CC 05-17-76
C1ft _ - IAIIU, stm or CALUVlUllA
103ODT. .....Ii. lie, C,,-Inmo, CaUtoDda '5014
1'-',n:"J1 2S2-450S
" "fJfJ:'óu.;o ~ !II ....i.'. 'fill em '.UUlII:D.
';~', , . œlMI 17.1176. ø ~.~A_"', em BALL
'. ' "'aaA.LIIU' ,
. ,.'
.~[_ _'*ÌJM:
" ,
tile n..
-11ee1 the ..Ciq to __ _ 1:30 p. a. rith cbe 1a1aU to
C-C. h J c: hoUcb (a:16 p. a.),.J . OD, Nelita, O'l:øfe. Mayor "-yeni
CoaDc. 11 - : Noae
Scaff P.
- : City !faDqer QuiDla
Dinccor of Aå1Diatru1_ Serv1c.. Ryder
Ci:y AttOr1ley M_
Dinctor of Pl·....i~' -.! Develop.aut Sislr. (a:10 p. a.)
Ð1ftctor of Public Voña Yiakovich (7 :41 p. a.)
Direccor of Parka anAl lecrution Butler
AsatateC P1DD1DI Dúec:cor Cowan
BoUSUl¡ and bhabil1tu1OD Coordinator Hendee
ORAl. 0- - . ('a.rIONS
1. (a)]Ir. Dante Petro repreaeatiDI Glea Oaks Homeowners Association
req_c.. _tatance UI the r_val of a Qauck Thompson Swim Club dp on
the ...... '11.0.
(11) !'naeataUOI1 fOf and qaiDat Propoa1tion IS.
Fo~ . pndetsra1naUOI1 by its . en that the City CoUllcll would
DOt cab - official poaiUon re¡ard111& Propoaition IS, proponenu and
°FPV-_U -. liven tiM for debate anAl rebuttal on ehe merits of boeh
dda of die queat1011. Presautationa _re by Mr. J.E. Mott and Mr.
DaD Vi- .....,.. 111 oppoaition to t'ropoaiC!oD 15 and ~.r. Hank Ad_ in favor
of ~ IS.
2. -,u-iou 1-%-76 of Ciey of C~n1ao: Rezoning 2o! acres frea ll3-2.2
'" P-Ual. IIUltiple, 2,200 sq. ft. per dwelling unit) Zoue co P
CPt . Developeent with r..id_t1.a1 land use inLended witb a density
of 0-2.6' units per acre) Zone. Said property is located adjacent to
... ~rly of foothill Boulevard oppoe1te the intersection of Alpiaa
1Id._ ...s Foothill Ioulevard. hc II~ for approval. (coutiDued
rz- _Un, of May 3, 1976) (C01aCi--U requested to ..etiD. of
J_ 7. 1976)
(a) I'Snt read1n1 of OrdiJIaace 110. 731: "AD Ordinauce of ehe CieT of
__rUno AMDdiJI, Section 1 of OriiDaDc:e No. 2 by "zon111&
, CC-317
1'... 1
'Glea Ow H
ovners, re-
_val of dgn
'for and qat
PropositioQ 1
'.... 2
TtJ-76 ap-
lItU'tor q-
J-1II-76 ad
....76 coa-
llier. eoaeõ-
¡ _.. OF ra KAY! ...., .... -= __ ·
~--rèJ(,it Acne fna 13-2.2 C..~. IIalttple.
2.* ~¡.",..m~ VUe) ZaM co r (rt tt ~.WI e
.seta' :..v..;lItTn'll~tlieta.fl -ICfof'o-2.65-'
1IdÞ.' f....... r.ocu.. ~...' co .. "cul, of root-
b11 . ,'G1ïn.tée dMI ~. of ~ Drift ...
roowu ., 0-' CCGDtt.'I1f &0. --Þ4.. of _ 3. 1976)
. Md._ of Coaac. .r...,~t~1. ..uD4" ., c:o.u:. "Ufe. ie ... ,.....
