CC 06-02-75 . . ern OF aœEUUIO, STArE « c:&LlFOR!lIA 10300 Torre Avenue, ~t.ø, California 95014 Telephone: 252-4S05 JI1JIlRS OF TIlE -- - ~1JIG OF THE CITY coœcIL HELD 05 JUlIE 2, 1975 D tIlE COUIICIL alAHBD, ern BALL .-....... CALlPOUIA SALUTE TO THE nAG ø.ycr Jad<.con called tile -1D& to order at 7 :32 p... with the Salute to the Fla.. lOLL CAU. Counc. pfese~t: Frolich, "-yeT., Sellls (1:38), Sparks, Kayor Jac~ Coun~. sbse~t: ~OD. Staff preH:lt: Ci ty Ka".ter Qo0 i:>lan City Atto..,.ey Uaoas nlr~ctcr of ~lÞls~ral~ve Servlc~s Ryder Dlrect<.r : f Pla.~ning and ONveloo""....l 51s;C Director of ?ubl!c äorks ~¡skc~I-~ Director cf ?arks and Re~reation Butler ORAL CO~:'::;:CU¡,,:.S 1. None. 2. Submitted requests to ~~re3s the Council - N~ne. 3. Reccg~ltion by ~yo~ of ~¿ierce re~Je5t. - N:ne. PUBLIC :iEAiU:,GS 4. Appli:a~ion 13-Z-74 of s~ Carlos 60aes and Development Co.: Kezonin; 20.7 acres frva A {Alrlcu]tural/Residentlal - .0,000 sq. ft. minÚDum l~t} Z~:e to P (Plar.ned Devel~pm~nt with resid..n~ial cluster use 1at~t ~ith ~rproxi~ately 2.4 ¿~el~1n unit" per acre) Zone. Said ?fOperty is located southerly of a.~ ~jacent to Voas A7Pnue at its wcsterly terainu3. Reccmaended for approval. (Continued frOft .eeting of Kay 21, 1915.) Moved by C=. Meyers, secot:ded by COlD. Sparks to cOIl51der application 4-EIK-14 along vil~ l3-Z-14. Motion <.arrled. 4-0 CC-266 Paae 1 . . ClC-H6 '--- 2 _Ias OF '1"4"'& 2. 1975 em COUIICIL IŒETIJIG S. Appl1catioD 4 ""-'74 to CODSider Draft EarlJr_4tal Iapact bpoR for tbe S. Carloa .... ... DevelopMDt - y~. A..llue Project. G Jr..tdeU1al c1... "'elopMDt condatin& of 20.7 acre. to be d_el0pe4 vitia DOC to aceed fifty (50) unite. Said project 1a located _therlJ' of ... edjac..t to V~s A..._ at ita we.tedy terat.a. TIle Phftftt.. DtnelrOr ~ the J_ 2, 1975 S-zy reludfnl tbe above tw appl1catS-. Be DOted that if tbia p1."ojec:t is appr.wed there are a n Ler of _ peralta tbat rill be required. This project bas been reduced fn. 74 to 50 dvelUq uaita, due to tbe billside studies. The staff CODdacted a field trip vith Kay Duffy of the H1d- Peniuu!a lle¡ional Park Distdct, rep1."esentath.s frCIII tbe BiolOlY Departaeøt of Monta Vista Bilb Scbool and P01."tal Eleaentary School, a ..aber of "EnvirOll8eDtal VoluDteers" aad othe1." interested persona to the natural pond area 011 the DOrt~westerly portion of the property. It was discussed as a posslble edu~ational 1."esource 1."eserve. Mayor Jacuon asked vhere we draw the line on this property in relation to the Urban Service Area. The Planning Director said it is at the westerly border of this property. He then revi~Jed the slope:d~nsity f01."llUla by which tbe staff arrlved at 50 dwelling units fo1." this property. He ans~red the Kay01." that the ~rthwest corner ~f thls property has been studied f1."equeatly by the !'lanning COIIIIDis.-ion and has now been taken off calendar. 'I Count. Sparks asked the Planning Director to re-liev the conceptual site plan for the 2.4 dvellia¡ units per acrp.. The PlanniDl Dlrector answered Counc. Nellis that De Anza Oaks develo~Dt is 4 dvelling units per acre including the open space and 12 units per acre DCt countina the open space. The PlanniD¡ Di1."ector stated that another iaportant issue raised durinl Plannina Coaaission deliberations was in regard tc how much p~ivate land each owner would have, since no f~nces are allowed. The Council Keabers hoped the Hillside Study will c~ to the City Council in July. ~. Jeff Swett, the Eøviros Consultant, reviewed the EnviroODental II.Pact Report. Be DOted that, p1."ior to final approval, the grad in¡ plan should be resolved Includina the enaineering solution to the soU creep, landslides and drainaae. Additional geoloaical work ~{ll aløo be required. He _ered Counc. Sparks that. in his opiniG1, the new plan with reduced d_ity is sianificantly bette1.". The red·.ction Opel18 up the sitp. as well as reduclnl the density by some 25%. Moving the &rou?