CC 04-07-75
10300 Tor.-. __, CI46.ct:løo. California 95014
Te1epboae: 252-4505
rap 1
w.un: TO TBB lUG
MaJor Jackson called the _Una to order at 7~38 p... vitb the
Salute to the Fla¡.
Counc. present: Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks (7:55),
Mayor Jackson
Counc. absent: None
Staff ,resent: City Hanaaer Quinlan
Ci~y Attorney Adams
Director of Administrative Services Ryde1."
Director of Planning and Devclopmcnt Sisk
Director of Public Works Vi~kovich
Director of ~arks and R~crcatlon Butler
I. Presentations of Resolutions honoring the Cupertino Soccer
and BasKetball Te....
Mayor )ac~son presen~ed ~he Resolutions to each of the Meabers of
the and Basketball Teams and Managers.
2. Sub:itted requests to address the Council.
(a) None.
3, Recognition by Mayor of audience requests.
(a) Mone
'. 2
lwIunó:' . DB ØUL 7. 1975 cm g¡uItCIL
I'UllLIC _a_
4. ""lie." l-Z-7~'of ., C .A.-/I "'001111 S.' acru
frca at-10 (lesw.cJal. .iII&1...fatly. 10.000 ..~ ft. per dvellinl
UD1t) to P (PI <if'Deftl. -t Vim ns14.tJal. s!Dlle-fatly,
clacer iauat). Sa14 PIOJIHCY 1. located ~pcœ 375 feat
_ter1y of the 1aterHCtiaa of Forest Aw_ ad Vista Drive md
adjac:_t .to __ _ther1y of the futare at_stoll of LazSDeo Drive
bec-a Sa1."atoaa-SallDyvale ItøaI sad Viata Drb., RecoaaeDded for
approval, (Coatt.aed f_ ...tinS of Karch 17, 1975.)
The PlaDDias Director re-introdaced this proposal.
returned to the I'laDniD& CowaissiOD for review aDd
staff has recoaaeøded two additional conditions to
It had been previously
comment. He said the
the rezoning.
Hr. R-~ger Griffill, with Dick Fineaan's Office, revie~ed the amended
proposal. They have ell!2inated a port lon of the roadway in the center
of the project. They now propose 50% of the acreage in landscaping,
incluJing the patios. They still have 40 units, but there are now three
legs t-..o-story structures. There also has been a change in t',e emergency
exit area. They now have landscaped islands throughout the project, and
have S' rather than l' between the units. He referred to the exhibits
on the ~ulletin board in explainin~ the orientation of the structures
on t'1c ¡>roperty. The fourth r..vbIon is his response to the reductIon
of t.:e 30' visual corridor to 22'.
Counc. Sellis said she was happy with the amended pr~rosal.
Mayor Ja:kson was concerned somewhat about the view úf the units from
Lazanc, Drive. Hr. Griffin said this will be resolved at a later
date, throuah the H-Control process.
Moved by Counc. Frolich, seconded by Coune. Nellis to consider agenèa
item 8 (a) at th. saae ti....
Motion carried, 5-0
8. (a) Application l-U-75 of May Investment C~pany: Use Permit
to allow construction of 40-unit cluster development. Said
property i. located approximately 315 feet westerly of the
intersectlon of Forest Avenue and Vista D1."ive and adjacent
to and southerly of the future extension of Lazaneo Drive
between Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Vista Drive. Recommended
for approval. (Continued from aceting of Karch 11, 1975.)
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JI11IUTES OF 'rIlE AnD. 7. i97S CITY aJONCIL !tEI'r11lC
.... ., C:-o. IIe1lU-'..........ed by Couac:. IleJera to c10H tha
PaItl1c 1IudDI~ .
BuJ_ carded, s-o
IIoftd ., CIIaDc. IIe11U.MCoaded by Counc. Fro1it:l to appIÓft
appUcatloa l-Z-7S fa lenl'duce with Plann~ ('--t-dGD
laso1;acl_ 10. 1397 tdtJa leYiaioa Four Exblbita,
1I0tion carrled, 5-0
Moved by Coacc. Xellia, seconded oy Counc. Heyers to approve
application l-U-75 in accorcSaoce with Plannlna Coaal111oa
Resolution 10. 1398. includiaa the two conditions recoaaended
by the staff.
