CC 04-15-75 .. ., .. CUI QF CUPERTINO, STATE 01 CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cuperdat. Cal1fomia 95014 1'-1........: 2S2-4505 IIDIU1ZS or tIlE ADJØu IICIILAR HlETIICG 0' THE em U1UøCIJ. IIILD 01 ArIlL 15. it7S. D !lIE cœtICIL ClWlBEIl, em BALL ~~-.,. CALUORtCIA eC-2~9 Pase 1 SAUJD TO 11IE FLAG 110.)01: .JacksOD called tile to tile 'la¡, .mL CALL .'. to order at J:3S p, .. with the Salute CouDc:. present: CouDc. absent: Prol1ch, Iky_a, Bellis, Sparks, Mayor Jacltsoa RoDe Staff present: City ~~~ Quinlan Director of Pu~iic Works Viskovich Director of Parks and Recreation Butler Deputy City Clerk Pagnini ~a:.-: r Jaà~"n an.-ounced that tè,e :r.eeting is a continuation of the ~~:~,.a'" to rrY,,'" the Five Ye¿r Capital Irlpnwement Prograc>, and asked ó: ~ a"y qU"5:ions or co=~:s r~garding the 1975-76 year. There being :--;-.<?-. (Hc::,' ;io~i':-on of the ¡1;')-~; year was h..:-gun. C:',,¡:::. ~("l:is suggestf"d that ~a(.;h project be covered ~1~lng four years, rather than discussinr each year was decided this would be the procedure. for the re- separately. It ~Ayo1." Jackson stated that aoae of the thinking on the park development bad been deferred to coincide with the c~.pletion of tae scrvey, and &.:>Other look may have to be talr.en depending on the outcome of the sur- vey. ;Ie said the Capita\ blpro~'ements ad hoc COIIIIIIlttee has made some recoaaeDdations in this area: l) That Somerset Square West be moved into a program phase ri¡bt aMaY. 2) Reduction of the amounts for ~ta Vista and Varian Parka. Counc. Nellis sald there bad been discussion of rerooflng the barn and SOlIe other minor i~roveaeats of the buildings, and that thls had been reLerred back to the Parka aDd Recreation COlDll1isslon. The Dlrector of Parks and Recreation said that JoIm Busto had been asked to prepare a report on t:,e cost of ~lete renovati<m to see If aaybe it would be better to complètely rebuild it f1."OII scratch. The report indicated that reroofing and brin&1aa it up to standards for use (as estimated by Kudolph and Sletteni wouLd cost only $37,000 and that £01." under $60,000 it could be brou¡bt cøapletely up to code with everything in- ~)adin8 mechanical, heat1aa. ¥i1."lna aDd paintina. Rebuildina from scratch would cost about $114,000. Clcy Manager Quinlan stated that for $31,000 we would not have a build- iD& for community center use coapa1."able in quality to a new one.~ "-7or Jackson aareed that 3.800 square feet is ve1."Y saall for publlc -. cc-2S!t Pap 2 ... MIKUTES OF THE APl:.u. IS, 1975, CITY COUNCIL MEETING C:Nac. IIel.l1s stated .... _ted to defer say further diacussioa oa thia _t11 the report ia _n.a.'e Counc, Sputa suuut" dlat this is a good tille to build. CouDc:. IIell1s askeel the DUector of Parks and Recreatioa if aloa. with the fillaadal report of ....e ~1J be done that also the Parks aDd Rec:- reation ç.-fsdoa coald state what they see that buildiDa beinS used for if it 10 ilrouaht up to c:ode so Council could relate that to whether they thirllt it _ld be worth the dollars spent. CouDe, Meyers said he t......pt the point she was lookillg at waa if the barn was 1."eDovated, what tYPe of uses would it be put to that would be compatible with what the steerilll committee or McClellan Raneh Committee baa considered it to be used fo1." as well. Mayor Jackson stated it is t.portant to find out what the uses would be because maybe the $67,000 could be used at one of the schools bell11 closed by the school rlistrict. City Manager Quinlan stated this is an important factor and we don't tave any figures. He asked