~ of hoaes down the ~illside affords a much better view of the hl1la from the '..aUey. - w HIJIITES OF THE JUJŒ 2. 1975 CITY COUNCIL MEETlKG CC-266 Page 3 Mr. Swett said soU creep is us...l1y solved by soulld eDglaeeriag practices. Be said the noise p1."oblelll in the a1."" ia caused priaarUy by the laqe trucks startina up sgain, afte1." cOIling to a nope Counc. ~era vas aøawered by the Planning Director that the respoasibll1ty for _lDteaance of the open space bas Dot been ftul1zed but vill be resolved at use perlllit stage. No for.d laudscapiDa plan has been proposed up to this point. Counc.!feye s said be vas tb1nlt1D& la teB. of aniaal arazing, etc.. for the ~ apace because if it 1a left alone it co..ld becoae a fire bazard. Kayar Jackson aslted for c-..ts froa the awiience. Hr. Jack Chaaberlain. Los Altos. representl~b San Carlos Hoe~s, said the staff had dene an excellent rcvi..w ~f :he proposal. He offered to answer any ~uestions. As to t~ gradIng, it is theIr , thought to use types of structur"~ that rollo~ the lay of the I land. Their soil3 engineer felt the property'. cre~p proolz= ~a.1 not of ~~fficient d~pth to ~ a p~oblem. T~ey hAve atte:pt~d to , lea':e all the origi~...- vpgetath'T. there. He said they ide still ¡ wor~ln& with the staf! on the ~'tt~r of lot sizes. I Coc~~. Sel1i~ w~,t~~ ~~ kn~ th~ a~pli~ant'~ thcuthts froe a I ft~rketing point of .i..~. Mr. C!~~~erl,ln 'did they arr nct I pla~ning to provide a=enitle~ such a~ pools, e~ercise roc~s, et~.i because !t has be~ ~0rne ~ut t~at th~y arc net us~ enou,t to warrant the exper.5e A~d frequ~nt]y hec~~e ca1ntenance ploblens. He said that from a earketing standpoint, i: ~~uld be nice to I pro"~de horse tr.;i's. etc.. but he d:>es not thlni< there is l'noughj ope~. space f.:>r th:~_ He underst.onds t!'e City ~ould Jiko to keep I that open space. He an..,..er.d C".mc. )leI I ; s tr.at a year ago, the I unlt~ ~ould have run :r. the range of $58,000 t.:> 563,000. Sow, I t~y anticipate a selling price ir. t~ ran~e of $68,000 to 575,001 for the 1,600 to 2,lOO sq. ft. units. Mr. IDb~rt 31~ke, ~e.l Est.l~ Counsel, 10445 Lockwood Driv~, I Cupertino, 5,1d M- Las ",1;.,,,,1 feelings about t~is proposal. His I ",iCe .:>WIUI a duple", on Locli...o.xl Drive. lie wanted to sp<:ak to zonin¡, density, e¡e~ations, traffic conditions and marketing. I He presented so.e exhibits for thp Council to review. He t questioned whether the Plannina CoøDis~lon should rec~nd aonin¡ prior to subaittal of a development plan. He .aid he has checked with. another develo~er and has reached th~ opinion tr.·, the proposed density is quite high. He said it Usts 1% p~r ~th of the cost of the hoae to ..inrain it. He felt the cost of these hoaes would be excessive. . . JliJluu5 or tIŒ JU1Œ 2. 1975 ern COOHCIL IlEErIJlG .., IIar1la Ieaa, l'e,l'I '" cite Lea¡ue of V_ Votera, ..ked about ..cer to sappl,. thb r.-r--t,. $be vœdned if there is _ edequate _ter ....1,. to .."ice tIds ~ hoau. The Directo1." of Public Vorks ftated then 1a .