CC 01-20-75
ì .
~.. j
10300 TOrTe Aveaue. Cupertino, California 95014
Telepbne I 252-4505
...~ or _ JlD'IING or TIŒ CIty Q)œlC1L
IIIUÞ CII JIJII{1- 20. 191~.. II· TIlE COUNCIL awmn. ern BALL
. c:'urDr1x0. CALIIOIRIA
!W.DTI TO 'l'IŒ ruG
Mayor Spadt8 wId the _etina to order at 7:34 p ,.. vlth the
Salute to the nea.
CoUll':. present:
CoUIIC. absent:
Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Nellis, Mayor Sparks
Staff present:
Clty Manager Quinlan
Di1."ector of Administrative Services Ryder
Assistant Clty Attomey Kilian
Director of Public Works Viskovich
Director of Parks ~lt1d Recreation Butler
Assistant Planning Director Cowan
Trafflc Engineer Grigg
l. Presentation of 16 Flags ov~r California project to
City of Cupertino by Mary Lou Lyon.
Hs, tlary Lou Lyon, Hoaestead nigh School teacher, introduced
studentH Rosemary Dreike, Maryanne Call, Gayle Hayes, Perri Ameen,
Jonl J~nes, Teresa Klotz, Allison Oldaker, Judy Preston, Connie
Honey, Mary Pat D¿vey, Peggy Finnigan, Cindy Spohr, Laura Walker,
Hore William~ and Ber3ie Toy, ~IO present~d the 16 Flags over
California to the City of Cu~~rtlno. Ms. Lyon said this is the
first California community with b complete set of Bicentennial
Counc. Nellis proposed a letter of appreciation from the City of
Cupertino be sent to the teacher and the class .
-- --.~.......~..~-,..
~-"""'--"-"-'- -
Page 1
2. Subaitted requesta co address tbe CouDcil.
(a) 1IOU8.
3. Jlecu¡nitioD 111 IfaJÔr of audimce requests.
(.) Rone.
4, Public hearlng relating to the noise asses8lDeDt study of
McClellan Square. (Continued from meetin3 of October 29, 1914)
Consultant Edward L. Pack, 2940 Scott Blvd., Santa Clara, summarlzed
the noise impact his fir. conducted for the area directly behind the
Ralph's Market loading dock, on Saratoga-SunnyvGle Road. He presented
two alternativer. for a solucion to the problem: inclose the dock or
Increase the height of tho¡ ""isting acoustical wall.
Counc. Frolich asked if cantilever-type walls were considered for
1."educing the decibels. Hr. Pack said that basically, the decrease in
decibels ...ould not justify the additiollal cost for that type structure.
Counc. Frolich wondered whether noise could be transmitted through
the ground here. Mr. Pack said there is a ), differcnce in elevation
between the market and adjacent residcntial, so he did not believe the
noise being transmitted in this way.
Counc. Jackson was answered that less t~an IO% of the delivery trucks
are refrigerated trucks.
Mr. Pack answered Counc. Meyers that moving the loading dock to the end
of the bullding would solve the probleM of noise, but it would also mean
incr~ased exposure.
Architect Rick Gaylord, ll99 East Walnut Avenue, Pasadena, said they
have analized the recOCQendations madc by the consulting firm.
It was generally felt that the n"... ordinance was helpful. Alternative
solutions are being explored. The City Manager said Ralph's Market has
been putting a ch~in across the entrance to keep the trucks out of the
area over the weekends. He also said that more data is expected this
month from SAGES regarding this type of problea.
Gerry O'Hara, 10404 Paradise Drive, thinks the City should ~ook further
into the possibility of relocating the loading dock. She "oid her home
is still flooded with noise and vibration during the day.
, ''(:.'
IIrs. Metcalf,
Ialpb's rup.
. solution,
raracl1_ Drbe. said her homs Is dlreetly beb1ød
She duedbe--d the problems and bopecI for an early
i -
Counc. Frol1ch sullested eootinuina this publ1e hearina for t_
_b to allow the staff t!.e to worltwlth the "oluø"JDsrs.
