CC 10-07-75
aft OF CllnuDO, STMn OF CALIJœ.U
- 10300 Torre ave.., CuputfDo, eaUfomi. 95014
Te1ephoDe I 252-4505
IIUIIIJU:i OF till ADJuu_ -... _1Mõ at 111 ern c:oa.cIL
-.D ON ocroua 7, 1975 D 'III CllllllCD. tpA-a, ern JWJ.
"yor Jackson called the _tin& to order at 7 :34 p... with the
Salute to -the naa.
acu. CALL
Couoc. present:
Coune. absent:
Prolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks, Mayor Jsckson
Staff present:
Clty Manaler Quinlan
Director of Ad.inistrative Services Ryder
Dlrecto1." of P!annina snd Development S1sk
Director of Public Works Vlskovich
There was a brief recap of the Town Hall Meeting devoted to
discussion of the Bicentennial plans.
Blcentennial Coaaittee Chalraaa Joe Adamo requested 5300.00 òf
City funds for a l1n1£ora aad 515 of Citv fuDds for a c..-øaora-
tlve marker as a contrlbution towa1."d the Bicentennial celebra-
ticm. Mr. Maao noted that other clt1es are assbting in the
funding of tbeir celebrations.
Mr. Adallo introduced Hrs. Doris Beasley, who is heading the
ec-ftt... for Markers. She said they are going to try to have
the sSlle design for the aarkers throüahout the County. She said
the best price they could aet was $235 for the first marker and
$70 for each succeedlna one. It would cost $325 to have the
aarker coapressed in a boulder, or free to have it set in concret
_ 3 feet high. She displayed an _ple of how it is antici-
pated the marker will look.
llø9ec1 by Couoc. rroUch, second'ld by COlIne. Nellis, to authorize
apenditure DOt to aceed $400 for the uniform and c~eaontive
_ker, subject to staff deterainatlon as to the appropriate
fuadina resources. .
lIcKion carried, S-O
aae 1
uniform and
llarker funded
JlIIIJrES OE T1Œ octOBlIl 7, 1915 cm COUlEIL AWuwdI_ MŒ1'UC
"JOr .I.... J. r I 11 .t" t" .utf d.t-.1De what laYiD&a em be Nt
..W. fraa ~_,..t 4'._~ .-II a_ _·bf ao6ey tbat eoald be .....
_ilalll. fraa .ell --.. to be raene4 for .Sc..t..Dial purpos..
'-iIIa tile ..,. u of tIaia f1acal J'8aI'.
1Ir. Ad-. ..W it ... his ..aeraUlldin& tbat the County will aatch
any fuada tile City aPJCOpd.u" for this purpoee.
VaUco Park TraffSc Re4uctioD Study - D1."aft Final Report by
l>eLeuw Catber aDd Caapauy, dated Septeaber 1975.
Principal transportation Planner William H. Dietrich, of De Leuw,
Cather a:>d Company, l20 Hovard Stre-:c, San Francisco, Ca. 94105,
with visual aids, sua.arized the .raffic Reduction Study. He said
it is geared very closely to ~ne government policy on traffic
Hr. Dietrich noted that 50% of the employee trips come less than
5 miles. ë~ demonstrated the need for the Tantau Overcrossing.
He said SJ: ~f the shopping trips cOllIe less than 5 miles.
His con~:~si~ns were that in order to achieve the goal, additional
funding is required. Further, there is the need for more attractive to the automobile. such as pooling, operational bus
iaprove=e~ts, bicycling and incentives. Reduction in traffic, to
be really effective, must be a regional effort.
Hr. Dietrich said the aoals set for this traffic reduction study
were ambitious. Tt'81 represent a long-tern' tsrget, and he sees
signiflcaLt opportunity in the future.
It was :>cteJ the bicycle paths in Vallco Park are geared to avoid
Wolfe R0ad. Prefe1."ential parkina for car pooling has been suggested.
There was sOllIe discussion on the proposal for exclusive bus and
car pool lanes on the fre~~ys, etc. Counc. Frolich did not see this
as a viable incentive.
Counc. S~llis asked if enough people employed in Vallco Park live
close en""gh to war1."ant bicycling. Hr. Dietrich said 50% live
within 5 aHes and 14% live within 2 miles. He said employee
attitudes were positlve, but they see bicycling .as seasonal. Safety
of the !>i:ycles has also becoae a problem. Counc. Nellis said
iJapleaentation of bllte lockers have been successful at De AD&S
College and at lCa1su Hospital in Santa Clara. She asked how much of
a factor it would be for a place for the bike rider to change clothes
aod fresben up. Hr. Dietrich said this would be insianificant.
