CC 05-06-76 .~.--:. . e' . a:ø 01' CUhuc;...o, S'UD œ ~ ~ Tone A__, ~. ~o~ 95014 ,_.. ,Jaou.: 252-_505 ':, ~~~'''''.''.'''.'''''. ·.MU~or.DI~~U. ~i':;;; 1IItlH8 ~. !i".'.. " . . '.'" .COI*~iIiîiit. em au; '. . """ ., "'. . èALiiiìiIii, ' ' '~". '...,c..'".,",.." ~ ~"~·'.V'- '~;."" '''''. '~' ~- ~'" ". ' , ~.;¡. ":¡-~ . ~~::I " , "ío'lIIl'UG ", .'~,~ "~~~..,.n at 7.,.2 p. a. ia t1íe ! r oí"'.',1'èìØVBíì:'" ,', ilia. CAU. r ~. PrMat: hol1c:1a. ".-......_. --Uf., o'Keefe. IIaJor Keyer. r i:. AIIe.t: Øcme SCaff Pruat: City" -r-- q,.tft'''' Deputy City Clerk P.I\ p'h,f City Accon.y .... Director of n-iDa 81111 DevelopMDt Siek Director of P'-fftS Viskovich Aeeiataat P'~f"l Director Cowan .Ie Î:40 p. II., Counc. lfall1. .cepped dovu.. Couucllvoaan due to potatial -'l1ct of interut. J'RLIC IIEAlUNGS L PubUc hearing to _14er aD _dant to the 1964 General Pl_ for the City of Cupen1llo nlati". to the hilldde area of the City. Ad- ditioDally, eaiel hur1J:& 11111 co...idar the draft EDv1r-..tal Iapact JaPOrt for eaid propoa" ~-t. The draft EDviro_ntal blpact Report 18 iDcorporat" 111tb1D the General PIa - Bll1aide doc_t. ~atation by etaff - AøaiataDt Pl&l1l1111a Director Cowa ~_tat1oDa - Dick Ch11dna., Koben Nelli., ICathy Nellie, Bill Di..er, .Jo AIm Gholaon, Harben Cnnc:h (Ce1Iaral MaII.aar of the Kidp8Dinaula Rea- f-.1 Park Dl8trict), Cec1llfaboD, Jerry Karke1o, Bill McGuire, Boorud1l1 .., 1 .....11.. & v.. moved by Counc. Jac:UOD ad eeconded by Counc. O'a:.efe to approve Sa CODcept for the area of ~ Canyon the reco..endat10118 of the aeai- nlZ'al foraula with a five acre cut off ad f:o.rther to approve in concept die provia1oD of eerv1c.. fer thee epedfic area nt forth in r8YieiOD ~ the gneral hUldde pol1dea. !i!5!. .&IZS: IllES: Mabere (If the Cin Coullcll lroUch, JacU_, O'Xaefe, Meyers None Nellie None DIt: .-v.IN : !Ii '. ;" , ,J CC-31S Pap 1 I CouDc. !nepped d_ I Approve COQ- , cept of aeai I rural forllUl. ì & prov1aiOl1 I of aervic.. , -, . . . . IlUUU$ OF TBlIfAY 6. 1t76. cur COUJICIL nan_ ~ ~:P"~~.~. _~,.<..'~¡;/",i; '-',/- ,<' - ': .I";~'\':~~',}~. 2. 'i ..:..', ...'.... ?,;?,¡,,}' ~~-._;"'__.IIr. s,- ~... .....~.'Ía..C ·n;....... 11, ~ìjl.,,7..·.,':.. IiI ..." c:o.e. oTMfa __,~ ~41 fiAd AppUcat10a 1-ere-; , . .,oniq with tbIo c>: Lt:1M ~ irQ ria. ,< !!11!. ~ lI.r.of~t~Cr. '-'1 ØIS: ~IS: AlSIIIt : AIS'UDI: .J.~1P,_, O'JrMfe hoUcla. Ifa7eø !relIt. Ifou Ifo C_. IŒV BIISISESS ...s-. 'c- . f_ '-.1".. f_ '1IICA . Su _' ,'cue ....; . '.caff to .. paced aadt-, odC)"to wat,,,. f_ 3. DUC1I8atOD of vai_r of buaiDaaa liceoae f.e for tHCI. paDcake break- fue to be b.:ld OD Sacœclay, Hey 8, 1976. 4. DUcusaioo ,of policy reprd101 vaiviDI of bua1Da. l1c..... fe... It vu mved by Couoc. J'&-olich co vaive the bua1neaa liceDII. fe. fo&- the YMCA pcacake br.akfaat ..... to hold 10 abeyance r--..,h'l di.cua.ioD of busiDua l1ceDIIe f.... Cotmc:. J'rol1ch _od.d the 1I'OctOD to hclude vaiviDI of buaiD..e l1c_ f.. for aal. of pIenta and fl_ra for Pact.DU Ka.orW Ian.fit J'UDd, S- State Bo.pital. J'01loor101 _ta '!~ ;:¡'cy Manag.r q..f.,1an, Couac. frolich futher _d.tI the _ctOD co the eff.ct that authority be ~..t" for the .taff to revtew aziat1D& polici.. for clarificatioD with the hop. that th.y can foraulat. a ~it1ve þideliD. iD which eh. naff woald be authorized by the City CouIIc1l, .ubj.ct to the City Attoruey'. app&-OYal, co live a waiver of ehe buaiAaa. l1caDae f.. to cartaill ooa-p&-ofit o~.at1ou vithiD luida1iD.. d..cribed by the City CouIIcll. Couac. JacbOD aec.oud.d the _ded IIOtioD. !2U. t- Lara of cbe City Council AIlS: 11015: ABSENT: ABSTADI: !'rol1cb, be 1Ie111e !Ion. JacUOD, 0 'Eaefa, Kay.re ADJOURK!l!Yr Meyor Mey.rs "djourned the _tiDI at 12:00 e. III. to 7:30 p. a., !fay 10, 1'76. for e budlet .tudy ....ion. /"' ,.) . ~ ~ . ~ z;,_ oJ ll'J.-\- ....<1 - Deputy City elu ' -,------