CC 09-13-77 ,.3 ..¿,. . . CITY OF C¡ PDTDlO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Av.Due, CupanÚlØ, Cal1foro1a 95014 TelephclDe: 2S2-4505 lwruuS or till ADJunk.ID UC1JLAI. nuullG OF TIE CITY COUNCIL nau.ùrG JODl'l'LY VIm TIll PI.AIIIIIRG CIJtII1SSIOll IIIJ) œ :unuuD 13. 1917. m 111 CCIIFEIEICE IIOQØ, CITY HALL '-UI'AllXl*I. CALIlOJUI1A SALUTE to '!U !'LAG the _et1q ... c:a1lecI to order by Mayor Frol1ch at 6: 10 p. .. 10 the Confereoce __ of City Ball. lOLL CALL Co'mc. Present: .1......_. lleyen, 1Iell1s, O'Keefe, Kayor Frol1e:h PlaoD1Dg eo..taaioo ø..ber. Pre_t: lfalrber. Ah_t: 11&1oe, GattO¡, KrIñIaala, Cbatraao Itøao1tzer .Maaa Staff Pru_t: City Kaoqer Qu1ø.1ao Director of p1.....f..1 aocI Davelo,.eDt Si.~ Aaa1atmt Plmou ~_r 1Io_1q 1aba1l1l1taUoD ColIDSelor BaocI.. Daputy City Clerk Coroa1lua Director of Public Vorka V1skovlch (7:30 p. a.) Others : Kathy Bar.on ADD ADger flaw.. A....' ~ tJ..J EvUyo Ricbarcla, CupertiDo Courier (6:30 p. a.) tub Mayer., Vlc....Pr..1cIeot, B.A.S. 1Ioau, loc. As.istant P1aDOer Toby ~..r aade a pre_tatioD re..rcI1ua Cupertino'. role in the Santa Clara Valley Corr1clor Eva1uatioD. polot1q out the ta- ba1aue:e in the area of job. aocI houalol. the pre.eotatloo focuaed on thr.. .rea.: The Corridor Stucly. the rel1øDlll perspective, aocI Cupertloo's 1Io1e. The purpose of the _rk ....100 .... for Staff to receive direction fr_ the City CoUDCll regardia& tha Gaoeral Plan md laud use. Two laud use alternatives vere offered aocI three a1teraat1ve. in th" area of tranapor- tat100 were presented. Two prob1... to be e:ooaidered in the atteape eo establish a job./bo_1Dg b-1.n.-e vere: "I. the cODcept of iDcreased ~1ty- vide deosity raa1l8tlc7" auel, apec:ifica11y, "Should we iDa..ae h111aide density?" Coune:. '¡ae:Uon poiDted out that thi. 18 au opportUDity to take ae:eion if cities intend to cootinue witb 1~d1Y1dual deve10paent. Ooly a certain number of people eaployed In Cupertino can comaute. the others must live here. If houaiDg 18 not b,creaaed, theo It will be COIle neces.ary to cut b.ck jobs. Perhap. a e:ombination of reduced job./ine:rea84d h~using i. the answer. CC-38:¿ Page 1 . . _-382 ... 2 ~ lJUIU1!S OF THE S~huu4& 13, 1977, Jonrr CITY COUNCIL/PLAJllfING COItiISSION MEETING C-. Gatto ..keel if the tJataot vu for a couensus betveao cities. CoIIDC. .1acJ1aoD atateel Ü8t a cIec1al00 v1ll Iurn to be _cia by each city - Palo Alto baa accept" tile fSþzu 1uuecI by AIAG. the balaDc:. of the dti.. brmI ~ecteel ü.8. 4180. SaD .J... .... rejecteel tile 1.... COUDC. .i~cltaol1 al80 MDC:Iøa" Ü8t it å1.1 bncr_ clUf1c:alt to .et a lIIIjor araDt vith a cI1Anay of ,'-_f"l" hñap. the __~ 18 to fit job. to clvel11Da UDtts ntber tJaa vtce-ftna. i- ~ . , eo... IDaD1tser .tat" tbat 4IAG .... tile poYer to forc. ciU.s to look at the r.