~r;S or tIlE ocroBa 7, 1975 ern COUIÕCIL ADJOORHED HEEtING
...,. J.caa. aalted if b1laa doI._ could collect at a certam
..fat .... t..... be boned to dletr jobs. 1Ir. Dietdch said this
Ie COYer_ is t!Ie poo1111& ..ctoa of the Report. Re an_'"
C:O-, ReUb t!\at the l... ..-,y could be the City or the
"'1o)'er. t1aa Cit)' 1a m die "'t poaltioD for thia, hcMrver.
fte f...... '.1 aotivaU_ ,. b'aff1c reductloa 11.. at City
fte Clt)' !IuoI&er aareed tUC die Cit)' 1a In a better position to
~cl1nata a total pr0I1."_. ~-1Da incentives aDd disincentiv
m teraa of 11M peralta.
llaJ01." Jackscc said ha baa ..... CODuaplating a ßOn-profit organ-
fsatloD haudled slailar to Capen1DO I.oundup or the Chamber of
Coaaerca, "i11ch """ld be aaheW1zed by the City.
CouDC. Meyers said he has lCD« been an advoc?te of the regional
approach t. :!:Ie eitigation of t1."affic problems. This Report
bears up :s=y of his feelings. For instance. the $5 per month
parking fee is a very viable cootrol. Increase in fuel cost..
bas also I>H:: a disincentive, !Ie felt.
Mayor Jack;..::: oòserved that another reason the City should be the
lead agenc." :s t!lat it goes beyoDd Vallco Park. He would like to
put togeth~: '" ad hoc task force to instigate a good, solid
pro¡ram on traffic reductio:!.
Counc. Fro:::,- ~ee1s disincentives are not going to be productive
unless tho, a:~ harsh or that the are very good.
For insta::c.. tar pooling caD be made more attractive by more
convenient , for the -'00' ca.·s than for the single-driver
Mayor Jac......, said employer attltude ls important in maintailing
regular war;;:'=:¡ hours so a.-..bers of a car pool won't have to
elther go 1:: early or sta, late to accommcJate others in the pool
.!Ir. Dietric;' s.aid this is ODe of the problms with flexible
_rUng h,-",:s.
The Directcr ~: Finance ant-ve1."ed Counc. Nellis that it will be
two years ~:or~ there will be _-n~y available to employ a full
ti_ progra uaager 1£ the Clt)' is going to be the lead agency.
Mayor Jacu..,:: felt it was 1aporunt to start working on our goals
Be requesr8Ò ?reltœinary input frOll employerE and employees.
CouIlC. Nellis _..ld like to _ . projected tiee frame and a
clear idea 0: bow th'." ad hoc ~ittee would work.
ale 3
p... 4
Bus syst_
approved 'ria
Res. 4047
Ri!s. 4046
-rJ . ".1'-. __end if dIKe... federal fu.... ...Ualll. to 1aeJ.p
_ ..t BUrt". !be Uty - .tI ..u h& bas ~ in c:oetact wfda
- JrJ llbeta's Office fa ~ to f"""'-h. of . pilot r~-'-
c..œ. mUch 88id the Y k Dfatrlct bas DeeD diSC1lA1llla tile
,..iJtl11ty of Couat1 ". pooI. with ddvers Dei... provid". Ia tit.
f1I.f hoar. the _ coal. r-u- a. shuttle senÙe for ~
CD ..t to the Yallco P.llaiøa flBlt. the bank, etc. Eventually. ta.e
~it Dfatrlct _ld _ _ of the Foar- aad the eaployw ft
lISp10Jeu -U tab ow... & classic ex_pIe of this appr~ fa 311.
~. 18 the po..ibUity of f_.a! fuading for thill as . pUot prosr-.
~ vans hold a 01." aor. pen .1-..
'!lie Director of Publie IIorb r....ielled the 516 Bus Systea Hap on the
bull.Un board.
After discussion, it was lIOVed by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Couac.
Beyers to adopt Resolutfon So. 4047, recommending routes ior County
T1."aDsit Dbtrict Bus Systea eorpansion.
Motton carried, 5-0
The Director of Public Iloru ~roduced the Santa
District Maps of Routes 95,96 2id day bus routes.
showed aodifications proposed.
Clara County Transit
Exhibits A and D
Jtoved by C"""~. Nellis, secoaded by Counc. Sparks to adopt
Kesolutioo .00.06, recœaendina aodifications to existing mid-day
bus routes.
~tion carried, 5-~
!tay01." Jackson called a recess at IO:26 p.... Couoc. Frolic:h left the
_etIng at tbis point. The _eclog reconvened at 10:38 p...