-ple ___ foe thia deve1opaent. Mrs. IIeaa asked wIlKe the -.rsbip of tile .... apace would rest. "-101." .Jackson a_red tJlat this 1a DOt ,et r_l"ed. The pnsent proposal is '~1." it to be fa the. -_rs Ul1OCtacJa.. Then have been _e JI1."OPO..la in reprd to the poIIIS for s_ t,.,.. fIf aatun studies. The _rtet1nl prolr_ will ahow the respocs1bil1ty to tile b_IO'lDI!u. The Cit, cao .st for certain U_ to be iDcluded 1D tile cc . .... lit. D. a. lathbua. l0305 n l'raIo Vay, said he has øvaed his dupla for tbe past five )'841."S. Be..1II there have been several speculators talkia¡ about this p1."opertJ'. Be bas been vny disappointed with tile De Aaza Oa'" develo~t. Be..1II their drainage solutioD5 are inadequate. !ie added tloat he baa not heard a"y refe1."ence to earthquake I faults i" relation to this p1."operty. Hr. S~ett revie.ed that portion of the Ell i" recard to fsalts. , !t.... Judy ;;".:st, l0431 Lockwood D1."ive, sa:= .he h,,!ò -....¡ked the propert, ! acd take~ .~:".craphs in a: e!fcrt to try ~o vi5ualize SO ha.2es on : this pro~::y. She quest1<r.led the ;>r:¡.:ti=¿:ity nf the two westerlY-IIO.t ; cuI de u=< o....aus'! of t"e rls. of th.. ;>:=.er:y. If the City Council . is Boin~ := al:ow devel~pDeDt of this pr~.ertv she ~ould like quality ¡ cf life t= "" consido!red here. - : Mr. IIi:: :,=.e:, 16230 llrooke Acre Dri.e. t".s G.1tos, said t1e is the ! real esu:. -rolter conce=1øa t..is property. lie said it is a requir...ent of thE 1.a: :.tate lIoarG :~t the people =ust be informed of the CC , a's. ; lie noted :":e .!ensÜy of tbe duplexes up t"-ere, which is t,.-ice as hiCh : .s this .r:.:ul. He sat¿ the quality c: ~1ie hen will bo! much more ¡desirable :-4:: that at tbe C01."Der of St..__!!::s Creek Blvd. and Foothill . Blvd., ...:-err ::,e Ditz-Cra-.e sinBle-íaDll~: ,,_-=es beina built there. J He said :":ere is no profit left on thls ¡>r.ferty, due to the low~rlna of the J"".::y and the tazes paid for the ,3St ten years by the Church people. !Ir. Den i'e:z,l~, 228llA !fedina. Cupertin~, said his pro¡>erty lc,,:u. down on De Ann J~i<s. He sa14 he wocld hate tc see the s...... thin¡ happen to this pro~rty. He Doted tbat this is only a :onceptual plan at this point. Feces would ba-..e . tr_ndous b¡>act. He wanted to It...,., for sure wh.,ther the cul-de-sac liDes up with E1 Prado. He would like to koow "or s~:e the exact location of the oa~s on the property. He said there is ;'t~':ò' growth .roam the pond and a concrete runoff tbat does not show on t::. ,lan. The slope/d....it' fcn:wla talks abcut I.:; average dvellir.g "0:1:5 per acre, -ÄJ.cla is less than this proposal. This land stay. I very wet t::r,'ugb.)..t the year. He said the geology IIIIIp p1."epared by the California Dlvision of Kines "'0 there Is a serious esrthquake hazard here. He :elt there wue . lot of questions yet to be answered. - ., MumT£S OF mE J1tJI! 2. 1975 CITY COUNCIL ~ETING The 1lanftiftl Director .....1."ed Counc. Spcrks that this property __ al~..)"S zODed acricultllZ'al/resideatial. 1Ir. puzolo said he -U 11Jle to have the question of retainilll this property as _ural opea space addressed. He believe. the proposed density is too h1¡h. Be sald tbat with this plan, the duplaes 011 Locblaod Dri_ _ld be lookina at a solid vall of 2-atory or split l....J ~. jUllt 20' hac!.. frOl8 their property. lie DOted that the Pl-1D& C:-iasion is st:ldyin& the catter of prnacy a"'¡ he _lei like to see this proposal post~d untU _ ..,re resol.t1oøa are puaecl in regard to the hUh ides. Counc. Selli. said the op&.D space plan was resolved IIOCIe :Yo year &&0. C,,;:ertiDO _lc! like to keep !lOre open space but siaply can't a~:ord it. She 1."eYiewed the Planning Commission ¿ellbera- tlons ~= this property. Mrs. Patricia Ilake, I~05 Lockwood Dri~e. Cupertino, 5ald she fails :: ~,t the relat~~ship of thlS ~ror~.~l <0 the existln& duplex... She said they always ha~e ~ater in t~eir ba,~ lards and r~~-:=6 down the street all year long. S~e obje.'