tteel md ..ard of contract; for Var1aa Park. Phase
I, Proj.ct 77-12.
Pr...tacioD - Hr. K1chul ~T ......110. Craton RDacI.
It v.. _d by CoUDc. !Je1l1a. .eCODded by Counc. Mayen an4 unan-
~ly to .arel the CODtracc to Palo AltO I.aI1dscapiDg Co. for its low bid
of $63,738 vhlc:b pi... tb. cootiDIency prøY1des for a total of 570,110 for
th. proj.ct. ID acIcI1tioD. the .IID of 522,100 fro. Ph.... II in tne 1977-78
budlat 18 to be tr_ferred to the Phase I developaeoc.
12. of bida sala1tted and avard of contracc for !'.onta \'1Sta Park,
Pbue I, Projact 77-13.
It wu IDOv.d by CoUDC. JfÆyolrs. seconded by Counc. and pas^ed unan-
taoua1y to avard tbe contract to O'Crady PaviDg IDe:. for its low bid of
539,063 which with the e:ontingency maites the project 54:! ,965. There is
transferred from tbe Ph..e II ap?ropriati~ in the 1977-78 budget the s~
of $7,965 to Ph... I of thU projee:t.
.... 110.
4466.2 _-
Cla1lD deDiacl;
shoulel b.
rafarred to
School Disc.
of City pro-
of Cor,!. Yard
top priority
Concrac: :0
Palo AltO
Lands cap i,,&
C<>ntract to
o 'Cra<i7 Paving
c:c- J 72
t ~ .__c
'''t.· -4 ..~ -4
f'. .- w-
~" ~,
...... to be
_ _ 1atez-
Appl. lS-m-
73 -.led,
parc:a1 J
-rr -~I pro-
Vater budget
Latcer sup-
co Board of
rù;ou._ OF mz JmŒ 20, 1977, CITY œuscn. JŒETDIG
13. ktQe8C bJ .J08<Iph Caaarcla for t_porary perait fQr fruit staad for
thirty clays.
It .. '-')J CDaDc. .'1f_. .econded by CDaDc. Jackaon Inti pas.eeI
---_I ~": CO ...... tile &'4 -t.
14. llØüia to 0Ipcdø Ana ø-tJ:ra ....ab1litacIoD Proar...
+ "!'I , -1
,-.1>.' ,
It - __ by CII t _Uta. HCØDcIacI by Q)aac. O'IHfe cd p..._
--I I1I;, to acIcIpt tile euff c- .......100 to pronda that all fueura
~ ..... tllia p~. wU1 be ac no tDteraac rather the the aUtiq
3% 1a~t ~.
15. ~-. IIIport OD &o.illa cd eo..uotti Dnalop...1t Act i'rogr_.
tile "_.u. _ accepted -..1 !UacI.
16. la, ,-c for aD
......-t of cond1tlooU approval 1S-nl-7J - Measurex
It _ __ by CoUDc. !la1H.. aeCODdacl by CoUDC. Jacltsoa aad passed unm-
úoU8ly co -..cI AppU..-tl"ll l5-'DI-7J ralieY10g Me..urex of any obligation
to 8Ú11Ca1a ... 1aDcIacapa parcal 3 par the traosfer of that property co the
Sat. Clara Valley V~r D1atrict vith che record to show that the _end-
_t 18 ao1aly to fac1l1cue the cranaact10n betveen ~e""urex and
the liater Ð1atrtct.
17. Dis__loo of sitf.&atiDI problems f1'Olt veekend construcdon work.
(c:oat1DoJecI froa -t1a& of JUDe 6, 1977)
CouDc. O'Eeafe w1UDtearecl to .....race 1nfonaacion for incorporation
tDto the orcl1o.aca of acIcI1Uoaal aclualons aucb u utilities, discance
froa ~. DOt r&qulr1q the ezcept10n procedure and also to provide
e appuJ. procaclure froa the City Kaoaaer's de::1sious.
the Kayor _timled daU II&t:cer to ~e nexc regularlY scheduled ",..ting.
18. F~vru-ed 1977-1978 Vater Utility Budget.
It v. -.eel by CoUDC. !feyen, .ecoDded by Counc. O'ltaefe and passed
"..-4_1Y to adopt cbe 1977-1978 !later Utllity Budget as submitted
mcI co appropriate .....1.. accordingly vith the provision that such appro-
pr1at1oaa are adY1sory ODly in nature for IDe1!t1ng unforeseen and ....rgency
5oIt-...-da 1::_ tDcroduced by the ~yor - Tranafer cr f1::"e stations beeveen
Ceotral Fir. D1atrict an4 City of San Jose.
thief Payne, Cencral Fire District
It vu .."... "y Counc. .lacksoo. seconded by Counc. O'lteefe and pa5sed
unanimously for the Mayor to .ublÚt a letter to the Board or Super'bors
re~terac1u. ch. C1cy'. support of che proposed transfers of stations from
the Cencra! F1~e District to the City of San Jose contingent on the ex-
ecution of a prior written aar.ement relating to Vest side stations.
.....uu.$ 01' 1'BE .nnn: 20, 1977. em comrcn. !ØETIlIC
IoD-qacia it. - DrnlopMDt 011 paper lot. 111 UD1DcoqlOratecl area·
P~...tat1.oL\II - Leo liac:b1, Sarnol_; WIll. Ford, CottOl1tlOOcl Ct.. S:.u .so.e.
It ... .... !Iy CouDc:. .,eu, aecODcleel by Coac. lIalUa eel p_ecI __
t rly to _~0r1ze eM Staff to aabalt c appeal to the Ioarel of Super-
Y180ra 011 cIøalo.-c ba1aa _tbor1aacl for paper Iota 10 eM ",,4"cø~r-
ac.. ana 1Ib1cb ~au tile efforts of tba City tovarda coosol1ùtlOll aocI
IIIdcb 18 CODtruy to tile City's Gaoerat PIau.
the !Iqor "JoanrecI tile _tlog at U:57 p. a. to 7:30 p. a., Tueaclay, .J_
21. 1977.
p... ,
Appeal re
pap.. Iota