CC 04-21-75
... ..-
~ or wrulWU, STAtE" c:a.uœIIA
~ Torn jo. . Cupert:iM. California 95014
... -. !. - -e: -.......5QS
. .....&~ .. !:S ----- "......~ or TIll em COUIICIL
.IIIÍI.D œ auL n, 1975 D _ eiMøC' L CIWIBIII.. cm IW.I.
-.-..&1.u. CALlIOIIIIA
i..-.-- 'fO ... JUG
- ._ .Jec~ called the _U.. to cmter at 7:32 p... with the
---. to the rlaa.
-.z. CALL
Frolich, Heyer., Bellis, Sparks, Mayor Jack_
. present:
.[. abseDt:
kaff present: Clty Haaascr Quialan
City Attorney Ad_
D1rec:~1." of Ad-ini.t1."at1ve Se1."v1ces Ryder
D1re~tor of P1~nnina and Development S1sk
Director of Publ1c llorksViskov1ch
Director of Parks and Recreation Butler
Asslstant PlaDDi. Dlrector Ccwan
1. None
2. Submitt~ requests to address the Council.-- None
3. ItecOgCiti.oD by Mayor of S\.d1ence requests. -- None
4. IIone
s. (a) C~e3r Service St01."c: A request to amend a condltion
.of of tentative asp application l5-TM-70 rclati
to t!w! installation of a free-standing sign for a retail
sto~. S3id property 15 locatcd westerly of and adjacec
to ~ratoga-Sunnyvale &cad approxim3tely 200 fcct south-
erly of thc intersection of Saratoga-SunnYV31e Road and
H~steaJ R03d. Recu -nAed for approv31.
I Œ-260
.... 1
1_,.. ., ,.. ...:
Tba Assistant PI_ll11 Dinct01." stated that in 1970 tbo! P~1n1 .
OWoi..1oG &p¡.1."oved . teat:dl". :up d1vldia¡ a p01."tioo of tile
....tUII Square Shopplaa Ceatu .it. Into two par".u, AI: thet
d.a a c:oaditioD _ plaed _ the pRpert' alløwiDa tile ~t .pUt
_ the c:oadldoo that tile lot should DOt qualify for a free-aUDdilll
.sea. Goodyaar hM _ _ forward to ..It for clelet~ of this
~lt1oD. ne Plaœ1Da ~I is.loo is rec_ 41n1 a,proyal of tbis
n.. -t, baNd 00 a det-i_-Uoo tllat thb coadlt!oo I. ~ly
~ttlcthe, ... to tile MC8r. of the Goodyear Se"lc. Store'.
~Ue _"leilll ødeacaUoo ... lu pros1a1ty to tile fr_y
latuchnae. A sip app1JcaUoo voald be 1."nlewd by ll-Caatrol.
Colored slides of the aU. va-e m- to illustrate bow ta.ffective
tlleir prese'1t s1plq is.
liii)'o1." Jack.CD va. CODC~ that apn'ov.l of this request _ld
.. a precedent. The Aaebt_t PI_in¡ Director CODf1~ that
ther. .re at thr.. sep&Tate lots within that shoppll11 center
tbat ai¡ht cae. in with the __ request.
C-C. Se"a.'S conCUD vas that the .1snin& DOW is not dnlnl its job.
CouDc. Fr,,"id. asked bow _y of these lots bave Old H1e""a, 9
froata¡e. r.'Ie .usl.tat 'UnDine Director .aid only thb 00. sad
'.yless J.. Counc. FrolLch's contention w&. that if this is .pproved
it does ~.t ~ecessa1."ily aeaa other. aust be .PP1."OVed.
C-. lIe)'erl supested thi. .ppl1cSllt consider acldi"l "B....u.d
Square- t" their slen propo..l.
C-. SI'&rks sa1."eed tbat the preaeat slanina is difficult to ....
lIIwed by C-'UDc. FroUch, -.coacted by Counc. Sparks to __ the
coaditi= "'" the tntath. aap of .PFl1C&tion l5-nt-70 to provide for
1aatalati"'" of . fr.e-sulldin& sip.
IIotion car1."ied, 4-1
lIayor Jackson d tSSeDted
6. (.) Applic&tion HC-Sl,l48.1 - Lucky Stores, Inc. (Geaco)
reque.tina .pprov.l of . aodification of architecture
to the existiaa Ceac:o Store located at the northeast
.orner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and S.ich W.y. RecOllaended
tor denial. (Appealed by the .prUcat.)