"'or Sparks aslted that this .atter be put on the aaeacla for the
seeond Councll lIIeeting in February. The staff was instrueted to
define the available alteraatlves and to measure DOlse levels
durina the day as well as the night.
Koved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Jackson to contlnue the
publlc hearing on the McClellan Square noise assesSllent study
to February l8, 1975.
Kotlon carried, 5-0
Hayor Sparks called a recess at 8:52 ~.m. The meeting recunvened
at 9:05 p..m.
Public hearing to consider
Vicksburg at Cold Harbor.
October 29, 1974.)
the closing of the street on
{Continued from meeting of
The Director of Public Works reviewed the.staff's Summary, dated
January 20, 1975, the Dire:tor of Public Works' memo dated
January 15, 1915, including the attacheù map. Slides were shown
of examples of traffic divercers in other jurisdictions. lie said
the City has developed criteria for street closure, which he then
reviewed. The main reason for traffic diverters is to discourage
inter-neighborhood travel. lie said most of the n..ighborhoods
today do not allow the streets to go straight through anymore.
The staff recommended the temporary barricade at Cold Harbor Avenu
and Vicksburg Drive be removed and no permanent closure be con-
structed. Further, a program of selective traffic enforcement
should be implemented in all the City's neighborhoods susceptible
to this type of correction. If the rcsidents are still concerned
about childrcn crossing at the corner of Cold Harbor Avenue and
Vicksburg Drive, then the park entrance should be abandoned and
the crosswalk removed.
M1."s. Miriam Idle, 10640 East Estates Drive, Cupertino, said she wa
asking for speed bumps because there were over 30 accidents here
over a three-year perioc!. It was noted here that the increased
police coverage will be starting this week.
-. '--".~-' ._- ..--
Page 3
McClellan Sq.
noise study
continued to
Feb. 18th
Pace 4
1fr. Bob Chaney, 19766 Vicksburg Drive, Cupertino, charged that this
staff report does DOt aWnss tbe true probl_ here. Be .aiel be vas
Dot talking about _ -ters but rather about the euant driver. Be
Itussed that the m1deDtB want sCIlla actiOD DOlI. lie would l1ke to
see the barrlcada r fft.
Hr. Cad Flock, l029S Vicksburg Drive, Cupertino, said b. vould like
to withdraw his previous opposition to the Cold Barbor barrieade.
Ha said there a1."e very serious problems alona these street.,
Hr. Jay Good_, Vicksburg Drive, Cupertino, clted two instances where
his daughters have been hit, at separate times. He asked that
Vicksburg Drive be closed for a period of six aonths, on a trial basis.
Hrs. Marilyn Short, 10200 Vicksburg Drive, Cupertino, reviewed the
traffic problems and attempts at solutions over the past ten years.
She asked for a moratorium on any new developments until OU1." present
problems are corrected.
Hr. Dick Heber, I0251 Vicksburg Drive, Cupertino, said he supports the
closure ot Vicksburg Drive for the safety and welfare of the people
living in the area. He said the staff report stressed the negative
and not the positive as?ects.
Mrs. Har0ld Hayquarter, lOZ16 East Estd~es D1."ive, Cupertino, said she
has lived there since 1959. Although the ~arricade looks awful, she
is very much in favor of it because it is effective. She asked that
the City Council c~:e to the aid of their neighborh~od. Further, she
said she is opposed to any kind of barrier that puts more traffic on
her street.
Hl. JOIn Graves, IOJ25 Richwood Drive, Cupertino, commended the staff
on a v~ry comprehensive report. He said he is concerned about fire
engines and police cars and ambulances being able to get through these
barriers when an e=ergency occurs.
Hr. Dennis Pabooj in, IOJ28 Cold Harbor, Cupertino, charged that the
staff report was "ridiculous". He agreed that streets constructed in
this way discourage cOllDllute traffic, but they do not address safety.
He said this report does not relate to their problem. They believe a
6" strip across the road would be a sufficf.ent barricade.
