CC 05-08-75
"," i
10300 Torre Avenue. Cupertino, California
Tel"Dhone: 2S2-450S
!be ....ting was cdled to order at 7:30 p... by Kayor Jackson for
the pU1."po~e of hearing a presentation and to eater Into discus-
sions On the tran81'Ortatlou situation in Santa Clara County.
Counc. present:
Counc. absent:
Meyers, Nellis, Mayor Jackson
Frolich, Sparks
Staff present:
Director of Administrative Services Ryder
Director of Planning and Develc~nt Sisk
Director of Public Works Viskovich
The Mayor introdcced ~r. James Pott and tlr. Lou X<>:>t ini who de-
veloped for thc a~è:e~c~ the historical co~te7.t Qf transportation
in Santa Clara Coc~~y. A review of Phase 1 s~u¿y was given as a
broad one of fcasi~ili~v. The Ph:tse 2 stud:. ~o::sisted of the
work .1Dd findings 'Of co::sultants un rapid :ransi: ¿evelopmont.
The results of thi~ stuèy proposeù seven ma]or projects to cover
a period of sixty ~cths from the date of its be~inning. The
projects include a fixed guldeway network. a fixed guide\-'ay starte
segment, ~ocial lar.d use impacts, sh~rt trip system alternatives,
regional ~Lrvice ~lternativcs, an analysis of alternative systens
and financing, legislation and institutional.
At the conclusion of the presentation, the Mayor invited comments
and questions fro~ the Council.
In response to Councilman Meyers' question on the proposed timing
of the capital gr~~ts application, Mr. Pott agreed that it was
late with respect to the rest of the schedule but preparation of
one was a problem area. During the discussion and further
questions from Councilman Meyers, it was stated that the beginnlnß
target date was scheduled for June,1975 but a perlod of September-
Oc~~ber, 1915 appear~ to be more practical. It was thought that
there would be rec~ndatlons by then from the Transportation
Commission and that the five year total prograa vas predicated
on a 1/2 cent tax revenue Issue this fall. It wae estimated that
this total prograa would cost 90 million dollars of which 9 1/2
million would be raised locally. Mr. Pott concurred with Mr.
Meyers in that local governments are caught fn the middle between
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It" 2
_n.S OF me, 8, 1915 CUT COUJICIL tlEETlø<8
... State and Federal philosophy .as to fixed guideways. Be
~1ned that State -u. are øa1lable for fixed ¡uidevay
pi fl\l·
- __I Jackson inquired 1Ibat the status of the prograa -U ..
ø ~ plans for fundiDa frla the sales tax failed. ae __ toLl
~ the prograa also ~cI fail kt the1."e could be a contf--.
.. ocaJ.y the paper work p1_fl\&> In answer to the questioD _ to
... _1."it of startinl Pbaae 2 without the sales tax fundiDS ~
~ty, Hr. Port rec~ecI proceediDa. He told Kayar Jac~
~ the County always couU back out easily as it was not toofar
~ it now. The advantage ......Jet be that there would be co.plete
-......nt.. of work for use at any future date.
Bayor Jackson also asked if the 3~~ market penetration will pro-
: an over..U cost reduction and "as told yes. As to the feasl-
.i11ty of a 30~ flgure, Hr. Pott staled that the consultant
sLkted that t~is was reas~le and good but without giving it a
. ~lete end0r5e~ent. San Francisco has a 27% penetration.
~ner large ~i:i~s throughout the world have a 50% diversion.
~~e bus syst~~ alone will =ct meet the mandate and the 1990
"taffic plct t:ro .-ill be suBar to that of today dtich a¡>pr"xi-
~"es 4 mill:~~ yerson tri?s per day.
:":1t.p3rison ....~.;.::; :-:'.IJe with t:-;e ~::ver system ",..hich was ch3~;;e¿ :rom
. ;>t:rsonali:t''': ~l1de to O:1ê= c: ::2e¿ium còpacity. l.oc"11 prc~le=s
~~ differc~: ~:~ause the plan for Santa Clara Co~~ly
~ one of ldyi~~ it on t~e ç___u~ity rather than d radial SP0Le
Q-=sign. Th~ c:o?:":.tu<i.l desi;=. of the system rnus[ dL'pend on local
~~unity tr3¿~ 0ffs of ul:i:ate goals.
!'!to Pott coC'-=,'~tèd on questi;>ns from Hr. Meyers relating to l=d
use patterns ~y st3ting tha~ mass transit do~s attract gro_~~
a:>d that there -';,1S a danger of revere ing into the present co,,-
I;",stion. As t,- the densici"s of the Cupertinl> stations, ¡'e said
~ne pressure :"r densifica~i~n Is real. This in itself is not
De:essarily ~ "ad thing and depends a great deal on how ic is
: !!Izyor Jackson called
; :'0 various qU~$t ions
! points: .
for c~ts from the audien"e. In response
and c~nts, Mr. Pott ma¿< the following
The consultant's report was based
but c~nnot be the saae due to the
in th~ valley since that ti~e.
on a 1969 study
large changes
2. The 1959 planning study cost $800,000 and the
total studies since 1952 have reached 4 1/2 million
3. Transit funding is dependent on grants from the
Federal govenmel1t and their restrictions and re-
quire~~nts prevail.