the Director of Parks and Recreation 1£ he had talked with the schools. The Director of Parks and Recreation said that they were going to look at Wilson School Thursday to see how adaptahle the rooms are to various uses. Clty Manager Quinlan said tte purpose of this is to look at the particular facilities that were available to determine what kind of alterations could be made to utilize them because none of . ods Is presently funded. If we are going to take on~_of tbe~e building over, something sho~ld be worked out this year. He ha~ talked to the staff; payments miaht be able to be. deferred from this year to next year as far as ongoing lease arrange- ment is concerned. It is not planned in the HUD Program and may have to be deferred to next year; they are trying to determine whether that is permissable unde1." the act. Be also stated that when we talk about capital outlay in 76-77 we are still goins to prob~bly face funding prob~....s. He suggested at thi~ stage of the program we think in terms of these prograD3 in coming years as to priority of expenditures. Counc. Nellis said she bad a question in regard to park sites: have we bad any discussion with the Flood District about the parcel that they own near 280 as you go to the end of Phar Lap Drive as to its pOSSible use as a mini park. One of the problems in that area has been'access to Varian Park. Director of Parks and Recreation said no, but both staff and some cOlDDlissioners 'lave looked at the site and the problem is that to aet to the parcel you have to cross private property and supervision would be difficult. We might want to conslder it again. City Manaaer Qulnlan said S~ thought was giv.en to a ~ark facility on the east side of the c1."eek there. Staff thought on this vas that in the long ran¡e the most cost effective way to handle this service to that arèa would be to try to assure access to Varian Park for the area on the East side of the creek. ~ . þ ",.--- OF TIlE APUL l5, 1975, em Q)OJICIL MEETING fa 1 r to . question by CoaDc:. "llie, in rea.rd to wh.t be -- t ., - 'ì riq .cc..., be said there _Id be access to it but DOt ... I access. In the lona r.... p1ao then is pl.aaed vehic:a1ar . a_ h~lrson st.ted that OD - dal Park addition acqula1t1cD the ~ Þ $385,000 sad asked '- KC:Urate that is .t this t~. ...._ I-or of Public Works said yes. based on today's costs inflated to ~ ,..r it is pro¡nraed. 0. .; JIe1l1s asked wat 1a the latest: tbinking of staff reaardiD& the ~. - . of that land. In teras of prio1."itles is that still a Y1able ..- of l.nd t<' be cons1der1D& or should it be smaewhere else? We al~ have 1S acres there. n.e ~irector <': !'aI"ks and Recreatlcu .nswered that there are twO reasons for the purchase 0: that l.nd: 1) More .rea is needed for . ~nity ~_ 2) ~e c.~l¿ n3ke 12 tennis courts instead of 6, and also a 11 ..,i.mIain~ t'-X':. Cc~. Meyers s:ateJ that aaybe there is a necd to have a prograa .1m- 1:a: to the one we are doing for :~e property next to us - getting a pcrchase p1a~ early on so that ~ can exercise an option for less k_Y· C1ry Managcr Q~~~la~ stated the fi6~res are strictly estimates. c:.::...:.c. Meyers s,¡:¿ :,e felt he vc-.l¿ rather le"ve Som--.