Mrs. Margaret Nossardi, IOZ35
Mrs. Short got the signatures
Drive at Stevens Creek Blvd.
of traffic.
Vicksburg Drive, Cupertino, said she and
on the petitions L0 close Vicksburg
The main problems were speed and volume
,-----. -._".~. ~,,._. -
Pace S
Hr. Ty Short, 10200 Vic:blla1'S Drive, Cupertino, prueøtecJ supple-
_ntary data tbat relates to the closure of their 8treet wb1ch
will have a publ1e headø& separate ho. this 0DtI. Be va con-
cerned that ve are DOl: _rldDC on future traffic prGbI_. Be
881d the aini-cul-de 'f4~. provide turn-around space. Be "'ltted
hia written report to the staff.
The Assistant Clty Attorney advised that each street closure
requires a aeparate public beariDc.
The City Attorney's office haa advised that apeed buaps are
M1.". Vernon Grenke, l0559 ltaarpart Avenue. Cupertino, stated that
once the Little League season starts the traffic will aet much
Mr. John Johnson, 1983l P1."ice Avenue, Cupertino, feels the
temporary barrier has increased the traffic on Price Avenue. He
suggested a 3-way stop algn at Portal Avenue.
Slnce there were no further couments from the audience, it was
moved by Counc. Frolich, seconded by Counc. Jackson to close
the public hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
Counc. Frolich stated that the closure of a street does not solve
the problem of the errant driver. It is not easy to deny what
appears to be a solution; hovever, the map prepared by the Public
Works Department deconstrates this is not the answer to the
Counc. Nellis felt responsible for the staff report. She believes
the Diroctor of Public Works did a very good job or. a very diffi-
cult s~bject. She felt the map showed many more closures than
would actually result. The real problem here is not so much
the design of the street, but rather one of the errant drlver.
We are hiring m01."e police protectlon. We are creatina a hazard
by taking away the poss1bl11ty of ca1."S uslng the Portal/Stevens
Creek Blvd. traffic light. She said she does Dot see a solution
at this time.
Hayor Sparks said that forcing tha errant driver octo major
thoroughfares makes it easier for the police to catch thea.
~... 6
Cold Harbar/
Counc. Jackson cited 1Jd.r_ wue closure of a st1."eet c:avses problema
vitlúD the neighborhood. Be fed. that one closure w1ll DOt solve all
¡the probl_, but rather. ~ shlft the problems to other streets.
Be would like to try the atra police patrol fo1." a period of 60 clays.
Counc. Meyers thinks the poi« of equity must be lcoked at. When we
solve one problem, are we 1m effect causing another? -The report
identified the accidents are being caused by young drivers and Involved
I people living in the 1.-d1ate area. The accidents occurred at 8 a,m.
and around midnight. The additional police patrol should help.
,Moved by Counc. Meyers, secocðed by ComIc. FroUch, that the temporary
barricade at Cold Harbor and Vicksburg Drive be removed In accordance
with the staff's recOllllDl!nd at ion .
Counc. Jackson Ioiould like a report within sixty days on the selective
enforcement, and he would like to see this area get prio1."ity.
Y~tion carried, 4-1
Y~y~r Sparks gave dissentina vote
Counc. Frolich requested an ~terim report on the nucber of citations
given out at Vicksbura Dri.e and the hours of p;trol. The City
n_~~ger said the data sheet viII give all this information.
Counc. Frolich moved to ad;c--=rn this meeting at 11 :25 p.... to 7 :30
p.m. on January 2l, 1975. '~is motion dled for lack of a seconi.
He left the meeting at this ?oint because he was Ill.
Mayor Sparks called a re~= at 11:25 p.m. The meetina reconvened
at 11 :35 p.....
6. Appllcation 27-TK-74 of Bruce Edwards: Tentative Map to redivide
approximately 4.8 acres into one 3.03-acre parcel and three addi-
tional parcels for dedications for public agencies. Said property
is located westerly of and adjacent to Mary Avenue at its northerly
terminus with Freeway Koute 280 in a P (Planned Development zone
with quasi-public use intended). Recommended for approval.
