CC 09-20-77
crrr OF CIJ1'EltTIlIO. $TAD OF c.u.D'ODLI.
10300 Torre AftD_, Caperd.lro. Cal1foro1a 95014
Tüep!laaa: 252-4505
IIILD œ òJU"....... 20. 1977. II tII .;owc;u. CIIAItID, CITY IWJ.
YU'aa:;¡j"IIU. CAi.II'OI1IIA.
S&urD to tII PUG
tile KaJ'Or called tJae -C1DI to order ac 7:37 p. .. 111 the Co_ctl CbaIIbu
of City BaU.
~œu:. ~~t: J.......OII, Kayar., 1Iel.1U, O'raafe. Mayor Frol1da
Staff Presat: C!.ty Kuapr Qo.f..b"
D1ractor of ......f..i -crattve San1.c.. Ryder
D1reccor of Ph""f", ad DaYelop.aDt S1a1t
D1reccor of Publ1c Vorka V1aItOY1c:h
Cicy Attomey .w-
38. Di.c....tol1 of whether Pe~c. .bould !Ie to aD Ea
OD tea cOI1Yer.tOG pla. (cooc1:1uad fro. .et1:& of Sept. 19, 19;;')
The Mayor atated that tJae fir.t It.. of ~1øe.. would be a COl1ttauatt~ of
the cI1.c....IoD OD vtlatbar P_te .bould be co proY1cle au !Ill
OD tt. CODYara1~D pla, which dUCWI&too bad bUò1 CODtin~d f1:08 the ¡¡rev-
10l1li Co_cll .et1o&. The City Attomey provi.da<i 1øf~aatloD he bad be_
able to obta1a 00 cba var10ua upect.. of chi. ,,1ttöation and aa auaver to
the q....tloDa pONd by the CoUDC1l .c tea previous meecin&.
PrueDtatloaa - Juao1ta !f.cLareo, loa \leber. O'?acti, ThOlla.. (";)o_e1'
It .... lIOVec! by CoIIDC:. IIalUs. .ecoadacl by Counc. O'Keefe aDd p....d. unac-
1œous1y t~t a letter be drafted and sigQad by t~. Mayor for pre.entatien
to the Couoty'. Architectural and Site Approval Coaaitcee for it. aext
~eting of Thursday rUat1o& to the .p¡¡ltcaciol1 of Perœaneate before it
so aø to penalt tlat ~tc.. to ..Ita rec.-adatioa. to the Couoty P1&1-
a1o& eo.m...1ol1 outUo1AI tba coocems of th1a Council which were: nc.ise
level of operaciOD, truck traffic, hour. of operatiOD. air pollution aaó
other IIOde. of pc...1ble trauaporcacioa used for che taking out of ..terials.
The Mayor .tated tut ba bad received a :ec:omandation for 11000aatioc to tre
Couuty Library CO.-1..iOD froa the City'. Library Co~s.ioa a. had ~ee~
It ..a. moved by Counc. Jacksoa. secoaded by Coune. O'Keefe and passed unan-
1mDusly tbat :'fancy Bnmo be the City's t1oainee.
32. Pba.e I aeporc 011 :nterconnect '~as1bi1ity otudy arod au~hor1za:ioa ~:)
preceed ~1th Phaz. II. (centinued :~Qm =ee~1ng of September 6, 197;)
Pa.. 1
At to roey
re Peraanentl!
Letter to
County re
5runo -:hoswn
as C1ty COlli-
inee to
COUllty Librar
.u...uu... OF TIlE SEPTDIID 20, 1977, CIn COIIIfCIL rIUoUJIG
rr..autJ.Oll - Iany 1IIIrt'IIS, .1B Auodat..
w1t1a Ie....... by c:o.c. .'H'.ft<:Clllded by Couac. JacUoQ aDd pUle!! Vitia
U C-C. O'~e d1...t1q eo authorize tha Staff to pr0cea4 with !'base II.
33. Adequacy of Or"4 u raplac_ fth1cular acUY1ty 1a Ialpba Kar;;at
...'a parlWra Iou. (_..4--- fro. -uoa of Sapt..ør 6, 1977)
It ... .... by Couoc. O'Keefe, HC"m....... by CoUDC. .1ackaoD anel p....cI _
~1)' to COOU- ûû to tha -UDI of October 3. 1977.
