approved plansLOCATION MAP PROJECT TEAMSHEET INDEX COVER SHEET A0.0 R E M O D E L / A D D I T I O N ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAP ENDO-JUDA R E S I D E N C E SITE SITE DEMO OF EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH 1520.86 EXISTING LIVING S.F. ON A 9475 S.F. LOT. NEW CONSTRUCTION TO BE TWO STORY SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH 4 BEDROOMS AND 3 BATHROOMS TOTALING 2691.35 S.F. OF LIVING AREA WHERE 670.96 S.F. BELONGS TO ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (1BR AND 1BA ON 1ST FLOOR) WITH 422.29 S.F. GARAGE TOTALING 3113.64 S.F. OF NEW RESIDENCE. ARCHITECTURAL A0.0 COVER SHEET A0.1b GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET A0.2 FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS A0.3a EXTERIOR PERSPECTIVES A0.3b EXTERIOR PERSPECTIVES A0.4 STREETSCAPE A0.5 BUILDING ENVELOPE A1.0 SITE PLAN & DEMO SITE PLAN A2.1a 1ST FLOOR PLAN A2.1b 2ND FLOOR PLAN A2.2a LOWER ROOF PLAN A2.2b UPPER ROOF PLAN A3.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A5.0 BUILDING SECTIONS CIVIL SU1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LANDSCAPE L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L2 LANDSCAPE AMENITIES PP PRIVACY PROTECTION PLAN ARBORIST REPORT AR-1 ARBORIST REPORT APPLICABLE CODES PROJECT SUMMARY APPLICABLE CODES (with Cupertino Amendments) 2016 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, CAC 2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, CBC 2016 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, CRC 2016 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, CMC 2016 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, CPC 2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE, CEnC 2016 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL CODE, CEC 2016 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, CFC 2016 CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS 2016 CALIFORNIA REFERENCED STANDARDS SCOPE OF WORK DEFERRED SUBMITTALS 1. FIRE SPRINKLERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13D AND STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS--NOTE THAT PER CRC 313.3.7, A SIGN OR VALVE TAG SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE MAIN SHUTOFF VALVE TO THE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STATING THE FOLLOWING: "WARNING, THE WATER SYSTEM FOR THIS HOME SUPPLIES FIRE SPRINKLERS THAT REQUIRE CERTAIN FLOWS AND PRESSURES TO FIGHT A FIRE. DEVICES THAT RESTRICT THE FLOW OR DECREASE THE PRESSURE OR AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF THE WATER TO THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, SUCH AS WATER SOFTENERS, FILTRATION SYSTEMS AND AUTOMATIC SHUTOFF VALVES, SHALL NOT BE ADDED TO THIS SYSTEM WITHOUT A REVIEW OF THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM BY A FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST. DO NOT REMOVE THIS SIGN" 2. STAIR GUARDRAIL SHOP DRAWINGS SIGNED AND STAMPED BY ENGINEER TO BE SUBMITTED TO BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL--NOTE THAT SHOP DRAWINGS TO DEMONSTRATE GUARDRAIL DESIGN IS ADEQUATE TO SUPPORT A SINGLE CONCENTRATED 200 POUND LOAD APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AT ANY POINT ALONG THE TOP OF THE RAIL PER CRC TABLE 301.5 AND 301.5 FOOTNOTE D 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINO PROJECT NO.REVISION C STUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC. 17-017DESCRIPTIONDATE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA1 TRUE"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE02.09.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTALNDRAWN BYIV 06.29.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL IV2 08.29.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV 09.24.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV O W N E R Ai Endo and Ken Juda 22078 Hibiscus Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 ph: 858 232 2645 email: amor_endo@hotmail.com kenjuda@hotmail.com A R C H I T E C T Studio S Squared Architecture, Inc. 1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 attn: Irena Veljovic ph: 408 998 0983 ; 408 404 0144 email: Irena@StudioS2arch.com C I V I L E N G I N E E R Lea & Braze Engineering, Inc. attn: Tim Goswami email: TGoswami@leabraze.com L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T Greg Ing attn: Greg Ing ph: 408 476 8682 email: ging@g regingassoc.com A R B O R I S T Kevin Kielty Certified Arborist attn: Kevin Kielty ph: 650 515 9783 email:kkarbor0476@yahoo.com THE FOLLOWING ARE REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL/REVIEW: 1. WINDOW/DOOR PACKAGE 2. CABINET SHOP DRAWINGS AND FINISH SAMPLES 3. MECHANICAL DUCTING PLAN 4. STAIR AND RAIL SHOP DRAWINGS 5. MISC. STEEL SHOP DRAWINGS NOTE: SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIRED SUBMITTALS FOR SHOP DRAWINGS, ETC. REQ'D CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS TO BUILDING DEPT. PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE 1. LICENSE NUMBER 2. INSURANCE AND WORKER'S COMP POLICIES 3. CONSTRUCTION STAGING PLAN 4. CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALGREEN 4.408.2 REQ'D CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS TO ARCHITECT 1 1 1 1 1 R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda PROJECT NO.REVISION C STUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.17-017DESCRIPTIONDATE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA1TRUE"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE02.09.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTALNDRAWN BYIV06.29.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL IV208.29.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET A0.1b 1. A4.106.4 Electric vehicle (EV) charging for new construction. New construction shall comply with Sections A4.106.4.1 and A4.106.4.2 to facilitate future installation and use of electric vehicle chargers. Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) shall be installed in accordance with the California Electrical Code, Article 625. A4.106.4.1 New one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses with attached private garages. Tier 1 and Tier 2. For each dwelling unit, a dedicated 208/240-voltbranch circuit shall be installed in the raceway required by Section. The branch circuit and associated over current protective device shall be rated at 40 amperes minimum. Other electrical components, including a receptacle or blank cover, related to this section shall be installed in accordance with the California Electrical Code. A4. Identification. The service panel or subpanel circuit directory shall identify the overcurrent protective device designated for future EV charging purposes as “EV READY” in accordance with the California Electrical Code. The receptacle or blank cover shall be identified as “EV READY.” A4.106.4.2 New multifamily dwellings. Tier 1 and Tier 2. Where 17 or more multifamily dwelling units are constructed on a building site, 5 percent of the total number of parking spaces provided for all types of parking facilities, but in no case less than one, shall be electric vehicle charging spaces (EV capable of supporting future EVSE. Calculations for the required number of EV spaces shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. 