CC 03-24-75 CITY OF CUlm! STAD OF CA:.1FOllHIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Cal1£ornla Telepbone: 252-4505 "" . c huluIU or 'lRI AÐJÚO.-_h UCIJLØ KDTING or 'lBI CITY cœJCIL BILD (M IIIICII 24, lt7S 1B 'lRI COIFDENCI JID(II, CIft BALL ",",_..:nIO, CALIFOIUIIA TIle _\:till _ caUecI to oñer byllayor Jacbœ at 7130 p.., JIOLL CAt!. CouDc. preset: CoUDC. abaea.t: Frol1ch. Heyers, Bellis, Sparks, IlaJOr .Jackson !lODe Staff pr_t: City llaDaaer QuiDlan Director of Adain1strative Services Jt,.ter Director of Public Works Viskovieb Director of Parks and Recreation Butler AcCOUDtin¡ Supervisor Griffin At the request of tbe Director of Public Works, it was lIO'1ed by CouncUman Sparks, seconded by Councilman Meyers, and passed unanimously that $500.00 be appropriated from the General Fund for consult1a¡ servlces On the question of a lOO year flood an.! to authorize the staff to submit a purchase order In the above aaount to Dr. Llnsley whicb would represent an estimated ten hours of service on his part. At tbe request of Mayor Jackson, Dlrecto1." of Publlc Works Viskovich save a detailed explanation of his Harch 21. 1915 re- port on the Transportation Improvement Program to 1980. At the conclusion of the study sesslon on this Issue, it was moved by Councilman Spa1."ks, seconded by CouDcilman Meyers, and passed uDSnimously tbat a resolutlon be prepared according to tbe con- sensus of the Council which was as follows: The concert' of the Clty and the .!eaired policies 1."elating to the proposed Transportation Improvement Prograa should be in- cluded in preamble clauses. These are essentially those con- tained in the opening paragraph of Mr. Vlskovlch's report. The reaolutlon itself would read: "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County reaubmlt a five-year proar_ which eli.llU1tes the deficit in the road and airpo1."t programa by reducing the scope of the transit section in order to accompllsh the necessary balance In accordance with the follow1a¡ prlDclples: l, The County honor the agreements that have been entered Into for the three year l.A.U. proar_ tbat DO revlaioDs be ..de to that process. CC-256 Page 1 i ! Consulting Servlces for lOa Year Flood Transportatlon IaprovE:ment Program .. cc- 256 Paae 2 Projec~tø.s of Rev_ Expend iÞlre8 Approval of Capital Ia- proveme:1U - JtuwI~ OF Acu 24, 1975 em eOOllCIL HEftOO 2. Dber..Iou froa ... tu fulllls be aade only ... the I08Il ~ ... _ff1ciatly II.- utisfW .. tD ,,- tiDa the ,.eecls of ~'. f -.. 3. Go OD £MODI .. .I""SIII 8Il1 ds ,roarailll of Caluas'. PøJecu tht", D IT "10&&_ RISOI.YID tIIaC eM operaÙØII of the Coaaty airport be COII~f-" .. _ _tøpr1se f1IDII aad that refer_e be ..... tD tile r.-1atiøD adopt" by the City of CupertJDo a. -U-. for aupportiq tha Pha.. II develop.eat of the "'14 Trast.t lleve10paeDt Projeet." DIe staff vas nquested to see a date at vb1cb a repr_tative of the Ccuaty could participate :.. " transit study se.siDD with ....T. of the City CouDcil. IlaJOr Jackson then asked 1Ir. RJder to .tate the findlng. of his projections of revenues sad _pea4iture. prior to any deuaoed 41scussion 0:1 the merits of the variou. reque.ts for capital :bIprovement ?Njects. Pollov1aS this presentation, Co_i..loner. Fisher, Gabriel and Toenafeldt of the Parks allll Recreation CO_ aissio,·. G.."'<1u1ez of the Capltal Iaprovements Steering Commlttee SDd Woodr"ff :>f the Library eo-1.s10n joined the discussion as to the n"~s a::d desire. ~. e><;Ire..ed by their respectlve groups. On a motion of C"unc1.laan Heyer., a second by Councll""man Nellis sad passed ~uiODusly the teatatlve 1975-16 capital lœp1."ovements were a. reco=e:>ded ¡'y the staff in i~. .·.....ry of Five Year Capltal I&provuen:s Program Revised 2128/15 with the following amend- _ts: 1. Reserve for Land Acc¡u!aition reduced from $100,000 to $50,000. 2. Library Baseaent Keetina Room added at $IO,OOO. 3. Stevens Creek Boulevard - Bubb to Byrne Right-of- ...,. AA:qu1sitiol1 r~uc:ed fro. $125,000 to $15,000. 4. The S.uatoga-Sunnyvale Road ImprovemEnt from Steve:1S Creek Boulevard to South City Limits is $76,IOO and the Traffic Sianal Interconnect 5yst...... Saratoga-Suaayvale Road to Tantau at $l50,OOO to be fo.>tlloted witb a cODt1n¡ent 3pproVal but beina he1~ in reserve for an appraisal of funding capa- bility in the aiddle or later part of the flscal year. It was detenrlned that the iJt-depth review of the r......_in1ng four year. (If this proposed five year proaraa be held at a U... and elate to be decided at the nezt re¡;ularly scheduled meeting of tile City Co-.mdl on April 7. , . ...._~.,_....- , ltlS CIty COONeIL KEEtI IUJIU1:JI.J) OF 1JIE HAICB 24. ØJuu- -. ;! oD order of IlaJOr Jf'....~. '. "'Una .. adjourned at: 11:02 p.. CD _t u 7:30 p... OD. ...... 31. 1975 at Garden Gate Sc1løol for die JlUrpoM lif 1¡old4"11 . ... Ball KeeUna, ;¡;ø ~..m... City erlt CC-256 raSe 3