CC 11-15-76
~ ...-~
>r- .
. "< IIILD .
--Wf&' '10 !III IUØ
DIe 1Ia.10r call" t" . -".. CO order at 7:35 p. a. 111 tile CoaIIcil OI8iler
of the City Ball.
ca..c. Pnaeat: fnU-* (,:U p. a.), .Jec~, "Ilia, O'Keefe, Mayor
C-c. AIISeDt: __
Scaff PnMDt: City - . r Qa1al_
Director of ""-11Iiacraei... Services ltyc10tr
City .t&Uft1e7 .w..
Director of Pl-f.. _d DrNlopMDt Si.k
Direcur of "'Uc Iioru Vi.koYich
Direccor of .u1ta ... "creaU01I luele..
A8al8e..e 'laDDer Pi..eeki
~. .J.~e Ball of IaKcer Driwo requested City CouDeil oppositioQ co the
Iaear1q hefen LAfCD _ ClIo poUe100 by Loa Altos BUla to de-anex froa
elM IUdpeaiDaula IasiClllal .uk Dl8erict.
Counc. oppe-
.1tiOQ re-
C-c. JacksoQ absea1øed f_ all dl8CIIRi01l due to hia beinC an alternate Jacuoll
......r of LAPCO ... the JOAÜlllity he û&ht h_ to cue a voce on the abaca1lled
ca..c. 1101118, after -1Yia& aD op1ø1on (rea the City Actomey. abac&1ned ,Ne11l8
h_ all dtacueaioo ... u ....111. ,.~al Uti.ai_ she h.. with ehe abaca1øe4
'De acUon by Mayor _en Chae the City .upper: reuntion of Lo. Alto.
II11b as a ......r of the Jd...._illaula bCional Puk ùiacricc died for lack
M a .econd.
JIr. Alfred 01.,.11, 11 "..,. __, .pou iD oppoaiUon to the acquidtion
of ùe Catholic OIurda ..ii-þ-..t;, .. a park _d .......eed the holdinC of a
"Ue ...ariDC on elle _ur illaeead of the City Council exprua1nl it-
-U as repro.ootiD. C1C)' v1AIo _tiMDe. Thi. CI) ne w.. supporud by
1Iø. AIm ADpr, Ifoata ""ca.
2. l'ublic hearinl for ClIo paqoo.e of revi...iDl ciUnn intereat iD the
Boundary Tran.fer Sc..,. COIIcern1na San Joee r..ideou.
to acquúi-
'tion f_ park
Pap 2
!Iù11c be
Q,perciDo _
NCOrd ..
?-.¡j)lic heañq
=:>Q einued
::: second
ug. in Dec.
?:.blic he~
:losed ¡
ia. 110. 4324!
adopted I
Of till ...~ 15. 816 em o)UllCIL IlUX~
.' cJøu - 1Ir. ....~1IIÎIpI.Mr (Sail Joae rø1daDt). ilia. .Jq c:.uo
, " ~Wat) "~'. .... "'.. ,fteüclaer (SaIl Jo.. rMuach, JIr, Jolla
'(CIÒÍ.t4U.~íIc) (S.. JON......). 1Ir.
, .', (...~;..ït·1 ..)T'; .1In. lacy lercerc (c:11tac7 cafMDt).
;;.,~"h 11 (Q,JlÍic..!ü,.....·· "t), Hr. Pat aøpn (rjíÏh~ neUeDc)
r '.. ~ P-.J. Stpn(f.íftD).· '
.~(} '. ... 8Dftd by CoaIIc. O~.. _coaded by CouDc. .Jacu- .... p...eeI
.;, that the ,.:UC IIudøa be closed.
Ie _ 8Dftd by CouIIc. J-" n. eecoad.d by Counc. O'Keefe..eI p....d
--f-aaly that the CitY r.. -41 of the City of CuperciDo SO OD r.cord
-.,orcinl the farther .ffoRS of the Saa .Jos. study .ru to de-~
~ S. .Joe. to CuperciDo; fartber, that Saa Jo.. be DDtifi..s that
dai.e acUOD by the CouII~ __ eaken aad urge that Sen JON siva serious
_1derati01l to CuperciDo·. ¡oosiUon on this; and, thae the .caff be
~_ dir.cti01l to proYid. eudl funh.r investigation as aay need to be
~ to facilitat. this craasfer including the tran.fers co sp.clal
tUstricts: nus po.itioa bein& !)ased on a favorable respouse frea th"se
zea1clents thae b. 1Iy ;>eticion or by vay of a vote.
3. Public hearinl to the mandatory lISe of .110'" deuccors
iD all'aultiple faaily ~:s but temporarily exclud101 all It-I
aad It-lC zoning. (c:oat1o-.i from meeting of September 7, 1976)
. huentation - !Ir. Bob Gcmzales, Chairman of the Public Safety Comaission
1£ v.. lIIOVed by Counc. IleUis, seconded by Counc. Jackson and paased
_iaously thae the public hearing be continued to the secoud regularly
schedul.d _etinl in Dec"'r mcI that a subc01lllÚ.tt.e consistiDl of two of the Public SafetY c-1ss1on, the City Menag.r and ehe City
ACtorney _et aad explore possible expressed Undlnls for Cupertino.