-"et Square Phase 11 ~ unpro~r3~~~ s~ thdt we co~:¿ address 50~e of the park neerls ~ ~ of the ::her areas firsr. He also fecls that Portal ParK ex- ~iOD being ~\"e¿ to 17-18 Is n~: possible considering the dollar f~res. He s¿:~ i:> hls mind it s~r.:s the park acquisition and dt:vt:lo¡"Dent all the way th::~~~ the prcgr~ is correct. Ílle only change he ~ould r-, ~nd is t~: we try to consi¿~r placing SlOO,OOO back in reserve for ~ acquisiti~ in ~o-71 rather than $50,000 to replace that which wa5 clepl&ted this :~e.1:. lie said a iot of discussion has been put In and the ODly contentions secm to be t~e concerns aèdressed by the c0m3ittee iue1f . C -. Hellis said she agrees wlth the Capital Improvements Coaalttee ... ..... (' . SparJts c¡uestioned tbe dec1.sioa of the Board regarding activities :Ia _ of these school sit.. because of nelr.hborhoods not beiDs used eo a:tivities at thei1." sites at: a.1ght. The City Hanal\er said other _ ntal agencies had IIeea C:OI1t:acted. The School Board said they .... prefer to sp1."ead the total debt over the entire school district. ¡ , j thoroughly' Ciq IfanageI" Q"inlan said he thougþt the school district was ~ved in both of the points. ct-259 Paae 3 , cc-m rap . .- -. .,~ MINUTES OF THE APlIL 15, 1975, CITY COUNCIL ~ 4 1 Counc. Sp.ults said he .£b1DbI if the City is thiDltiø& of Wl1n& Wllso~ Scho<-'l there is SOlIe laad ar_d the school which eould be used for llecess aacI parking behind die school, City Hanase1." quinlan said dle1."e bad been a sugaestion in the past for land bank'q and the coøc:ept of reserve lor laDd acquisition follows that concept. Counc. Spans thou¡ht that we _y run into probl_ cont1."aetually because at the end of any lease the distdct may want to sell the property instead of renewing the lessee City Manager Qulnlan ~aid staff had al1."eady gone into this. Counc. Sparks said maybe ve should be looking at other areas where land ..y be available within our sphere in influence, and asked what th,' district would chJrge us for the use of a site. City Ma:!.i;;<'r Quinlan said the school staff indicated not recommending that t!'e district make a profit so they are talking as a maximum the cost of their ~"bt service to the State, whi~à would be about $21,000 for Wilson School. The Dir~ot~r of Parks and Recreation stated that the district thinks if we have :_' pay on one school we should on the others so they are thinking of pro nt ing it and it would be about $27 ,000-$30,000. City ~a".,~~~ Quinlan said th.. district had been asked if there is a pos- sibllit, that the City could lease it for less then the actual cost. Staff is i:\ no position to co_it the school r ~ard in that respect. Mayor Jac;'son asked what the progress of the negotiations at the staff level is. City Man.!ger Quinlan said they have not progressed far enough to have a time fra~e as to when this vill be developed. There has been one meetlng to set "? ground rules. I said he felt th,-,y wanted to get this matter taken care of this year and wanted to make this kind ~f a turn key operation where they are not Involved in the operation whatsoever. Mayor Jackson asked If they are talking abcut the end of the school year or the end of 1~75. City Man~gar Quinlan felt SU1."e they want to get it occupied as soon as school sessions are ove~. Dlrector of Parks and Recreation said they will have summer school there if we do not take it over before. ~ounc. Meyers stated that the dollar reserve we are talking aboot is so~ to have on hand. Speaking about the turn key arrangement, we must realize that the $27-30,000 is not the total cost of operation, tÞere is watering, landscaping. etc. . . MnmrES OF TIlE APRIL 15, 1975, cm OOUJICn MEETING CC-259 Page 5 Mayor ......_ sUllested Cc>uncU JO _ to bullciln¡ ad arOUDds. ('__. 11&..._.. .skeel hov erit1cd the ....U1caUoa of Cit)' Ball b..eaeDt is. ClI :_IJ ..... stated that CupertiDo ia I-fila in _Ieney facUities. We do .. ... fedeul fUDci1D& fœ dds. Co "'l1fA ..keel hov thb 1. IOSIIa co fllpToye our baadl1øa of aa eÐrth- , ........ 