Moved by Counc. Nellis. secoDded !iy r.ounc. }Ieyers to approve a;>plication
~tion carried, 4-0
1. Appl1caûoo HG-Sl,OS8.l of ~ Federal Savings and Lo_
Aasoc:iatioo of San D1ep zeqøesting approval of sipiag for
. ¡aaporary bank bund~ 1oc:ated at the northwest corner of
the intersection of .ScofieU Drive and Saratoaa-Sunnyvale
Road. lecoaaended for ~,':"
IIo1Ied by Cou:>c. Nellis, Be
application EC-5l,058.l.
-"--" by Counc. Jackson to approve
Øot1øa earried, 4-0
8. Appli~ation HC-51,3l8.211 of Fisherman's Village (Alf1."edo
Scardi~~) requesting escepcion to Section 1.021 of the SlID
Ordin~~:e to allow an ~rtlsing area in excess of the
allot:.~ square footage for an existing restaurant located on
the 3~":~ side of Stevens Creek Blvd., approximately 200 feet
easte:~' of Blaney Avenae. Recommended for denial.
Attorney J. ~~ert Dempster, re~resenting the applicant,
a continu~~:è :n the basis ·~~t he would prefer the vote
full Count:: .::; this appli~tl=.
asked for
of the
So moved !:-:.- ;.;o,."c. !Iellis, se-c=ded by Count. Jackson.
Øotl00 carried, ~-O
9. Appli:3::on HC-5I,002.9 of ~nald L. D~as requesting approva
of si:., architecture, ~~scaping and ~rading for a triplex
locate; in the LaCresta Subdivision, Alpine Drive, Lot 52.
Recot~c~ed for denial.
The Janua:'- :~, 1915 ~eoo !raa the Architectu:al and Site Approval
Ccaoittee .;c.'; the January 16, 19,5 letter frc'-, ~Ir. Ronald !>=as
~ere intr,o_:.:¿ into the reoorè. The Assist~nt Planning Directcr
Doted that ::,e recomm..ndati:>c fo:- denial of this application was
based on z :-: vote. The staff vas requested to work on an ordi-
nance basc~ :n the privacy 1:Irrusion problc". The applicant has
elected t. ~,peal the decisioo rather than return to the Cc:øittee
vlth desis~ :hanges.
UpoD reque,: of the applicant for a vote of the full Council, It
vas moved by Counc. Nellis. seconded by Counc. Jackson to continue
application EC-SI,002.9.
ØotiOD carried, 4-0
Page 7
Res. 383G
10. Resolution 110. 3811: -A lMolati9D of the Cit,. CoWIdl of tile
City of Cupertino OrdedJla'facatfou of a PortioD of Tone A__
" South of HolII!stead IIøa4 ~ IIorth of JI,oute 280 a P\;ovi.... ill
Section 8320 ct seq. of die Streets sad Hip.,.s Code of the
State of Cal1foraia." (CØlCfDued frca .aU.. óf Jauary 6, 1975)
[¡¡¡ergea.:y c:.:-_
System "..-.
JIoyed by Counc. Jacksou. .eC"ll'~ by Coune. Keye1."S to cancel
"olution Bo. 3811 and in lieu thereof, the staff was authorize. to
release development boads in accordance with the Director of Public
Works' t'eport of January 20. 1975.
Jl.)tiGn carried, 4-0
11. Submis"i.on of Revised II.eøolution and SI"eement pertaining to the
Acquisition of Sites for Parks and Schools.
Resol~t:on No. 3830: "A Resolution of the City Council
.:f :i:e City of Cupertino Authorizing Execution of a
Re.ised Agreement Between the City of Cupertino and the
Cu,<!rtiao Union School District of Santa Clara County for
A:~uisi:ion of Sites for Parks and Schools."