Motion carried, 5-0
(a) Hrst Reading of Ordinance No. 682: "An Ordlnance of the
City of Cupertinc Amendlng Section 1 of Ordinance No.2 by
¡:"z->ning 5.6 N;res from Rl-IO (Ro>sidenlial, Single-Fami:"
10.000 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unit) Z,'ne to P (Planned
o..elopment with Residential, Sinr,le-Famlly, Cluster Intent)
Zone; Located Approxicately 375 FC'l ~estcrly of the Inter-
section of Forest Avenue and Vista Drive and ~jacent lo and
50~therly of the Futurc ~xtenslcn of Lazaneo Drive Bet~ccn
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Visla Drlve. (Continued from
~eeting of Karch 17, 1975) Read by Mayor Jackson.
Moved ~y Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to have
O~dina:"e No. 682 read by title only and the M.1)'Or'S readir.¡;
shall constitute <he Flr3t Reading.
Motion carried, 5-0
5. Public Hearing relating to the amendment to Ordinance 220(e)
Cluster Ordinance, establishing new regulatiuns affecting
residential cluster developments.
The Planning Director referred to the staff report of April 1,
1915, on this matter. There followed a discussion on various
sections of this ordinance and some changes were made.
Mayor Jackson asked for cOlllllents from the audience. There were
I'qe 3
l-Z-75 .pplOved
l-Ð-75 app1."oved
Ord. ó82
First Readi~i'
'~;r 3' ...,!:'
- Øl'd. 220(e)
'ieturned co
I'laaninl C-.
Res. 3881
tu--.:.... or TB& An1L 7. 1975 ctrY COUIICIL HEErØG
!be City Att0rDIIJ adviHd tllitt1aU ahou.\d be Hilt back to t:ãe PlaDDiDl
C-i..ioa f~ . raport. '-~Û the dIaD¡es p1."opoaed by tbaCity CoUDell
at this _etta,.· .
lIoved by Couac. l5eJers, SH rid 111 Counc. SJN!d:a to clo_ tile pubUe
hear1n1 on Øl'diøance lfo. 220(.).
lløeioa canied, 5-0
Koved by Coune. Meyen, secoadecl by Counc. Frol1eh, to send Ordinance
No. 220(e) back to the City Couacil. along with proposed chanaes, for
a report.
Motion carried, 5-0
6. Resolution No. 3881: "A Res~lution of the City Council of the
City of Cupertino to Change Street ~,I"'''' of Forest Cour~ to
Lazan<"o Court, as Provided in Section 5026 of the S~reets and
Highways Code, State oí California."
~layor J"ekson asked for coc=en~s from the .lUdience. There were none.
Moved by Counc. Nelli~, seccnded b1 Coune. Frolich to cl?se the
Public Hea r ina.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Counc. Nellis, sEconded by Counc. Frolich to adopt
Resolution ~o. 3887.
Motion carried, 5-0
1. Resolution No. 3888: "A Resolution of the City Council of tt>e
City of Cupertino Ordering Vacation of a Portion of a Public
Utility Easement Within t~e City of Cupertino Pursuant to
Section 50430 Et Seq. of ~he Government Code of the S~ate of
California; Vallco Fashion Park, Northerly of Stevens Creek Blvd.
Westerly of Wolfe Road."
The Director of Public Works s~ated that P.G. & E. is in agreement with this.