--t-..l, chat jpplt~~:'- 1-%-76 aM the firse "-«fft, of OrcIiDaace
1Íit. 738 lie CODCtDMII co dMa ..Ciq of JVAe"'. 1976.
z. C.)
~~ '1;
3. Appl1cati01l 7-U-76 of Va11co P.rk, Ltd.: Uae Pend.t approvi11& a
...ter use ¡l4nd.t co .u- various lac! ue. requ1r1Al . use pand.e
.. He forth iD Sect~ 9'.1 iD tbe General eo-rcial zonin, ordinance.
Said use. will b. located iD the Vallco F..bion Park Relioaal ShoppiDg
Center ..11 lec.teeS acljecent to and w..t.rly of Wolf. Road. Recca-
....d.d for approval.
heaentation - Hr. Waltar 'lard
Ie va _v..d by Counc. FroUeh and e.cOIIded by Counc. O'Ke.f. that aprU-
catiOIl 7-U-76 be .pproved .. nc:oa.lldad by Pl_iDl eo-1eaion Re.olution
1520 vith Collditioll 1110. 16 deleted. The _tion p...ed vith CoU11C. Jacksoll
ad Counc. O'lta.fe d1.8aent1Dg.
It v.. the axpr... iDtene of the IIOtion to approve the McDonald's and Toy
Store us.. with both baYiAa uterior antrcc.. to the aall. MY additional
ezterior antranc.. to the -.l1 must fir.t be approved aa to policy by
the City CouAcU befon the appUcationa .n proc....d by tbe Architectural
ad Site Approval c-1ttM.
4. AppUcati01l 12-~76 of Divi«ud IlIdustriea: Tentative Map to .ub-
divide approxilllltal1 1.1 ecrea into four sinale-faaily reddelltial
loea. Said property 1.8 loc.ted soutberly ac! .djacellt to St.v....
Creak Boulevard .t the .outbv..t.rly intaraecti01l of Janic. Avanue
aM Ste_ Creak Ioalavard. Rec_ded for .pproval.
,. Appl1cati01l 3-V-76 of Dividand I1Iduatr1..: V.riance fr_ Seceioll
6.12 ad 10, Orðf~.wC. 220(11), sinal.-family r.s14e11ti.l zone to
parait a lot to fraae oa a privata ..._t 111atead of frolleilll 011
the unov..t porttoa of the lot facinl . public seraae, .. required
I1y ord1na1lce. saU prope~ty !os loc.ted southerly aDd .djacent co
St._ Cr..k Boul-.ard at the eouthw..e.rly iDeere.ctioD of Janice
Aveuua cd Stev.... Creek Ioul.vard. Recomm.nded for approval.
It vaa _ved by Counc. froUeh, s.conded by Ceullc. O'Keefe aDd paud
"".~fQðualy tb.t AppUcatiaa. l2-tH-76 aDd 3-V-76 be cOQ8idered at tbe
._ t!ae.
"" '," 7"'
.0«1 OP TBI MAt 17. 1976. cur œncn. ndu_
... 1Iy _~u.. 11- Cd'1 Coaac:. FnUc:II ... ,.n.. __
tJaat ¡PP11C&tSøIÌII.J2-2IJ-71;,," 3-'-76 be approftll .. ft. .-.. 111
-fadoo-- I~'lí 1527'._1521. .
-. .
'lMo1at1011''¡'/~'~1 ~.~m.uo.·of elle Cf.t7êa~f ~rl. of cb* Cf.
of tlttU~ ~.~'l'r!Ïlt'~~:1.'CIt.Di'fUeDd T-·~" tn.
.un.. 6.I2I1111iaJO.~". 220(11). If~'_"~ryr ,.0-01-1
ZaM Co hmt·.. ..... .. ... _ . Mwt. r. 't 1M.. ~ of
FI_rh.. C;.··' 1 It. hniaD of die Lot I'adq . ...lie
Stnlt, . 111. '-~:C)òiH"""aI; tocat" .......-17 .. "j.cae
to SteftU 1:.1'" r. t ~A a& ClIo SoaChveaeu11 tacuncctoa of A..- .. I&.-. - cn.k Ioulftarel."
