CC 01-13-75 .. .. ') . . .,,,"CIII or ....-II1II, S'UŒZ ,. ~ '.:lUTa Tone "" ,-.~. California ~.' . . r .1.L": 252-4505 95Ol4 ,~. 4; ( , ~ i ~O( , _':. ...:.,.o¡,.. .~ ~" ~j: '_~i ; l:, ~' ;.,$.'''- . ,~ OF 1111 ADJ.IIi..,.... ~&. IIŒTUG or till cm (DOICtf, · . J-"- 13, 1m. ø'lø. CXJII1fCIL awen, em 11&1. . . -- ---. CALI!OIRIA .... TO !II lUG 2a. -ilia _ opeud 111 ....._. Pro 'reapore Jackson at 7:16 p... ~ tile Salaee to the ne. -.z. ~ c.-. preset: llayer.. "'11-1_. Mayor Pro Tea Jackson IIaJor SpaRs (8 :00) eo.c. ÙHIIt: Frol1ch kaff prueAt City M......r Quinlan City Attorney Adams Asaistaat City Attorney Kilian Director of Adainistrative Services Ryder Direetor of Plannina and Development Sisk Direetor of Publlc Works Viskovich Director of Parks and Recreation Butler ..18taat Dir~tor of Planning & Deve10paent Cow AasistaDt Plaøaer Piasecki ADJOUJIIHL"fI 1. !.djOOrD to a per.oaael ....lon for intervie.. vi applicants for appointaeat to Public Safety COIIIIIIission. IIaJor Pro T.. .Jackson acljo.....-<i the meetina to the personnel _ion iaaediately after the roll call. The aeetlna nconvened fa open session at 7:55 p... .~¥uu. IX OPEN SESSIOB - 7:S5 p,m. IIaJor Sparks reopened the ~ with the Salute to the na¡. .;... L......31t~....;;:..._~ CC-246 '''' 1 .~ - .. .. 246 2 01' IBE JAIIUAU 13. 1~5 ADJWIIIIAII CITf CXJUllCIL ......"u!G íIIU. cw. ClIme. p_t: Ðr--:. .....t: JacUcÌD. .....Ju. Bellis, MaJor Spub Frolicla n-tna c-.. pre. ..: I'J.øntna 0-. _set: Ad_. Caa._. Gatto, Woodvard, ~ O'Þefe ROlla I'UBLIC _ntar..c: 2. Proposed Bousina and C ·ity Development Bloek Grant Progna. The Planning Director introduced the subject. Assistant Planner gave a detailed review of the JanuaEY lO, 1975, staff report entitled "Activities to be Accomplished at the' Second Housina and CDamunity Development Act Publlc Hearina January 13, 1975" and the January 10, 1915, staff report entitled "Proposed Housina and Communlty Develo 'lllent Slock Grant proar.", includina attachlleats. Artachmen: .-\ - "Expenditure Proposal SUlllllAry" was d1scussed in detail. The Assis:a:::: Planner said It_ 1. Housing Rehabilitation, will require the hiring "f a Sanitar1aa and a clerk to assist. Chairman O'>:eefe said he would be IDOre in favor of publicity in regard to the re~~ilitation funds available than in the "w1ndshle1d inspections". Couac. Nellis asked what the o_1."-ridina, major objectives of thls Program are. The Assistant Planner said It is to improve the health, safety and lfare of the people. For instance, the1."e a1."e many dwel!ing unlts wlth bare wiru that should be taken care of. Tbis proar_ is -proposed for rehabilltation of ex1stina stock. Counc. Nellis was conce1."Ded about the hiah perceataae of the available IDODey goina into administration of the Proar_, UDC. Meyers said the entire proaram may have sCllle serlo": ';lswbacks we look into the ratio of renter-occupied and owne:-occupied unlts, Assist....t Planner said the Program could speak to absentee landlord al.ao in the fora of subsidized loans. The tricky thina to ac:bainister ls o not und.arwrite the uparadiJla of a unlt to the point where It become. œ expensive to live in .... the occupant must IIIOve elsewhere. , . ,__. ~..........