~~ to the propc~~~ ~~~slt) aDd iccrusion on her rriva~v. Sh~ ~~i~ SOP ts o?POs~~ :~ ~-.tor1 residences directly ~ehi~d h~r ¿uplex. Mr. C~.r::-.?:-~.Jln said ~~-.".lop:ae~t l - t~.~~ ;,r~";-'-·rt:,· .;i~: "'::'tisate ~h e: :~. drainale p·_~lem on the s~r::~r.j¡~g ?rcpert:es. ~¥ed 'v ~:~nc. Meyers, secoDded by C:~~e_ ~,llls to cl~s~ the public .-_£.¡rir~. NotioD carr:r:i. S-O Counc. ~~~e~s vas answered ~T the Plan~:~~ Dirpct~r t~~t I1n~ of ¡ site, ~<:S~t of buildincs in re!ation t~ oetb~ck will ~e dlSCUSC~ at a la:<~ ..~:.,. Counc. ~ers no;..,j :::e ra~;d change =: j' .levat::~. .'n the property. He would net I ike to see eX:'''hive &radin,:. The Direc:~r of Public .orks answpred C~u~c. Nellis that ~rAd¡ent valId be discussed at use ¡>erait .. iDe. I I In ten&S iO: zonina, CouAc. SeU is' ...jor .:o.,cerns were with I arading ar~ geolOGY. Sb¿ feels we have at the present time an I 1nadequate grad1.na ordiaancco. She sald De Anza Oaks is a d...erit I to the City of Cuper£lao. She foresees ¿ problem with the peoPleJ' who .igh: wact to purchase these homes becallse of the rU1."al ataas phere v~ =ay be unhappy vith the close proximity of the homes and the lack oi fear.s for privacy. CC-2ft6 Paae 5 CC-266 r... 6 .-EIa-75 ..;cepte1 -~d:ic."-~ -??':l OJ!..::. ~-:_; ¡~r...;::-_,-.. ~.. i.. ",,;>¡et. J-Z-74 ;~rov_ .. MI1ftJTES Œ tEE .J1J E 2, 197 S CITY COONCIL !!ZETIIIC lCayor Jac~ sal4 be 1a CGDCerlled tbat we are aettilll tile cart before the horse 2n if we CODts.- to approve appl1caU_ piec_l. Be _ld like to: bøv the hold1aa capacity SDd sever cap8Clty aad road .yst_ c:f :!ae hUls first. aad then consider theae appUcat1oD.. Couac. Fro!k!a felt a dec1aioD should be aade on this þl:..poral, ratber t~ <!ela, it furtber. Be felt this va. a rea-r."le .... of tile propeny. lIIwed by C:=c. Sparu to qprove applicatio:\ 13-Z-74. Thi. aotloD vas withdu~-,: vbeD the City Attorney advisee! that the EIR .hould be ac~ed u~""= first. !loved !>~. ~-:..;,,:. Sparks, seconded by Coun.:. Xell1s to approve 4-EIIt-14 iac lucli::~ :: ¿ Jur.e 2, 197 S staff re;>or: a::d mlnutes of this lIIeE:ting. Motion carrieè. 5-0 · Moved :-, : Co ,,,. ~c"ers t!>at the Cj ty C·"".: il finds there will be a I sign1fi~~ : .:'!7'.1C·~ on tI...~ ~::·.·i o~.:ncn:: ;.':::~ this development ccmpar':::d ,,..;'th "'"~: .i :'t'lIi!s.:ßtl,;" t;¡ere.. This r.¡oti.::" ;,,;;:¡s withdrawn.. · .. I , · : :-"vcJ 0" ... __ :;ellis, se:::>:1d"d by Ccu::c. Sparks that the project, t ;'0 fl''-''''_ ,.; the Envirc=e~":ðl Revi,,~- C=ittee, will have ð sig- I n:.:t.-:<t;;:: :"~;J.':: l"'R the e=v:.ronment. Mc~ion carried. 5-0 I Moved b~- ~,-'-"'.:. Sparks, seconded by C,,·;:!,:. ~eyers, to certify that the [I1vi::::::..:!tal lAPSCt Re;>ort 19 "·.'I<;>lete. , , i !'.Dtion carried, 5-0 I , I · Moved by ~x::.:, Spari<s, seconded by C.:ou:!". ~eyers to Approve appl!~~tion 13-Z-7~ .::= t~e conditions enucerated ::: Planning C~ission Resol~tlon 50. 141~. .::h Condition 17 amended to r,,<lect that the City shall have the rig~: :: reduce the nuaber of units. Kotion carrieJ, ~-l Kayor JacKso:! dissented I Mov~ by ~==\t. Sparks, seco:>cled by Coo",. Heyers tlult, as a resuIr of the EI' := .~ich it was fouod there .cul~ be a si¡niflcant iapact, the denslty .~s ~e~u"ed ~hicD significantly reduced the Lapsct of the ;>roje.:t and it .~. :ound that other .itigating :~.:tors would need to be addressed at the IOH i>"ru1t proceedfn&.. rtDt ion carr i eJ, 5-0 . . JlIWTES Of TIlE .JUJŒ 2. 197 S CITY COUNCIL ME~11lC CC-266 Page 7 (a) Fir.t lludl.. of Ordiunc:e 10. 681: "AD Ordi_c. of tb City of CllpertiDo "-Dolin¡ Section 1 of Ordiuace 10. 