';i; ,/ .
,,~ '_)
~.,.,~. ...
,,'-:'; ..,.,.J~
IC_ mvecl1ly Cowc. ~1IØo. 11.1."-'1 Coaac:. O·...f.... pe.,."_-
- '1 Co acIopt 1tuo111CS1a So. 416'.
6. AppUcatioD Be-51,OU.l21 - 1M a.4 SilM, Inc. (S1Qta Corpo~aci_)
nq_t1ll¡ ap¡)rowal of a II1p ,roar_ 1Dclud1Da _ Uc:optiCID to Secl:101l
6.04 of the Sip QrwIf--ce Co all_ two aroUlld dau OA uUc1A& 1I1da-
crial Iota riCh 1... ~ tho requirecl fr01ltaae. S&J,~ propo~ 1.& 10-
cateel 1D ehe V..t Va1le1 ~_cr1al Park Ola che e..c ... _t aid. of
Jabb Roael approdaataly 200 ft. aoutherly of Stev.... Creak lmIl_ard.
keG --dd for çprOYal.
I& _ _eI by Cou11c. JleU1a, MCOD4eel by CoUDC. Frolic:ll _eI ,...eeI _-
r .....11 chat Appl1catioa ac-'l.08I.l21 be apjlroncl.
7. _pl1catiOD BC-'l,075.421 - Ehrl1ch, Beft and lIcatnaer
nq_tiq approYal of eice, architeccura, ledscapua ad ara4iDa for
- .,10y... recnac1all ana located at the aOlltheaac quaclr_t of H~- .
.cUII load eel Volf. Iøaot beev_ Volfa Road ...d Tetau "va.. lac_
...... for approval.
I& _ ~ by Cowc:. lroUc:II, Mc0a4ee1 by Couac. J acuola and p...eeI _-
· thet ApplicatilXa 8C-51,075.421 be approved.
.. Application BC-'1,382.l - I. 1:. Iab1.auu requeetua appro-,al of de.,
øchJ.tectura, lazubcapiaa, &rad1øa cd l1¡hcina for a l6-.m1c cluscer
....lopaant locac.. oa cIIa _c aide of F1~c:h Avenue apprcndaa~a1y 360
ft. aOlltherly of cbe 1:aCar!!_~ioD of Sor....on Avel1ue and F1ac:ll A_a.
la_cIacI for .,prcwal.
Ie _ aoved by CooIac. We111.&, MCODcIeeI by CoUDC. Frol1ch and p....cS _-
· Chat AppUC"UCI:I BC-'U .382.1 b. approvd.
,. Appl1cation BC-51,383.1 - %be ~ S...rit... UuitPd ~Athocl1ee Church
requeatin¡ approval 0: e~ce. archieecture, landscapina. ara4111a, liCht1u8
and eilDina for a three ..... expaaaion of :he ChUl~ faciliey located '
ac the sO!l.tb..t COI'llOr of tbo 1DtanecdoD of Bomeeteacl 11084 and
L1uet w..¡. lac.. -.... for approval.
' CC-317
Paa.. 3
" U-'Df-76 ....
: IG. 10. 41&.
I Mope"
: ap,roved
.... 4
f.--.... Of TBE MY 17, 1976. ~ ~IL MUTING
I~ _1iIOftd by 0Iaac:. o·"~·., f-r ." 10)' CoUDC. l.ol1ch and I' I!_
1;..Z.:::1::~:5:..:~~ ::::=t1D1 approftl O~-ø-
\:,~1«1'of dCéfWrÁIJ..e:"...r .._t.-t COIIPlø locat" ..tIIe
iìlféï"ide of o..ü e-;¡"'¡(~~:'JI¡J' . 12' ft. fr.llt tJMa 1'" · H
'~'of .&1~_ Dri.w. ,-.. ·-f'fo~ epp~na:...