1'_. 51 'u said it vould !lake it .re eartll4uab proof so there could be fUR ... ad c~icat1OD equ1pMDt dIere. It _lei be a caatral loce- I tioa ~ tbe Vest Valley. City ~.~ Quinlan said he vas not sure about the earthquake aspect but that the cente1." of the basement would be brought to lOO level protection factor azalnst radioactive fallout. We are talkina about what we ~5timate we vill be needlng to occupy that basement with City use or City related uses (such as Roundup C:uo). With Wilson School available It may change that t1Be fra~e. We ar~ in a relatively bad position in terms of natural disaster, but the authorlty to acqulre the radio is a major weak l~ we have had. The Pirector of Publi. >vrks refer~ed Council to as to cost comparison ~ith EOC and without EOC. if ax: is involved. the doc..ment in the prcgram It would cost $5l,OOO more Kay~~ ".ckson ~tated th~t we have a lO_OOO sq. ft. bUilding vlth the shell alrea::y there to impr,'\"e the basement at $64 a sq. ft. This seems out- lan¿is~. ¡,'t< do have a <,ced for Civil Defense preparedn..ss but we would have only 3,500 sq. ft. of permanent office space left for our $467,000. Director of Public ~orks ~aid the way the plan is designed we would ha~e t~ total 10_000 sq. ft. exccpt durlng emergencies when 6,000 sq. ft. would be ~verted to EOC center. The high costs involve modifications to heating, air ~itloning, racp tv the first floor, elevator, etc. Coune. Meyers asked wt~t inflated costs ~eans in the sumrJary. The Ði.rector of Public ¡,orks replied it shOlo7s estimated costs froC! wl.en EOC vas approved to 7~~ì7 inflated costs. COutK. Meyers asked if it is necessary to- have both the r..mp ¡¡nd the ele- vator. The Director of Public .ùrks said we discussed the ramping as part of the requlr.....ts for getting handicapped péople to the first floor and te> the bas_to COUIIC. Meyers co...entc.i that this was because if we have an cmeTgency ..e ha~e DO elect.ical paver. . . II1MJIß OF m mIL l~, 19'5, an mm;CIL 1ImU¡C ct-:1S~ l'aae 6 ~ JIaJua¡er ~;-bn said that as part of our eaergency planning pro¡r8JII _..". req_tef a ¡aerator. . ~1iIIIIìø!r .JaCUCIG asbd if _ elentor ú a Federal requir_nt; the D1rêctor ~lic Vorb said 110. 17 Jl~ Jac:boa saW .1f-tw..tiDa dill elevator could be one va)' to c.....t the coet, ,~ JIaDa¡er QRialan said he -¡reed. These fipres are based on an estimate i ~ tile .uchitect 1Ibo desigaed City Ball. - .lfellis .asked what service the architect is providing for $28,000. .... Director .:-t :dllic Works aDSVered that he would design the final plan, ~de specs. ~uipaP.nt modificatlon, electrical, etc. cc.œac. Nellis 5&:J we need to take another hard look. Coaac.Frollc!: H:j it appears that the additio:':al costs due to roc of $50,000 is al;out $5 rè:~'" ft. so we are not really p¡:ybg all n.at :::'-'ch pe1." sq. ft. t( get t~: :è~ter i~ and in return we are-betting certain advantages i~ tice of èiô~,::r. Thls kind of project is the kind that can be pushed -y because :'"':"0' is no public clamor for it. !tayor Jacksot: ,..:~ the question was not whether ::,,,re is a need but whether it 1s <;:-.erd"$:;::e~ - how much is going in beeau--" of old rt'quirel'lents and ~ ~ch co~:: :: leferred to ~et more rcalist~' current needs. Clty Manager:...:~'m "",de two points: I) Desig~ has been for 100 level ,rotection f3:::0, ~ot necessarily earthquake. 2\ ane ~f the advantages of doing this .