2 by &aoa1aI Approxiaately 20.7 Acrn froa A Ucr1cultura ' les14eatul - 10,000 Sq. Ft. HiDiaaa Lot) Zone to P ('1- . lewd... _t vith Re.idential Clu.ter U.e IDteDt vitb ApproKiaately 2.4 Dw&llina Units Per Acre) Zone; Located S-tberly of aDd MjaceDt to Voss A._ at its iluterly Teralnu..· (CoDUnued froa .eetÚl& of !lay 21, 19;5.) - 1.""" by ltayor Jackson. """ed !>y ""lie. lle)-ers, seconded by Counc. Frolich to have Or'Hnan" ::::. 687 read by title only. and the May01."'S readica .hall ~o~ _:tute the First Reading. Ord. &!l7 F!r,-t R.'adir.g ~tion carried, S-O ltayor Jc: .-:: callcd a rece~s at 9:5S p.c. The Qeetir~ rer.onv~n~ at lO:c..s ; .::. 6. Res..:: _::: ~'-'. )91~: "A Resolut Lr. ,-: t"" City C(.J"ci~ of th~ ...:.:. ...f CUj)«'rt: ~o tQ Chan~(' St:-...'et ~\.~t.' of Saratcga- S~:1r.·. ¿'f.. ::':~ t:o IJ:¿ ~.ig~·~'ay C) .as :'r,......·ij.·J in 5é:tion :S02':' *:'f :-<: "::::-£~ts 3:1~ :::g~.'_'':;!= L: ·de. ~:'..1tc .:: Cl11fornia.'· (C('~,:. _i~ :n~. ~1a,. ~l. 197~) 'Iber. .....1.. _ :~:t¡th)' discussion about tti;; ~trt"et rtmat:1ing. I Counc. F~::_~~ ~n~e ai_in gave his arg~~~t~ in iavcr 0: the n~~:1 "De "'n:~ '_.':." :~)'Oc Ja,,;:~ n~t~d that the Cou~ty C:~unications Dcpart~ent 1ødiea:~~ :~ t~~ir !~tter =f Kay 28, l~;: th~t they ver~ very -..c:h cP¡'':"';'t:' t~ rena~i'\C t:1e stc<"ct tc- "C1J iiigtn..:ay 9" ~e~a.use it coul'; :.cS.. :onC"sioD. e,,~cíally:n th.o case "f ecergency. Mayor Jac"~ offered to sa,e the a~nual p¡l~riøag.. to the De1&hbL'tr:.:.¡. .:it,iea to asit theD to agre-e to "De Anza B:'vd." Counc. ~<,.."S .aid if there ~a' tv be ani change in n.me ~t all it shoul~ ~e to "De Anza Blvd." The City ~~ager re~oaøended delaying th~ decision on the re50!~- tion to t~< next aeetio& if there ia to be ~nother change. The City Att<:~~ advised voting "Say" on this resolution if it is UDSccepu,:" and settlna of a date for a hearina on "De ADza Blvd ,. .... 3i3Z coot hilled . . fWlVl"" or THE .J1IR 2. 1975 cnt Q)UJfCIL HEftDfÇ Coac. kULa ~... ~ _t of courte.,. the P\lb11c hearinp ahould be CODtiDMII ... c-. ... J.dsdlcUoas should be _re of CopeniDo's izateøt1t'D to retw:ll c. tile "De Aua Ilvd." .... c:hSIIae. She ..rd. tbet sbe _ld .. "IIU.. to YOte 00 "West Vall.,. Ihlll.· Cbaiber of C nce Pr_ideøt Frank ""lkera saU the C"-"'1." U. Mea support1Ða "De ADaa .1....· for s~ four ,..an now. Thia rep1."eseau the thillkina of _~ _ that street. CouDIC. froUch vat. to reject the "West Valley Blvd': suaest1cm becøse it, too, c:oaU crute confusl3D. Hr. ?eu Condas, 10391 Stokes Avenue, said the Mayors of each City should get tosether SÞd DaIle the streets, Move¿ :~ Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Sparks to continue Res~.~::.r. No. 3932 to the next meeting, at which time the Mayor shall report .= the reception he receives from the Cities of San Jose, Sa:at~;a ~nd Sunnyvale ~~ep he explains the position of the City of Cupertioo. K. tion carried, 5-û 1. r,,:l:: hearing relatiaa to the dlscussion of Council policy C~ s~:e of fireworks. Mr. R:':"-ard Lee, ·San Kat..,., '.ions Club Member arod Co-Chainun of Fire Sa:",,· .~ek, stated that the b.lßning uf f ircworlts is not the answer. This d.es not deål vith the problem. He said he has been dealina with fire research and has been working with fire chieis in the area for some ti=e now. He sUl&ested an aggressive program of proaotina safe firevcr~. He believes in educating the childre~ about safe fireworks. Mr. Carol Phillips, re?tesentative from the American Legion, said the an~l sale of fireworks is a source of incoae for thea to carry on tneir projects. Feraer ~yor Keith Irvin asked the City Council to ccnslder wery caref~lly the ban CD flreworks because it could end up doin¡ IIOre hano tha" load. Mr. Roc Julson, 20745 Stevens Creek Blvd., representing the Host Lions Club, 5&14 he believ.. the accidents that occur are becau.w of lack of super.lsioo and/or lack uf safe and sane fireworks. .,. .. MINUTES OF THE JUKE 2. 