_ ... ..... by ea.o. .1- . II. f f'M by CouDc. O'r-t. and 'If 11 ill -
J - '7 tbot -.,11.,-t1.. 11)051.126.1 .. arpnwd.
....ücau. 1IC-51.3I4.1 - ...._ . Maociatu requut1.Jl1 ....'_9~
of .It., a:rc:Idtectœa. 1 . .1IIa and lIptiDa for MClUt..-- of
_ aiat1.Jla aan1ce .t-f- wlte to _ offiCi cater lout" _ eM
~c cone~ of S.·"f~ ..... and !fcClellm load. "t ... ,
fen' appl'Oftl.
h _ IIOftd by CouDc. lIIA"f_, IeCOIS4eoI by CoUDC. Jacltacm and PUaK _-
- Jly that Appl1caeicm 1JC-5l.384.l H apprond.
1%. Appl1catiOD !!C-51,183.3 - S·)5A- Coulthard req_Unl epprowal of
_ 1DdiY1dual t_t sip for a fresh produce facility. Sú4 pr~rty
11 locatH 111 the O--t So¡aara Shopp1.Jlg Center em tha souc...:
-.:øraer of Ilmey A_ SII4 &o..scaad load.
-51,183.3 - "eel from a¡e:da aa ic had beea COIitiDVed at the Arch1teceural ICK Sica
ed fr... Arr¡ eo-1ttee level.
:3. Applicaticn: aC-'l,015.l8 - S111 MrYJre . Aa5ociat.. (\lheuho.... "cords}
raq_tin. çproval of uchJ.caccure and siSD1n. fllr a r.cord salas
b~d1Da l=caeed to :ha Capert111ø Cros.road. ShoppiDI Cancer.
-Sl,015.18 :::... IIOftd by CoUDc. JackaOll., ..~'WI.. by CoIllOC. O'Eeefe and p.... _-
roved · ..4ly that .ç;,~icatIOD 1JC-51,r.~.18 II. approved.
:4. Appl1catioa IIC-51,()(j;!.~ - S~ham Sanborn requestina approval of
arc:h1teceurù aod1ficaUOD CD pem1c a clwaae 111 roof aatar1al.e for
a foar-unit apartMAt =-pl- located on tile IIOrtheaat dc!a of Al.;IiDa
Dri" HIt of Foothill Boalevarc!.
-Sl,002.11 :: _ _ad by CoUDC. FroUch. secoudad by CoU11C. Nellis aDd pu." _-
roved · ..-ly that ApJ)l1caU_ HC-'l,002.1l ba approYld.
lS. Appl1caticn: IIC-'l,015.19 .. ~ Pact Sips requutiDS approval of an
"-at to the aip presr- for ehe Clothls Bin located to che
Cupartino Croelroaå $bopp1=& CaDcer.
-51,015.19 ~ _ _veo! by CoUDC. Jacb_, aecoo4ed by (OUDC. ¡¡,Uis aDd passu _-
roved - ..-ly that AppUcation IIC-'l,015.l9 be approved.
16. Appl1C~tioD IIC-Sl,299.3 - CaJ. Coaat Sip ColllpaDY (Stevll1S creek
CeIItu) rl,,1:estbs approval. of . sip proaram for liD office coaplax
located bee-en SC._ ~ Soul..vud and Alves Drive approJdaacely
1SO ft. vest of Saich V.:",.
_~ .' "rIlE If.Ø 17, 1t76. cur CXJmICIL ....,uø..
J&'i,.'tirI:b..Ued b1 Coaac. ..11f_.,.f I adlll b1 Coaac. hol1cb .. ,..-'IeI uaa-
. Æt1~6ac Appl1cacioD' 1IC-51.,29t.3 be ...,ZOOftcI.
. ~ ~
~ l1li__.
"". ~-..
17..-" - -10M for J.... St - .