___u~ . .. l 1"- " i ! t , ,. -. ¡ <'..,.-t.\<..". ee ee _Ai 07 ftK .1-'" 13. 1975 ADJOu~ em CØIIIC1L IIIUITuIG c... f II.r ~ -tel tIIa&'1I!II87 U.... the ptt1a& of the ..rv1e SC-CUW .. CIIIC to die ....lI:opdat. peopl. 18 balf the job. She .... tile ~J -1 -ÞHt -"-t) ilia cI1nct relation to ~ -- H 8DC tile h+_ 18 ..ce_ful. c... c.cco ..u tile ~i'" eon. .... _. when you _w. _ .. ,_Uf-. IIIIoat . po..ibl. $2I1111ioa. Be added tba d9tc Jdje eho1I1II .. caaa1dend alona vith hu1.th. saf.ty and wlfan. ....... If a11øIrace will be Md. for the property .-.r to ... tile laIIor .....1f. or auat he hire . contracto1.". !lie City - -pr- - _Ñ that whatever the Cod. allØV8 will be ..,,-··....1.. c-. ~ f.lt the .-IDiltrative costa w.re a bit hl¡b for the fint JÙr. C-. VðodIrard said _ need to assess the baeline of the 3-year voluntary prolr_. The Assistant Planner said the funding 1acludes a full-t1ae .anitarisa and 3/4-t1me clerlcal support. Dutles will inc1U11e inspection of units, surveys, neaotlations vith the banb and with the public, He said we can alway.. cut bact< t!;e second year. Attaclaeat A, it_ II. Hei¡bborhood Rehabilitatlon, was discussed Deltt. The Assistant PlaDDer revlewed the proposal, including street tree plantina in Gar~en Gate, city-wide local improvement ..sistance, and a wate1." serv:ce p1."Oaram for Monta Vista. Counc. Helli.was answered by the Director of Public Works that aon of the wete1." lines ha.ve been designed and constructed by the developers, There followed a discussion of the iaprovement of the vaterlines. It wu learned that it would mean Increased fire protection and decreased Insurance pr~iuma, Fire Chlef IC1rby reviewed the methods of classification of insuran rates, If the asins are less than 6" the people are penalized. B. easweraJ Counc. Nellls that there is an uraent need in the Monta Vista area for baproved water capacity for safety. Couoc. .Jackson wa answered by the Dlrector of Public Works that the aDney allocated for thls purpose would In DO way pay for all of wbat is needed. TIüe would just put in lara.r fire hydrants in closer proltbaity to the devaloped properties, Counc. !layers brouaht to the attention óf the staff that In the Carden Gate area there iI DO f1."ODt e....ent on which to plsce the streat tr..s. The AssinaDt Planner will research this. C:C-246 .... 3 . '__0 ~~.~ ee ee OP DB .1-- is__ 1975 ADJOUIID cm COUICIL -~ l I11~ LaIr/!blerau 1kI..ð~WO.. ..t..dtia .... IV. ,oatil SeftIca ...... ., ~ wen eliseoo-lIJ .8êL .; -, . .... _ po1aÞ4 ."r- . ,..cIa ..nee 1Ianaa ... pnYId- of e tey facUitia føI".