Tha Assistant Pl.nnine Director briefly reviewed the proposal. to
uPCr.óe their site. The .taff feels there is no ~ediate .afety
problea in the loadiaa dock .re. .s SUllested by the .pplicant.
_u:. OF .. JRIL 21. 1Ð5 an COUJICIL suOlG
r... 3
1Wtller, ~ hture proto"
~ t:Ua ..cure caa lie "....n.... ~ tile
T -. Spøb .... if'~ ...... ~ ..., '1alop. ill r V.... to
dIdr atp_ .. Mid t'" U ~ feel tu, caBOt app'''' ~
~ ·"''\PiaI. thb U_. J - J T ~ ~d _id.r ,.., ....
... larae sip.
T _. 1~-1_. _t" to u
... the tnà eacloaure ~
eff1clatly _
I tile truh cootaia.n. .. feela
... .. relocated to _rk __
.. Gary ~_ff, Pr~ ~J.'-..r for Løcky Stores, 11.
~ Bl"':.. SaD Lu1lllro. _c... ther. a1."8 two faacU_ w1s:Ja1a
tile bullt~. a _rket .. . .-.yrrc.mat store. The _It JÞ.r
... ahoe ':r,:.artaent .'1'. 1- .... TIle clothina (Ardn's) ... ~:ac to Lucky. .....u they could DOt affon to ....
tile iaprc..-e:ccts required 117 die city prniously so they .....
tile iapro-.-....e:u they e-U afford 1Daide the bulldina. Be tbea
....ieweG ~....:r ,UscuSS1oaa riùa tH .taff relardina the 1...........1
.. said t~~ were thinlt~ ~..s tft1lS of 20:: o)f their total ùprov
_s 8o~o-i :.::to lands~lac. Cb that basis, they bud,eted
$SO tb->",Sä.=o; :~r exterior taIpr_ ats and $: 1 thousand for l..w!-
IICoePina. ... said :te fak dw "~e_Aq>FrO£ch :be H-C_trol took
to his pr:;-:~l. One K,~ of that CoaaittH called his baaiAu
·cheap" tilles.
CouDC. ""." asked Mr. lI_t~ff if they !\¡,"e liven say tboupt
_ to dc~~ L-:Y p<,rtion of tM :òt......ø. Cree;' 31vd. landscapiDC·
lIT. West.:---,,=: said that .._.. t t.. they s.ake a proposal for up-
arMing t -. :.Þdscapiøa tJae City's 'l'equires<er.: is always beyoad
thet1." 1:..::._
The Ass:s~.:: Plannina Director answered May~r Jackson that the
scaff ha. ......ys :;tated t~ Creek S:vd. is top priority
ill their ~ :>~"1.:'!1ons with t:.e (;eaco people. ~he staff has always
cClDtend..~ : -ere s~ould he 11-16' of landsca.,::c along St.,,~
Cr.ek 81,·=.
CouDC. S.~o.. felt it was _re ùoportant tc :"'i'rove their staD
at the rr'>'~: time be~ he does not Þelicve Cemco is l0iDa to
c_ up ...:~o $25 thousaDd fer l&:>dscapln¡;. ~r. Westernoff said
b1a auth.r::~ is limited.
Counc. S.:;:5 said she was ¿ú~urbed abC'ut attitudes; it 1f00000ed
like a 1...,< ~: c<':II1IunicatL=. She would lÜe to work toward
~on gN:", and would like ~ð establish a fO)'l'\llUla for uJIC1."adiAa
of this s::~. She felt C . Sparks' suggestion was debatable.
She woul¿ ,oe:er to) have en'. IDOney ¡:o int<, landsc:apina rath",r
than si¡;t:.:::, ..nd ..ouId lib 1:0 know their ¡;ur~g....."nt· s thoa&ht.
_ this.
approYe! _
1IC-5::' ,07S-ZZ1
Couuc. ~rs vou14 be ia4--tecI in knoving 1£ GeIIco wouJ4 be vllUns to
.,ve aheM v1th the fM' t-.... the 10Mbl docks, with _ percentage
also piq into luJd-..·..
Jlaror J.......<III ~d l:llra __ 1afoTUt1on from G_ as to their overall
.1_. Val_ there Is _ oIef1aitive plan fo1." aperadins, be would be
reluctaDt to _e 8h..a _ U1a parUculS1." plan.
