CC 07-15-75 .-. ~, " - ..:~" .J": . /' ./i- .~, -, 1 f2 r ¡. . , . CD"f Of' \oUI't.UDO, ft.In OF CALUOIIIIU 10)00 Torre A_. C. ~U_, Ca11forais 9S0l4 Te1.,a-: 252-4505 I!ð.;.ã:> f1I t1II ,_.. an",. _n IllErDG OF 1'HI cm cœxc:n. aut JOIJID.! Vl1'IDa 'AIlS AID uc"nIOH COIIIISSICII CII .JUl.! 15, 1"5. D 1D aJUJR:1L ClWBER, em BALL ___qu. CALllODU sawn TO THE FLAG .}'Or Jac~ called tile _ciøa to ordu at 7:38 p... vitb tile Salute to tloe Fl... ~ CALL Counc. present: FroUcb. Me)'ers, Mellis, Sparks, Mayor Jackaoa COunc. absent: MODe eo-. present: Coaa. absent: Gabrl61. Sn,.der, Toensfeldt, Chairman Fisher Thibodeau Staff present: Cit,. Kanacer Quinlan Director of Adalnistrative S~rvices Ryder Dlrector of Parks and Recreation Butler PARKS , RECR£ATION MEEDS ASSESSIŒHT SURVEY (REPOn) I. Purpose of report aDd Coaaittee's review - Counc. Mellis. COunc. Sellis reported that the reasons for the survey were the result of many problDI queation.. so.e ~f which require substantia flaancial c~it_t _c.h a. open space, park develo 8ent, a _ni- clpal &olf course, a coaaunit,. ceater, a teen center, and general recreational facUiUes. 5_ of these area. already bave a 8Ub- stantial financial coaalc..at such as recreational activities, sad _ of the. would require ct... c.,.,itaent such as youth c~'" slon, expansion of P , . to include cultural activities, etc. Otber questions of dlr~tlon such as McClellan Ranch Park, aellh- borhood park develo.....t aDd Jo1at cooperation with MUD on laDd purcbaseel bV the. Deeded to be aslteel. Counc. Mellis said the Ccaalttee felt it va. rea8ODSb1e to spend $IO,OOO for a public oplDloa poll to a..m 1&.urtna these 1aportant, fu-reachina clechions. . CC-27S r..e 1 III1IUTBS or TIŒ cm ~..J.L/I'AID . DC. MEIfJRG or JULY U, 1975~ (I CouDc. Kellis atated ta. (_tithe co_1fted of Cit)' ........ QIIt..1_. Parka and 1ec1."_tioa DlnctK lacIer, "'inistrutiye Aaaisuat V..ha and Counc:Uperaon 1fel1ta. '!lata -=-itt.. chose D1ridoa ,-- - "cia Corporation to prepare the .-U--tre and conduct ta. -.~. 10 addition to the 1200 IIdult. au.eyed, 1000 teaaaera fr_ IIoDta Vista, Cupertino aDd a-st'" Btab Schoola were surveyed. Altboa&h the consultanU sathered ta. data. it is up to the ~tt.. to iaterpret it. Counc. Nellis 88id the Mult surYe)' explored oplDiou aDd attitucl.. on bike lanes, termis courts. ~nity swt.aing pool, p1ca1c facilities, prio1."ity of park d_elopaent, 1."easons for not uetaa present puks, ..in sources of i.nforaatlon of City fUDctioDS, desired development of future neiahborbood parka and of McClellan 1taDch Park, desi1."e of purcba,ing IIOre park sites, playaround progr.s, location aDd reason for open space. cooperation with HPRP District, facilities desired in community center. teeD needs and teen center, coablnina of Blackberry Fa1."ll and Deep Cliffe into a municipal golf cou1."se. aDd how much (if any) are the people willina to pay in inc1."eased taxes. The answ~rs were cross-tabbed sccordina to sex, age, incoae b1."scket and housin¡ type. The teen survey was similar to the adult survey in regard to bike lanes, tennis, community pool, additonal facllities etc. Counc. Nellis said there is a aood cross tab of information between adults and teenaaers. The1."e was a serles of questions on jobs, those they have, those they desire, why they work, why they want to work, how they aet their jobs, and is the1."e adequate dissemination of job Information. Counc. Nellis submitted the coapute1." printout of the results of the questionnaire. 2. Kethodoloay of survey - findings - some observations: Nancy Pltta snd John Breithaupt, of Diridon Research Corporation. Ms. Pitta briefly outllned what p1."ocedure was used to coapile the Information. The sample was dlst1."ibuted throughout the City according to census. tracts. Interviews were made only within the City and did not Include unincorporated areas. Most interviewers reported the people were very interested in the survey. She answered Kayor Jackson that 90 people were interviewed In Area I, 10 in Area 2, 29 in Area 3, 20 each in Areas 4 & 5, 196 In Area 6, 140 in Area 7,217 in Area 8, and 251 in Area 9. The weightlaa occurred in the census tract rathe1." than in aeo¡raphic distributions. ~ JlIIlUTI!S 01' cm ~1L/I'AIItS . UC. MEETING OF JULY IS, 1975. further, U4 people ... illten1eved in Zoo. 1, 2S b %oDe 2, 229 1. Z- 5, 266 iDS- 6. 