Since there were no comments from the audience, it was aoved by Counc. Meyer3,
secorded by Counc. Sparks to close the public hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
" "aaS or TBI APRIL 7, 1975 CIft' çoœCIL HEETDIG
"C,",:. '.¥
. ,. ';"~', ;.:-<
. ~f' 0..:
Frolich to adopt
HotioD canW. 5-0
s.,;' (b) Application 3-'DI-7S 0(,8'. .I. 8eraaa (Kester Property):
Tentative Hap to subcltY1de 17.5 ac1."eS into sixty-oaA
sin¡le-føUy, resideDU&1, cluate!." units with one lot
to he held in __ n _ship. Said property ls
located adjacent t!J &Dol easterly of Stevens Canyon load
approxbDately 200 feet southerly of Rive1."side Drlve.
Rec-,ded for approval.
%be Plannina Director stated that the applicant hss submitted
.ddltional geologic information and had the consultant, a repre-
sentative froa Burkland and Assoclates, give a report to the
71anning Commission confirming the absence of an active or a
potentially active fault traversing through this property.
~ addition to being in the C C , &'s, Mayor_Jackson would also
~ike to have inc1ud~d in the ~.arketlng Program that people w111
be going across tho open space because this is going to be de~ig-
_ted a portion "f the Trail Syst_. It Is anticipated that cr."
~tire Issue of th~ Trail SYS:f~ ~~d the Flood Plain wIll be
Laving another public a1t:ing. Counc. Nell is said it would be
better to ~staH ish where ti-.2 trail system is going tu go befe>Te
people get est abl bhed here. <::CuI>>:. Frol ieh would like to have
it shown on the Tentative Map. Counc. Sparks would like to put
an easement on the property at this time for the trail systec.
G.\:)unc. Nellis would like to start study ing the fcc-d..·r system to
the trail syste~ soon. Coune. Meyers suggested allowing the PrPC
w explore this Issue first, b.,fore anyt!,;ng is done on a City
basis. Counc. Nellis believes that this Is the time to have
SCDeone in our CcoUllunlty get involved in this.
lIoved by Counc. lIe)'er,;. seconèed by Couoc. Sparks to approve
application 3-TM-75 in ~ccord~~ee with Resolution No. 1408 wlth
.-ended Conditlon 18.
CDunc. Frolich "is\led to amend the ..tion th..t Condition 18 be
~opped. There WaS no second to thls amendment.
Motion carried, 4-1
Coçnc. Frolich dlssented
.... S
1M. 3888_
. a.tô,t...
~. .
-. '(:.
A&au........ ~ S1'Ø #l!'PiØf¡J. AnLlCUlœ5
9. (a) AppUcatioGIIC-51.362.1 - De Aø&a Storqe (Bru~ Idvarda)
¡..uur.. .....1:0.<11 of aite, architecture, laIIIIacap1øI,
aøctt... l....taa .... .1p1ø1 for a a1D1-storqe fadlity
locate.! at the .-t~t comer of Ifar7 Avenue .ad Freeway
~te 280..... -,led for approval.
There fol1~ a .u.c-ioa of tbe conditions of approval as listed
in H~ontrol IIesolutioD 110. 500.
Moved by Counc. ReUb, second": by Counc. Meyers to approve application
HC->I,362.1 per H-Gontrol Resolution No. 500 with the following changes:
Eliminate the second sentence in Condition II. Add the following conditions:
12. Increase the overall hei¡;ht of the undulating berm to 4' running
along the ~ary Avenue 40' setback street frontage.
13. Adding 3 or 4 specimen trees of applicant's choice with 24" boxes.
14. Providing a ....ooden en~ ~ar.C" sign with subtle colors in the
dimensions sho_~ on prcpoJal plans.
IS. R..quiring entrance li~h ing to be of the residential style
Îixt~res with no mere j~t~nstty or glare than that at the
Nathanson's Ranch entrance.
16. Providing a Stop sign at åriveway for traffic ccming out of
the mini-storage area.
17. PI acina'speed limi: signs prominent ly within tho·, complex.
lB. Provlding decorative elements or relief on East Elevation on
the building fronting on Mary Avenue.