1975 CITY CO\J'lCIL MEETING CC-266 i'age 9 Ifr. IIoa& FOOIler. 21639 u.ard Vay, represent in¡ the PAL Football P1."o&rD, said tbat vitia tJda baa on sale of Ur...o1."ks we are pilll to ~dYe the II'<' aat of our c~nity. In o1."der f01." 1t to Le Ú:ecL;'" It _t .. aD a re&ional baals. Cllapert11111 Jel. npr_c.ei.e Joe Fazzio askeel who _14 pq f01." tlae ,""poNd encat~ pnar_. He cbUled tbat 1f these cr- un ".-ala _&1Jut1oa tta.y will coae up with other CUDd-ratser. I. HHeyes tbU ..... 1a pSaa Countywide IHN. Be said soowbciy bet; to raka the first .tep. If there is soia¡ to be ar:y chaøae in "hh ori1_e. be _14 lilte tbe City to first nrve)' t!le publo.. 111".. Barbara Cœ, 217.5 IIySIUIUpo1."t Drive, said she was in £&...or of the sa1. of aaCe .... sane fireworb 1n Cupertino. She notee: there are other sports. etc., that also h~ve a~ridents, so she did DOt tb~ak this -... a "alid arl_ent. ~. Leo Cr..ford, 356 T0f8z Street, R~dwood Clty, of Pyrote~~nic eoep.~v, .._d the ban on fi~eworks is nrt the ~n~wer_ He .~id his ~~?a~~ i~ ~aser to work with the firo departments a~¿ :~e acbccis ~n &D educat1Dna: p~o,ran to svlv~ the p;0h1ems. He. Lee C~ney. 10221 A4riana Avrnue, rre~¡ùent of the Opt:~~.:s Clu~. s....~~ the zcr"/1,c c!o.Jba ·."ould l1kl: t..: .('eo the C.t)" C:<;:"..::. t rese.nJ t~e ban on firewor~s. j ftr. 0tt~ ..lbur~, Santa Clara De An:a li~n< Clu~, -old t~~y o~ri; tht!i-: ~c~s froo ti'4! sale j! flrrwcrÌl~.. Mr. I~~ .~:l~b.rl. 7_30 äilè.ond .~Y. Al~~ r~yrvs~ntlr.g :~J Sa~t~ Clara ¡,y A:':.=a Lions Club. .aid ~r W3S i:,. !dSOr oj safe anG ~ð:::e I !1r~'crks -- ~r.ninc 0: fir~or~~ j~ not thc ~r.sw~r. Mr. Ed ':::<,11, litterr. Dr~ve, S.."n,vah·, r.:prest-nting Job" Ja_.:~_t·i3, ask~ the c.ty of Cupertino tr, ~ontlnJe all""in~ t"e sal.- ,. >af" an4 sace f:reworks. Count~· Firl' !brsbal Al&:1 Cz,,:,.ier said ~hi'~~ wil! have to bE" a.~ , ed~cati~~l prolr.c vber~ there are fir~~~rks. He then ~~~~~ th~1 jurlsJic:ions in Santa Clara County have I~ve banned firewc~~~. Public Sa:~tr C~iss1Oft Chairaar. lob F~rJ said tha Coc=i.~io::'5 I f iDdlngs ~av.. be.... JUde clear. All iss.,£s rai,¡e.! at this .eer ing were addressed durin¡ the f1va acnths of d~liberalio~~ nn t::'s Issue by the Coaaiss1~. a:-266 I'... 10 IIDIUTES OF THE .JUE 2. 1975 em COUNCIL MEErIIIG . ..... '" c-. ltell1a. "" ........ 111 Counc. Frol1ch to clos. the ....11c heariJII.. 1lDe1oD canled, s-o ~ J.....- nete4 tII8& die 1t1& issue her. ill the Id.d8 S.t . lot ., ,1_re f~ f1~". 'IIIeT. are so aaøy thi.. beiDa It ~ ... taba _)' f~ eM kHs ~oda1. The larae di.plll)'s of fir_b tûe -r tile partldpaCSoL The law sa)'. )'011 bay. to be l6 to parcha.. cbe fi1."_rb SlId 18 18 0Id_ to sell thai. Be checlœcl the reporu _ KC1delts aDd d V.... f_ad thea to be ainfaal. Xe vauLl lib ~o keep the tnUtioa .... r-.e the ban. Counc. FroUch aad Sparb aar"'. Cœnc. Nell1. also aareed, notina that wlthout the ban .... CC1 atUl aercise her choice on vbether or Dot to partlclpat... Cour.c. HP.)'ers _U he bas always advocated stricter cont1."ols on fireworb. Øoved by Couac. Frolich, seconded by Counc. _Spdrks to direct the staff to d1."SW U? a new resolution o~ policy for sale of fi1."ewor~ withln the City cf Clôpet"Uno. , 18. I K~tio~ carried, 4-l Counc. Meyers dissented Publi, ~carlng for the a~atement of a public nuisance resulting from a,:uculation of veeds or debris on private property: (a) ¡esolution No. 394:': "A