140 In Zoue 7, 250 i. %oDe 8 aDd 216 in Zoae 10. ..., Pitta briefly oat1~ tile data ulUlta, She foaDd a ¡1."eat deal of lacereat iD teat. COlin nf.¡bt Hgbts, ccab1n1Dg of tbe golf coun_, teen eenter., aDd distinct opposition of adults to tbe c mfty pool. Sbe AU 64% of the students prefer- extensive cleve10paent of the parb aDd 58% of tbe adults were for Halted park developa_t. CoUDC. Frolich would like aore s..ples of the eae ¡1."oups from tbe consultants, P . R Chairaan Fisher asked how long this data will be 1."eliable. Consultant Breithaupt eaid some of the information will remain stable for aany yea1."S, but other data may not. Caapaigns or votes could substantially change some of the attitudes, as could articles in newspapers. This does not mean that the data are iaaccurate, but rather that people's sttitudes change. Chairaan Fisher was answered that specific questions about funding c~unity centers, etc.. were about 50% "No COIIIIDent". The con- sultaat said apathy was DOt a problem here. Coam. Toeasfeldt would be Interested ia the age levels of the various interests. She would like to know the total number of people in relationship to the percentages of people. Hr. Breithaupt stated that statistical validity is based upon several statistical laws. A 1200 sampling is good up to at least lO,OOO. Counc. Nellis added that 500 interviews would have been enouah, but they went to l200 for increased validity. The City Hanaaer suagested the low percentage of opinion on the 1."ecreation proarams miaht be due to lack of partlcipation. 3. Chart presentations of some of the significant findinas Merle Butle1.", Director of Parks and Recreation. The Director pointed out that changes are taking place all the time in the City. He believes the big interest in tennis now is the result, in part, of its TV exposure. He eompa1."ed this to golf a few years ago. He then went on to explain the series of graphs in the Report. Counc. Meyers observed that we now have a declinina K-6 school population, with the teen needs and senior citizen needs becoming predOllinant. CC-275 Page 3 . :., . ..... " ." L ;.~ _~.... OF ern ~u./.ADS . DC. HBBTIJIÇ ,. .JULY 15, 1975 . .. Dinctór ..u _ ..... va,. to let the iafoØlattoe of prop-.. offered oaC Ii» ·dIe t:....er. otber tbaD tbroap the coacbee at the _boob, Put ~e has shOllD that the flier. are juat uot PUbl to tbe.U r I.. Couøc. Prol1ch.fee1a the aeoa1."aphle neas dedpattoDa are bette1." than the 80.... for 1IIOt'k&8 with these elata. Be felt th., ahoald plot the data to aeoarapldc ..... In re¡a1."d to "......1f.. in parks, the City Msnaaer said Llnds Vista Park was at one U.. considered for sale becau.e )f vandali.. and now thls report abowa it as a hiah usaae park. Mayor Jackson called a recess at 9:12 p... The aeetina 1."econvenecl st 9:35 p... 4. Discussion: A. Major pollcy chanaes. B. Operational and capital improvement chanaes. Chairman Fisher wanted to discuss priorities. He felt that same pretty clear messages come through this survey in rega1."d to tennis courts, teen centers, etc. The survey will help the Parks and Recreation Com- mission to quantify the data. Co..... Gabrlel feels it is more important to ao furthe1.", to check the reasons for answers given. Counc. Nellis said she spent a lot of time evaluatina the data. It wlll take considerable time to analyze all the information. She would 11ke the staff to define those areas needing policy positions. After that process is anne through, decisions can be made. For instance, the bike lanes data reveals to her that more are ~eeded. Another thing, there appeared to be a higher demand for tennis courts on the west side than ,on the eaðt side of town, while the aajority clearly stated there was no need ~'for a community ~--i"a pool. This was because these people have access to rivate pools, However, l/3 of the poeple said there was a need for the oaDUnlty pool, McClellan Ranch Park needs some Interpretatlon. Counc. ellls feels that part of the reason for the people sayina they want to ombine the aolf course. is because they deslre open space. SI~ believes yor Jackaon's 8U&Iestion of a cultu1."al comal.aton should be considereù. noted that people are saying people are inte1."ested in open space in the alley floo1." as well as in the hills. They want hlkln¡ t1."alls and plcnic 1."eas. The fiaaDc!a& is not as clear as she ~uld llke. A teen program d job nfural pr0¡T_ are needed; l2% have used Cupertino Roundup ervlces. We he.,. to interpret wbat that means, , ,-.