!tayor Jackson said he foresees public
Resolutions 4046 aad 4041 ~ place.
ready to go ioto its final fora.
input as implementation of
The tecbnical report 1a QOW
srør ~S (coots-.! tn. Octobe1." 6, 1975)
32, Ieport OD dweJ '.
- fIL 10urabTY preveDt:10D prosr-·
.. City!laM&- J .JsaI the October l, 1975, _ froa t!\e
COlla laf01."C_t Officw _erlÛlll "Se1&hbor~ ~7
......1I8sa Proar_w. .. -U this proar- 1.. &øDontbe oll1y to
the ateDt that We ere ..... Code Worc...... people rather tbaD
die Police.
"',or Jackson u!AI ODe c~ tile best ways to coabat buralades is
to have aei&bbora aore _e of vbat is aoill8 OQ in their
II'!I1&bborboods. B-r-._6 associstlons could d1sc:usa this, alld
with the aid of the Coole Eaf01."ceaent Office, put together a
De1¡bborhooci awareaeco pa:osr-.
Moved by Counc. Sparb, sec:.oaded by Counc. Meyers, to accept the
auff report on the lIura!ary Prevention hogram, aDd to request
the City !!ansae1." to give fvrther definition and expansion of the
purpose and goala of the oeighbcrhood awareness program.
Motion carried, 4-0
33. Oral r~ports by staff _hers and submission of written
report.s ~
The City ~.ansger said he attended an ICC meeting in S.... ctle the
previous ~'ek snd will pTepa1."e a trip report for the Council.
34. Recognition by Mayor of special requests.
(a) Gener.u Audience - Mo requests.
(b) City Council
the City Manager answe1."ed Coune. Nellis that the City receives a
County Agenda and a copy of ...etina ainutps but no packets.
Counc. Mellis would lib to receive s copy of their aaenda.
The Director of Public Yorks answered Coune. Nellis that tbe
alippery banks of the ~ iata Park pond are hein& -.Ie
aore roUl':~.
CQuac. Kellis reported ~ are BOae very irate cltizena in re-
¡ard to truck traffic a1-a Foothill Blvd. One ~lutioa would be
to nil the gravel. There will be another aeetin¡ trlth these
e1t1&eDs in four aoatha. '
8S" S
Awareness hogra'
to be impll!Qente<
Paae 6
Counc. ..Uia
to County PO
<=<-. lore
urban rea.par
CoIIIIc, lIe11i. laUa T red the opeD QeC. ... OD the balletin board,
n. issue is beiDa·fti8eI _ wh.ther or not the CouIIty ahoulel be
illYOhed in arllea ~_1 para. She bel1eYe. the City ehoulel be
repr..ated .t toile -c¡¡- 1 I8cnation C-4·.iœ --ilia 8DcI aaa a
pruatatiœ I. -pÞ-"_tioa of .. ·ar1llm rea~"'" put,
!be topoaraplQr òf tIIù ,..ð... ty 1.... itM1f ve11 to . park. It
ba ~ It,.. c10ee to CaperUDo, Los Altoa, Lo. Alto.
H1l1a, !bunta1a Ys.. 4aII L....1..a1e.
Moveel by COlIne, S,.ru, .econelecl by Counc. Ite,.n to authorize
Counc. NelllS" to pr_t the Dirldon Para 8DcI llec1."ution Survey to
the County Pa1."a aDd Jlecreation Co_iesiOD aDd to ;et forth the
position of this City as to urbanbed re¡ionaJ. para beilll under the
auspices of the CouIIty.
Motion carried, 4-0
In respJnse to Counc. Hellis request, the Director of Public Works
wll1 investigate the possibility of P.G. & E. trimmlng the ivy growing
on their power pole and auy wires at Pacifica and Blaney.
The Citf Manager and Director of Administrative Services were requested
by the _iayor to seek ways of reducing the hours of the City Attorney's
The interview schedule for Parks and Recreation C03IIission vacancies
was tentatively set for October 27th. This will be set officially
at the October 22nd Coltncll meeting. The staff will pursue proposals
for revisions of t~~ ~rdinance creating the Parks and Recreation
Commission to i~_lude cultural and historical aspects of the Community.
35. Minutes of reaular aeeting of September 15, 1915. (CC-281)
Page 3, first para¡raph, second line: Delete "sit" and replace with
"weigh the clear provisions".
PageS. first line: Delete "survf:::Y" and replace with "severe".
Page 6, paragraph 3, 11ne 2: After "down", add "in administrative detail
so it cannot de1iyer the services".