&1ODal parapecU".. City -...r Qn4"'__ ...,01. IlId cCPOC.m over the po.db1Uty that, becaua. of r1a1Da ~.f". c:oau. ~try v1ll _ oat aocI the re.ult vill be _caDt 1DcIuatr1al bu1lcl1a&a. tIIen 18 pnuure 00 local 10ft~t for h1&her claDalty. Be IObt" oeC Cbat atucIy 18 so1Da _, aD Û claYÜo IMDt. Tharafore CapertiDo ... tile other dtl.. 1a the CoUDty ....t _v. r.pldly. It .... eleciel.. Ü8t tile 18clualOD of the ....t..t. Hctor 1a th. reaiou vould be elifficult. Althou&h CapertiDo 18 a -1o&1e eoUty aDd My DOt a1p1flcaotly aff.ct the total picture, It ... clat~d Ü8t the City .".t take a .taocl. Ita. ~r po1atacl out that dne1o..-t at the lcnr eleoalty of the raoae h.. be.D alloweel, aDeI va ar. r--f"l' out of a..ilabl. lallcl. Sba .UII.ned a review of laoc1 preaeotly eI..1IDateel for ~rclal ua. .. to it. .u1tabi1ity for boua1o& claYÜop.eot. $he further uatecl Ü8t AllAG i. d.veloplD8 uroua re&1ooal pol1c:iu wbtch v1ll be uaed 10 A-9S review of applications for faclaral IraDu. Que.tlou pr.._teel to 1"-11 by Staff _ra: libat aboulcl11't .........? libat pol1c:i.. an _ &010& to c:haDae? Vllere are JOU villiaa to ao? libat CODCepU are ~ v1ll1oa to cODaieler? It .... det.za1Ded tbat the hillaiel. ar.a .bould r_in low deuity ud th. current Cupart1Do lif. .tyle of fairly low deosity .bould be retaloed. vith a ba1aDceel populat100. CoUDC. Heyer. brouaht up tbe traffic prob1a particularly durina tbe co.-ut. bout.. This po1atael out the n..d for _re thao juSt aelditio~~1 houa1Da fac1l1Ue., tba .... for ·_re tbtn juat 0l1li type of elvell1Dø - a boua. th. averaa. per... cao afford. CoUDC. Heyer. atat.eI tbat incre..ed density .ppeau to be aaainst tbe duire. of tb. popu1ati.~. But even with 1acrea.ed den.ity the street. will DOt chaoae, th.y viiI still be crowded. Mayor Frol1ch Hid that the populace of the c~ity baa acceptad the zooiaa and that the City.... forced thea to the lower end of density. SUllested that high.r eleoaity could be encouraged within the bounds of deDsity raoae already ..tabl1sbed. present He the Counc. Heyt... .tat.d tbat a r.-evaluation of ..tback restrictions and height rutrictioas aiaht be 10 order; ~~yor Frolich .areed .nd also .u,aesteð .ide yard.. · , twIUTES OF ¡HE SEPTDIBEB. l~, 1977, JOIHT CITY COUIUL/PLA!INl!IC CCItKlSS10}! MEET1ØG Coomc. .1ac:kaoD aa1cI that II. look at tbe 0..ra11 picture would h.lp. P.¡:hap. 1M abotald work bactwarda f~ tba Ufutyl. preferrad. ODe auu.atiOD ~cI ba to 1_ tile Ia1l1alc1e aocI cInelop Maher eleoa1ty 00 the valley floor. l""¡'f". at tbe traffic capaCity. U CUpen1øo c:aD't afford the pnjaccacllDenue 1a joba. tha cIecnue thaa; ,~.. Colllltyviele 1aelua- crtal taz abariDa '-Œ 1 ,,'t. c:c.t. Iøaa1taer .......t.. tIIat tile valley floor be cInelopacI at the Iû¡II ad of ...lty reoae. DiK_IoD foU .Jd nprcI1Da tile po.aib1.l.1ty of _ type of boua1D& arnaa-t to he ~ battMeD 1DcIuatry .... oearby !-..f.... P.rbap. a roaarYe .ltaaC1oD 1I1û _zltan 1a _ 1Dduatry baYÜ1& fuat opportUlÚty to purdaua h_. 1a c1oeaJ.y dtuatad tracu. EDcouraa_t of aparc.øt bowr.. at the _ J a1¡ht .. loclwrtrial bull _ cIiac_el. C-. Bla1Da po1atacl out Ü&t at prueot the aark.t aupport a .1qle "'11i". 