Counc. .ellis belieYM . & _ ...1.e can be reached.
Ccluuc. !refers said the .1-- approved a year ago show what the City plana
are for Stevena Creek .1... ... sullested the appliCSDt recheck thea.
Moved by =.:unc. Kellis. - c fed by Counc. Heyen to coat1Due appl1cation
HC-51,l45.1 to the _n r J. br _tins·
BMlon canled, 4-G-l
Caaac. Frollch abstained
(b) Appli:1tion HC-5l.~¡2.1 - W. J. Heraan (Rancho Deep Cliffe)
reques:ir~ app1."oval ~f ~lficatlon.of landscaplng for a
61-1.l:::t, sinsle-faaily coDdomlnblll development locate~ adjacent
to an: easterly of S=ewcaa Canyon Road approxiaately 200 feet
sout::~:ly of Rivers1cle Dlrtve. Ilecoaaended for approval.
Moved b~' ':':anc. Nellis, secøDIIed by COlIne. Heye1."s, to delete the
phrase "as .. re.ult of crr_t golf balls" frOlD ConditioI' 8 of
Ileaoluti.~ :\0. 50S, and to then approve application HC-5I,322.l
In acccr~a:J<:e vith _eDded J,esolution No. 50S.
IIInlon carried, 5-0
(c) Applkat10n HC-5l,075.221 - Aae1."ican Microsysteas, Inc. (Vallco
Par~) :equesUn¡ appr_al of s1gnlr.a for a liaht Industr1al
bui1¿:n¡ located OD the side of Tantau Avenue app1."oxiJaately
210 feet north of 1'~~1~~~ .~"2Due. Reco_ended fo1." approval.
Moved by \:.)Unc. Sparks. secl!!'d~ by Counc. Heyers to approve
applicati.~ BC-5l,075.221 1D acco1."dance with H-Control Resolution No. 506.
BMioa carried, 5-0
(.) AppUcuiaD .51.274.1 - 1Iob11 Oil Corporatioa raqueniq
."".....1 of Idee. architec:tare aDd laad..:aPiaa for _ aist-
.... 8erdce ~ett- site located at the _t....t coraer of
It-.. CnIIt .".. ... II1ller A_. lee· led for
..,.,.. ., c:-. tr .., _ODd" 111 C-c. .el118 to approve
a"l1catfoa øc-51.274.l in accordaace with B-control lesolution
110. 507.
IIotioD carded, s-o
(e) Appl1catioD BC-51.075.40 - Vallco Faab10n Park Sbopplna
c.a~er r....ctaa approval of aodiftcaUon of site,
coacepCaal l...a.caPiaa. ¡radin, aad partial approval of
architecture for tbe proposed J. c. PelleY Ston on the stde of WOlfe .oad aDd site aodiflcation, architectu1."e
aDd conceptual laDdscapina for portions of the Center on
the west sUe of Wolfe ao.d. Rec~ed for approval.
Counc. !reyen vas coacerned whe:her this chang.. in elevation of
the perbaeter road defeated the purpose of the-change of slope
Ic_ 5% .to 3%.
Vallco Pack General Kaaaaer Walter Wa1."d reviewed the plans. He
aaid the H-Control objection to the steeper c:li.b was for the
benefit of the people walking to the stores from the parking lot.
Counc. Nellis aaU she noted, fro. the .1nut"s of the H-Cont1."ol
aeetina, that tbere was considerable discussion about heiaht of
buildiDl~. The Assistant Planning Director explalned the oriaina
and the p.esent plans for roof treatment. Archtect Ralph
Butterfield coofiraed his stateaents.
Moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Fn'lich to approve
application HC-5l,075.40 in accordance with H-Control Resolution
No. 508.
)!..tlon carried, 5-0
Hayor Jackson called a recess at 8:50 p.... The meeting
reconvened at 9:05 p...
'&le 5
HC-5I,075 .40
7. DI8CV..taa _ proposal for reor&1lD1aat~ of Architeetura1 aDd
Site AU.!_.-~ c-tttee. (Coat1Duel fr_ Ap1."11 7, 1975..eUq.)
The '1_1.. Direaor DOted that Aleøda It. 25 is tied to thå
_ ..tter.
25. Report fr_ Director of P1annina aDd lleYe10paent on projec:U_
of .taff tJ.. for p1U11'Ilaa utters dud.!. fiscal leu 1975-76.