Paae 8. line I of paraa1."aph 3: Delete "objected" and replace with "agreed",
.... 9, a1dd1. 01 c"w "._1 Mayor JaeboD wted aaa1l1St tb.
.-ctaeDt of 011'-- . Ro. 699.
I'... 13, laat J -. aph, aecond lin., .... after "7 a.ben" tb.
_rds "allll __ 'f'" to iaclude cultural functions... Delete the
_Ure last ."t . 1D tbat pananph.
.... 14, 4th ~4_, aftu ''RecnaUon Sapervlso1."", add "and
SeDto1." CIUn.... CooaIiaator. II
hae 16, aleDda U'", 28, after ''LAFCO'', delete "City Boundary
Study Coaa1tt..-.
tIoved by Counc. IIeJ ~rs, seconded by Counc. Sparks to approve the Sept. 15th
MiDUtes of Septeaber 15, 1975, ss aaended. Minutes approved
Motia... carried, ~O
36. Mayor Jac~:
Inter-tity Council
.. ICC wants to know where the cities stand
In regard to reafonal parks.
It was detenoined LAFCO should 10 slow in
_kina cbanaes in sphere of influence of
th. various jurisdictions.
Luaue of California Cities
.. Nuclear safeguards were debated but no
position was taken on this issue.
øaociation of lay Area Governaents
.. The Regional Coaaittee baa been atudyina
population holdina capacity.
Santa Clara County Water Coaaission
.. Ro report.
31. 1Ir. Frol ich:
Transportation Coasissiod -- No report.
Lecislative Review Coaalttee -- No repo1."t.
Bicentennial Coaalttee -- No report.
. «::C-283
38. Hr. *1_a;
39. Mrs. Mellis:
40. Mr. Sparks:
n-~ Policy Coaaltt..
.. A .1 -t on chUd care facnlt1.. 1a fort~ll11.
Akpon: L8Dd Us. C_isdon - JIo U'let.
UJœ Cky Iouadary Study C~tt..
.. !lie c-ltta. bed a r.port froa the Polic. aDd the County AttørDeJ Office
recardina legal queation add... froa the
~M.ry atudy. Saae Seø .Joa. ru1dnU "111 ..
_U.. on whether or not they ~. lib to '*=-
C'lipeniDO 1."esidente aad "-"wa of the ",loDal
!'an Diatr1et.
!ø\'Jr_tal Review c-lttee - Meets on Octo"r 8th.
SlID RaYlev Coaaittea
.. Tbe O1."dinance is daost ready for the City Couacl1.
~e of CaUfornis Cities C_lttee on
International Municipal Cooperation (Siater City·P1."olraa)
.. !lay01." Jackson suRested we consider a Clty in
Yuaoslavis as a sister city.
Flood Control Advisory Comaittee -- No report.
Trails Subco_ittee of PPC
Prese:'tation was .ade showing laods we h_e to
develop and right of easement map shows locations
of land in public owne1."ship. Saratoga put together
a coaaittce to asp trails in the community. which
ia ready for public hearing process now. Saratoaa
bas a trail that reaches the Cupertino border at
ODe point, hoping we will continue it. One question
Is bow do we prevent .isuse of the trails. Another
point _s the Southern Pacific Rooilroad has been
the aost difficult agency with which tu work.
Los Gatos has IIOtorcycle police on their trails.
Also, they feel horses and people are eoapatible
on trans.
Operational Area Coordinating Council
WUl .eet for lund> in 1.09 Gatos on October 29th.
Diacussions will be on copin¡ with disasters.
Bay Area Sewer Service Aleney
.. Air quality and water quality probleas ware revie~.
¡.. ..
t .
......s c-. tIE uCa_ 7. 1"5 C11"Í ~n. WVU.... IIŒ'fUG .
e 9
.. a.rkaa J.taln
IIIñ "'lcatÞe.
If lib to rr...t tile n.a at ~ I' 1
..... .., C-." ... oaðed by Coune. HeJ-ra to .-'-SU
..,. _'- Ie .. Cwl nt.o'. delegate to the Leqae of
CaWen1a Cit. ell. -laD in San Francisco,
IIDCIaa carded, 3-0-1
..,__ Jackson abstalned.
..... by COUDC:. lle7cr.. secoaded by Coune. Spa~ka to *,jou~a thh
~1t11 at 12:06 .... h 7:)0 p... oa October 22, un.
IIDCSoa canie4, 4-0
1.1 J.... E. J.cksoD
øa,o~, City of CupertiDo
Isl \l1li. E. JlycJer
City Clerk
- .~.. ---..-