2. Plumbing fixtures (water closets and urinals) and fixture fittings (faucets and showerheads) shall comply with the following per CalGreen 4.303.1: a)Water closets (1.28 gallons per flush)--The effective flush volume of all water closets shall not exceed 1.28 gallons per flush. Tank-type water closets shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA WaterSense Specification for Tank-type Toilets. Note: The effective flush volume of dual flush toilets is defined as the composite, average flush volume of two reduced flushes and one full flush. b)The effective flush volume of wall-mountedurinals shall not exceed 0.125 gallons per flush. The effective flush volume of all other urinals shall not exceed 0.5 gallons per flush. c)Showerhea ds (2.0 gallons per minute at 80 psi) i) Single showerhead. Showerheads shall have a maximum flow rate of not more than 2.0 gallons per minute at 80psi. Showerheads shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA WaterSense Specification for Showerheads. ii) Multiple showerheads serving one shower. When a shower is served by more than one showerhead, the combined flow rate of all showerheads and/or other shower outlets controlled by a single valve shall not exceed 2.0 gallons per minute at 80 psi, or the shower shall be designed to allow only one shower outlet to be in operation at a time. iii)Note: A hand-held shower shall be considered a showerhead. d)Faucets. i) Residential lavatory faucets (between 0.8 gpm @ 20psi and 1.2gpm @ 60psi)--The maximum flow rate of residential lavatory faucets shall not exceed 1.2 gallons per minute at 60 psi. The minimum flow rate of residential lavatory faucets shall not be less than 0.8 gallons per minute at 20 psi. ii) Lavatory faucets in common and public use areas. (0.5 gpm @ 60psi)--The maximum flow rate of lavatory faucets installed in common and public use areas (outside of dwellings or sleeping units) in residential buildings shall not exceed 0.5 gallons per minute at 60 psi. iii) Metering faucets (.25gal per cycle)--Metering faucets when installed in residential buildings shall not deliver more than 0.25 gallons per cycle. iv) Kitchen faucets (1.5 gpm @ 60psi)--The maximum flow rate of kitchen faucets shall not exceed 1.5 gallons per minute at 60 psi. Kitchen faucets may temporarily increase the flow above the maximum rate, but not to exceed 2.2 gallons per minute at 60 psi, and must default to a maximum flow rate of 1.5 gallons per minute at 60 psi. v) Note: Where complying faucets are unavailable, aerators or other means may be used to achieve reduction. 3. Plumbing fixtures and fittings shall be installed in accordance with the latest adopted California Plumbing Code, and shall meet the applicable standards referenced in Table 1 401 .1 of the latest adopted California Plumbing Code per CalGreen 4.303.2 4. 4.304.1 Irrigation controllers provided by the builder and installed at the time of final inspection shall comply with the following: i) Controllers shall be weather- or soil-based that automatically adjust irrigation in response to changes in plants' needs as weather conditions change. ii) Weather-based controllers without integral rain sensors or communication systems that account for local rainfall shall have a separate wired or wireless rain sensor that connects or communicates wit the controller(s). Soil moisture-based controllers are not required to have rain sensor input.. 5. A4.405.3 Recycled content. Comply with the requirements for recycled content in Section A4.405.3.1. A4.405.3.1 Recycled content. Use materials, equivalent in performance to virgin materials with a total (combined) recycled contentvalue (RCV) of: Tier 1. The RCV shall not be less than 10 percent of the total material cost of the project. Required Total RCV (dollars) = Total Material Cost (dollars) x10 percent (Equation A4. 4-1) Tier 2. The RCV shall not be less than 15 percent of the total material cost of the project. Required Total RCV (dollars) = Total Material Cost (dollars) x15 percent (Equation A4. 4-2) 6. Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, conduits, or other openings in the building's envelope at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage of rodents by closing such openings with cement mortar, concrete masonry, or similar methods per CalGreen 4.406.1 7. Recycle and/or salvage for reuse a minimum of 65% of the nonhazardous construction and demolition waste in accordance with Section A4.408.1 Tier 2. Documentation is required, submit waste management plan indicating how the construction waste will be handled to the enforcing agency for approval per CalGreen 4.408.1. 8. A construction waste management plan shall be submitted to the enforcing agency for approval and shall conform with the following per CalGreen 4.408.2: a)Identify the construction and demolition waste materials to be diverted from disposal by recycling, reuse on the project or salvage for future use or sale. b)Specify if construction and demolition waste materials will be sorted on-site (source-separated) or bulk mixed (single stream). c)Identify diversion facilities where the construction and demolition waste material will be taken. d)Identify construction methods employed to reduce the amount of construction and demolition waste generated. e)Specify that the amount of construction and demolition waste materials diverted shall be calculated by weight or volume, but not by both. 9. Utilize an enforcing agency approved waste management company, which can provide verifiable documentation that the percentage of diverted construction and demolition waste materials meet the requirements in Section 4.408.1 per CalGreen 4.408.3 10. Generate a total combined weight of construction and demolition waste disposed in landfills that does not exceed 4 pounds per square-foot of the building area. Disposed waste less than 4 psf of the building area shall meet the minimum 75% construction waste reduction required in Section 4.408.1 per CalGreen 4.408.4. 11. Provide the enforcing agency with documentation that demonstrates compliance with Section 4.408.2, Items 1 through 5, Section 4.408.3 or Section 4.408.4 per CalGreen 4.408.5 a )Sample forms found in "A Guide to the California Green Building Standards Code (Residential)" (located at www.hcd.ca.gov/CALGreen.html) may be used to assist in documenting compliance with this section. b)Mixed construction and demolition debris (C&D) processors can be located at the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). 12. An Operation and Maintenance Manual compact disc, web-based reference or other media acceptable to the enforcing agency including, at a minimum, the items listed in Section 4.410.1, shall be completed and placed in the building at the time of final inspection per CalGreen 4.410.1 a)Directions to the owner or occupant that the manual shall remain with the building throughout the life cycle of the structure. b)Operation and maintenance instructions for the following: i) Equipment and appliances, including water-saving devices and systems, HVAC systems, water heating systems and other major appliances and equipment. ii) Roof and yard drainage, including gutters and downspouts. iii) Space conditioning systems, including condensers and air filters. iv) Landscape irrigation systems. v) Water reuse systems. c)Information from local utility, water and waste recovery providers on methods to further reduce resource consumption, including recycle programs and locations. d)Public transportation and/or carpool options available in the area. e)Educationa l material on the positive impacts of an interior relative humidity between 30-60% and what methods an occupant may use to maintain the relative humidity level in that range. f) Information about water-conserving landscape and irrigation design and controllers which conserve water. g)Instructions for maintaining gutters and downspouts and the importance of diverting water at least 5 feet away from the foundation. h)Information on required routine maintenance measures, including, but not limited to, caulking, painting, grading around the building, etc. i) Information about state solar energy and incentive programs available. 