~ that in order to get tcd~ral ;¡::ticipation we had to have a:I EOC but "" ::: :.onger have to. Therefore on" v;' the main advantages for EOC at that :i,,¿ no longer exists. Th.. pol::," now· is only to partici- ;ate on roc ::0 ¿x:sting buildinas so we could still do it later. Counc. Meyers ~-,;;¿J how critical Is it in rel..::._, to total dollars we have availablè :~ relation to the rest ~f the ;r:~r~Q. If the City needs space we coul¿ ::~$ider leasing additional space ;'~r a year or so, City Manager ~~i:::~:l said that what Mayor Ja",-",-~ ·..Js saying is that because of this possi::¿ :::1ancial crunch let's look 3: ,~ fr,'DI two standpoints: I) As to whe:::¿o ~r not we should push it bac, a ..-,'~r, the "hole program, and 2) Take anot'":,: '_~rd look at the aoney to see ,: t:u>r.. is II possibility ::bat we could :"= ~¡.ose casts d<>WD, at 1<'''5 t In ~ ·Ie fi rs t ph<lSe. ¡t vas Counei: ~è::sion to leave it where it is rather than nove it. !!ayor Jackson .1$~"J if there were any co.....nts :':barding the $50,000 allo- ~.t~d to the !::,:,::ùn. Also, should the City Ce::t"r pnblic safety building IÞe shown as e,-= 3:1 unprogralllliled item at this ti::>e. lie said he didn't think J.t should bee..~,¿ .."lsten>:e of it i.plics s,,"'" Jedsicin has been made rpgarding . . HINU1'ES CF THE APRIL 15, 1975, CITY COUNCIL MEETING CC-259 , Paae 7 havin& our OIID police a1III fire depart_nt. No decision has been made. It .e... tbat by putW& 1D a bulldina which depend. on a policy that !au DOt been adoptecl we are puttlna tbe cart befon the bor.e. May- be it would be a fi_ poliey not to have it In until the is.ue ls decided. C-C, Sparks .....tec1 J-t puttina Civic Center Building Expansion, becall8e the City will ar-. CoWl':. Meyers a¡ree4. Counc. Nellis said she ~ be satisfied 1£ it vas chaaaed to a IBOre aeJ>P.-al cate&ory like expansion of City buildings. Mayor Jackson stated if we leave the aoney in it should be labeled Public Safety Buildina. Counc. Nellis said people vill wonder why we are acquiring land. Mayor Jackson said the land Is a good in.estment anyway. Counc. :;elli" said she thought it ,""ould b.:- misinterpreted if it was taken out now. Coune. ~ky~rs stated there probably will he sor..~ kin¿ of expansion requir~¿. Hayor JJ.cks.on said i te:>s should be put u' '" needs bero",,, ident if ie";. Coune. Frolich made a t:IOtiOiL ar.t C;.June. Si'-;rl:o:; £(>~C71¿{>¿ to ("hans... the wordin& to l.:-ng rang~ civic ct!nter hui l':i:~b l·x¡.ansío~ frogram. AYES: fr.olich, Meyers, Sparks NOES: J~ckson, Nellis Motion carri~d, 3-2 Mayor Ja:kson moved to delete public saf"t, buildin& as prespntly constituted. AYES: JdCkson, !lell1s IIOES: frolich, Heyers, Sparks Motion defeated, 2-3 Counc. Meyers stated that hE; thoasht th... Linda Vista Park rest ro"m amount of $~9,OOO is too much. Th.' Din-,tor of PubEc ....orks said they ",..ill have an evaluation and ~tudy '::1f pricing fur rC!il rooCl.." for the next session. He mentionL-d ('In of th~ r('comMendat ion!; of the Planning Comcision as faT as h,1vln¡; a separ:lt~ cater."ry for hlstori- cltl sit~s acquisi tion. They arc Clðinly c""ccrned wi th actual st ruc- t ures . CC-~ '''. . ";:1 '- . . ,~ ,1IllfUTES OF 1m: APRIL l5, 1975, CITY COUNCIL MEETING . ! IIayor .Ja~ asked 1£ they are speaking of a broad catepry rather than ¡ :PJJm1111 It IiIM1 to speeUlca. I . I1:J 01:, Kellis asked what IIacI happened since the last diKuss1oa. City Kan- .~... Quinla said p1......... ..... Hen assi¡ned to that, Coune. .ellb said 1a..r positi_ on aakiua a ....rate category is tbat it 111 preaature at this . t . I~' Jllyor Jacks_ sà1d it shoaLl b. called to people's atteDtion but without "~ specific aaount or dec1s1oa, and ag1."eed category sboald not be accepted. CowIc, Spans cOl!Dented he hopes Planning staff will coae up with SOM ,priorities reprdina tbe TriaDOG soon. '_." .