Le ~ord
:Oitle of
".k;¡uisition" shall be deleted from the fourth line of the
:::.¿ Res...'lution and ~eplaced '.lith the word tlDcvcloprn~ntn.
--ved by C.:"n". 'Ieyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to adopt Resolution
. 3830 .13 "",."ded.
Motion carried, 4-0
12. Prop'sed ?13n for Emergency Communlcations System for
Cit)· ,;,: Cup~rtiQo.
to the late h.Jur, it vas IOOved by Counc. Heyers, seconded by
~ounc. ~ell:s :" ~"ntinue the proposed emergency communications
}'stem pl,,-"! to t¡,e meeting of January 2l, 1915.
Motion carried, 4-0
3. Report by City Clerk - 110 report.
.... ~ -
_n." at 'mE J.LU"A&Y 20, 1'75 CIn COOIICIL tlEETHIC
14. Iw-f hadiD¡ of 0r1I1.-ce 110. 671: -. or.IiuDce of the
City of CuperttsD ........ SeuiGD 1 of OriiDSDce .. 2 by
laoDina App~e11 ~ Ae_ fr_ c; (Geaerù Coaae1."c1al)
ZeDe to City of C...rUIIO AI-4) (Aadca1turù/",ldeatial.
SiD¡le-Faa11y. '.-.\cre LoU) Z-; Located Appros1aately 1,200
Feet Wnterly of the latenoctioa of ......n load _d Lindy
Lane Adjacent to 5epart Creek.- - read by the City Clerk.
JIøyed by Counc. JacltsCID. MCODdd by eo-c. hUb to have
Ckd1nance No. 671 read by tit1. oo1y, ..d tbe Clerk's reading
sball constitute thQ Secoad ....taa.
lløtloa carried, 4-0
~ed by Cøun:. ;~:~§on, øecooded by Counc. Nellis to enact
O~di~nce No. o~~.
Kotion carr led, 4-0
15. Second Rc:':::".~ ~f Orùin~c.ce ~o. 67:!: "An Ot'dL)an.:~ of the
City of c.:~":::1'" ....endina Section 1 of Ordi:1;ißce :-;"'. 2 by
Prezonh.,o ';;~-oxi"'..tdy 0.3C1 Acces from Santa Cl~ra Cou..,t)'
a-I (Res,c.--::,¡:, Single-F_i~)', 10,000 Sq. Ft. Per D'.dl1ng
Cnit) Z"!1C :.' City of Cupertino P.l-IO (Resid"at:,¡l, Sinl;lc-
F_Uy, I: .::: SC;. Ft. Per Dwell:r.& t:nit),'; Located at
22433 San:a :..~la Avenue." - read by the City Clerk.
K..,""\o".·ed by CoUiI.\7_ ~;í':::is. seconded by (:June. Mey('rs t,J have
Orèi~nce No. "7: read by title onl~, and the Clerk's reading
sta11 constitute :~e Second Reading.
Motion carried, 4-0
J'ko-...ed by Counc. ~;.:!:'lis. seconded by (oun~. Jackson to enact
Or¿inL1ce No. 672.
Motion carried, 4-0
¡So Second Rearl:ng of Orciinance No. 673: "An Ordinance of the
City of Cu._rtino Amending or Deleting Various Sectioos of
Clutpter 2.C.s of the City of Cupertina Municipal Code Entitled
'City Cou.,.:il--Rules and Conduct of Meetings·.n - read by
tbe City Clerk.
Paae 9
Ord. 671
enac ted
Ord. 672
Page 10
O1."d. 673
;tes. 3820
~c". 3636.l9
i!cs. 3101-62
lIIwed by Counc. Heyers, .....-Ied by Counc, Jacksoo to have O1."diDaGce
. 673 read by tltle only. -.d the Clerk's readina shall coaatiCute
the Secoad leadiD¡.
MOtion carried, 4-0
by Counc. lfeyers, seCØlded by Counc. Jackson to enact
O1."d1nance So. 673,
HOtlon carried, 4-0
l7. No. 18:0: "A Resoluc1oa of the City Council of che City of
C~~~r:i~o Approving A¡reement fur Maintenance of State Highways
if. t¡'· City of Cupertino."