1aocI _ rather than ~tipl.. ao-var, u people S.t olc1ar they _y DOt _t tile bll bouae. anel tud to leaD towarel cODAloa1D- 1_. CouDc. _11'1. po1ateel out tbat attUIPts-baY. baaD .... to ,ronde a1ød boua1D&, bat the re.alt baa atill beeD h1&h or at but a1cIdle 1ac_ houa1q. the poUc:ie. of the City AY ûey are rec.ptiv. to at_eI howr1D&, but DO practical plaD baa ~ elnelopeel. The price of laDeI ad the price of bullcl1aS ar. 1û¡II. Probably the Maher eleodty re.1deotial are.. 10 the City have rece1...d the _t crltic1_, e.pec1ally the .c1wrter look. It 18 DOt acceptabl. to tM raaielents. DEPUrt cm MD1r\S ØO'lE: CcP'x. .JacuOD left tbe ,...UD8 at 7:30 p. _. City KaDaaer Qu.1'!11_ req_ted a Aw-4natlOD of tOW GaDera1 PleD, spec- ifically of th. Torr. property. Be auuutacl ftoa.dal perticipaUon vitb the d.veloper to hire a coualtant (.cODom.ats) to atUlly the land for poadb1.l.1ty of hi&ber "'lty. Whet h1øb ri.e v1l1 be acc.ptabl. 10 the City? Vbao vill It be acceptable? What ar. the trade ofb? Tba City CoUDc11 _wrt Uao face the 18._ of whetber or not th.y VADt eliv.rsifl.d bowrloS. If 80. tell the "velopar. C-. Blaine expruud b.r belief that eo£orc....t of upper lta1t of pr.aeot density rause would be more acceptable than 1ocr..... elea.ity. ther. vas a cou_ taat th.r. 18 a hou.loS problea. Counc. O'Ke.f. r.- qu..tad furth.r raY1ev r.aarcl1os aclJuatloS the GaD.ral P1ao. Di.cwr.ioD fol1ow.eI resarcl1Ds th. po.itloD 00 tbe fo11ov1oS po1ici.s: 1. Re-evaluat. the elaoaity raDS.. of parc.1. 10 th. Valley Floor and Cor. Area. 2. Iocr.... tbe clenaity of particularly .uitabl. p.rc.1s to more t 16 per acr.. 3. ColWieler tba CODvers10n of Induatria1 or c_rcial land to resi- dential. 4. As an iDt.ria _..ure. do DOt consider d.Ve.lOP"Dt belov the GeD.eral PlaD _wi_I'" for th. particular parcel. Council and Comai..1OD aareed vith tb..e in cODcept. hovever, felt the vorcl1Ds in '4 woulel be ..re accepcable as "encouras. d.velopaant above _fni__III" . CC-382 Peae 3 -382 a 4 , Balaoced £St~te Favored lë.llside 1ala1a Lov Jlenslty , , lWIuu$ OF mE fo....¡-P 13. 1977. .Jom cm COuøcn./l'LAIIlmCC CCtlfISSIOR IŒETINC !be traffic probl_ ... &p1a cI1acuHCI. Altboup ther. .ppears to be . corr1clor for rail tzrftl, the elaoalty 1. Dot ~ra. TbII co_te probl_ poø1b1, could be a11rI1ateel with 1~' aparœuu. City 1taDa..r Qltfnb" uqecI that _ 1JIcIaatrW area be cut oí! boa cleYaJ.o,.aot _. Couac. _11.. ..reed that .... _ tba D....r ODe p..,ority ea cooYertloa IDclWltrial or Cl pc1al1y -.I 1-.1 to r..lc1aDtJ.al. Sb.. felr that th. .eeI bai DOt ar1MD to eoforce '4. that 12 could be couUeracl. ad that 11 aboulel be opea to ra-enluatioa - cooa1c1ar rutal n. _er occupieel boualoa. AI.o, that ~ca aboulel be coutelaracl- vIuIt ie ac~cally f...lb1e? IIayor Fro11cb .Ut" that 10 t_ of clirecUoo to Staff. DO coueoaua aiate that ~eI "I f.....t. auy It.. Be reque.t.eI the acIcI1t1011 of It_ IS, au nalaatioD of ..,.....h aod beiaht poliCies wbtch relet. to clell8itle., aDd tile iInIu"fa~_ of the h1P n..e .PProach 10 can.lo .r.... lie u.ted tile DMd to ~ all ~lcat1oaa of Iû¡b rise. He raquuted that Staff pt _ra 1Dfo~1oa oa each .pproach. 