CC 06-10-75 I I ~ r , , , ¡ . CII"l f1I CunuDO, ~ Tone A. ...., ...., -rli - 2S2-450S . STAtE OF CALIIODIA ~J:UDO. CalUornia _uS .. _ ~-- - -r'- -.~ OF 111 em CXQICIL .... . ... 10, 1m B ... ---.11. CBAIIID. CITY BAU. ~ _ --~..''''' .J:::¡",--i.A . .. __ _ ~.n.. to ...~ ., -.,or J-I.- at 7:31 .... Ia tile 1: n....· Ir of tM CIc7 -.11. a,¡. CAU. a.-c. ,J:llut: a.-c. .ir 1': FroUd.. "",.M:a. lIe11ia, Sparb, MaJor JacboD .... Suff p..-t: City......r QaiDlaø Director of AdaiDistrative Services Ryder PlaDDina Director Siak Øayor Jackson advised those present that two items of business -.fed .to be taken care of prior to the scheduled hearing and scudy session ~ the proposed 1975-1916 Opersting and Con- ~nKUOD IwIget. OD MOtioo of C<>uncifWOllSl1 Nellis. the second of Councilaan Meyers, Resolution No. 3948 was uDSDiaously adopted. OD aoUon <>f Coundlwoaan Sellis aDd the second of Councilman Sparks, Resolution No. 3949 was UDSnimously adopted. Jlayor Jackson u;plained that hls tellpOra1."Y absence frOlll this aeetina was to represent the City before the City Council of Suaøyvale to present the City's position on the renaming of Sarato¡a-Swmyvale Road. Be excused himself at 1:40 p.lI. after baYlna turned the meetina over to Kayor Pro Tl!llpore Meyers. Øayor Meyers requested the City Haaaaer to present those coa- aeDts he wi shea to aake relating to certain additions to the prtJated prop"see! budget. M1.". Quinlan advised that an error had occurred in not including a requested position of Supervisor I for the Senior Citizens Center. Also not includee! was the salary for the Naturalist within the Parks and Recreation De- partaent, both salarles ___UnS to $18,515. An adjust_"~ al_ woule! be ne<?ded in the proposed figure for the Sheriff's COntract which would increase that itea by $10,305 to a total of $400,690. Be further stated that two additional requests _ by the CupertÚ>o Iouadup for $9,900 -and one fr_ the ChalOber of eo-rce for $3,000 aore tbaD wbat had been proposed also -.aId baYe to be added 1£ these requests were approved. I ClC-269 'ase 1 ~HJ . - , .. '7'~ . ~'" ¡¡ _I~ OF ~ 10, 1975 em COUICIL ~ ..,..1' ..._6 ~ 1'''' e.. ~ ÖOM repre..uci_ of die - _ utbD... '. .1'11 t'" ~ to do _ . It cIIeU _ .' r'. n& tIIa _ ... .,. ..... IDpn. 1løJu. -1"_ .. 1111111 L l' . I ~ ,. '"'-" At ilia '_0- of die '411 -Iaa ... dü.. 111_. ..,. ..,.....1.. t" tIIaC C n IIe1U. .......rc IIKk to die ~ c..cn widI tile ,-," __bc1cal"ta ... _1...... . at, he .. cMt eM -.- -U lie dlK II' r.nMr at . '11 -.~~. Oil nq t. 111'. DDa .eui l.~_ I'reatdeat of t_... . II' of - ¡'..pn ce4 t_ p.'-rJl -, .,. tJlat OrpD1&atlaa for City "-liDa for a port1øo of iU _ "'pt. 8IrriII& the disc:ass1oD, Ha)'or y-~- returnH at 1:57 p... after wb1d. the !i&:'Or Pro Teapore 8IIriMcI bta of the stat.. of t_ proceHinp :" that tt.e. M the con~:~lon of the aiaeas.ion relatin¡¡ to the Cbaaber: of c-rce r~:>est, Mayor Jac~ requested thdt addit100al input be sub.itte¿ :y th'!lll for evaluation at th~ !>uJget HSaion to be scheduled ::: June 23, 1975. This further input is to be ac- cording :: ~:evs exp1."essed by the City Council re1atins to fUDd- !~a of s.e~:::: projects rather than subsidizing a portion of a total bujg¿:. The City ~--'=..~..r then proceeded with a s"""'ury report of the proposed :.~~ot explaining the approach used t~ls year to define broad pr..~~ as an aid to better understQ=i:~g the aany acti- vities ar.~ ::~.. items within activities. H~ ~inted out that current :,e:l:~ng expenses had incr~ased jue to the Capital I.- provements o::~ra=. He stated that while the proposed budaet vas tight :: .~ a safe one but that recogn:tien should be aiven to the ris:=. :?erating expenses which in tur~ will necessitate further ¿e~:¿..ses of a Capital Iaprovements Pregr.. on a pay as you ;0 blS;'$. General ¿¡s~~s.ion was held on the proposals ~hich had been sub- .itted te ::=·:..cting cities for inclusion in their respective contracts .i:~ the Sheriff'. Office. 011 aotion :f ':':'uncilaan Meye1.". sad the second of Councilslaa Frolich, t\e ~vor adjourned the ..eting at 10:39 p... to an Executive S..ssi:n for a continuation of æattèrs dellbccated durina the ~ecutive Session of the pre~eèing night's aeetias related to a :enoination appeal. 1be City (A~~il aeetina vas reconvened in Open Session by Bayor Jac~~ ~t 10:47 p... U was ao-.i by CouncUmaa Frolkh, seconded by Councilslaa Sparks and ~ed unantaously that the minutes of the City - .. KlIIUTES (>F TIlE & 10. 1975 CITY COL1ICII. MEETI. eø.cU aeetiq of .... t. 1975 be approved aa aubllittell. It _ --'" ., c:o.cu- Frolich, aecoaded by eo-c!~ ",rb tllat the PW.... .f PM:t aød Decis!OD as slped 111 adI ....r of tlile Cft, c~ It.. approved "'deb aotioa __ pared ---'.......1,. ..-..~ -.I. DIe _tiq _ "J- . at: 10:51 p... b, the Kayor. APPROVED : Ie! J&:J.:t ~. .Ji~::~:>.. ...z:.tor, c...:.,¡ :-. ,; .<"):' r-:' ~:.o ATTEZ:. : / / ..- s, ..:. Cit.l =:.~=- :{:":'l:'~. :- 1 CC-269 Page 3