Moved by C-o:::1C. Nellis, seconded by Counc. ~Ie>'ers to adopt
Resolution ~¡". 3820.
Motion carried, 4-0
18. No.3: 36.19: "A Resolutio.. of the City C"uncil of the City of
Cupe~::n" Approving Contract Chanr,e OrJer Xo. 3 De Anza Campus
Off-~::~ct Parking & Traffic Facilities .hsessment District."
Moved by c<:¡..,c- ·¡CkS01., seconded by Counc. :;"U1s to adopt
Resolution X". 3656.19.
Mocion carried, 4-0
19. No. 3121-62: "A Resolution of t..e City C"uncll of the City of
Cuper::"" Authorizing the Ex~cution of T:Jnsfer of Title of
Sanitar, Facilities to Cupertino SanitJry District - Crossroads
Asses""""t District Unit I, Project 71-2."
Moved by C<~.,~. Meyers, sec~ed by Counc. Ja<~son to adopt
Resolution ~. 3101-62.
(J">t-lon ca.rricd. 4-0
v' \
- .
Page 11
......&11£ CAI.D1)AI.
.211. llaquest for reaoval of Ie- fr_ Consent Calendar - 1foDe.
Ca) Jlesal..tion No. 3817: · A Resolution of the City ColIDCll
of t!:e City of Cuperdøo Allowina Certain Claias and
DeD£o!s Payable 111 the Aøounts and Fro.. the Funds ..
Bereï:after Described f~r Sala1."ies and Wages fo1." the
Payr~ll Period Endio& January 1, 1915."
(b) Re$~lution No. 38l8: -A Resolution of the Clty Co\mcil
of the City of Cupert1ao Allowing Certain Clal..s and
De:r.a:>¿s Payable in the Amount and Fro", the Funds as
Hereicafter Described for General anè ~iscellar.eous
Exr~!itures for the Seven Day Period Endin~ January
10, :~;5.·'
(c) Re5::~:ion No. 3826: "A Resolution 0: the City Councl1
of t,¿ City of Cupert~ Allowing Ce:tãin Claims and
De¡¡":~5 Payable in the Amount and Fro:! the Funds as
HC!¿:=dfter Described for General ~,d ~i5cellaneous
E'~:=ò:tures for the Seven Day Period Ending January
17, :;'-5."
(d) R.'::_:ion No. 33!9: "A Resolution 0: the City Co~cil
oÎ ~::~ City of Cupert.ino ~faking its 0!':èr Describing the
B..;o;,:::':.l=ies Designated a'"õ 'Castor 7:'-9' to be Annexed to
the :::y 2nd Ordering }~~exations to t~è City Without
r,,=-: c= :iearing as Prcvideè by I.a,,; .-\?~:oximately C..805
A::. . ~~c&ted North Side of Santa Pa~:a Between Foothl11
B}.v':'. ~,d Mira Vista Avenue."
(e) Rc,-:.:ion No. 3821: "A Resolution ~: the City Council
0: :.-" Clty of Cuperti::.o Approving t:-." Final Map of
Pr.:-:-¿:-:.y Located on Ste-Je:.5, Cre"!k ~l'''':' Westerly of Canz:e
1(,,<..:; J.>veloper, John ¡;. Hanahoe; a:1! Authorizing the
~i: ~ Z:"è;iueer to 5 ign :.he Final ~1ap."
(f) &<>::~::on No. 3822: "k Resolution :: the City Councl~
0: t-~.o;! City of Cupe~t::!.:ïo Accepting Qu.:.tclaim Deed an~
Au:.:..,:;:';:at!on for Uo.c!erground \'¡ater F.:'f:HS from
..~~~~~~e; Located 0: Stevens Creek El~J. We~terly of
C:i~~ Road."