CouIIc. IIe111a _ted to bow if the City is 1."eee1vina all unusual
auaber and 1D~ensity of coaplaints about the Architectural and ita
Approval ec-1ttee aeetinas and decisions. The Plannina Dlrec or
and the City ~aer a¡reed that there have been ao1."e coaplaints
about B-C~rol than the other C~ittees sod eo-issiona. Most
~rtant to the City Manager is the coordination with the p1."esent
Counc. Nellis vaDted to know if it ls qulte comaon practiee to
car1."Y ove1." applications because of the lengthy hearings. The Planniaa
Direct~r said the H-Control is now talkin¡ about finishina up their
aaenda it_ at sa adjourned aeetina rather than carry unfinished
ODes o"'er to chell' next reaular _etina.
Counc. Nellis said she aet with five architects to discuss the role
of the Architectu1."al and Site Approval COIIDittee. She caae away froa
tbat meeUaa with the feeling that early-on input is illlportant to the
applicant. Another thiaa she got out of that aeeting was the need
for profess1onal input. One way to handle this would be to requlre
professional people on the Comaittee. Another approach would be to
have professloaal advlso1."s.
Anothe1." area of concern fo1." Counc. Nellls 1. the coordinatlon betwe_
H-Control aDd the Plannlng Comaisslon. She noted that different
staff a_bars attend different meetinas, and she wondered If they had
in-depth discusslons afte1." meetiaas. She noted the City aow has 13
indlviduals (City Council, Plannin¡ Comaiss1on, and H-Control) for
the staff to answer to: perhaps addltioaal staff is needed.
Another coøcera of hers was the role to be played by the committee.
and comals.lons. The final decision should rest with the City Council,
answerable to the citlzenry. She would like to see the advisoxy
coaalttee reflect the policy of the City Council. She felt the City
Council needs to coae to an understanding of what it expects, archi-
tecturally aDd aesthetically. P1."oblem a1."eaR: Sign Ordinance, aDd
uparadlna of sites. She felt this policy needs to be more clearly
Coac, lellis felt ehee tile P1aIm1q ec-1..1oG is presently
_lNded, ad ie _ 'Uficalt· for her to..e 8biftia¡ ø-cœtro
tied.. 011 a"" . er _ . 7~ PlanniD¡ C-hdoD and .cUI
__ain qaality. ... IH 1" rathu blprove 011 the pr_t
.,at. ad .... _ ~..søaal input. She -U lib to ..e
... eerly-oD pMe1s...
It ".. CauDc. lroUeh'. caetentiOll that the P1aImina CoIaia.ioD'.
_tlNd _ to bee_ upeer ill tbe futun, with fapl_tatiOll
of the GeIIeral PIa. Ilia COIIC6m vas that ... are lettina to a
point there ú Pilla to be a tyina toaether of hiahly
cODtrol1ed 'welopraae in oar City, If the c~ssions and
coaaitt... are ~-Li~ .ore ratber than less work fo1." the City
Coacu, perhaps cb4I1 ..... re-evaluation. Be felt that problea
ar... ware: I) Diff__ of opinion (subjective), and 2) The
applicant beiDa: bcmnced 1Iack and forth, resultia¡ in loa¡ delays.
Re Hid he bean fr_ ~ developers that they would p1."efer to
put the aoDeJ into bui14lDcs and landscapin¡ than into aan hours
for reworkia¡ of plan..
CouDC. Meye1."s a¡1."eed that early input was iaport_t. He vas in
favor of retaiAina the S-ber Coaaittee wlth professional input
Øe vauld I:e in favor of 2 pt."ofessioaal people belna on the
C-fttee. Be."QÙd_~ __ in favor of a noa-Cupertino-c:1tizen
participation 1D an adviaory capacity.
Counc. SpArU 8Ul&estc!d that it .ilht be sufUclent cClo1."dlnaUon
if H..{;ontrol ai...tes ware 11vn to the Plannlna C""""issioners,
Øe would like to aee 2 profeasional people on the Ø-Control.
Mayor Jacuœ feels that arcbitectun and landacapin¡ are
atr_Iy !çortant. Unle.. he could clearly aee soae chanle or
baproveaent, be would like to stay with the 5-...ber Co.aittee.
There .are at least 2 prof..aional people who have indicated they
are willlna to participate. PTocedurally, he would like to
continue with the present setup.