13. All duct and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheet metal or other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency until the final startup of the heating, cooling and ventilating equipment per CalGreen 4.504.1 14. Architectural paints and coatings, adhesives, caulks and sealants shall comply with the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) limits listed in CalGreen Tables 4.504.1- 4.504.3. Finish materials for pollutant control shall comply with section CalGreen 4.504.2 a)Adhesives, sealants, and caulks used for the project shall meet the requirements of the following standards unless more stringent local or regional air pollution or air quality management district rules apply: i) Adhesives, adhesive bonding primers, adhesive primers, sealants, sealant primers, and caulks shall comply with local or regional air pollution control or air quality management district rules where applicable or SCAQMD Rule 1168 VOC limits, as shown in Table 4.504.1 or 4.504.2, as applicable. Such products also shall comply with the Rule 1168 prohibition on the use of certain toxic compounds (chloroform, ethylene dichloride, methylene chloride, perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene), except for aerosol products, as specified in Subsection 12.1.2 below. ii) Aerosol adhesives, and smaller unit sizes of adhesives, and sealant or caulking compounds (in units of product, less packaging, which do not weigh more than 1 pound and do not consist of more than 16 fluid ounces) shall comply with statewide VOC standards and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds, of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with Section 94507. b)Architectural paints and coatings shall comply with VOC limits in Table 1 of the ARB Architectural Suggested Control Measure, as shown in Table 4.504.3, unless more stringent local limits apply. The VOC content limit for coatings that do not meet the definitions for the specialty coatings categories listed in Table 4.504.3 shall be determined by classifying the coating as a Flat, Nonflat or Nonflat-high Gloss coating, based on its gloss, as defined in subsections 4.21, 4.36, and 4.37 of the 2007 California Air Resources Board, Suggested Control Measure, and the corresponding Flat, Nonflat or Nonflat-high Gloss VOC limit in Table 4.504.3 shall apply. c)Aerosol paints and coatings shall meet the Product-weighted MIR Limits for ROC in Section 94522(a)(3) and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds and ozone depleting substances, in Sections 94522(c)(2) and (d)(2) of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with Section 94520; and in areas under the juris­ diction of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District additionally comply with the percent VOC by weight of product limits of Regulation 8, Rule 49. d)Verification. Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided at the request of the enforcing agency. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, the following: i) Manufacturer's product specification. ii) Field verification of on-site product containers 15. Carpet systems shall meet Green Building Requirements per CalGreen 4.504.3 a)All new carpet installed in the building interior shall meet the testing and product requirements of one of the following: i) Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Plus Program ii) California Department of Public Health's Specification 01350 iii) NSF/ANSI 140 at the Gold level iv) Scientific Certifications Systems Indoor Advantage™ Gold b)All new carpet cushion installed in the building interior shall meet the requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label program perCalGreen 4.504.3.1 c)All carpet adhesives shall meet the requirements of CalGreen Table 4.504.1. per CalGreen 4.504.3.2 16. Where resilient flooring is installed, 80% of the total area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with one or more of the following per CalGreen 4.504.4: a)VOC emission limits defined in the Collaborative for High Performance Products Schools (CHPS) products Database. b)Products compliant with the CHPS criteria certified under the Green guard Children & Schools program. c)Certification under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) FloorScore program d)Meet the California Department of Public Health's Specification 01350 17. New hardwood plywood, particle board, and medium density fiberboard composite wood products used in the interior or exterior of the building shall meet the formaldehyde limits listed in Table 4.504.5 per CalGreen 4.504.5 a)The Formaldehyde Emissions Verification Checklist shall be completed prior to final inspection approval. The manufacturer's specifications showing formaldehyde content for all applicable wood products shall be readily available at the job site and be provided to the field inspector for verification. Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided. Documentation shall include at least one of the following per CalGreen 4.504.5.1: b)Product certifications and specifications. c)Cha in of custody certifications. d)Product labeled and invoiced as meeting the Compos­ite Wood Products regulation (see CCR, Title 17, Section 93120, et seq.). e)Exterior grade products marked as meeting the PS-1 or PS-2 standards of the Engineered Wood Association, the Australian AS/NZS 2269 or European 636 3S standards. f) Other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency. 18. Building materials with visible signs of water damage shall not be installed. Wall and floor framing shall not be enclosed when the framing members exceed 19-percent moisture content. Moisture content shall be verified in compliance with the following per CalGreen 4.505.3: a)Moisture content shall be determined with either a probe-type or contact-type moisture meter. Equivalent moisture verification methods may be approved by the enforcing agency and shall satisfy requirements found in Section 101.8 of this code. b)Moisture readings shall be taken at a point 2 feet to 4 feet from the grade stamped end of each piece to be verified. c)At least three random moisture readings shall be performed on wall and floor framing with documentation acceptable to the enforcing agency provided at the time of approval to enclose the wall and floor framing. d)Insulation products which are visibly wet or have high moisture content shall be replaced or allowed to dry prior to enclosure in wall or floor cavities. Wet-applied insulation products shall follow the manufacturers' drying recommendations prior to enclosure. 