1\1 I htloa .
r a-A.. II.
k..:........ 111 taac. o'l'IWe. .. ¡ At.. by Couac. ho11da .. ,.... -
fi "~... the ctCT ~ .. . " , . .A OD a CODtU..f"s llaaia Witla the Cape~
e:s.. ~_ the q_C1aD of .,a_ullhi.p at . futur. elate for appl1cøc.
to dIe..r.1or Stat_ fa .......... ~r school.
18. AAIDptioa of a pol1q .~~ llelov-aaruc houaiDe nqa1~ta for
~.tial d...1Of t. C_tiDue4 fr_ _etiDa of !lay 3, 1976)
~. .-bDa -!fr. Dick Ol1Ym:. !fro S_ Burlad
Oa .t.1c:t_ by CowIe. Frol1cb .. secoød by CoIl1lC. O'~fe, it. .... pa..ed
wU:Ia c-c. .JacboD di.s.tiDe thac c:h. propose4 policy reaudiag below-
_"'t boaaina requi~t. for _1d.t1al davelo~t b. tabled.
19. JawUv IIICI approval of IaY1ae4 Houaina Aaalatal1C8 Pl_ for 1976-77
~.inl and c.. TiC1 DeveIop.mat Application.
1:: __ aweá by CoUDC. ]fel!ia. aeccnded by CoUDC. .Jackson aDd pa...d --
~:.,' UI adopt the ataff reg, " "ation.
20. _cd of Fireworks 'eratu for 1976.
Pap 5
Ciq lip.
p....... trida
J.,~ fa-
: Propoa"
: bel_w --Pltet
housiaa pol-
: icy tabled
. Scaff rec:oc-
: a8IIÜtioD
i adopt"
Xc __ awed by CoUDC. Jac:bOD, -=Dde4 by Cou11c. Frol1ch aDd p...ed __: F1r_ru
~~,. that tha foll,","111a parmu be award" for 1976: I p.rat"
; avardecl
Capertino !!oat Liou Club
OptUiat Club of CUpart11lo
'IM-_ Vallay u..-1,. '147
&ai1IbcIIr for Glru
tile Cupertino .Jayc:a..
De AIlsa Lions Club
JolI 's Daupters lac:hel 304
Cupart1DO lip School Athletic
Booueu Club
Tri-Citie. Lietle Laa¡ua Club of Cupertino
The Church of .Jeaua Chriae
of Latter-Day SdDu
21. Pub and Recrutiolt C 1..1011 ra~Ddat1011 for pu.J.iaea 011 COl1cea-
.!aD .al.. 111 City parb.
Xc _ _ci by CoUDC. hol1cb, aeco1Ided by CoUDC. O'Iaafe aDd approvad vlth Sc:aff racoa-
C ~_.Jackson aDd COWlC. JIe] \1a .ua..tin¡ that the at~~f reCOlllElaDdaÚon llleDdaeioc
.. - r ,c.d UDder a tdal proar- _Ul the end of ._r at: which time it adopted OD
w11l ~~ft be placed on tha aaaada for av.luaeioD. trial proar
..... 6
Glrel. 110.
read- ,
~d. 110.1
c. Cj
. 110. 741
bike club
IWIUUS OF THE KAY 17. 1976, em cot!lccn. Mu ufI:
23. Secocael n.a1q of oru"-ce 10. 73~: ".. Ozd1uaca of the City
of CupeftlJlo . .' . -,~ Qapter 2.36 of tile CaputlDø 1bI1c1pal Co1å.
1iI1at1ll& to'de ...':.... lacnatioO' (, - i·.äa. by ....111& Vad0a8
Sec:tioU 'J:baèOf. ,,'atiPl to tile ..U' of ,.--toun, 'DIeú
'f_ of Off1ee. 2IìIIIü JfutiDp, aad'Dleú '-n .. haetiou."
Ie _.. __ by CoaDc. !nUda. .ec>1UIed by CoaDc. Jacbola aad p....