~. .-~. "carding str~et improve8ents. Counc. Meyers spoke about the figures for Stevens Creek Boulevard Bubb Road to Mary Avenue acqulsitlon. The Direc- tor of Publi~ ~orks sai~ staff would redo these. Counc. Meyers said it should be p~t in as a foreal change. The Directo: "f Public Woru asked if staff cC'uld review the figures stated by ~eyers t: ,~" if they are re.3sonable. He also commented on Saratoga-Sunny- vale RO.1J ::-:;::-.....:>oonts, Stevens Creek to Bollinger. He has ",et with the State. Toey .Ibr""': :: ~"rticipate in i"",rovcmL'nts to the extent that they will ia- stall i::::,r..'''-: -'~:lt~ if we a.cq'~ire ritihl of way ,.¡hich makes a substantial saving. !iayor .I..:,.: c ,<,,,J if ther.. ·..as a lesser fisure to put in. The Dl rector cf PuoLc ;,-_ :_"., <t.1t"d n..> òt"te's partidration \lOuld be $)f),OOO so $76,000 ;:ould b,' r,__,,'.! to $46,CùO. Cooac. ::"::,, ",cd Ilhether the :-IcCI"lla" Roa,¡ wi dening at the Horse R,1nch ¡;¡r"¿ ~:~Clc-::-'c ~,'"I bridge ..id"aing at St"v"ns Creek is being done. The IHrec- t.or of rL~:.':: :...'r~s answered that the widening is completed but there is a probh'=, ...~:~"': l!l(, bridge. Counc. Ncl]is asked tf McClellan Road ii:\prlJv...~r1~nts. at least ~~:-,-_-"c_ S.uatoga-Sur.nyvale Road and St"lling had been put into the prograDl. ~,"c..:. ~-!eyers su;;gested ¡:h:!t ""ybe .." sh,'uld think of shifting it a year. Counc. Sell:s lsked about the Steven:; r.r,-ek Boulevard bike lane; the IJirector of Public .:r:"'s said the Public Safety C",,,",,,ission will rev!"., that. :!avor Jack~on .1<kd if .1 bicycle co:::>t had he,'" taken un Stevens Creek. The Public works Dir.?.::..'r ~.1id no, Public Safcty CÚI:m:.tssiun is explorin~ possibility of Calab~lz..."1S ...!:.,.J.1.... Counc. :,ellis comr.Jl~ntêd that we should be receiving a recorlner.¿-,::,·" from the ?ublic Saf"ty Co",,,,i,$ion regarding Buhb Road bike lanes. The: :::'r,_'ctor of Public \.,Jorks s..1.iÙ staff will be ablt! to take it to t.he Public ''':0:)' C01Dlllission when they reach .11\ ..grcement. . . JIQU1"~ OF THE APIlL 15, 1975, CITY OOUIICIL PlUTUKõ CC-259 raae 9 fta Director of Public V~ requested traffle 81pal ~1flcaU_ ef Saratop-SUllDJVale JøeI ..... Bolliqu be .",.. fre. 76-77 to 75-76 nIIJect to St.te ..... SaD .1_ approval. It va _..4 111 CaaDc. *Jen ... ucoaded 1Iy CouIIc:. ..nb to do this, ¡ I . . I I , ø..s. c.arried, s-o DIe Di1."ector of Public Vcnb co=aented on nate ,.nidpaUOII In iatercODnect systea OD OlAl Bl......y 1I1De. State 1a receptive 1£ we C8D shOll hneUt, RezarcliDa Bighway 8S, he ..04 the State bar _ caD relay to the Bighvay ec-ission that there 1a a need for the ez- tenalon. l'nless we ~ave a way to finance it, It will DOt brl.., the project any clo&er to cODtlnue knodking on the door of the HiSh- vay Coaaission. We have acquired about 99% of riFt of way. Before auy cOIIIIIHment is made to change fro. freew.y to expressw.y the Bighv.y ~~~ssion wants co ev.luate it. ~..yor Jac'$:~ said Coun~11 received a l~tter fro. thp Chamber of Com- Derce askir_c them to KP<!¡> re"'indin;; :he .is;¡ion w.. arµ anxious to have lii';::-"ay 85 coepleted. :'.'y¡'e a ... ~er ;¡hould be' ."nt to thcm. The Dire,:::: 0f Public \"·orlit.s ~!."!t,·.:! th.1t t~i.kt· lan~s on th~· presf'-nt Eighway S:- r ~ih t of ;,¡.¡y are be i:~: e·...:1 ¡ IJ,\:' t,'J. Counc. ~:,"ll i Ii a.skt~d j f there arc ~::'.lt~ fun'¡.j t:.o1t t:.{ C¡~·.