~ ~t ønka ... .., can for cIa11t1na of -tJaa parau'" .....'" III. Cba1_ O"lBfe ..w ~ are c:ena1II acbool 1IaUIUDp trltIaSa Capertt.» School D18Crie& tIIII& an DOt "ilia faU, ..... ... cøl4 lie ..... for _lor c1~ ,_tJtu. .. chilel cue e_un. '!'lIen 18 .. acelleot op~ ... m coordinatioa 1»ebHD Scbool DlatrI.cC ... City, Couac. ..1118 was --.... ., the .uff that 1.eI beldaa et ~ particulu t18e ~ lie too ~-1Ye to coa.1der. with tile __t of fuacls available. '!'lIe CiC)' ......er .&JeI tile pre_t tb1øltilla 1. to work t_ard pr...rYatioll of that vhlcb ho alre'" ha.,.. MaJOr Sparks call" a ~ at 9120 p... TIle _etSaa rec:øo-.t u 9:33 p... The Mayor asked for e_t. fru. tile _i.... Ifrs. lCoaaa liebel, Depa~t of Social Se~-Yic:.-a, spoke iA reaarel to the day care proar... She offered to .~~r queations about tha proar... Sbe said there are, at tha preseat t18e, DO p1."Oar... witb reduced co.t.. TIle only resource for thia area is in Sunnyvale. ARC funda are bei.a received _ for sinale parente who are unable to pay fully for child care. Counc. MelUs ukeel if aile could aive s_ idea of uafulfilled IMeda iA this area. Hrs. lleizel aaid slle hu a waitinl Un for tbis area of 4 to 6 aoncbs fo1." tile federally funded proar.. Tbey aDCic1pate DO _re of these 15%-red~ral. 251-Scue contracts for tbia aervice. As to adainistrative costs heiAa hip, she said tbese include iDsuraace race., facilities, staffina coets, ete, She felc tile idea of uaial Khool facilities vas a lood ODe. Chairaø O"';eefe .aid that, a. a School Board Keaber, be lcwks upon thia .. aD inven.nt because tbere i. le.. Deed of r-.lial work vlth the chUd a he/she becoaes older. Another thilla to consider is tbe fact thac residential boaa care for these children leneraces extra traffic 1D tho.e resideatial areas, vbe1."ea schoola are equipped to handle t.... acra car.. . " .- ..":-.-.,. .~'~..' ·_:·'e·-·::-"'·' . '-. .... ;. .\ ......... , -\ :'., ' ,....'. :.} L. Ørs, Ir~~ r'.~s :'representative of the "Grey Re¥oluti~~. Sh~ wag del . to ace ItCft D in the staff report. S1'.e would ~ :,,, the City to .··st.... consideration to SivinS the. large eno~:' -j<iliti~s aot'ê7 can provide a volunteer lunch ..roarslI. !".rs. Ann t.- -' _ . . :-\O:!t3 Vista. said she "'as \'er,- pleased ...ith the staff re,:': -:r the \1I(,)5t part. She w3:HeJ to fay a fry,; ,.or~s for the un!r.:' _,.d ùr('~ 1tf the s;>her~ vf r.:"~:J<'nc~ of the ctry of Ccp"rli~.'. ".lid its p-.psdation is 12,l""·:' .r.d that $1.800 5bøul¿ h.' -;'.:1 this B:'ea. She 5Ut~es~·_~ .1 twicC-U-j'("1r t:-a~h pickup 1-·~~_;: ~ \:ti.H"' haS. She also felt. t',~.,: ,-)lùel' FU~';l·..i....i()n.s s~h &$ f::: _ .'.. :.lrk, Rancho l::t.Dconad3, ~klJ1~~ \'ì.sta and Ca:-d¿;:1 Catc< :;hould 1-, ..- . "·:d. She veu1ð likl- thc dt\<-~ and thc C'·"::lY tò apj)'roach : ~ :"_.i~~r.:ll Go,,"e~ in rcgnrd tv hcn:c tJr.r(lJ\'(.~'''''n: loar, ,,"~ith len,,- ':-:"~'>'~::. long t.ent rat.es. She st..~t\'J th;Jt any :.i:::.-e an area det~~_:~~:~~, cTi~e move. in. She ssid t_ , ';Üy sh,'uld baYe . housing c,''¡,'. Sh~ would like to see enfr:.~x~: of the County Bousln~ Code. . ID r~gard :' :~e senior clt1_s. Hrs, Ancer "'"udercd if there is any FrO\';-'." f,'r the shut-i_, She feel. the Cupert1N' ",-nicr citizens "'=: .