Co~c. Nellis would like the Coaaittee and staff to discuss ways
to iaprove in the area of early Input. She would like sOlIe way
devised to clarlfy for the applicant what is expected of hia.
She proposed a round-table situation for applicants and ...-bers
of the Committee to discus. the proposal. She would like the
staff to define the p1."obleas in policy. She questioned whether
duplexes should be reviewed by H..{;ontrol or handled by the staff.
Paae 7
e 8
lIIwed by Couoc. lrol1ch. s c DIIed by Counc. Meyer., to cODtiDue the
-- Afthitectural aDd Site Ar..._al eo-lttee organization.. pre.ently
_tituted, but when -e posa:thle to appoint to its two
..-otessloøal architects or I.DIIscape architects. Further, the staff
... ec-ltt.. ~rs .e co develop a statement of purpo.e for the
>" (" -Ittee, desian areas of ~f<ODSlbility aDd prepare paidelines for
te. operatioD as well .. 1acorporate into procedu1."al aspeets the
_sence of suge.t1oQ8 aød cents 1I8de by lllelllbers of the City Counell.
IIotloD cuded, 5-0
B-CoDt1."ol Cbairaan Sal~ saJ.d she would like the staff to study this
point of whetber or not there should be professional people on the
C-lttee. Mayor JacluIoD said the _tion speaks to the aeneral
tread of tbe City Council's feelings on the matter.
Cbairaan SallaD compl~ted tbe Clty Council on their dialogue
8Dd said she would withhold her cOlllDents for the COIIIDittee meeting
with the staff.
Mayor Jackson expnssed _P?Ort for the II-Control responsibility.
Be also expressed diAlaY of tbe hi¡hly emotional Coanitcee meetings
8Dd the feelina OD the part of sOllIe of the developers. Be advised
tbere should be cou1."tesy aod restraint practiced at the aeetings.
B-CoDtrcl C~ittee ~er Barbara Roge1."s said she has no vested
IDterest in H-Control because she will be off the Comaittee very
soon. She rec.-eoded ret...: ioo of the H-Control with suUested
t.provea.r.ts. She said she appreciated the City Council's lessoD
on bow Cl~y bodies shOl&ld VQrk.
Ik. Bill ,au, profes.ioaal ar<.'.lit.ct ·.·lth Vallco Park. requested the
.taff .Htlnp include d...elo~'_rs. Ha;'"r Jackson aareed. The Mayor
....e.ted . send-hack card ~ included with application blanks
containing questions about h~J they have been treated, etc.
I. Policy nprdina outdoor sales and promotional events.
(Contiaued froa April 8. 1915 meeting.)
The Planning Director iMroduced the updated draft of the proposed
policy relating to outdoor sales/promotional activities. It was the
staff's opinion that all outdoor sales activities should be related
to sales activities witbin the buildings, or to seasonal activities
-.c:h as tree lots. etc.
Mr. Frank &lkern, of the Cbambe1." of Commerce, said the Chamber found
saae quarrel with size of signs and size restrlctioDS for booths.
OCher than tbat, there va.. zeneral aareement with the policy.
Aft:u furtJIK d1acu..IoD. u .. _ed by CouIlC. ReUb. HC:OIIII..-I
~ CouDC. IlliJers to appr_ tile fCOPOsed policy stat..c for
-UOor sales _ pr~4--" a:t1"iU_ with the ad4iciaa of aD
J,w nJ c1ase to the C1C7 t' it aDd the ....ition of . .ut-...t
nlatiDa to typu of aaJe. to !Ie peøitted.
IIDCJøa cøried, s-o
9. Report of blds recebed _, ~ of ccontract for City of
CupertiJlo Pedestriaa SipaJ. atlplaceøea':.
'!be Direct": of Public Vorb refen-ed to the staff rec.o.eDdation
111 the Staff Sut:Dary, dated April 2l, 1915.
Jføved by (:ç:,:. Nellis, secODded by Counc. Meyers to award the
contract !e: ?edestriaa S1¡nal Replacement to Traffic SI¡nal
llalntena:>:e (""'pany fo1." $4 .~7. 96, with the excess amount over
that budge:"': to be traasfe1."Yed from another capital iÇrovements
CX::':. Frollch, !le7us, Bellis, Sparks, Kayor Jackson
!lotion carrlÑ, ~O
10. Disc~s."::: :n an ordiDance stallar to that of the County
re1a::::.¡ t: child care retabura...nt.