Resolution of the ': ~ty Council of :~e City of C~pertino Declaring Certain Private Properties "':t~ln the City :0 be a Public Nuisance, (;¡";,-r the Provisions .f Ordinance No. 405 Giving Notice Thereut, and Settina ~earlng Date Thereon." Since there "'ere no coœaents from the audier:e, it vas aoved by Counc. Frc:i~h, secondei by Counc. Sparks to close the public hearina. ~tion carried, 5-0 Itu. 3944 ddoptecl Øoved b~ C~n~. Frolich, seconded by Counc. Sparks to adopt Resolution I So. 3944. Motion carried, 5-0n Î PLAIININC APPLICA'i'IOIIS I 9. r...t>e . . . IWIUTES Of TIlE .J1IIIZ 2, 1975 cm COUNCIL HEEl'IJIC AICIIItC401UdI. ~ an APn:JYAL APPLICATlœS 10. (a) AppU"_S4l'"" BC-51,230.til - Goodyear Serlr1ce Store r.....t~ ~pz~va1 of .1cnina for a retail store 1ocat.. as; die _t.....t conter of Saratop-SalaayYale ... ... ___.ead load. lec_ ...,eeI før deaial. !be PlaDntna Directør ..,lained the1."e Wd an Þaue iDYohed here. The II-CotItrol _anteð both vall signs be 1..-_6<1. They ne _11 withIn the OnU.aance constraints. Hr. Frauk Mulkern _1d CoodYe&r was saying they want to reaove th .outh face slID ~ replace It with the ground .Iga. tIoved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Nellh to approve the denial of this appl1cation. Motion carried, 4-1 Cou~c. frolich dissentc~ (b) Applicati~~ ~C-51,Oaa.lll - Tym~hare, Inc., reque.:ing approv¡¡l ~: a sign plan for a light inèustrial buildiu!. located :~ the Val ley Cre.·n Busl"ess ?ark or: the n,'rtl' side of \al:ey Green Drlve east of 5eal¿cn Dri~e. RecOlalle"': >Od : "r approval. Mov~ by Cou~c. Se:::.. secor~ed by Counc. ~eyers tc apprcve He-51 ,';;~8.111 in ~ccrèam:e with the H-C.mtrol rec=ecciOt iG,._ Motion carried, 5-0 (c) Appllcat:~ HC-5I,lSO.1 - Equity Develo~er.t Cøapany requ,",stIc¡ approval of landscaping, lightIng and siilnlng for ~ cCDÓo:1~iu~ development lccated at the n~r:hveat corner of the 1ntersection of Stelling ioad and Stevens Creek Blv:!. ltecomaended for approval. tIoved by Counc. !Cell is, seconded by Counc. Spar~s to approve HC-SI,I5<.'.1 in accorda:>ce with the II-C"ntrol rec~endatIon. Motion carried, 5-0 CC-266 I'ace 11 IIC-SI,230.6¡ den I. cd lIC-S ¡ ,Og~..::~- apl'r..>ve<! HC-SI,! 5ú. ~ ap¡:r"vvi a:-216 .... 12 &-51,150.2 ~,--.. . . _.&£0 or t1Œ JOE 2, 1915 CIrl OOUIICIL HEErIlIC (.) Appl1catl_ 1I:-51.uo.2 - De Anza Jacquet Clab r......U... .ppr....l of 1-"_~. f01." a e_erc1al racqaeC cbIIo located at eM _,- Ie corner of St...... Creek .1". aa4 Stellilll aoad.· 'ed fo1." appronl. .._ by Coac:. .ellis. _Ie .., 111 CCluac, ...,eu to afp.4h>. 8C-51.15O.2 in accor'uc:e dElI tile Ø-Control 1."e<: ......Uoa. JlDCS- canied, s-o at thia t1:M. at the A DOD-qeDda it.., C-:o (tacky Stores), was brougbL up I ~r .J.cuoa s.id it v_l. be the first it.... discus..ed .J1IDe 3, 1915 aeeting. ¡ t'1ŒI5ISUED S::SIIIESS I ! . t The Director of Public Yorks cave a brief review of the four V.Uco !ark Asses~ent Districts (74-l, -2, -3 ~nd -4) an¿ the purpose of the foll~i~ resolutions. The staff report, dat~d Kay 30, 1975, ~etails the purpose of these a~.essment districts. The st~!! supports t~ foraati~~ of these districts. The security ratios ~re .ell within ~re min ~ required. lhe ~roj~t ~ill bene~lt all property ~~ers . .ithin Vall_~. The m2gnitude o! the project is such that ~ assess.ent , :i1~trict is a viable means of obtaIning fina"cing. I , }~torney Kenneth Jones, of ailsen, Jones, aorton & Lynch age~da iteas I II!, 22 and :ó wcre not nece-!:s.ary for this traasac::"n. Ill. I I I ,12. I I &esolut1on No. 3871.4: "A &~solution of the City ~f Cupertino of Pre:1a1nary Approv.l of for Vallco Park Assess-.e:t Dl't~ict 1~74-1." City Couficil o! the Enalneer's &eport Resolutica So. 3811.5: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of C..pertino ApP'i::t1na Ti_ and Place of lIe.ring Pretests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and I~proveaents, L~d Jirect1na Notice, for Vallco P.rk AAsess..nt Distric. 