~ry well prO¥ided for, but WJuld like to ~~ke sure rhe shut-i ',. ne provided for. They c3nnot get out and speak for t.b«:aselv"" . .... ,-.;'.'.'1 eo-. WC'<>li..~;~ ""ndcr"d 1f·~..1¡oard of Sur"rvisors woul': author i7. the $8000 ;: s, if (.'upert1~;"ffére~ to nd¡::inister the trash p1ck .1' progræ :;;: the uninco~ areas. ,,;:.~*':;:: .." '~;:~;:f~·."1 . ·.~·l~:V;:- ",:~ - ....., 'J"iift'-:>"· (~~f;:l; '.. ··\'I..iY,~,:,....:t_~~,~:·;; ....., ..' - ~'-":-" ,.-.-.. .~:~>:::~,.-.\:- . >~ ............-........'-"'_~.....,.¡." '_' .....,'_' ,- .......T..'~"'~__'.._.,·~¥...__ >~, "-..Cooper J.~ud ""à~C !!ii-.~Þlxon $¿1~ there-i. C1Õ/t>rwt>rh':-:;~ as vel~:. .,ltbacouns<: ',,~. SbtI.- fOT dttsJ>ur."2e. As ..~., liltft'kers., øn .t ·:Qtlt1nuln.,,:, ~lYe 3 t~ ~. .'uks to, .~ f'~~:\~"" 'Ie thllt' the aOst $Uccc8Sfd ~s' ,bute. so &$ to reach all the,.:~Pl.. 'f.'.·' ,::;'Ulties $11... "'ilS loo!dn¡: (or. ;fø!' a large r.;:CI for large 'aroupå ;.reas wh~rè d i~,i)y can g~t to"ther 'the er:pt)' c~ ~S-:-;:t':-r.!S as bC'¡n~ ...d '1."ecOIImI..n""" t!;r,"- full-titw couNlcllôrs. Ie 30 t~ :~ f~llics. It could "weeks per :a."-~!y. ec.....,Wood...z.r¿ w""\te6 to· effOrt with.t~? C~nty~ ",or b.. dupl cat!.oft of ;'N' by Cola. 1Ie.ÌIs-1Dg. . to cloRe the public , ."",' car r leJ, 9-0 ·.....;-.-i ;tfj~~ ~\111dl !fetab~~ ;¡íI ~~b;\jteiJ:""'I donIi' ::.~;:i'~'\::·i7~i:!\ .;ì: ~,.Ha,.er$ said that;;- .;åùa:tbe euIuatedt'" i'" ;',::." . >',:,C> . ", ,...-,:', .:"".. '. '. . . ~ " :'c'..~" __, '. ulna to look at tb. .:.-a.d-..ld Ik. Brown's·' " ,,'- ,t¿der..l h:..d~ avallÁlt .. ,~ìC08ttt . compliCt<"nt..t tM ataff,,' ,:r;" i::".i11i-E" :,: '.i '" .' '."-, ,:,}!;"~< _:.: ... . '. he. sees this as tin ongotD.:'røBff"'\ ,.~~ time.· He "Ould be In favoç:o£' "of/ the Webstt'r Ct'Oter in Santa'Cl.n .,¡à ~ 80111e lICr1t. He wall not su~"Jbcrci· 'iUra of thb sbe to partldpateln ~~'; ,- .. .. OP tIlE JAwu.- 13. 1975 WwØ!ll cm wulllõLL sanllG Catto laid be c ~'I.llecI with Itat_U .... It th1a -t:iDI. 'v~ ~::'~'I. ',.,~~~~~:I:f°:":'7t:~ two ~ ~-;:: 1 f ¡r..L t I. ..... to offer -loPca U.an._ to .. ..dIe.nee.... ill ..ter"liDu, coaU. _ ~ IIy elao ..' .. ta .... u.... die _ tme. 'I!Ie Dinctœ of hblSc .... ,- it 18 -ut1Ø7 to .... the ..ter 1~ _ .t_-:.. f_ the U.... c:a...... - pnpoeed 1Dcnuiq ,r.t.......ttIooII laWil1taciOD -441. !lie City - -17T &aU .. are rau1cÞII !O 201 "ilia -. -~" -.oIL_e" it_. ter __ dilcu..:toa. it ... 8Øftd lIy CoaDc. "1118. -.led 111 œc. Jacksoo to reopeD the paIIUc hur~. lIoeion caniÑ. 9-4 UIIC. lellis said tbe loftvare b _ at 14%. She wdd 11. the acaff to atteapt to IIrina It up to the 20% before the DeZt _Uq. c. Meyers proposed the coneept be accepted a _11 u the first ,ear jecUves. OYer the Mat several years, he _14 also like to CODSider preservaUoa of blstorieal bulldlap. S_r service abould al.o be coasidere4. c. Jawoo would lUte to see tbe local bproveaeat usin_e allocation spread _al the other hardware prol1.".s. Counc. 