19. Each bathroom shall be mechanically ventilated and shall comply with the following requirements per CalGreen 4.506.1: a)Fans shall be ENERGY STAR compliant and be ducted to terminate outside the building. b)Unless functioning as a component of a whole house ventilation system, fans must be controlled by a humidity control. i) Humidity controls shall be capable of adjustment between a relative humidity range of less than or equal to 50% to a maximum of 80%. A humidity control may utilize manual or automatic means of adjustment. ii) A humidity control may be a separate component to the exhaust fan and is not required to be integral (i.e., built-in). c)For the purposes of this section, a bathroom is a room which contains a bathtub, shower, or tub/shower combination. d)Lighting integral to bathroom exhaust fans shall comply with the 2016 California Energy Code. 20. Heating and air-conditioning systems shall be sized, designed and have their equipment selected using the following methods per CalGreen 4.507.2 a)The heat loss and heat gain is established according to ANSI/ACCA 2 Manual J-2004 (Residential Load Ca lculation), ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. b)Duct systems are sized according to ANSI/ACCA 1 Manual D-2009 (Residential Duct Systems), ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. c)Select heating and cooling equipment according to ANSI/ACCA 3 Manual S-2004 (Residential Equipment Selection) or other equivalent design software or methods. d)Exception: Use of alternate design temperatures necessary to ensure the system's function is acceptable. 21 . HVAC system installers shall be trained and certified in the proper installation of HVAC systems including ducts and equipment by a nationally or regionally recognized training or certification program per CalGreen 702.1. Uncertified persons may perform HVAC installations when under the direct supervision and responsibility of a person trained and certified to install HVAC systems or contractor licensed to install HVAC systems. Examples of acceptable HVAC training and certification programs include but are not limited to the following: a)Sta te certified apprenticeship programs. b)Public utility training programs. c)Training programs sponsored by trade, labor or state­ wide energy consulting or verification organizations. d)Programs sponsored by manufacturing organizations. e)Other programs acceptable to the enforcing agency. 22. Where storm water is conveyed to a public drainage system, collection point, gutter or similar method, water shall be filtered by use of a barrier system, wattle, or other method approved by the enforcing agency. CALGREEN RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES 1 CALGREEN RESIDENTIAL ELECTIVE MEASURES 2 R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda 22'-2 1/2" 17'-0" 12'-3 1/2"8'-2" 20'-1 1 " 20'-5 1/2" 17'-0"18'-7" 10'-3 1/2" 12'-6 1/2"4'-6 1/2" 38'-3 1/2"24'-8 1/2"22'-0 1/2"14'-5 1/2" 8'-10 1/2" 12'-5 1/2" 13'-0" 29'-3 1/2" 1'-5" 6'-4"18'-10 1/2" 1'-5"1'-5" 1'-5" 4'-1 1 " 1'-5"1'-5"21'-5" 1'-5" 23'-9" 1'-5"3'-7 1/2"11'-4 1/2"3'-9 1/2" 1'-8" 2'-10 1/2" 14'-1 1/2" 3"13'-11 1/2" 1'-8"24'-4" 1'-5" 1 3'-1 0 1/2"1'-5" 14'-3 1/2" 9"1'-5" 17'-3 1/2" 1'-5"23'-2 1/2"1'-6" 8'-10 1/2"20'-6 1/2"1'-5"11" 1'-5 1/2" 8'-8 1/2" 4'-1 1 " 16'-10" 3'-6" 5'-5"7'-11" 8'-7 1/2" 13'-3"5'-5"12'-5 1/2" 12'-3 1/2" 12'-3 1/2" 12'-1" 6'-9" 1 3'-1 1 " 9'-1 1 1/2" 31 '-1 1 1/2"4'-0" 34'-10"6'-1"10'-0" 8'-0"1'-0" 1'-0"1'-0" 1'-0" NP# = NEW PORCH/PATIO AREA NL# = NEW LIVING AREA FLOOR AREA LEGEND - OH# = NEW OVERHANG AREA ADU# = NEW ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT LIVING AREA NG# = NEW GARAGE AREA NS# = NEW PREFABRICATED SHED AREA PROJECT NO.REVISION C STUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.17-017DESCRIPTIONDATE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA1TRUE"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE02.09.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTALNDRAWN BYIV06.29.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL IV208.29.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS A0.2 1ST FLOOR PLAN 3/16" 1 2ND FLOOR PLAN 3/16" 3feet 2 4 6 8 1 feet 2 4 6 81 NG1 NG2 NP1 NP2 NP3 NL1 NL2 NL3 ADU2 ADU3 ADU5 NL6 NL5NL4 NL7 NL8 NL10 NL11 NL9 OH1 OH2OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OH9 OH10 OH11 OH14 OH15 OH12 OH13 OH16 OH17 OH18 OH19 ADU4 ADU1 1 1 1 11 1 1 PREFABRICATED SHED 3/16" 2feet 2 4 6 81 OH20 NS1 2 2 2 2 2 R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda 1000 S. Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 PROJECT NO. 17-017 REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 02.09.20181DRAWN BYSTUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.C ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"IVPLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 06.30.2018IV2PLANNING D. RESUBMITTAL 08.29.2018IVEXTERIOR PERSPECTIVES A0.3a 3- PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR FRONT RIGHT 6 - PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR REAR RIGHT 2- PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR FRONT 1- PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR FRONT-LEFT 5 - PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR REAR 4 - PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR REAR LEFT R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda 1000 S. Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 PROJECT NO. 17-017 REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 02.09.20181DRAWN BYSTUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.C ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"IVPLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 06.30.2018IV2PLANNING D. RESUBMITTAL 08.29.2018IVEXTERIOR PERSPECTIVES A0.3b 3- PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR REAR HIGH 6 - PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR FRONT HIGH 2- PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR REAR PORCH 2 1- PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR REAR PORCH 5 - PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR FRONT PORCH 2 4 - PERSPECTIVE EXTERIOR FRONT PORCH R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda 1000 S. Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 PROJECT NO. 17-017 REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 02.09.20181DRAWN BYSTUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.C ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"IVPLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 06.30.2018IV2PLANNING D. RESUBMITTAL 08.29.2018IVSTREETSCAPE A0.4 31/8" STREETSCAPE ELEVATION 2 - NEIGHBORHOOD feet 1 2 4 3 6 1.1- STREETSCAPE IMAGES 1.2- STREETSCAPE IMAGES +/-11'-6"+/-27'-9" ABOVE NATURAL GRADE+/-13'-0"SUBJECT PROPERTY 22030 22102 22090 22071 22078 22066 22042 22061 22051 22031 22054 22030 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22042 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22054 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22066 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE SUBJECT PROPERTY 22102 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22090 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22031 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22051 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22061 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22071 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE SUBJECT PROPERTY22066 HIBISCUS DRIVE 22090 HIBISCUS DRIVE PLPL +/-0'-0" +/-10'-0" +/-20'-0" +/-30'-0" R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda 1000 S. Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 PROJECT NO. 17-017 REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 02.09.20181DRAWN BYSTUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.C ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"IVPLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 06.30.2018IV2PLANNING D. RESUBMITTAL 08.29.2018IVBUILDING ENVELOPE A0.5 3- 1ST FLOOR BUILDING ENVELOPE - RIGHT SIDE feet 1 2 4 3 6 1- 1ST FLOOR BUILDING ENVELOPE - FRONT 2 - 1ST FLOOR BUILDING ENVELOPE - REAR 4 - 1ST FLOOR BUILDING ENVELOPE - LEFT SIDE 1'-4" EAVE PROTRUDING THROUGH FIRST FLOOR BUILDING ENVELOPE R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda W/H A/C GMEM A/C FAU PROJECT NO.REVISION C STUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.17-017DESCRIPTIONDATE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDATRUE"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE02.09.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTALNDRAWN BYIV 06.29.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL IV08.29.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV 09.24.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV SITE PLAN & DEMO SITE PLAN A1.0 1/8" = NUMBER TO KEY NOTE BELOW 1. EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY--ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY MUST HAVE AN APPROVED "PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION IN THE PUBLIC STREET" PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THIS WORK. THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS WORK IS NOT AUTHORIZED BY THE BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE BUT SHOWN ON THE BUILDING PERMIT FOR INFORMATION ONLY 2. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF NEIGHBORING STRUCTURE 3. (E) WATER METER--CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE (N) METER WITH LOCAL WATER COMPANY IF REQUIRED BY INCREASED FIXTURE LOAD 4. (N) GAS METER LOCATION 5. (N) ELECTRICAL METER LOCATION--CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH PG&E FOR UPGRADE (200AMPS) TO (E) ELECTRICAL SERVICE 6. (N) 4" SEWER LATERAL--CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION IN FIELD 7. UFER GROUND CONNECTION PER CEC 250-52 8. (E) TREE TO REMAIN--PROTECT AS REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT LEAVE MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT IN ROOT AREAS FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME. SEE ARBORIST REPORT (IF PROVIDED) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 9. (E) TREE(S) TO BE REMOVED 10. (N) TREES--SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR MORE INFORMATION 11. (E) FENCE TO REMAIN IF IN GOOD CONDITION 12. (N) FENCE AND GATE--6' TALL CEDAR--SEE ELEVATIONS AND EXTERIOR PERSPECTIVES FOR MORE INFORMATION 13. (E) DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED 14. (N) DRIVEWAY, PAVERS OVER 8" BASE ROCK AND 2" SAND -- SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR MORE INFORMATION 15. (N) HARDSCAPE--SLOPE AWAY FROM HOUSE @ 2% MIN. 16. (N) 36" MIN. DEEP LEVEL LANDING PER CRC 311.3 W STEPS (MAX. 7.75" RISER)- PROVIDE EQUAL RISERS IF MORE THAN 1 STEP--SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR MORE INFORMATION 17. (N) PATIO COLUMNS 18. (N) S OFTS CAPE--PROVIDE DRIP IRRIGATION--SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR MORE INFORMATION 19. (N) A/C UNIT CONDENSER PAD(S)--PROVIDE ELECTRICAL TO THIS LOCATION AS REQUIRED, VERIFY SIZE AND QUANTITY WITH HVAC CONTRACTOR. A/C UNITS TO COMPLY WITH JURISDICTION'S NOISE ORDINANCE 20. PLANTER--SEE ELEVATIONS AND EXTERIOR PERSPECTIVES FOR MORE INFORMATION # SITE PLAN KEYNOTES - SITE PLAN LEGEND - REQUIRED YARD SETBACK/EASEMENT NOTES: 1. (E) WATER SUPPLY TO BE REPLACED FROM METER IN. 2. (E) SEWER LATERAL TO BE REPLACED FROM PROPERTY LINE IN. NEW BUILDING AREA NEW HARDSCAPE--SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR MORE INFO SURFACE RUNOFF FLOW ARROW. SLOPE GRADE AT INDICATED PERCENT FOR MIN. 10'-0" FROM BUILDING PER CBC 1804.3 X% UNCONCENTRATED SHEET FLOW TOWARDS STREET (EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERN TO REMAIN) SPOT ELEVATION, SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFOXX +/-XX.XX' PROPERTY LINE--SEE TOPO SURVEY FOR MORE INFO TREE NUMBER TREE PROTECTION FENCING feet 2 4 8 121 feet 2 4 8 121 1/8" 1 2 3 5 7 6 4 8 1 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 16 18 196 17 8 9 10 10 18 18 11 20 20 R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda wwd Cal King24"range dw48"rangedw d dining wood gate48ref 36"grilleshelfW/H living genkan engawa kitchen nook garage br4 ba3 w.c. up tall family covered patio open to above zen garden +/-1 1 .1 5 m2 coats shoes low cabs with art abovetokonoma shoe storage under stairswashitsu ofuro (wet room) venting skylight skylight skylight vaulted ceiling dn ref bench 22.6m2 17.73m2 9' ceiling folding doors sliding pocket doors storage opening in floor with heaterlaundry 5 m2 9.65m2 5.5 m2 7.6 m2 37.8 m2 7.2m2 22.6 m2 4.7 m2 5.1 m2 15.8 m2 vertically A/C GMEM A/C FAU 5'-2" 23'-3 1/2" 12'-5 1/2" 9'-0"8'-6"16'-5"11'-6 1/2" 27'-1 1/2"11'-2" 1 2'-1 0 1/2" 1 2'-1 1/2" 20'-2"20'-1 1 " 8'-2"1'-8 1/2" 1'-8 1/2"1'-7" 4'-6" 1'-3" 20'-2" 20'-3 1/2" 16'-1" 2'-10" 6'-5"13'-10 1/2"13'-5"6'-10 1/2"6'-8 1/2" 6'-5" 2'-2 1/2" 6'-7" 9'-11 1/2" 8'-5" 9'-3" 3'-6" 4'-1 1 " 13'-7 1/2" 12'-3 1/2" 9'-1 1 1/2"16'-6" 8'-0" 9'-0"4'-6" 4'-6" 3'-9 1/2" 2 A5.0 C C E E A A B B F F G G D D 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 A3.0 1 A3.1 2 A3.1 2 A3.0 1 A5.0 PROJECT NO.REVISION C STUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.17-017DESCRIPTIONDATE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA1TRUE"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE02.09.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTALNDRAWN BYIV 06.29.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL IV208.29.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV 1ST FLOOR PLAN A2.1a 1ST FLOOR PLAN 1/4" 1 # (N) WALL: EXTERIOR: 2x6 STUDS @16" O.C.; INTERIOR 2x4 STUDS @16"O.C--SEE ELEVATIONS AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR WALL MATERIAL ASSEMBLIES. INSTALL 1 LAYER (MIN.) OF WEATHER RESISTIVE BARRIER (TYVEK HOUSE WRAP OR EQ.) OVER EXTERIOR WALLS SHEATHING PER CRC 703.2--INSTALL PER MANUF. INSTRUCTIONS. PROVIDE 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD EACH SIDE @ INTERIOR PARTITIONS. PROVIDE CEMENT BOARD OR TILE BACKER BOARD AT SHOWER/TUB LOCATIONS. ALL WALLS TO RECEIVE (N) PAINT FINISH. ALL CEILINGS AT TUB/SHOWERS TO BE M.R. BOARD FLOOR PLAN LEGEND - (N) WALL W/ 1 HOUR SEPARATION--5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP ON GARAGE SIDE FROM FOUNDATION TO ROOF SHEATHING DENOTES (N) HOSE BIBB. SEE PLANS FOR NEW LOCATION - INSTALL HOSE BIBBS PER CPC WITH APPROVED ANTI-SIPHON DEVICE. (E) HOSE BIBBS TO REMAIN. NOTE: 1. SEE 2/A0.1a FOR PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 2. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 3. SEE 4/A0.1a FOR ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES 4. SEE 5/A0.1a FOR PLAN AND INTERIOR GENERAL NOTES FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES - (N) GAS COCK--REFER TO MANUF. SPECS FOR ELECTRICAL AND GAS REQUIREMENTS. PLUMBER TO VERIFY GAS PIPE DIAMETER NEEDED FOR APPLIANCE FROM GAS METER LOCATION feet 1 2 3 4 6 2nd FLOOR SIDE SETBACK LINE 1st FLOOR SIDE SETBACK LINE 1st FLOOR SIDE SETBACK LINE 2nd FLOOR SIDE SETBACK LINE 1 R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda Cal Kingmaster br br2 br3 ba2 open to below dn mba vaulted ceiling vaulted ceiling linen Ai MClos desk Ken Mclos desk 11 m2 16.1 m2 5 m2 Ai Office shelves12.1 m2 3.9 m2 3.4 m2 7.4 m2 FAU ATTIC 5'-5" 11'-11" 8'-7 1/2" 4'-7 1/2" 12'-5 1/2" 5'-5" 12'-3 1/2" 1'-9 1/2" 4'-2 1/2" 9'-11 1/2" 1 3'-1 1 " 6'-9" 13'-6"6'-6" 16'-3 1/2" 8" 6'-0"11 1/2" 6'-5 1/2"3'-8 1/2" 10'-9"3'-3" 13'-3" 6'-8" 1'-9 1/2" 3'-6" 2'-3 1/2"2'-8 1/2" 10'-6 1/2" 2 A5.0 C C E E A A B B F F G G D D 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 A3.0 1 A3.1 2 A3.1 2 A3.0 1 A5.0 PROJECT NO.REVISION C STUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.17-017DESCRIPTIONDATE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA1TRUE"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE02.09.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTALNDRAWN BYIV06.29.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL IV208.29.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV 2ND FLOOR PLAN A2.1b 2ND FLOOR PLAN 1/4" 1 # (N) WALL: EXTERIOR: 2x6 STUDS @16" O.C.; INTERIOR 2x4 STUDS @16"O.C--SEE ELEVATIONS AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTERIOR WALL MATERIAL ASSEMBLIES. INSTALL 1 LAYER (MIN.) OF WEATHER RESISTIVE BARRIER (TYVEK HOUSE WRAP OR EQ.) OVER EXTERIOR WALLS SHEATHING PER CRC 703.2--INSTALL PER MANUF. INSTRUCTIONS. PROVIDE 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYPSUM BOARD EACH SIDE @ INTERIOR PARTITIONS. PROVIDE CEMENT BOARD OR TILE BACKER BOARD AT SHOWER/TUB LOCATIONS. ALL WALLS TO RECEIVE (N) PAINT FINISH. ALL CEILINGS AT TUB/SHOWERS TO BE M.R. BOARD FLOOR PLAN LEGEND - (N) WALL W/ 1 HOUR SEPARATION--5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP ON GARAGE SIDE FROM FOUNDATION TO ROOF SHEATHING DENOTES (N) HOSE BIBB. SEE PLANS FOR NEW LOCATION - INSTALL HOSE BIBBS PER CPC WITH APPROVED ANTI-SIPHON DEVICE. (E) HOSE BIBBS TO REMAIN. NOTE: 1. SEE 2/A0.1a FOR PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 2. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 3. SEE 4/A0.1a FOR ELEC TRICAL GENERAL NOTES 4. SEE 5/A0.1a FOR PLAN AND INTERIOR GENERAL NOTES FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES - (N) GAS COCK--REFER TO MANUF. SPECS FOR ELECTRICAL AND GAS REQUIREMENTS. PLUMBER TO VERIFY GAS PIPE DIAMETER NEEDED FOR APPLIANCE FROM GAS METER LOCATION feet 1 2 3 4 6 2nd FLOOR SIDE SETBACK LINE 1 2nd FLOOR SIDE SETBACK LINE R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda 1'-5" T.Y.P.1'-5"T.Y.P.1'-8"1'-8" 3'-9"1'-10"1'-10" 3'-9"1'-8"2 A5.0 C C E E A A B B F F G G D D 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 A3.0 1 A3.1 2 A3.1 2 A3.0 1 A5.0 PROJECT NO.REVISION C STUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.17-017DESCRIPTIONDATE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA1TRUE"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE02.09.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTALNDRAWN BYIV06.29.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL IV208.29.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV LOWER ROOF PLAN A2.2a LOWER ROOF PLAN 1/4" 1 ATTIC VENTILATION CALCULATIONS AND NOTES - DENOTES GUTTER DRAIN (3" DIA.) AND DOWNSPOUT (2" X 3") 26 GA ALUMINUM - FIELD VERIFY COLOR W/ OWNER. INSTALL PER MFR. INSTRUCTIONS ROOF PLAN LEGEND DS DENOTES DIRECTION OF SLOPE--ROOF SLOPE APPROX., REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR MAX HT AND VERTICAL CONTROL LINE OF BLDG. BELOW 1. (N) ROOFING--SEE LEGEND BELOW FOR MATERIALS--CONFIRM COLOR SELECTION W/ OWNER PRIOR TO PLACING ORDER 2. PAINT ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS TO MATCH ROOFING COLOR. 3. RUN PLUMBING/HVAC VENTS TO FALSE CHIMNEY PROVIDED. NO ROOF PENETRATIONS THROUGH ROOF. PLUMBING VENTS TO BE MIN. 10' AWAY FROM, OR AT LEAST 3' ABOVE ANY OPERABLE WINDOW OR SKYLIGHT PER CPC 906.2. RUN TO FALSE CHIMNEYS 4. ROUTE PLUMBING VENTS WITHIN ATTIC SPACE SO THAT ROOF PENETRATIONS ARE BEHIND MAIN ROOF RIDGE AND ARE NOT VISIBLE FROM THE STREET 5. ROOF SLOPE [X]:12 [TO MATCH EXISTING], U.N.O. 6. PROVIDE (N) GSM ROOF JACKS, TYP. CAULK ALL EXPOSED NAIL HEADS WITH SILICONE SEALANT. 7. PROVIDE (N) GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS AT LOCATIONS SHOWN 8. ALL (N) PLATE HEIGHTS PER SECTIONS AND RCP. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 9. CONNECT ALL (N) DOWNSPOUTS TO FLEXIBLE PLASTIC DRAINPIPE AND RUN TO A LOCATION SPECIFIED BY CIVIL PLANS ROOF GENERAL NOTES - NOTE: 1. SEE 2/A0.1a FOR PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 2. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 3. SEE 4/A0.1a FOR ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES 4. SEE 5/A0.1a FOR PLAN AND INTERIOR GENERAL NOTES ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLES o/ 1 LAYER 15# ROOF FELT (EXCEPT FOR AT ROOF SLOPES BETWEEN 2-4:12, INSTALL 2 LAYERS) PER CRC 905.2.7--MIN. CLASS [C/A]--MANUF: [CERTAINTEED]; STYLE: [PRESIDENTIAL SHAKE TL]; COLOR: [COLOR]; LIFE EXPECTANCY: 30 YEAR MINIMUM--VERIFY FINAL SELECTION WITH OWNER PRIOR TO PLACING ORDER. INSTALL PER MANUF. WARRANTY INSTRUCTIONS AND ICC-ES EVALUATION REPORT #ESR-1389 SINGLE PLY ROOFING, MIN CLASS ["C"/"A"]--MANUF: GAF OR EQUAL; STYLE: FULLY ADHERED EVERGUARD EXTREME TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE; THICKNESS: 60 MILLIMETER MIN.--INSTALL O/ 1/2" HIGH DENSITY POLYISO BOARD O/ SLOPING PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO ENSURE MIN. 3/8:12 SLOPE. INSTALL RIVER-WASHED ROUND STONE BALLAST o/ 6-OZ MIN. POLYMAT FILTER FABRIC o/ ROOFING MEMBRANE AT LOW ROOFS THAT ARE VISIBLE FROM 2ND FLOOR WINDOWS--INSTALL PER MANUF. 20-YEAR WARRANTY INSTRUCTIONS. DENOTES FLAT ROOF DRAIN CONNECTED TO HARDPIPED 2" RAIN WATER LEADER AND 2" ROOF OVERFLOW. OVERFLOW TO BE CONNECTED TO ESCUTCHEON--SEE DETAILS [XXX/XXXX]--ENSURE ROOFING OVERLAPS ROOF DRAIN PER BOTH DRAIN AND ROOF MANUF. DIRECTIONS BALCONY TO BE [TILE/COMPOSITE DECKING/WOOD DECKING] o/ BISON DECK SUPPORTS (bisonip.com) o/ 40+ PSI DENSITY CLOSED CELL EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE INSULATION (MIN. 1.5 INCHES THICK) o/ ROOFING MEMBRANE SLOPED MIN. 3/8:12--INSTALL ALL COMPONENTS PER MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY INSTRUCTIONS. THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND MUST TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE STRUCTURAL CAPABILITY AND ADEQUACY OF THE STRUCTURE TO CARRY THE DEAD AND LIVE LOAD WEIGHT(S) INVOLVED, AND THAT THE DENSITY OF ANY INSULATION IS SATISFACTORY TO RESIST CRUSHING AND DAMAGING THE WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE. feet 1 2 3 4 6 RIDGERIDGERIDGERIDGE HIPHIPHIPHIPH I PHIP H I P HIPH I P HIPHIPHIPVALLEYV A L L E Y VALLEYV A L L E Y HIP 3:12 T.Y.P. DS DS R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda FAU 3'-0" T.Y.P.3'-0"T.Y.P.2 A5.0 C C E E A A B B F F G G D D 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 A3.0 1 A3.1 2 A3.1 2 A3.0 1 A5.0 PROJECT NO.REVISION C STUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.17-017DESCRIPTIONDATE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA1TRUE"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE02.09.