1914-1." 13. Resolution No. 3811.6: -A Resolution of t~e City Council of the City of Cupertino Descrlb1q Proposed llound.ries "r ASses.-nt District, Directinl Filinc of Boundary Map .nd Assessae::t Diagraa .nd the Recordation of Set1ee of Assessaent for V.llco Park Asses~nt District 1914-1.- . . . . IØJIUIE.S OF THE JUlIE 2. 197~ CIn COUNCIL IŒETIlIC CC-266 P.ae 13 14.. aKClutl00 10. 3I7L7: -0\ __luUon of the City c:-n of the City of Capents. Aatllorú1q Execut!OD of aar-t [01" Sale sad 1'\arc..... of S.-c1a1 M..._t Bonde of Ya11co Park As_ ftt Diatrla ... 1974-1.- 15. Iesolut1oa 10. 3173.4: -0\ __1uUon of tbe City C:-11 of tile City of CapertJ8D of l'reUaiul-Y App1."oYSl of ....'Reel'·. bport for Ya11co Pack .......at District 1974-2.- 16, ks.:lutloa 110. .7).5: -A aao1uUoa of the City c-U of the City of c.pent.o AppoiDtilla Tiae and PIece of 1Iearin~ Prt'uns in 1a1at1oD to Proposed AcquisitiOll. aM bpl'OVf'8eIIt , and \)irect1D& 1ot1ee. f01." Y.llce> Park Asaea_t Dutrict lS;.-2." 17. &e.::utl~D Mo. 3873.6: "A "soIctlo~ of the City CauDcl1 of th~ City of CUpertiDO Descrlbiq rr~;<-:sed Boundaries of A#.~S~Dt Distri:t, Dir8Ctins fili=g of Boundary ~p aDd Asuu,"eat D1a&r_ a:o: the Itecordat,,,,, ~f Notice of Asses.aen for ~a:lco Park As5e....at District ~97.-2." 18. It~.':~tlon No. )873.; - ~ot nece8sary. 19. It.. -:cti{'t' !lo. )@; ;....: "A ksolut i.-= .>f the City Co,,;:xil of t:-.c :::\'" of Cuper:::.~ -:;f Prel~.Jnar:-- A¡:t"!'oval of En¡~:leer's It..::: for Vall CO far~ ÁSsessaeat ~:Etr.ct 19J4-3." 20. Rc.::.:ian No. 3e~;'.3: "A Itesolutj:~ "f the City ~,,;nci: cf tt~ ~~:y of Cuper::~~ ~~~cintlD1 :~~~ and Place of ~Aar;ng Pr::..u in Itelati= :: ?r.:>¡>csed A:::';:sitions a:>ð '=¡;rove:-:e-.t , a:1.: : :':-e.:tlng liot ~.;~. =:=- '''a1leo P~~..;. Asseasaeat :. ..strict. 19"'--.,." 21. Ite.:~_tion No. 3874.~: "A Resoluti,,~ .>f the City Cou~c11 of t~. ~:ty of Cu~er:1~: j£scribin¡ Pr"?~sed ~ndarle. ~f Ass~s ....,=: :Hstrict. Direc:~¡ Filiag of S""ndary Map aDd Assess:en D1..:~ and the aeccrëat1o~ of Noti:e of AssesseeDt for Vallc Par~ ,~se.sueDt ~~tr1ct lÇ74-3." 22. ltes::utioD No. 3874.7 - Sot necessary. 23. &efc:.tlon No. 3875.4: "A Resr.lut1~n of the City Couocl1 of th~ ~ity of Cupert1ßo ~f PreIiaiosry Approval of EDIIDecr's Re?::: for Vallco Park Assessaeøt District 1914-4." 24. Ites:lution No. 3875.5: "A lt~lution of the Cit! Couøcil of the ':ity of Cupertiøo qpointia¡ tbe and Place of 1len'1na Pr~tests in ltelati_ to Proposed Acqu1s1tions aDd Iaprov.....t·, and Directin¡ Notlce. for Vallco Park Assessaent D1strlct 197~""." \'ane. LW. ~rt..,.. . - . ..-rES OF t1Œ J1JIŒ 2, 1975 ern COURCIL MEETDIG . Z. "'1at1oo 10. 3875.6: -A IøolutloD of tbe City C-C1l of tile City of QapertiDo ..nrSlltna hoposed loallllad_ of a.-V' t Dietdc:t. D1netSDs Fllilla of IIoullllary Map aDd Aa_- _ ø.p-_ aDd the - ~1oa of Notice of "..__t for Y811c:o Putt A....~ D18trict 1974-4.- M. ....1«100 110. 3175.7 - IIot _....ry. ..... bJ eo.x. .ellie, .rc ,eel by Counc. Frol1ch to 8dopt aeso1utiou ... )171.4.3611.5, 387l.6. 3171.7, 3173.4, 3873.5, 3873.6, 3874.4, .74.5, 3614.6, 3815.4, 3175.5. .ad 3875.6. ~1oa carded, S-O ØJUU~l llaJ01." J.a:ÈS.:'Q adjOU1."ned this aeeting at 11 :56 p... to 1:30 the followin¡ Q1¡ht, Ju~ 3, 1915. I I I I Respectful~y submitted, Ç.: :0 .- ~-_. .~-'~-~'(e.) Lois Inwatds Recording Secretary