1felUs ..oted this aoes int ) the secood and third years aDd could be cbanaed at that t.. It wu decided that. ainiaal fundinl would be left in the locai iaprov_ent Usi.tC1ce catelory and tbe reaainder absorbed ia youth service bureau aDd c_ity service. catelOrie., howIin& reballlli- Cion æDd historical pruervaUon with the uadentandin& that there _y e SOlIe sblft1a¡ in the seeond and third ,ur.. e Pl-nflla C_ls.i_ vere excused f1."Ga the _etin& at ll:37 p.., INISHED BUSINESS 3. Discussion on propo.al relatina to r-rpac, Medical Servlce. and Par_dlc P1."o&rD. ubl1c Safety Co_ission Chairaan Ford noted that the City Councll ha. ece1Yed the ll.eport and recoaaendaUon of the c-1asion. He offered o aDlVer any questions. , , ee .. _.\as or tB JAIRLtØ 13. 1975 WOODED em 0-.-; .), IElZIIG CC-246 Pap 7 .. . , ,~.: ':. ~ .at Irj ..... dI8C ÌIIÏI1 of oar ancIa an ·acft.-I. lie feU· die CitJ JIIiA'Þilra.e,¡1IUII look et wl -U& ,~ IUCh .. UIe·....r ('ftf~'-·W''''''procø.. .. at.o felt. tile toath ..... ___ ia _'.~. c..c. J . 1III.taÞ4 tllÃw of thae ... ...,. Yitd fnI1:-. CIlIa ~. tlloaP. is dIC _uy be "","'ftll -..1".. too Cldlaa 1.... _ an .. .- far eoup m ay _ of tile prolr_ .. _ ~ 1D f..~. of tile Youth Senicu Iø_. lie felt: the 1oa1 ~4. . (-'t _.-4_-- .boa1d be _i4an4 ill the Capital ~.~. ta Pr~_. .. waLl be in favor of putdøa dlae , = taco the ~ c1t~ aDd youth ..rv:1ca burea. dot. . nbal/Weat1oft. .. 11ba the tnah p1cbp idea for UD1co _. pi f.·t f..108 "".f- O'ltaafe aaid it_. I .... 11 in Mtu~ t A . . fII,ftue Pnpoaal 5_ry _%8 wry aoocI. lie fe1t'"ûac JOGCh MJ:ricaa bureau an owrlappma. but tb18 1a ÅOJ:t-~, Be 18 f.DCenRed 1D cuttin. adaiaisUative cosu, !he Maior dt~ .... the people neediaa child car«. eeaten have a areat". Be 111:'" ehe 11M of tbe school fac11·.U", -.,or Spub ..I' he basically aareed with Couac. .JackaoG". state- ..ca in nprd to bouaiDl nhabilltatiOD &Del the S]l)7 ,OOQ beina -.nad be~ this aa4 die JOUth service bureau proar_. Be 88i. he N11.... we are aoma to bave to decide very aoon, alona with the School Distriet, about child care eaten, youth burea.. ... _lor citizen facillel... Be DOted tbat the prlce of land iD thia ana 18 becaa1D1 prohibitive. Ve should uk our State ",18lators to cOlD.ider the _tter of lona tera lOaÐa for houalna nbebUltatloa. Be said _ vill bave to decide which 1.... is .re !IIportaDt - raw -aa :'Z' vater. f,;: ;¡: CoIac:. .e11la c_te' that the housina rehabilitation It_ spe te _ of the objecUv_ of the !'roar.. Land bankina was one of her penOlDa! hopes, but It 40ea DOt fit into th18 proar.. She is .till DOt çoavinced that _ have the best rehabilltatlon proar.. !he )'Outh ..nices bureau .. child care c:eoters ara very iaportan She _ld like to take th18 one nep at a tiM. She 1a very auch iD favor of the _lor citJ.zeoa proar_. Their request is very af..f_l. She t".....-ð the .taff aDd the public for their input. C:-, Cooper aaid she CGaCUJ:a vith .n of the nat_t. aade, She felt It vas .at iaport_t to be very careful how _ apend the -,. Ve Deed to taka ad".teae of the van resource of "arey ..