J4. Cla1a of Iany Ii. lerptro. for ruuJ.tiq froa all..ed p1uabiq
cocIa 'I'1oh..4_. (c:orat1aaacl froa _t1a1 of SaptBber 6, 1977)
It vas .... by Coaoc. lleyen, .eCODdacl by CoIIIIC. .J~ aDeI p...ed UL.alt-
1IaIusly to daoy the cla1a .. rec_ad.. bJ die Cley Ateoroay.
35. Cla1a of '''rtbpoiDt Bo_r. AaSOCiatiOD for .U.... failure co
aoforce I1DUora lint ,.It". Code re&ulaUooa vieh raapect to roof1na.
(COIIt1aaacl froa _Uq of Septesmar 6. 1977)
"rtbpo1nt It -- lDOYacI by CoUDC. Mayan. secooclecl by CoUDC. .1acboo and ¡I...ed W1an-
cla1a daoiad 1IaIua1y to daoy tba clda .. rec_ -<I" by ehe City Ateoroay.
36. !IoUce of bids received and ._rd of cODtr.ct for 1Ú.scel.laneoua COD-
crece pur~h.... (DPV 78-4).
~doid co
Capp Coocrete
It ... 1DOve4 by CouDc. Sallia, ..coDde4 by CoUDC. !feyen and
lDOua1y to aw.rd die _trace to ~pp Coa.creee for iea bid of
throu¡b December 31, 1977 and $42.61 a yard t~ereafter.
pa..aad UDaoi-
$39.41 ¡In yard
37. !Iotlce of bids received and award of eoerrace for C1Y1e Center ParkLeg
Lot L1&ht1ø.¡ eomreratoe - Project 78-2.
_rclad to
It v.. IDOved by Counc. !fayer.. seconded by CQuoc. .1ackson M<Í ¡lassed unac-
iIIIoua1y to AVard ehe to Desi¡u DynaIa1cs Corporation for 1ts bv :'1d
of $10.269 and thee an additional appropr~tioe of $1.800 ~ aut~or1zad to
cover the overruo md cODtll11eecy.
39. Diacua.1OD of requa.t to amend Ceøeral Plan - Woelffel proparey. eor-
tbarly and acljacaot to Stevena Creak Boulav.rd approximaee1y 1600 feet
veater1y of tba iDter.ectioe of Foothill Boulev.rd aed Stevens Creek
Boulevard. DcU.ed by P1&D111ng Ccmmi.saion.
Pruutatloe - .11:11 Murray. De ADza Oa1t5
It v.. _ved by CoUDe. .1acuon and seconded by Coune. Meyers to reaff10
the P1&D111cg eo.aJAsion recommendatioe that the request cot be considered
at tlú.s ti_. The IIOtion VIII defeated w1th COUDe. Fro11ch. Counc. ~ell1s
and CoUDC. C'Ke.fa dissent1ng.
IIUIU~ OF mE ;o&I'UIIIII&& 20. 1977. cm COClICIL ftU;¿LIII>
It ... m..a by Couoc. O·Eeat.. øcODclacl by C-c. ".1U.. md p....d with
Coaoc. .J~ .... CouDc:. __a 01.........0. to raquen tba P1_4"1 ec.-
mu10D to f""'1ue a C- '61 '1111 -' ..t revt_ for tbå ptoPArty.
40. .
~ . to l'aIIl1c Vœb r.. c..1o.dn1..
It... .... by CouDc:. 1IIyan. ACOIIcI.. by ComIc. .JacboD eocI ,II.." _
4-.1y to -.I the f. for c:hKk1aa parcel ..,. by 1acreuiq it froa
$20 to $50.
42. Secoad r-..f"l of OPf.._<::. 110. 810: "All OrcIiD.mce of the CitY of
Cupart100 ......4..1 SactJ.Oll 5.20.015 Proh1bltJ.q TiIIu for Pad4l.n ....
Sol1c1ton, --cI1a& SactJ.OD 5.20.UO of tba Cupart1øø lfIm1c1pal Code
OId.ttJ.q Certalo P_ trOll the ExeptJ.ODa Prov1aloD of Chapter
5.20 &qu1atlol PacIcI1era aocI Sol1c1ton. ..-....f"l Sect10a
5ubeUtat1q 'IIIfractioD' 10 the Pl.ce of '1fU':----r' aocI Ad..t...