· ":-3" .J·';oly for rf'l ,~ir;g to bi~:(. lane impr.·:\--:"ltS. r::t' JirE'':':cr I..'i l'u~l~~ ~'(JrÌts said ..'e". most of :>ur bik.:: :.;:-" have be,; r. b:." I>r '" l,. Tne Dirc.:-t:~ ~"\f Public '':CT'~~ ,»ald t'..., tr..iffi.:- !'lgn.¡¡l rruhJtoa at Starlln~ \0.';' rrsolvéd. A d~_i<;¡ ¡~ t::u...;t lw nade on the extension of Lazaneo. Counc. Fr..":~ ~ ask~d abcut the ~-ig:1.11 .;It ~ip;'It"stPad and Torre. The Director .': "Òlic WOrf< an!NLr"J 'Ù' ha\"c coll"cted $10,000 for that signal. c::¥ of Swmyvale has pr,'!;".""",.! it for that year so if \J.urants are _t t~·."- 'o""utd be crnstruct.-u. Actu.d CO;¡t fro!:! City would t>e 513,000. J:eaardin¡; .'vo rpass and "",:!ia:> b',lut ificati (':1, the Dir..ctor of rub l1c Morks sai~ .a ..:onc('ptu.3.1 plan vill be forthcoming soon to the lity Council t .'r ddopt io" fur plan .,¡ ""I; SaratoGa-Sunnyvale Road. Rer,ard- ing Mary .\\"':1Ut?, State \lill h'-ev..luate te> s"e if it is compatibl.· to go with P::.!,.' 1 Phasc- 2. Concc,rnin¡; Tant..u overcrossing, thp money is .11 fro,," \'allco, no:>e fro,. City, the Capital Improvements Procram should 1."eflcct this. $550,OUO will come from "tate, $450,000 from Yallco. ~t3te h.3s been as1-.ed to rcdf'w traffic signals at Old 111ghvay 1IiDe and liighway 2S() to see if thp)" can change to IIOre modern controller. ve a1."e await:ng recommendation from state RS.to what it would cost to phase H......,stead signal wlth Freeway si¡:nal. . CC-259 !; ~oce 10 , . :¡"-/ t~ :1, ' r· ~. , I t I ¡ '"""''' OF TO" .. 1>. ''''. CITY """"'II 1ŒErI" ,""YOI' Jackson _kå a.- Jus~lfied is tbe pedestrian _ercrossing at Nary Avellue, ! 'Äunc. Nellis said Mfon ve 10 to state we _r.: cleter~ne -our : co.ds; ve need to ....te 'the ta... and pt (:octa. , , ,City Manager Qula18 _keel vby _ couldo't throup our Cooddch studies on ; ~he Vest Valley cleftlop the si.Uar klacls of Infcnwation ~hat ve did on the : core atea to evalaate the Ma1."J Avenue thlak. l1li oppoMCl to Stelling P.oad . as opposed to notbiaa. Maybe va could deyelop s_ ficures through a su~ : vey of ~he collep ~ lIo_stead Hieh to set S... ficu1."cS in that regard. I . Counc. Meyers asked vlut would be the real worth 1D it for pedestrian,¡ and bikes. Rcg~rding storm d1."alns. City Manager Quinlan said they had testified on the stor:n drain bill, it was voted on out of comniltce, It lias ;mendcd re~"rdin8 it"m:; on inter<,st and æAintenance. The bill goes to the Senate floor now. COline. Meyers caved to r.103C the public hearing; Coune. :ir.l11~; secon1cd. Motion carried, 5-0 CI.I'h:. ~!eYf~~'~ì ':'Iu~/ed to :'t-'provc lhe Fiv~~ Year G.-t:¡ i.tal II:'lprl)v,~p.\cnts Pr.,&raCl as di ;,:u~;At~d ~1'hl :"1,)difi;;!d ~;d:J cv,-~nin~. Coune. ~··rr)11dl 5ec;;;¡dcd. }[o::'ion c~rrl~¡J, 3-0 ':.·.·,!~oo ~~\,·!1j; r,·p.)rt·~d C,".l ::-:;,:elin,~ '~1t~ .n~d :l:':_~~j Gtt.':'d~<.! ~/i.th l·..· ¡\IA Wh\"fC :.'/ Jl'a.~.~; ~}1.]::~ii~~; ~J:-'; ';,~dun::; 1'ù1' the C':tl"'i of too; (;,l"(U, c~':~ 1::;"11 and ;' ,"'~' Alt.). c:·.;::\~.. !:r.d i l'b :.;.tid C;.:'~~:,,:i L ¡r,ay 1.,~.~l't to dis.....u, ~ ,~t....~t Wl'~\: Il.i~')L\ cl¡';(":I~J"J in L...:.l~·" of C.:.11if,'rni.l Citi·_~; ~!llh._Lil". C,-·::._Iittce ',Ii r 1 loo~ at tLc 101 .:tnJ 1.:;1;-\",' l·CL:O¡:".r.~o.:¡:.f_·~ions. ';a;-:~~ of ~ ':l.'" lt~Kis- Lt":¿;l:; t:¡t t':,..: :tcvie..r Ct~~ a~. S~).lri::t L'!:.:)vcd to .l·ljourn the '::~ctin~~; Cr';I!!'".coo Fr"Jl j <:Ìl .->econded. H"U ,,¡) carrl,:,d, 5-0 l1h~ meeting ..-..~.u ac.1jo'Jl-!!.~J at lO:l'j p. m.. APi'ROVED : ATTEST: /5/ Jl10es E. Jac~son _________ Mayor, City of Cupertino _W~_.__E_,_.ß>.'der CJ ty Clerk