-.r". lie aeed to CO 'bec:t1y to the people in need to identity thelr needs, She tIiOUld li1ut to ... attention given tC' the lliace1laneo.. auue.ta- _ the questionnaire. She "oould 11ke, iD the CSH of l_ inc_ houainl, to investiaate liO.e othe1." 1nceoU".. tbat could ~ liY_ to the developers tbaJI density. "'¿-".-- ,- .'-~,'~~;: , . -Ie . 'i.I _ i IIDIUTES OF mE JAtlUAA1' 13. 1'75 ADJœR:lt:U CITY COOKClL IIEErIICC CounC. Heyen DOted _ co:atndlction in the rec~.datioa. CIaa1ø:\II Ford 881d the C:-t7 does disp.,tch ambula_ .... they fal they should COIItlaae to do so. There rolloved . tll«--don OD the 911 plao, it. þnII eel con.. CouDc. Meyers suGtcsted dlat pe1."haps the PU:\IIIed1c hO&l'- should he recional and disreprtl cit)" boundaries. Chail1Ull Font said it vas the f~clinc or tho Co.Dlsaion tbat the needs of the c _~1ty should be tailored to tbe c.o_unlty, but the tnlnlng faactiODS, etc., could be aclminbtered on a count)'Wide basb. Coone. Jacl;,,¡on asked vb7 _ .fght proar!!1II than, say, :bnte Se1."eno. . diff~rcnt level of serw1ce. tut want a diffcrent paraae41c Chaiman Ford sale: we ai¡ht not necessarily. ,..ant Counc. Jóll"kson said he sees too ToIuch fta¡;:::t'ntation vitb basic _rgency cedical services. Chalrmøn Ford said the ..11: difficulty with r.ultijcri~dictional service i~ the que~ti~n of ~o ~hou~d foot the bills. He would l1ke the City of CCPCrli!1:) tn relain th" rii:ht to c!ed ~~ if ,..c want to ¡;ct into a ¡>:c·graa of tl.is kind. The City ~:":1ó1¡;er no~ erl that ther" is the f..clin¡ of !.~:-_e of ih., ~orth Cou"t)' cltfes t~t If it ",..re a COu..'l)....icic 911 r.¡-s~= it would decrcase the le.el of service. Moved by CollOC, JacksO<1, Sec<mded by Counc. lIeyers t:> eW¡lt th" 1."eCOMUcn~~:ion suboittee: by the Public $ólfely Co~;ss;"n en Eoaer&cnc)' ~;cdical Services, aeended by the deletlon c! reco=l'l\da- tfon Il ar.d the inst'rt1on of the ...ord "control" foll,,·.-r,,;; tho> "'"rö -desbah),," in the "ecoad 11:1e of the second paragr....!-. preceding the reco.~cndatlons. Motion carried, 4-0 IŒII BUSINESS 4. Appointment to Public Safety Coamtssion ~ Moved by Counc·. Hel115. ~ed by Counc, Jackson to appoiot Hr., Jløgers to tbe Public Safety eo_bsfon. Motlon carried, 4-0 the Council polntt'd out thai: tlmy had bcen extrfll101,. h;oppy with Hr., JIø.:C[8· work Oil the Architt'ctur3\ and Site Apprøval CoaIllÍtlre. Counc. .~yera asked her if she would also consider 813,.10& on that C"...lttec, at le..ac _I i) Apcll. She "ccepted tbis prop"":Il. . CC-246 'qe 9 E:.x-r i': : I t~d. st...·.;(.·: 3ï-prc...(o.i :-; lOod1fI-'¡ Mrs, Lgcr'S appoint ~ d te l'ub.:;,,'cty eo. . . ,'------~.. ":' t. .' e-e MfI:uTES OF Tllf. J~~3. 1975 ADJO(Il:lIF.D CITY COUH~IIC . AUJOIJIOOŒ2it S. Adjourn to 7:30 p.... .I_ry.::!O, 1975. IfaJOr Sparks :1djoumed ~hi. _~lns at 11:58 p... to 7:30 p... OD .January 20, 1975. .. APPROVED: /s/ Reed Sp81."ks Mayor, City of Cupertl!1'> ATTEST: iIDI. E. Rvdu City Clnx. -- -,