(I) R~'.-::.:i"n No. 3813: -A Resolution c: the Cit)' Council
o! :-_~ City of Cup"rt1= Acccpt-ii1g (;r dnt of Easement for
L-a~.~:.. Purposes frOll Jo!,n W. lIanal",.·. C"nsi st in!; of
Ap~::x:~atoly O.019 Acre, Located on >tevens Cr~ok Slvd.,
ApFox::t.ately 2J3 Feet !Oé£terly of CdIT1<'n Road."
Paae 12
Cor-sent c..l.
KlNUTES Oi tilE JANUAItY 20, 1975. em COUNCIL }IF.l"TlKG
(b) IesolutlOft Ifo. 31124: "A Resolution of the Clt)' Council Gf the
City of Cupert1øø Acceptlna Grant of !as_t fooc Roadway
Purposcs fr_.IoIIII V. lIanaboe, Consiatina of AppnxÜlatcly
0.020 Acre, Løcac:ed on Stevens C1."eek Blvd. ApproxÜlatel, 3S3
teet Wested)' of ear-n Ro..., n
- (i) icsolution No. 382S: "A Resolut1<1ó1 of the- Clt)' Council rf tbe
City of Cupert1øø Declaring Ita Intention to ChaDge Street Naae
~ithin the Cit)' of Cupertino Pursuant to Section 5026 of the
Str~ets and HigbYays Code, State of Callfornia, Fixing Timc and
!lace for Hearing and Providing ~otice Thereof; Change a
?ortlon of Iaperlal Avenue Northerl~ of Bubb Road to Results Way,"
(j) ksolution No. 3827: "A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of CupertIno Accepting a Crant Deed of Real Property froM
:G&E, Located at l!ary Avenue Near Route 280."
(k) ::osolution Nu. 3828: "A Resolution of the City Council of the
~:t)" of Cupertir.o Authorizing the Execution of a Cr..nt Deed of
~~1 Property to the Par.iflc Gas and Electrir. Co~p3ny, Property
:-:cated on Blaney Avenue Ncar Route 280."
(1) ?-'~olution No. 3829: "A Rcsolutlol1 of the City Cou"dl of the
~~:y of Cu?e~ti:1o .·~ppro\'ing Fi:1i.11 Hap of Tr.1ct;GOS. C:"Ct~n-..{'ad
':i.:-clc. l.ocat('d on Flnch .\vcn:Je; Uí~vp.loper, :·tay (n'/cst:r.cnt
~·':~~).1ny; .\cce}t:ing Certain Pu'Jlic Service i::~~(·:::.cnts; AUlhû
:~~ City En31neer and the City Clcrk to Sign Lhe Fi~al ~~?; and
: ..:.thorihing the Agreerr.l'mt in Conn.üction Therc\-Jlth."
(r::) ;olicitati.)n p.-.r::sit rcqucst by S"nta Cl..ra CO'Jnty Girl Scout
~-:uncil, Inc., for rèbruary 1 throur.h 10, 1975.
!bved :'y : __·-,-,c. Me}·crs, seconded by Counc. NeU is to adupe the Const!lIt
:-.:o....:tc. Jackson. ~.eyers. Nellis. ~byoc Spark;o.¡
'-:'IIIC. Frol ich
MOl ion carried, 4-0
STAFF REF'::;:,:>
21. City .\.~torncy rCj)orc oc. abatcCW"'nt of 7.0nfnö ·,101.-t:011. Cit~· of Cupertino
v~r£~~ ?r~twcll; property lociltcJ ~t corners of t:¡~n~da allJ Orange
Av",::::.cs, in Monta Vista. -- R"port ·.'a~ accept cd by the Council.
loved by .:--,,"e. Ncll.l". seLonderl hy Coune. J,,,,kson to ""-jnurn this ",c"tir'g
lit 11:47 ;>.". to 1:30 p.... on .J.,nuary 21, 1975, to c<>mplute th" "I;',nda.
Mot iOIl carr led, 4-0
I_I Va. E. Ryder
(Ouy ¡;~" u.
/s/ Reed s~rks
Kayor, City 0 Cupertino