Counc. S~:::s said she was in favor of this ordinan~e, but t~t
it shoul: :::: ,e abused.
llayor JaÜ.::: felt the Co. -ity would benefit a Breat deal frOll
t hi.s.
Counc. Fr.:i:~ said he cou:d see the rationale in the County
O1."dinance, ~: what abou~ the othu things people pay to have don
in order t. ~..'·e the tt.e to help conduct City busi..ess.
Counc. SpCÒ;.5 said he would rathe1." see th... receive $10 pe1." month
for no IDOre than 2 H-Control _ec.inas per IDOnth. plus aUeag~.
Counc. Meyers believes this Ordinance should apply to aen as wt:ll
as women.
. CC-260
Page 9
PrOllOtlonal salt
pol1ey 1
Pede Signal
: I,'~ _.;
to be
,Fire Protection
; Study adopted
Couac. ~I. vas not iB ~r of PAy1Da aU c-wslol1S _'M
Kovell by CouDc. Bellis. _ODded by C-C. Sparka, to requ.. the
staff prepare and subaR aD ordiDaDce prOYldiq for child care
refabursment for --, c.a of tbe City Cauacil ad its board.,
eOllldssions and ~U_ .1a1lar to that adopted by the County.
Public Safety c-isslon Chairaan FCrd said his persoD£l feel1øa
vas tbat be vou1d be iDMalted if offered $2 per hour for child care.
U-COntrol Msber Roaera Aid she sees DO differeac:e betweeD .Ueøae
costs be in¡ cove1."ed aDd eh1ld care expenses.
!lotion carr led, 4-l
Counc. Frolich dissented
ll. Cov.municatlon from tbe chalrman of the Board of Supervisors
relating to the Proposed Study of Fire protectlon Servlces in
Santa Clara County.
The staff Su~ry Repo1."t, dated April 21, i975, was introduced.
Kayo1." Ja:~san stated he vas not SU1."e be aareed with the staff's
tbird re:~ended eonditlon.
Cauac. Sparks disaareed vltb this bein¡ based on population rather
tbaa JD assessed 7aluatton.
Cauac. Meyers aareed with the staff recOlBendatioD.
The City ~DSler reco..~ðed the City have rep1."esentation on this
Coaaittee so tbat Cupertioo's opinlon can be heard.
Couac. Sellis vas very aucn in favor of a study like this, noting how
di:ficult it is for re¡ioaal aove1."naent to work.
Coone:. Sparks and Frol1ch said they would be in favor of the study
without Condlt1on 2.
Moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Heye1."s to adopt the Proposed
Study of Fire Protection Services in Santa Clara County, including
recommended Conditions 1, 2 and 4 only.
Counc. Heyers, Mellis, Mayor Jackson
Coune. Frolich, Sparks
Motion carri'''¡, 3-2
12. lequrst for $3,200.00 far inspection of tnfUe sipala
111 cocj1lDCtlon vich Ya1lco Iaprov_u.
.... by Heyera. .~ed b1 Coune. SpuluI to appropriate
tile __ of $3,200,00 fna tile Galer&! Fund for inapect1ÓD of
traffic sip>s1. :In eonj_tioD with Vallco illprov_t..
CoaDc. Pr01ich. lleyus, Kellis, Sparks, Ma10r J8CluIon
JlDt100 carded, 5-0
13. Discussion and adoption of revised environmental asses SIlent
Counc. ~!lis siad the Eavíro~~ental Review Committee would 11ke
to report ~heir necattve declaration decisions to the City
Council :~:he1." than the Planning Commission. Such decisions
v1ll be ,~~lished in the newspaper vlth the right of appeal
~thin t¿~ days after publication. In addition the negative
declarz::::: ~ould be filed with the City Clerk rather than
the Co~~:: Cle1."k.
After ¿;>:~ssion, it was _ved by !:ounc. :!cyers, secotlded by
Counc. S,c:ks to continue this matter to 1 p.m., Tuesday,
April :::. :915.
Motion carried, 5-0
MOved ~v ::~~C. Frnlich, seconded by Ccun.. Meyers to adjourn
this mr,:_:; at ll:35 p... to 7:30 p.m. on April 22, 1975.
Kotion carried, 5-0
/s/ JSllles E. Jacboa
May01.", City of Cupe1."tino
Is/ ~~. __ Ryde1."
Clty CIer"
hae 11
VP t1."8f fie
dansl inspee.
procedure disc