--i_ly co '- ()rH..-ca 110. 739 read by title OD1y aad the Hayor'.
read1D1 to CODIIc1tute dae _oað r..di"g.
Ie _.. IIOvH by CoaDc. .TKbcm, ..coaðed by Co_c. FroUeh aDd p...ed
--troøly to _t OPi""'ce Bo. 739.
24. SecoDd readiDs of Orcl1Daac. No. 740: "AD OrdiDanc. of th. C1cy
of Cup.rclao AaeadiDa SectioD 8.08.240 of the Cupertino Kuaic1pal
Code, Relating to Dol Ltceaae F...."
It w.. moved by CoUDC. .JacboD, secoad.d by Counc. Frol1ch and p....d
unaa1llOusly to hav. OrdiDance No. 740 read by title only and the Mayor's
reading to coaatleut. cha secoDd reading.
It w.. moved by Counc. Fro11ch, secoae!ed by Counc. JackaoD ane! p...ed
unaaillously to mact ~d1Dance No. 740.
2'. Secoad reading of ~d1nanc. No. 741: "AD ~e!iaance of the Cicy of
CupMrCino Ame11diDa Chapt.r 11.08 of th. CuperCino MuDlcipal Cod.
to CoI:¡Jly with S_ ltequir_Dts of St.te Law Rel.ting to Bicycl..."
Th. folloving --.ndaeDc. vera and the staff then to
circulate the rropo.eel o~41nanc. .. .-ended to the bicycl. clubs for
c_ts with th. ~d1øac. beiDa .gedhed for che ..ting of June 7,
~11.08.230 Bicycle LaDe - Re.erictioD.. Once h.ving .Dt.r.d a bicycle
lane, DO persOI1 rUinl or operating a bicycle shall l.ave such la., .x- to ov.rtake aDd pas. enother b.cycle proc.ed1ag iD the Sá1lS dir.ceioD
with1a the lane. or wbeD pr.p.ring for. lefe or dght tura at an 1atersec-
tiOD or 1at" a public or priv.t. driv...ay. or wheD ane! pas.ic:.
a ped..tr1a11 or vablcle vith1a th. Ian. or about to .Dt.r tt.. laD., or
when reasonably _cas~ to avoid road h..ards, or wh.D ehe sp.ed of the
cyc11st 18 .uch that cha prevatlina sp.ed within the !licycl. laDe bpedes
th. cycli.t'. progr.... In th. aveDt, th. cycli.t sh.ll r.tura
to the bicycl. laas wheD the pr.vail1ag .peed within the bicycle lane DO
I 101lgar iaped.s h1a progr.... Provided hrtbar, chat such per:oD cay th. bicycle lana becv.en 1ater..ctioaa iD ord.r to mak. . U-tura,
when such a cum 18 parat..1bla for vehicular traffic. Upon 1.av1nl
a bicycle 1_., the rUer or operator of such bicycl. shall yield the
rtghe of way in the ._ _.r as any vabicl. yi.lda the right of way upon
ehang1na Ian... Once hcYtna left th. bicycl. lane, and W1til he haa returned
to the bicycle lane, the rid.r or operator of .ueh bicycle is subj.ce to
SectioD 11.08.ISO of ch1a Chapter. Such persoD aay leave a bicycle lane
UPOD di._uDtlas froa a blcycl., ...dlcing the s_. ane! beiDg subj.ce then
to all laws .pplicable to pede.triau."
._- .----
_¿1Wt or 'DIE !fAt 17, 1976, crrt COU1fCIL IlUXDIG
Aan" ¿
,..- 1- aijv"': 14 the ...C1aI a& 11:59 p. .. to .ec qem . 7:30 p. ..,
.. ,11. It76, for the PIaQIDI. of. iDCen1ew1q «ppl1c:aDu: fø ..-.rdw OR
. fiííIåt ... I.ecnac1oD "--.iøD ... to CODCiAae the "" t~ tfta the
t at". of Kay 17, 1976.
City Clerk
-.--- _._~..-
'qe 7