19. Recommend a grey roofing composition fox the buildings.
Mot~on carried, 5-0
Counc. 'rQlich would like soce standard established as to the light
intensity as it relates to the living units. Mayor Jackson would
like-to have tbis added to th~ eo..ittee's sign standards. H-Control
Chainaan Sallan said they have been trying to address t!l~s light
intrusion problea. Counc. Nellis ¡;ai,j the following items should be
considered: What is bappening aro\lnd the sign., Ta!ce a light reading
with a liaht ..ter In certain areas. Ligh~ing of colors also plays
a part in this. Cootrsst is a key point.
Mayor Jackson said be would like the Sign Review Coamlttee to address
the residential liptin& lssue.
lIÛIuyr;S or TIlE APIlIL 7. 1975 CITY ClXllCIL n..1''-X-~
~, ''''-
(II) .Applicatf.aa BC-51~322.1 - W. J, 1IenIIa,()t-;. Deep
Cliff) reqll Uq -w1o"d of aIC...:;:E. .. ... . _. .
lInbn,lq. padilla. ~tilla ..." . "for a 6l-uD1
aialc1e-f-Uy e7~-4.f.. ....loJlllll!lll1¡i ... ..'". aIIjaceat
to .. -1.7 of SteftM CaJOD .... ~ f :::-telY
200' __dy of 11...... DrI... ~r- '- for
There w.s a_ disc:aøtøa .bout the tarma.t1aa of Dna aøad and
about the pre...rv.t1oa of the oaka OD tbe property.
Hr. Heman explained that, for ..eurity 1."-.__, tile)- felt they
should· have . plasUc-covered chain link feace ...icb _ld
eventu.lly he screened by the landac.p1na. Balln.x-, b. offered
to put in the suggested split fence if be i. directed to do
Moved b~ Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Meyers to .pprove
application HC-5I,322.1 in accordance with the coaditions in
H-Control Resolution So. 501.
Motion carried, 5-0
(c) Application HC-51,269.11 - Shell Oil Co<opany requesting
approval o~ the ~odification of site .nd architecture
to an existing serviLe station located at the norlhpast
corner of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Bollinger Road.
Recommended for approval.
Moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Coune. Meyers to approve
application HC-5l,269.11 in accordance with H-Control Resolution
No. 502.
Motion carried, 5-0
(d) Applicati~Q HC-51,332 - Ditz-Crane requesting approval
of landscaping fur the sound wall in Montebello West
located at the southeast quadrant of Stevens Creek Blvd.
and Foothill Blvd. Recommended for .pproval.
Moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Sparks to approve
.pplication HC-51,332 in accordance with H-Control Resolution
No. 503.
Motion carried, 5-0
Recuss was called .t 9:l5 p.m., with the aeeting recoaveninK at
9:25 p.m.
-- ..._---_...~ .-
- ~
Pap 7
app rove ¿
An5·....~r to 3r: :;
SuperviJor.s :"e
Eccn':' :n;¿::..
interviews !=r
vacancies £.~:9
Ca pit al Içr=.
Prog. reviev
10. lequest bylO.,ít.-¡ r I. ...:.t.ors fo1." a 1."Ø8olution regarcLin&
. "'option of lO~!.:·:r.,aèt Repona. (Continued froa _tina
of Februar, 3, -1t75;.;) .
llayor Jackson said this
Council aeetina.
t~ was discussed at the last Iater-City
Couac. Sparks would like eo have a five-year study of the economics
of the various types of ,_t....
Mayor Jack~on said be _lei like to notify the Board of Supervhors
that the City o€ Cupert1aø vould be in favor a€ Economic I..paet
Reports on major projec~s ~ not on minor ones.
Counc. ~ellis said that it this resolution is sent to the Board of
Supervisor" it should be stated that we need some mechanisn for
establishi~g ho-.oI projects affect other jurL'd ktions as ·..ell as our
own. Thc City Manager said that ABAG addresses this proble...
Hoved by C"u,,~. ¥.eyers, se.::onded by Counc. :-leI 1 15 to advise the
Board of S"p·>rvisors 'hat the City of "j] 1 inc0rp'jrate in
its ErR ro.!': i..:>.l" detailed s~atement3 relat Ì\'c tû the c~;ploYi'1ent pro-
posed by ~ p3rtlcular projec~ and other sales and tax i~fc~tion
rclntcd to that pr'je.ct at. the èlscretioi.1 of the Envirvn::-entai Revic'."