4. Public haarinl to the adoption of a revised Conflict
of Interest Code for .....r. of the City Council.
lta.o1utlO11 No. 4324: -A &esolution of the City Council of the City
of Cupertino AdoptiDa . Coafl1ct of Intere.t Code Applicable to the
Melllbers of the City eo.mcu Pursuant to the Political ltaform Act of
1974 and !ape.liDl Basohat1on No. 4241. to
11: v.. 1IO'18d by Counc. .J~, seconded by Counc. O'lCeefe..._d paased
_ÚIOUflly to close eh. pabllc hearing.
11: v.. IIIOved by Counc. J-I. _, seconded by Counc. Frolich and passed
--f_1y that lta80lutica 110. 4324 be adopted.
City of Cup.rtiDo: IIear1D& to consider estabUsh1D& a nw 10
h1¡h density, .ult1p1e-f.-11y residential zone r.laeinl co density.
.etb.cka. permitted _ mcI other development standards; and the
rep.aling of exiseiDa D-2.2 and 10-2.7 1IIUltiple fatly rea1den-
eial ZOl1es. ltac~ ~_.. for approval. (continued fro. _et1<>g of
October 4. 1976)
,'" ,.l)~i<~.IØoI!S,;' /' c.' , ,
t'~{~.'i, ,,~'~ii~, ..' . .....
'i.,~,¡¡!:~:~~ :. -J;~2;~.:~O::: :: ~r:~-.~tCD cal- I
:~:; ',.'",.. of tIa.i:.r:i~r"""Dnft of eM 13 Ordt~ '1aria1oa,;1IotI1f1caciolUl
'!!tþ:,.".'....1-Þ1 aMIftcadoIIj; _ _~ ¡to 13 OI'eS.
, " I I
.,. p-- 6.20 - tit read, '"!be ....' ...It... acroN the froae of tile 101: :~ct1oa 6.20
t .. ':. tile ftaaI: lot l1De ..., '~c_ -.... l1De parallel tbenCD wtddI are ¡
"il Ù'6(ed 117 a tiel:ace eqaal CD die flOGl: ael:badt as req1l1Þ4 111 chl8
_ -1.4-ce.·
~ ...,..,.. .-
- or 1:8 .....6D 15, 197. CIft COOIICIL IIIEtI1IG
.. '.... 7.1. - to read, '"DIe.
..6.& housebold pees DOl: to .n
or~) p.r mú.t - - -"
J'" of not to aceed two (2) ... or
. four (4) adults (four _tb of al.
.. P..... 7.2<! - the fourth line co n.d, .. - - - eo-1s.ion Ø1I1Jor Ciey
t: -J that ~3e propo.ed d..-1 J I: 18 ..tinl - - - ..
Pap 3
S.ctiCID 7.1e
Section 7. 2d
II: _ _4 ~y Counc. N.Ul8. ->d~d by Counc. O'"..f. aø4 p....d with ,Section 10.5
!II¡ror Meyers ¢i.sSenting thaI: Se-'- 10.5 b. chaoled to prcw1de I:hal: the
f~~ y~rd seÙadt .hall be a ..,..- of 20 feet in depth.
I~ _ .,VK )~ ~unc. IleUl8, ~d by Counc. O'J(e.fe aø4 p....d unan-:S.ction 10.6
~ly that s.cUon 10.6 sIIalJ. prcrride for IainiJIua sid. yard secbacka of
6 f..~ for a sU&l. Story el~, 9 feet for a second .tory el_t and
11 f..~ for S::II.:tllr.. acer ..... c.o s~ori.s or 24 feet in heighe.
II: _ -..è )~ Counc. rrolic:!a. MCCIIded by Counc. O'J(e.f. aø4 p..sed with,Parkinl in
C-. .Jacka= m4 Counc. _110. ..·.entinl that provision be aade to ¡rear yard
-1O-".ee paB1::C in rear yød Md---k. wher. :!IÙtipl. un1cs lIack up to setbacka
siaa1a-fat::r zits. I
II: _ IIOWè 11~ ':':..c. "llú. MCODded by Counc. Frol1ch ..s p..sed
--'-ualy t= clo.. the publi.c !aear1n1.
II: _ aoft4 1Iy CQuac. ..,1f.,.. d"d by Counc. O'J(eefe and passed
--t-ualy :U: the RJ Or"...-~ -.vte1on Third Draft as __ed be
~erred to ~. Pl_in. C- ..~ for a report.
'Publ1c h.aring
Ord. to Plan-
ninl Co_.
. for report
!Þ:,rn !ley.n a.:1~....rned the _d.. U 11:05 p. lB. to 7:30 p. a.. Sovelllber 'Adjounuunt
:'6. 1976.
"_. --"- ........-........