~, ...
t. ;
4. E%pressways fa ~eace were designed for use
~f the aediaD ~ fo~ possible elevated
5. The cODSal~·. eac!.ate for the total syst_
is 2 1/2 bUU- tlø11ars in 1990 projected in
~eras of 1974 _ww.,...
'\ ~.
6. A bua syst_ .... ->' advocates but reliance on
it cannot ~ ~ pals in that it would apply
~1 a 51 dlYe~. The policy issue is still
"¡>en. There are a1so other groups who don't want
~~ buses and a third group who couldn't care less.
;- ",ding alterDatl_s will be studied under Phase 2
~¿ with this bei~ conducted on a regional level
:: will receive bt:ensive scrutinYa
::- .'Juction line :: ~p.a:lies are cO:1('crned that .:::o::?~~:..
~:'.~s('lred effo~:.~ :':1 èus ?colin~, etc., may e·;~;.:·_-
~::v lead to ¡¿~:~ =e~(ti3ti0~S f0r portal to ~~r:a:
_ ~:: In(; P('O?¡~ :.: ~-:c: from th,,;o I::'..lideways i!i a
. ~ )It-'Qt in·¡'::'·,·:'::~ :a:::; use de.·i:-.i.';1..... I.ane:.::
;: Ù"1unty -:¡.-;:t. ':':...:....- in urb:m ¡,;....e i~ approxit"'.J.t"=:::
L'. ~'-;' rough ~st..i:a:e:s b:.. the ~\."'~sul:"1!1ts are CC:'j-
. ~.:~rcd CO:1ser.·a:..:.....~e and Jre ~3q'.l at curre-;t
.:~:':s of otr,er :.~letto'd pr\"'jc..:-:~ ~lscw~1ere.
1:. ~:~ of current pc·?.¡lation c\"t'r six~een years of
:::< Jl"\ not hav¿ a. èrivers license_ This is O:1e
:~~svn for t~e ~s~em of usin~ ~l~~tric pow~rp~
-:::-:icles at c~t::~~ 1('"cation~ anJ being rerleplo)--
J - ~e may not work vel..
1':. :,¿ e..:press bus .~:o.>C£-?t is st ill viiI id beoause
.-: larg" gaps i:> t.L£-,,'Ork even though buses
.::1 be used as feeders.
At the .-.-~::usion of audLe3ce participation, Mayor Jackson ex-
presse~ ,cJ:itude on ~f of himself. other members of the
Council c:" the comounity for the presentation and inforcation
given~: ":. rott and Mr. !l<>ntini. He th(·., invited all who
wishe" :.- ,:.\y and see a presen:at ior. pr'-'I'ared by Christopher
Espinos~ :~ various foras of personal rapid transit.
Council:.:= ~!eyers reported 0>4 the recolDIDcndations of the Legis-
lative R'.-'ew CODIIBittee w~kb had been hd.! earlier ~hat e·.ening.
It was D...~..-....': by Counc'~':.....dIoI Nellis. seconded by Councilaan
Meyers, ~=~ passed unaaiaDasly that the rpport be accepted and
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IIWn:S OF TIlE K..\Y 8.
that the st3f{ t3ke appatpd....te 3cHon to convey the staff'.
positiom .1S stated. '[be legisbtive r('port recó 0..a opposition
to AD 86. All 1724, AD U9. AI 302 and .\B 331. Opps1U_ also ia
to be e"t're.>sed· on AD 1938. tilllc peralttlng, and also to oppose a
three year exteasiOD~ Sapp<>rt V3S explessed fo1." sa 839 ..... the
uff requested to obtafa a copy of 58 1112.
}'Or J...ckson wondered U the f1."equency of c~t _ _rious
Uls c!Uaad the effectl_. of the City's posiÚGG. Councll-
Meyers said that 1ßfo~tlon he re<:elved f~ the Le&lslators
. that t~ey appreciate such c-.tts 1>ut warned apiost stating
things ,,<>: f.1ctual. Couacilvoman Nellis suggested a strong e_
~ls ~~ :~e rationale of tbe City's ?Osition instead of merely
tatlng it. It was ber feeling that the City would DOt feel
ressu~cd :J t~ke a stand unless It wa~ felt to be vitally 1m-
rtant ,':" :J have a dir=t ir..pact on t::e City.
!\'hyor J¿.-'_~...'~ ..1Jjourot!d
1'1,,, ...,_.... -...- . t' t ,~
... l .o¡ _._. _:~ _':h1 na .....¿
þ¡.¡y 19. ::-5 '.-"ule! <1;)t ":
i1(1;2) ;>.=.
':::c ~(Selin:; to ~: 30 ('.m. on ~":I' 21 with
:':'_'. :l..!rty ~~'... ~.;t~d CtJltncil =--eetir¡g of
;._ ~d. ¡-;H.~;:-. _:i:1g W.J.5 ."1.i~':"~:"T1C~ at
A ':'tì :.J....£I):
Is' J=es E. Jackson
~_.-;):, City of Cupertino
s/ ~..,. ~. ;:',-der
ity Cle:'"