Committee ~1nJ as it relates to a CountY-hoidû hasis.
Motion carried, 5-0
11. Setting of t1me and cl&te for interviewing app11cants for
Commission vacancies. (Continued from meeting of March 3, 1975.)
Mayor Jack'0n set 7:30 p..... April 29, ]975, for a meeting for the
purpose of ccmpleting thr iatervie"ing of candidates for Commission
13. Setting of date for ccapletion of review of Capital Improvement
Mayor Jackson set 1:30 p..... April IS, 1975, for an adjourned meeting
for the purpose of c~plet1ag the review of the Capital Improvements
,- ~A5 OF mE APUL 7. 197.5 czn œuøCIL MEETING
Page 9
,~ ,.,'
i,l~. (a) ¡H--:a..1oa om I---Ü",,:' for reor¡anization of Architec-
~ .,i.), tual ad Site 1W;'::'~i1 CoIDlttee. (Continued f~
. ~. aeetfq of IIBda 3. 1975.)
.. ,'.... Pl_1D& DiJ:eetor refanA Co his April 4, 1915 _ reaardiD
.- ... Arcbitectllral "'Site JI.J_.ù Process. He sald that it is
~ hia iDtent that the CiC7 ~ 1d aive up the H-CoDtrol Ñ1Ieti
!Ie then rewiewd theùt~ Ruestlons in his February 27.
1975, __ fo1." a ao1."e processina of applications.
1Iajoo1." Jackson felt that the aC7 Council should have a _etina
.ttb the Plannin¡ Coaa1ss1_ .... Architectural and Site Approvù
Co-.1ttee to discuas this aatcer. He is not in favor of expaasl0
of the Planning Coøa1ssion to 7 Hembers.
Counc. Sparks said it is unfortunate that a si~~le residential
Lot split ~~st go through the .... governmental process and ex-
pense as a :"~cerclal or ¡,.ä...trial lot.
The Cit}· ~:.ra::er said the end ..roduct is proba:>ly going to be
~tter ~h~~ 3 rroposal is re~1eved by a citl~cn5 committee rather
than just ": the staff.
Counc. Mey,"" reI ïevu a 7-~r Pl~nning CCC'",ò"slon misht be
u:n.-eildy. :".1rthcr. it ::ight De asking too Itu..:>¡ of the Co:--.mission rs
t.o also ser.·~ ,"'1:1 H-Control. Ee .auld be in i.:;yor of retajning
t.n2 Commith"'~, but adding SC':Ie outside technL"'al help.
Go~~c. ~el::~ ~3id aesthetic3 is an extremely ì~portant issue.
5"'tJe has n.....: y.::-t made up her ai:ld as to what éì?rroach to take here
She belie..·i'~ ::h~re 1s r=om for i:nprovcment in c\.'ntinuity on the
part of th..~ City Council, Plal:ú.~g Comrnissh'"'l1 and H-Control.
S:-¡e would :-~ :;1 favor of a jO~:1t: meeting f0r t hI.? purpose of
discussing: '" overlaps of resp":>sibil i ty. ~:,e '",uld al so like
some d1scu~3:,:tn frcø the Pla:lning CornrnissiC'n('r::> in regard to
assuming a ; -I'~rson board =d assuming the I!-Co1\trol dut ies.
Delineati~n 0: responsibillties is needeù.
Jtayor Jack~<n doubted that tbe Planning Com",i%ion would have the
t:lJlle to de"o:e to the detail that the_ II-Control now. gives its
appl1cat ions.
Counc. Froli<h' said this is "perennlal problc"" lie felt there
vould be fe~~r objections to me H-Control pro<ess if it did not
result in, say, a 3-aonth delay for the developer.
The Planning Director aslted for 'Ioae action on this matter within
the next 6 ~eeks because it IRwolves budgeting, etc.