Sactioa 5.20.150 ProhibltJ.q P......u"l or Sol1c1tiq 00 Poued Pr-... "
It ... 80ftcI by CoUDc. JackaOD. øcODclacl by Couoc. !fayers .114 p..." _-
maualy that Ordl......... 110. 810 be uacled by the loc1ualoa UDder the oar-
rativ. portloa of SeCtiOD 5.20.UO th. raferaoc. to SClctloQ 5.20.lSO aocI
thet tba Kayor'. raacl1Dl of ?oMs Orel1DaDc. by tit1. ooly cODatltuta th.
fiat r....4..,.
46. Chaq. Order - Vartm P.rk
(a) lleaolutioD 110. 4563: "A h.,lutloa of th. City CoUDcil of the
Clty of CupertJ.oo ApproY1q CoDtr.ct ChaDI. Order Yo. 1 for
Vartao P.rk Pba8e I."
It _. ....... by C-c. J.ckaoD. ..cOllcleel by CoUIIC. Kayan aDeI pu..d unan-
maua1y tbat 1Iaao1ut1oa :10. 4563 be adopted .pprov1Dg the CoDtract Chaq.
Order 110. 1.
47. water CoasuaptloQ St.tua Raport.
Th. report vas accepted ADd fil.d.
48. Private Eaa_u OD Tula LaDe.
00 .dY1.e of th. City Attorney that this _. . e:lrtl !Utter be~eo the
Pr1Dr.:l.p.1 prop.rty ovoen, the City CoUDe:il took no actlon.
49.. Oral repert. by staff _bers and sublÚ.S.lon of wrl::ten reports.
It va. IIIOvec1 by COWie:. JackaoD. sec:,tnded by Counc. ~yers ADd pused urun-
1moua1y that the Mayor be authorized to sl¡n a letter with refereD",e ::0
Couaty Appllcatlon 6P77.3 1n4ir.et1c¡ ::hat Clty ~d no comment and also a
1.tter w1th refereac_ ::0 County App11cat1on 9Pii.2 expressing concern of
rosslb1e noise geaarated fro. the machine shop operat1on acd se.king
usurance ::ha:: s::rie::: controls will be exercis.d over any ou::åoor s::ora,e.
PAIl 3
Ga Jh1 Pia
_ .......t
II&¡ _L._ -1.....:
f.. ra1Hcl
Or I. So. 810
_ 1DcIa4.
&1- 'a first
reo d1aa
las. 110. 4563
aåop eel
hpor fil.d
Yo ac:: Ion -
cirtl ..;ter
County 'ppl1-
5P77.3 .ad
n1aIu~ OF till òMO"._"''' 20, 1977, C1Tt COUIICIL ftU,~LII\j
SO. 1ecop1t1Ga by !IaJvr of .,....1.1 req_u.
Ca) 1"- ,41 .......--- _ __
Ifeaf. ....
(b) City ~ n
It .. ..we! by eo.c. .JacboD. MCOIIcIacI by Couoc:. !faJen aacI pea" UDall-
t.nJaly tllat eo.c. O'r.fe be appo1atacl .. the Cj.ty'. repr_tac1Ya to the
~tua ba1q f~ by Dr. PacIr1c:k to .tudy tba COllI'4_4", c_l14at1OD
;tla: for the ~Uao Scbool Dûu1ct.
the Ka)- req nUcl tllac tIIa report froa the Architectural _eI Site Approval.
c-i:t.. racard1Da 1aau1 h..400 of baa atop. vith acIYut1a1q be p1acacl
OD tba aP'l4- for the -t1Da of October 3.
the Staff.. requMteel to reriev IUIcI subrd.t reporu for the October 3. 1977
-tiDe r-ht4_, to tba atAcua of tba propoaed Bubb IIøa4 bib 1me &Del a report
011 vbather the Cold Bubor ..lutloD or _ other II1&ht be appl1callle to
traffic probl_ ac the iDursact10D of terraee Drtve ael t.1Dd.a V1s~ nn.Ya.
T_ Ball
. -t1:Ic
The Staff... requutacl to place 011 tbe aaeode for the October 3. 1977
-UAa cI1acuadoo 011 tba propo.ed bold1DS of aother tow IIa.U _tiq.
It ... ADDOaracacl that the ...t1q hael beeo schac!uled for 7:30 p. :a.. October
12, 1977 at the St__ Creak Sc:ñool, for discussions with r..1dan~ of the
Cr..too area OD prob~ they are aperteaciDg.
The _tiDl ... acljouraecl at 11:42 p. JR.
City ClarY