~; ,- --1" (..-." -,,-', ,..... "' --: ~, "~ MlN11IES OF CITY ~IL/PAlitS . REt. MEETING OF JULY IS, 1975. C_. Heyers vata tc- aplore the "not feeling safe In the ne1¡hborhood" ......t. Be Doted thEe is a lot of intereatiDg Womation in the da) _to Be .aid he spoke recently with _ne who is iDter.... 18 retainina the orchard near the pre- aeat Call~. 'rhb ......1.d be' discussed. Counc. Frol1c:h -..ld 11JIa to ..e nuabers as well ea pereeauc.. clev.loped. Alao, be ~ like tables developed u.in. areas 1natead of zones, Cbal1."11an Fisher uked, siDee 431 of the people su1."Veyed said they play tennls at one ti8e or another, whether it can be u_d that 43% of the total population of Cupenlno plays tennis at oue tiae or another. Hr. Breithaupt said this is true. eo-. T_feldt sald you have to deteraine wbat percentage of ~he various age groups play tennis. Cbairaaa Flsher said the real queation is bow 1II8ny courts are needed. Mayor Jackson stated thac this report will serve as a tool to cell us whether or not we are aoin¡ in the right direction. Counc. FroUch wanted to discusa the methodoloay. He asked what the approach was in teras of doing this survey in 1."egard to times of the day the que3tions were asked, etc. He learned thac no Interview was conducted before 4:30 p.m. on week days nor all day on weekends. Mayor Jackson posed the question of whether we should forward some summaries of signiflcant results co other jurisdictions such as schools, libraries, che Hid Peninsula Park District, etc. Comm. Toensfeldt felt it should also be made available ro the Public Safery Commission. Mayor Jackson said it would be made avallable to all commissions and co....ittees. Counc. Nellis said her flrst priority is to interpret the infor- mation and the staff could put together a synopsis to submit to the other jurisdictions. Mayor Jacksm. feels chis raw data should be made available to all. He further stated we should get some kind of staff comment going to the Parks and Recreation Commission so they can start working with il. The staff should come up with a brief analysis of each question, includina whethe1." or not it will appear that this is a significant change fr~ our present concepts, and whether or not this implies a need for change in direction. It should also address how this part1c:u1a1." questionnaire might affect operational or capital budgets and iapleaentation of them. It could also be broken down into long-1."anae and short-range prograaS' Counc. Nellis said that rather than on a question-by-question basls it could be by c"egories. CC-275 Paae 5 IlIIlUtES OF CITY COURCIL/PAaD . DC. MEETING OF JULY 15, 1975 Cøuac. Sparks feels the -rto-CNoCh ahould be b1."oken dawn into ar... of eòDcern such as faciliries. ... how they will relate to the C{ ."Ity. '!here should be an over~ of the Ii!affina of the facilitf.e.. Tbere ~Id be eapbas!s on cert:ata ptOSnm&l:.. ~ Clty llanacer 88id this lllladd be tied to the budaet, Soae thJ·lII. ftll cost cœs1derably .ora diD others, fro. a short-ranae all4 f~ . 10na-ran¡e standpoint. Ve IIbould talk about havlna a fiasnc1al study ....ion sOllletiae in Sept.-ber. co... Toeasfeldt sUlle.tad another joint meeting like thi., after the staff report is cOlllpletecl. to reach sOllIe concluslons. The City ØBnaaer estiaated the report aud Initlal recommendations could be .coapleted within a month or so. The Parks and Recreational Director !sald he could report to the City Council at its July 2lst meeting bow lona the staff will need for this requested report. ¡Mayor Jackson agreed that there should be another joint meetina. I . ,Chairman Fisher wanted the City Council's feelings on uses of park ¡facil1r.ies in general. ResUent cards have been discussed, and the ¡Clty Council determined they did not want non-residents using the !Cupertino facilities very much. He askcd their feelings as to tennis ¡club tour~ents among 1."esidents and non-resldent3. The local tennis ,club is ltcited to 75% of its members who must be Cupertino residents ¡or work in Cupertino. Four tournaments are scheduled, one weekend ¡per month. Chairman Flsher said most of the demand for tennis court ¡time is on the weekend. ¡ ¡Counc. Nellis said that until we are able to increase the facilities we should continue to restrict the use as ~e have been doing. The tournaments are for members only now. The Council and staff expressed appreciation for the cooperation and understanding by the DiridoQ Research Corp0ration. The Parks and Recreation Commission was complimented on their participation in these dlscussions. 