.~ ""--...
Pas- lO
rcorg. di~_
'~';J:pl?nsat ::'.:0=
;ut ~n ~l,;
P"blic Hea:~
,cr Hwy 9
:1.1;~e chaOCe
~d OF TIlE AL'I.IL 7, 1975 em O:IORCIL HEET1lfC
.. ,ad bJ CoIIDc. Sps1."u.. I ..... bJ CDuDc:. MaJeU to reta1D the
AccII1tecblnllDd Site ...__û c-1tt... 110 vote va taken 011
dIÜ aotioa. Pllrther ",t_ SoD eaaued.
CoImc. lIellia _ted t0.l- L~ I r- tbiato the 1Idt rep1u _tina·
II-Coatrol O1airasn 1Iecy -'11_ 1."evl__ aajor points in be1." prepand
nport, althou&J> the HaJoT ......ted abe save tb.. fo1." the joint
_tina. Sloe said her asia objective was to reduc~ tbe _t of
paper work for the staff. She said she vas villin¡ to ~ODCede tbat
die H~ntr"l Committee not act upon l..d use decisiona,
Koved by Cou::~. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Sparks to postpone
diBcusslon ~:: proposals for re<>rcanizat ioOl of the Archltectural and
Site A~pr~~~ Co~ittee to the next reguldr City Counc11 meeting.
~tiO:l carri~J, 5-0
(b) '._~,,~<t b)' Archi:e~:,-,r"l and S¡: è .\pprov"l '=,,,,,,,,itt,,e lor
~-;.I..>,) per month ccr:::pc:nsation. 1.{';·n.tinl1cd frJõ!1 me('ttn~
.-: '!.Irch 3, l'i75.)
Koved by ;:_-·_.c~. ~!cY"rs, se::.c·::ded by Couc",_ ~;èllis to c,,".tlnue th"
uatter 0: ~. ~::;t!;1s,i.t1on f..:>r t~.e ~:-Contr('ll ~-;ttl one DLH:t~ng after
:be cSeci~;. :: :...; m..1Jc on the ~tatuS of t!~..· -!-c0ntrol..
~ticn carried, 5-0
~4. Dis~~~~~:~ on rc-n..~g cf Saratuga-S~~ny~ale Road.
ColS'lc. Fro:;Ò sald ho! still f,,'¡ors De A""" Boulevard.
Counc. :¡",::s said she was not opposed to Old Highvay 9.
Hoved by CO",:1~. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Xdl1s to set for public
bearing t/:o "..teer of officially changing the name of Saratoga-Sunnyvale
iDad to Old ~ig~way 9, and to advise the City of San Jose, Saratoga and
Suanyvale ~: this action.
Motion carried, 4-1
Counc. Frolich dissented
- .
1S. &ejection of claia for 1øftrse coad__atiOD aubaltted by
Ward Cruap Developers.
IJpoa advice of tile C1t1 Attoney, it vas mved by Counc. Nellis,
..cDA41d by Counc. Sparka to reject the Clai. fo1." Ioverse Condea-
aat10D auba1tted by Ward Cruap Developers.
Botion car1."ied, 5-0
16. &ejection of c1a~ for VTOngful death submitted by
., C. lerryaan sad Dorothy C. Berryman.
Upon advice of the City Attorney, it was moved by Counc. Nellis,
seconded by Counc. Sparks to reject the Clalm for Wrongful Death
&ubaitted by R. C. !crryman and Dorothy C. Berryman.
Motion carried, 5-0
17. Org.1I1.zatJon and future structure of City of Cupertino
Bic~~~~~~ial CO~iS51o~.
After h....,~·· ..!.~_..,:u3si('··., it ~'as r:.~\'PJ by Counc.. Nel]is, 5ccondcd by
C::....:1C. S~· ~...; to reI('r ti1E: orgrnization apJ future structure of
Cj:,)~ of C. '. : l ino Bicr:1tcr.::'1al COf.;::..ission to tli(> staff for r(~com-
=,-::dat ipn.:.