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTALNDRAWN BYIV06.29.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL IV208.29.2018 PLANNING D. RESUBMITTALIV UPPER ROOF PLAN A2.2b UPPER ROOF PLAN 1/4" 1 ATTIC VENTILATION CALCULATIONS AND NOTES - DENOTES GUTTER DRAIN (3" DIA.) AND DOWNSPOUT (2" X 3") 26 GA ALUMINUM - FIELD VERIFY COLOR W/ OWNER. INSTALL PER MFR. INSTRUCTIONS ROOF PLAN LEGEND DS DENOTES DIRECTION OF SLOPE--ROOF SLOPE APPROX., REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR MAX HT AND VERTICAL CONTROL LINE OF BLDG. BELOW 1. (N) ROOFING--SEE LEGEND BELOW FOR MATERIALS--CONFIRM COLOR SELECTION W/ OWNER PRIOR TO PLACING ORDER 2. PAINT ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS TO MATCH ROOFING COLOR. 3. RUN PLUMBING/HVAC VENTS TO FALSE CHIMNEY PROVIDED. NO ROOF PENETRATIONS THROUGH ROOF. PLUMBING VENTS TO BE MIN. 10' AWAY FROM, OR AT LEAST 3' ABOVE ANY OPERABLE WINDOW OR SKYLIGHT PER CPC 906.2. RUN TO FALSE CHIMNEYS 4. ROUTE PLUMBING VENTS WITHIN ATTIC SPACE SO THAT ROOF PENETRATIONS ARE BEHIND MAIN ROOF RIDGE AND ARE NOT VISIBLE FROM THE STREET 5. ROOF SLOPE [X]:12 [TO MATCH EXISTING], U.N.O. 6. PROVIDE (N) GSM ROOF JACKS, TYP. CAULK ALL EXPOSED NAIL HEADS WITH SILICONE SEALANT. 7. PROVIDE (N) GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS AT LOCATIONS SHOWN 8. ALL (N) PLATE HEIGHTS PER SECTIONS AND RCP. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 9. CONNECT ALL (N) DOWNSPOUTS TO FLEXIBLE PLASTIC DRAINPIPE AND RUN TO A LOCATION SPECIFIED BY CIVIL PLANS ROOF GENERAL NOTES - NOTE: 1. SEE 2/A0.1a FOR PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 2. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 3. SEE 4/A0.1a FOR ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES 4. SEE 5/A0.1a FOR PLAN AND INTERIOR GENERAL NOTES ASPHALT COMPOSITION SHINGLES o/ 1 LAYER 15# ROOF FELT (EXCEPT FOR AT ROOF SLOPES BETWEEN 2-4:12, INSTALL 2 LAYERS) PER CRC 905.2.7--MIN. CLASS [C/A]--MANUF: [CERTAINTEED]; STYLE: [PRESIDENTIAL SHAKE TL]; COLOR: [COLOR]; LIFE EXPECTANCY: 30 YEAR MINIMUM--VERIFY FINAL SELECTION WITH OWNER PRIOR TO PLACING ORDER. INSTALL PER MANUF. WARRANTY INSTRUCTIONS AND ICC-ES EVALUATION REPORT #ESR-1389 SINGLE PLY ROOFING, MIN CLASS ["C"/"A"]--MANUF: GAF OR EQUAL; STYLE: FULLY ADHERED EVERGUARD EXTREME TPO ROOFING MEMBRANE; THICKNESS: 60 MILLIMETER MIN.--INSTALL O/ 1/2" HIGH DENSITY POLYISO BOARD O/ SLOPING PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO ENSURE MIN. 3/8:12 SLOPE. INSTALL RIVER-WASHED ROUND STONE BALLAST o/ 6-OZ MIN. POLYMAT FILTER FABRIC o/ ROOFING MEMBRANE AT LOW ROOFS THAT ARE VISIBLE FROM 2ND FLOOR WINDOWS--INSTALL PER MANUF. 20-YEAR WARRANTY INSTRUCTIONS. DENOTES FLAT ROOF DRAIN CONNECTED TO HARDPIPED 2" RAIN WATER LEADER AND 2" ROOF OVERFLOW. OVERFLOW TO BE CONNECTED TO ESCUTCHEON--SEE DETAILS [XXX/XXXX]--ENSURE ROOFING OVERLAPS ROOF DRAIN PER BOTH DRAIN AND ROOF MANUF. DIRECTIONS BALCONY TO BE [TILE/COMPOSITE DECKING/WOOD DECKING] o/ BISON DECK SUPPORTS (bisonip.com) o/ 40+ PSI DENSITY CLOSED CELL EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE INSULATION (MIN. 1.5 INCHES THICK) o/ ROOFING MEMBRANE SLOPED MIN. 3/8:12--INSTALL ALL COMPONENTS PER MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY INSTRUCTIONS. THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND MUST TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE STRUCTURAL CAPABILITY AND ADEQUACY OF THE STRUCTURE TO CARRY THE DEAD AND LIVE LOAD WEIGHT(S) INVOLVED, AND THAT THE DENSITY OF ANY INSULATION IS SATISFACTORY TO RESIST CRUSHING AND DAMAGING THE WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE. feet 1 2 3 4 6 RIDGE RIDGE RIDGE RIDGE RIDGERIDGERIDGERIDGEHIPVALLEYHIPHIPVALLEYHIPVALLEY H I P H I P H I P H I P H I P H I P VA L L E Y H I P VA L L E Y H I P H I P VALLEY VALLEY HIPHIPHIPHIPHIPDS DS 5:12 T.Y.P. DS R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda 1000 S. Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 PROJECT NO. 17-017 REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 02.09.20181DRAWN BYSTUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.C ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"IVPLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 06.30.2018IV2PLANNING D. RESUBMITTAL 08.29.2018IVEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.0 2 1/4" EAST ELEVATION (LEFT) 11/4" NORTH ELEVATION (FRONT) = NUMBER OF KEYNOTE BELOW# -- ELEVATION GRID LINE KEY NOTES: 1. SEE 2/A0.1a FOR PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 2. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 3. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES 4. SEE 4/A0.1a FOR PLAN AND INTERIOR GENERAL NOTES 5. EXTERIOR HARDSCAPE AND EXTERIOR STAIRS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY--SEE A0.3a FOR 3D MODEL VIEWS ELEVATION GRID LINE KEY A 1ST FLOOR FINISH FLOOR = +/- 287.00' B 1ST FLOOR CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.) = +/- 296.00' C WASHITSU CEILING HEIGHT = +/- 296.90' D 2ND FLOOR FINISH FLOOR (U.N.O.) = +/- 297.25' E 2ND FLOOR CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.) = +/- 306.25' F PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT = +/- 313.00' -- KEYNOTES feet 1 2 4 3 6 feet 1 2 4 3 6 1 DAYLIGHT PLANE AS DEFINED BY JURISDICTION 2 ASPHALT COMP SHINGLE ROOFING--SEE ROOF PLAN FOR MORE INFO 3 SKYLIGHT--SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE FOR MORE INFO 4 WOOD FRAMED CHIMNEY WITH 4" TALL PRECAST STONE CORNICE CAP--www.chimneyking.com--SEE ROOF PLAN FOR LOCATION 5 PAINTED STEEL TROWELED IGNITION RESISTANT CEMENT PLASTER SYSTEM (SMOOTH FINISH) - 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER O/ METAL LATH O/ 2 LAYERS GRADE 'D' OR BETTER BUILDING PAPER, 3 COAT SYSTEM WITH 26 ga. WEEP SCREED AT WALL BASE AT LEAST 4" ABOVE GRADE OR 2" ABOVE HARDSCAPE-- SEE DETAILS [XX/XX] 6 ADHERED LIGHTWEIGHT STONE VENEER (<15 LBS/SF)--MANUF.: ELDORADO STONE; STYLE: EUROPEAN LEDGE; COLOR: SIDEWALK; INSTALLATION STYLE: DRYSTACK]; WAINSCOT SILL: SNAPPED EDGE; SILL COLOR: DARK BROWN--www.eldoradostone.com 7 PAINTED REDWOOD OR A.Y.C. TRIM--2x6 FASCIA WITH 4" SEAMLESS PAINTED SHEET METAL GUTTER-- VERIFY GUTTER PROFILE WITH OWNER PRIOR TO FABRICATION--SEE ROOF PLAN FOR MORE INFO 8 PAINTED REDWOOD OR A.Y.C. TRIM -- BELLYBAND 9 STAIN GRADE WOOD GARAGE DOOR WITH TEMPERED GLAZING PICTURE WINDOWS--SEE DOOR SCHEDULE FOR MORE INFO 10 WINDOW/DOOR OPENING--SEE WINDOW AND DOOR SCHEDULES FOR MORE INFO--DOORS AND WINDOWS TO HAVE 1" PAINT GRADE WOOD TRIM TYPICAL, U.N.O. 11 FIELD PAINTED STEEL COLUMN--S.S.D. FOR MORE INFO 12 MODERN FORMS KYOTO 7 INCH WIDE 1 LIGHT OUTDOOR WALL LIGHT MODERN FORMS - WD - W22510- BZ - MODERN CONTEMPORARY OUTDOOR WALL LIGHT -- INSTALL PER MANUF. INSTRUCTIONS 13 PIN MOUNTED LED ILLUMINATED ADDRESS SIGNAGE, CLEARLY VISIBLE FROM ADJACENT STREET-- HEIGHT: 8"; STYLE: LUXELLO LED, MODERN NEUTRA HOUSE NUMBERS LED BACKLIT; FINISH: ANODIZED-- www.s urrounding.com/products/luxello--PROVIDE PHOTOSENSOR CONNECTED LED BACKLIGHTING @ EACH NUMBER 14 CEDAR FENCE 15 OUTDOOR KITCHEN--OWNER TO PROVIDE SPECS 16 LINE REPRESENTING NATURAL GRADE 9'-0"+/- 9'-11"1'-3" 9'-0"+/-26'-0"+/-27.5' MEASURED FROM NATURAL GRADE AT HOUSE CORNER+/-27' MEASURED FROM NATURAL GRADE AT HOUSE CORNERA B C D E F A B C D E F 4 2 TYP. 1 10 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 3 11 14 15 3'-9"3'-0" 3'-0"5'-0" 2'-6" 2'-6"2'-6"5'-3"9'-3"9'-6"8'-0" 3'-0"2'-0"8'-0"5'-9"4'-6"3'-6"16 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda 1000 S. Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 PROJECT NO. 17-017 REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 02.09.20181DRAWN BYSTUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.C ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"IVPLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 06.30.2018IV2PLANNING D. RESUBMITTAL 08.29.2018IVEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 2 1/4" WEST ELEVATION (RIGHT) 11/4" SOUTH ELEVATION (REAR) = NUMBER OF KEYNOTE BELOW# -- ELEVATION GRID LINE KEY NOTES: 1. SEE 2/A0.1a FOR PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 2. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 3. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES 4. SEE 4/A0.1a FOR PLAN AND INTERIOR GENERAL NOTES 5. EXTERIOR HARDSCAPE AND EXTERIOR STAIRS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY--SEE A0.3a FOR 3D MODEL VIEWS -- KEYNOTES feet 1 2 4 3 6 feet 1 2 4 3 6 ELEVATION GRID LINE KEY A 1ST FLOOR FINISH FLOOR = +/- 287.00' B 1ST FLOOR CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.) = +/- 296.00' C WASHITSU CEILING HEIGHT = +/- 296.90' D 2ND FLOOR FINISH FLOOR (U.N.O.) = +/- 297.25' E 2ND FLOOR CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.) = +/- 306.25' F PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT = +/- 313.00' 1 DAYLIGHT PLANE AS DEFINED BY JURISDICTION 2 ASPHALT COMP SHINGLE ROOFING--SEE ROOF PLAN FOR MORE INFO 3 SKYLIGHT--SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE FOR MORE INFO 4 WOOD FRAMED CHIMNEY WITH 4" TALL PRECAST STONE CORNICE CAP--www.chimneyking.com--SEE ROOF PLAN FOR LOCATION 5 PAINTED STEEL TROWELED IGNITION RESISTANT CEMENT PLASTER SYSTEM (SMOOTH FINISH) - 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER O/ METAL LATH O/ 2 LAYERS GRADE 'D' OR BETTER BUILDING PAPER, 3 COAT SYSTEM WITH 26 ga. WEEP SCREED AT WALL BASE AT LEAST 4" ABOVE GRADE OR 2" ABOVE HARDSCAPE-- SEE DETAILS [XX/XX] 6 ADHERED LIGHTWEIGHT STONE VENEER (<15 LBS/SF)--MANUF.: ELDORADO STONE; STYLE: EUROPEAN LEDGE; COLOR: SIDEWALK; INSTALLATION STYLE: DRYSTACK]; WAINSCOT SILL: SNAPPED EDGE; SILL COLOR: DARK BROWN--www.eldoradostone.com 7 PAINTED REDWOOD OR A.Y.C. TRIM--2x6 FASCIA WITH 4" SEAMLESS PAINTED SHEET METAL GUTTER-- VERIFY GUTTER PROFILE WITH OWNER PRIOR TO FABRICATION--SEE ROOF PLAN FOR MORE INFO 8 PAINTED REDWOOD OR A.Y.C. TRIM -- BELLYBAND 9 STAIN GRADE WOOD GARAGE DOOR WITH TEMPERED GLAZING PICTURE WINDOWS--SEE DOOR SCHEDULE FOR MORE INFO 10 WINDOW/DOOR OPENING--SEE WINDOW AND DOOR SCHEDULES FOR MORE INFO--DOORS AND WINDOWS TO HAVE 1" PAINT GRADE WOOD TRIM TYPICAL, U.N.O. 11 FIELD PAINTED STEEL COLUMN--S.S.D. FOR MORE INFO 12 MODERN FORMS KYOTO 7 INCH WIDE 1 LIGHT OUTDOOR WALL LIGHT MODERN FORMS - WD - W22510- BZ - MODERN CONTEMPORARY OUTDOOR WALL LIGHT -- INSTALL PER MANUF. INSTRUCTIONS 13 PIN MOUNTED LED ILLUMINATED ADDRESS SIGNAGE, CLEARLY VISIBLE FROM ADJACENT STREET-- HEIGHT: 8"; STYLE: LUXELLO LED, MODERN NEUTRA HOUSE NUMBERS LED BACKLIT; FINISH: ANODIZED-- www.s urrounding.com/products/luxello--PROVIDE PHOTOSENSOR CONNECTED LED BACKLIGHTING @ EACH NUMBER 14 CEDAR FENCE 15 OUTDOOR KITCHEN--OWNER TO PROVIDE SPECS 16 LINE REPRESENTING NATURAL GRADE 2'-3" +/-27.6' MEASURED FROM NATURAL GRADE AT HOUSE CORNER+/-27.6' MEASURED FROM NATURAL GRADE AT HOUSE CORNERA B C D E F A B C D E F 3'-6"5'-3"2'-6"2'-3" 2'-0" 3'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 2'-6"2'-6" 3'-6"2'-0"8'-0"5'-3"4'-0"5'-3"6'-0" 2'-0" 1'-6"5'-10"4'-0" 5'-0"6'-0"6'-0"6'-0" 8'-0" 1 16 1 1 16 1 1 11 1 R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda 1000 S. Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 PROJECT NO. 17-017 REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 02.09.20181DRAWN BYSTUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.C ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"IVPLANNING D. SUBMITTAL 06.30.2018IV2PLANNING D. RESUBMITTAL 08.29.2018IVSECTIONS A5.0 -- ELEVATION GRID LINE KEY NOTES: 1. SEE 2/A0.1a FOR PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES 2. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES 3. SEE 3/A0.1a FOR ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES 4. SEE 4/A0.1a FOR PLAN AND INTERIOR GENERAL NOTES 5. SEE BID INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSULATION VALUES. INSULATION TO BE NOT LESS THAN AS INDICATED IN T24 REPORT SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FOR ELEVATION GRID LINE KEY -- KEYNOTES 2 1/4" SECTION 2 11/4" SECTION 1 = NUMBER OF KEYNOTE BELOW# feet 1 2 4 3 6 feet 1 2 4 3 6 9'-0" 1'-3" 9'-0"9'-0"1'-3"9'-0" +/-14'-4 1/2"1'-3" MIN 18" 27.3' BUILDING HEIGHT MEASURED FROM NATURAL GRADE26.7' BUILDING HEIGHT MEASURED FROM NATURAL GRADE+/-4.3' MAX ATTIC HEIGHT (MEASURED FROM TOP OFTOP PLATE TO THE UNDERSIDE OF ROOF FRAMING)A B C D E F A B C D E F KITCHEN FAMILY LAUNDRY W.C. LIVINGNOOK KEN CLOSET MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM 2 PATIO MASTER BEDROOM FAMILY GENKAN CRAWLSPACE CRAWLSPACE LINE REPRESENTING NATURAL GRADE AT SECTION CUT LINE REPRESENTING NATURAL GRADE AT SECTION CUT 1 1 1 R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda ARBORIST REPORT AR-1PROJECT NO.REVISIONC STUDIO S SQUARED ARCHITECTURE, INC.17-017DESCRIPTION DATE 22078 HIBISCUS DRIVE, CUPERTINOAI ENDO AND KEN JUDA1TRUE"FOR PLANNING APPROVAL ONLY--NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"1000 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 P : (408) 998 - 0983 F : (408) 404 - 0144 ENDO-JUDA RESIDENCENEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE02.09.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL NDRAWN BYIV06.29.2018 PLANNING D. SUBMITTAL IVR-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda PLANT LEGEND SY M.QTY .SIZE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME COMMENTS PLANT'G WATER DISTANCE USAGE TREES GB 1 24" box Ginkyo biloba 'Autumn Gold' A.G. Maidenhair Tree 8' min. planted ht. Dbl. stakd low PRIVACY SHRUBS LN 4 1 5 ga l La urus nobilis std. Grecian Laurel tree tree form. Min. 6' planted ht.1 0' ma x.l ow PCR 7 1 5 ga l Pittos porum crassifolium No common name Min. 6' planted ht. 8' ma x.l ow PG 1 1 1 5 ga l Pod oca rpus gracilior Fern Pine Min. 6' planted ht. 10' ma x.mod PT 5 1 5 ga l Pittos porum tenuifolium std. Kohuhu tree form. Min. 6' planted ht.5' m a x.mod revised shed setback and vegetable bed layout. R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda PLANT LEGEND SY M.QTY .SIZE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME COMMENTS PLANT'G WATER DISTANCE USAGE TREES GB 1 24" box Ginkyo biloba 'Autumn Gold' A.G. Maidenhair Tree 8' min. planted ht. Dbl. stakd low PRIVACY SHRUBS LN 4 1 5 ga l La urus nobilis std. Grecian Laurel tree tree form. Min. 6' planted ht.1 0' ma x.l ow PCR 7 1 5 ga l Pittos porum crassifolium No common name Min. 6' planted ht. 8' ma x.l ow PG 1 1 1 5 ga l Pod oca rpus gracilior Fern Pine Min. 6' planted ht. 10' ma x.mod PT 5 1 5 ga l Pittos porum tenuifolium std. Kohuhu tree form. Min. 6' planted ht.5' m a x.mod R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda R-2018-29 10/29/18 Erika Poveda