5. Council Actions Counc. Meyers reported on the July 9-11 Institute of Human Resources Development that he attended in San Diego as a Member of the League of California Cities. He subaitted pamphlets and literature received at the Institute. lie noted that Cupertino does not have a Social Element In its General Plan, but perhaps this shoulJ be considered. He said a Needs Assessment Handllng re~rt will be dlstributed within a month. The next ccnference will be beld in San Jose on May 19-21, 1916. , - - ØUln:ES OF cm COUNCIL/PAUS . IU!C. MEt-LING OF JULY l5, 1915 Ie ... CouDC. Keyers' opiDioa that the City should lIot be the ;. ]lÌII8wUer of _ of the SftYkea but nther the coord1Dat01.". tfr ".1 needs bave to be put ill proper perspective with oth_ .' fInIr-· A city could ao J.akrupt p1."ovidlng these services. .. aU you em we1¡h the .aloe of . p1."ograa better by be1ac on die outside lookins in. 0.. polJlt brouaht out at the Iast:1tute - that perhaps chanae of . policy can actually provide better ......ice to the people; e.a., r_ision of Inspections of JK.ø. .. aid soae portions of the IDsUtute were worthwhile .t:....laa ... Bille were DOt. DIe City Manager asked how to relate that policy to the social e1_eat in the General Pl.n. Counc. Meyers said he would 11te to -- it In the General Plan; however, most of OU1." social soals are iD the Goals Report. We already have the things in a social ele- _t but dO:l't call it that. The City Manager said we don't speak to delivery services. His aaln concern is operational. Counc. Nellis reported on the recent Planning Policy Coasission aeeting she ~:tended. As to development funds, the staff proposal I ~s that the C~unty act as catalyst to the rehabilitation of homes and coordir.~:e the funds in one bank. San Jose had a neaative attitude tc~-a:d this. Mountain View said they don't have enough staff time a~ailable to deal with this. She observed that moSt clties Were s::ting back and not saying much. She tried to st~ess the importâ~:e of showing at the end of the year what has been accomplish~ to insure receipt of funds next year. Counc. Froli:h said the clties are being asked by the Transporta- tion Distric: to come up wlth input by August 15th as to how we 10DUld like :~ see additional services deployed in Cupertino. He suggested getting together with other West Valley cities and dlscuss this issue. He suggested we star~ ....ith the map we used previously â~ to try to get routes coordinated. He said they are trying to e:<~nd night and weekend services. They are considering ralslng the 15; fare to 35c and the 15c to 25C. There will be a publlc hear>~g on this in the near future. They are also consider ~ monthly :ares. Counc. Froli:h sald he was disappolnted in the response to the ~ional Par~ District. He does not believe their cost-per-acre bas gone up :0 proportion to the cost of homes. He would like the Clty Mar~ger to write tbea, asklng them to take another look at the ques::.on. The letter shouJ.d point out to them the kinds of thqs \Ie ha"e <:ut back on to try to lower the tax rate, aDd perhaps they should do the saae thing. CC-215 Paae 7 LNUTI!S OF CITY !NCIL/PAlUCS , lEC. . HE~TING OF JULY l5, 1975 01." JacboG said Couac, FcoUch's point is well ta1cen, but he ..'OUld hesitant to go baek to the Distdc:t now; he feels the matter should . d1."opped at this point. . Kellis said perhaps these opinions should be exp1."essed to tbe iDdlvidud Members of the D!atdc:t, Coune. Meyers agned, yo1." Jackson said the prope1."ty tax is the11." only source of IDOney. ey can say politically that they ean use OU1." survey to show people re very interested in open space, " prhe City Hanaser.read a letter from the Cent1."al Fire Dist1."lct. He feels ¡the rates will not go up this year. ¡ADJOURNMnfT ~ved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Coune. ~Ieycr" to adjourn th is Meeting at 11:20 p.œ. to the regular City Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. on July 21, 1975. I Motion carr ied, 5-0 I , ¡ APPROVED: " I I ATrEST: /s/ J...s E. Jackson Mayor, City of Cupertino " /a/ "... E. Ryder City Clerk