Motion cdrri~d, 5-0
It was rf'(.,I..·:--!C'd th.'\t a copy of Councilman Frct!ich's r.H!r.\n regarding
the Sicl':~:t.n~:....;.l be :-...:It to ear!ì of tnat C('tI¡1~ission's mCffibt..~rship
....ith the ..1..'>;~d': of the f..:"fcgcing staff
nil BUSl!\L'';
18. Report fIt bids r(~ceived and award of cont ract for I-Ia intenancc
contrdC! (or streets, 75-4 Asphalt OvC'rlay.
Moved by ~'uac. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to award the
contract for mainte""nce of streets (Asphalt Overlay 75-4) to
Freeman-Soadgn'th C.onstruction Company at its ] ow bid of $49,552,
~nd to aprropr:ate an additional $4,000 from Gas Tax (2106) Fund.
Counc. Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks, Hayor Jackson
Hation carried, 5-0
Page 11
Crullp c1aiJa
Berryman claim
Organizó1ti0n of
ßicentcn11inl Com
referr~d to !;t~f
\sphalt Over] ay
5-4 to Fr£?(~r.1.1n-
ondgrot h
It. lleport of bids 1."ec:elYcd and award on contract fo1." Radio
eo-unic;¡tloo S)'stela.
lla10r Jackson 3skeel whetber the City redly ne('ds lII01."e 3nd better-
equlpaent. The Director of Public Works .ans..-crcd that with this
SJ1Itl!ll we rill baye an aut_ated syste", and morc flexibility of tbe
~hicles, The Clt)' !t~nagc1." reco~endcd this expenditure. It would
siye 4 to staff IIsben (including civil defense), 4 to Water pe1."sonncl,
4 for super~¡s~ry posltiona and 1 distributed ~~ong Public Works
vehicles .
Counc. Sp,¡r:.cs "aid that fro.. a st311tipoint of <lJ saster, Cupert 1110 rC31ly
nceds this system.
:-!o'Jcd by 1..' ",!'~.... Sp.trk!1, ~cconded b)' Counc. H:.....y~r3 to íiuanl the contract
for a ra·;;-:- -,-,--:mnlcation ~.;ystc;.t to ~i0toroL1, TIH:., at its low bid of
$32.:!60.0o. ,.,.\ to api'ro¡.ri.ltc all aJditi.onal $12,260.96 fro;;\ the GCIIl,ral
:~ot-:s :
:;t~. ~'roljchJ :·tcycrs, "Ie.lll:J, Sp~i.r:(:" ~rayor Jackson
, .'.(~
l"!Ot iÙlj ,~:.'_cri':l\ J 'i-O
20. Rc:-¡,:.-';':" ::rc:'a C~pitai I:npro·I,~.I~ql.: St~eril1:: l:o;r.:ai.ttp(' for
pcr-.-·_:.! .:.ippolnlï..·¡t3 to~!\ ,_/!~:·..'in~ ,,::c.,:¡ÎLtec.
This r.tatc.:: .::~~ Jcfl~t:red tl) a later rh'.-:ting.
21. Reç'.,·" lor temporary sale" [aelllty - lJe .\1I?3 ~acr,"et Club -
Non:" ,·,t corner of St<!vells Cr".':< 'Ilvd. anti StclUn¡; Road.
D·~ A:):::~"1 :L1.cquet ~!oved by (,' ¡:h~. Sparks s'~conded hy Counc. :~l'Yl'rs to approve the Dc An7.a
CIll!> t .~--p. sales RAcquct \.~. ..:, t\.~::\por3ry sales facil ity.
:<1c. :.?;.roved
No t iOIl ea rr led, 5-0
Moved by C.'lIne. Sparks, seconded bò' COUDC. Frol ieh to adjourn th is meet ing
at 11:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on April 3, 1975.
Motion carried, 5-0 APPROVED:
/s/ Va. E. Ryder
Clty Clerk
/s/ James E. Jackson
Mayor, City of Cupertino