0Iu:. ap1D the -rcI1aa of 14 ... cI1aCUHeI. City ltaDaþr QuiDlaD st.teel tbar the _10 tbruat v1ll be the .ttirucla of the pb....I..1 eo.ai..l0D ad tba City Coomcll. lfayor FroUcb po1atecl out the posaibllity th.t developers foUDcl It ...ier to neat.. City .pprov.l 00 lover elensity piaus. The new .ttltud. .vat b. .... clear to tbe developer. It ... cleterüDacl that there is DO _y to .eat the ABAC Dllllber DO III&tter vbac cbaDa- aipt occur. It v.. .....eated that when the City rece! YeS au .ppl1C.tiDD it could be cooaidered vitb its effects on jobs. City ItaDaler Q..f..1_ saiel that CoUDcll .eda to decide if it vaDts a policy of . 10&1 of b.1......eI c -fty ADd tbaD hope future Councils vill continue the _ept. 1fa70r Frol1cb ..ked if CoUDcll vauts to iDvestilete the job/ 1DcIuarr1al acre. Ba aspr...ecI the Deed for a reasooab1y cohesive package ael pb1loaopby. .u.o, elou the City want to use Reveoue Shariog funds? Cotmc. lfeyars ..... that Cupart1ao take . position in f.vor of Balanced lati8ate, sacODdecl by CoUDC. R.llis. The _tlon v.s pas.ed unanilllOusly. vitb Couac. .JacJt.oD .baaot. Tbllre vas . COU__ ÜAt tbe ~ll.le1e shoulel remain under a low density d..eloplRDt pattem In order to ..inUlo the lotegrlty of the Datural t.rr.lo .DeI th.t tbe Cupartloo lifestyle of a cleau, safe. spacious, convenient. buauceel. .olvent. md reput.ble City shoulel be ..lou1Ded. Dl.cuaaioD followeel cODceroiDg 14. CoUDC. Nelli. suggested éhe ~ossibility of .11a1J1.t1Da raol_ ad beiDa 80re .pecific 10 the CeDeral Plan; perhaps fl~ eI!rectioo would be better. He. lCr_r eaph..1zeel the iJIporuDce of lookloI .t ·.i,e it... as a unit wbaD decl.iona .re beiog ..de, r.~r tbaD con.iderinl eacb it.. individu.lly. CoUDC. Heyers reque.ted that staff investig.te what would happen if increased den.lty vere alloved. Wh.t would ~e the total incre.se in housing? Comma Markkul. requested that Staff do a further analysi.. Mayor Frolich·stated that it should becoae known that it i. not neces.ary to go to lower range to get approval of the City. . t KINUTES OF THE ~l~ER 13, 1977. JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COHHISSION CC-382 KEETlNG Paae 5 . Hr. lteyUII. V1ce-Prulc!at of 1.4.5. 1IoMs. add that developers vould lib to ~ ....t the City _u eo they could br1D¡ 1a prolr_ that · _t ûe criUr1.a. QaaUty Jd&b cleulty caD be buUt. that 18 Dot a prob- laa. ..__..... It 18 cI1ff1c1llc to bailel natal UD1tJ1 that cOYer cona. tile coat to tile cIneloper cIou DOt recluca proporUooately to the raciucUoD of al8e of apace. II1¡Ia riM 1a tile aiclcl1e of CUpart1ao _y or _y Dot ..u at $100.000. tile bu1ld1lla-1a of a _1. of pr1va.:y 1. iIrportaut. It ... -..cI by CøIac. ..11... .u-lIacI by CoUDC. Frol1cb auel pas'" __ Douly to aclJOUD the _tiDa at 8:4S p. .. 'þ/ ~~ &..~ . I