CC 10-28-75 . . . ern OF œpmnro. stATE OF CALII'OI1IIA 1C3OO Tone Ayenue, Cupa-tino, CalUornia 95014 Te1epboDe: 152-4505· ....n.:. OF mE ADJWIUlllU IEI:IJLAa JŒE1'ING OF THE CITY COUHC1L IILD 011 ocroea 28. 1975. D TBB COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY BALL CWDrmo, CALIFOIHIA S&UJn TO THE FlAG lllyor Jackson caUed the _eting to order at 1:38 p.III. wlth the Salute to the Flag. lULL CALL Counc. prese::.::. COUDC. abse=,:: Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks, Mayor Jackson None Staff prese:l:: City Haaager Quinlan Director of Adminlstrati.e Services Ryder Director of Planning and Development Sisk Director of Pt.blic Works \"iskcv ich Assistant Director of Planninp, Cowan Former Assoc late Planner Laur in (reL :=-red) PUBLIC HE..'2:~';S l. Public ~aring to consider an amend~~Gt t~ the 1964 Genera: ::~n for the City of Cupertin~ relative to the hillsi':e area of the City. Additionally, said hearing will :c:>si':er the draft Environmental ¡~pa,t Report for said p::,:sed amendment. The draft En.ir~nmental Impact Report is incorporated within the General Plan - Hillside doc....e:>:. (Continued frOlll meeting of October 6, 1975) In response t: the advlce of the City Attorney, Counc. Nellis stated she ~as abstainln¡ ~rOlll this public hear<ng in the role of Councilperson, but tÞat she would like to participate in the role of a citizen of the City of Cupertino. The reason for her abstent ion "as possible confl ict of interest. The Planning ~irector introduced the amendment, stating that at this initial hearing it was lelt they should go through th~ technical data. In the abseD<. e ,I Hr. Don Gooor :ich. the Director of Public ~.rks would review traffic. Mr. Laurin was present to ..plain the slope/~ensity formula, and Dr. Hyroni~ was present to disc:uss his docUl:lents on air quality and energy. CC-285 Paae 1 . . . CC-28S h&e2 IIIlIO'l'ES Œ ~ 0CTœ1!ll 21, 1975 cm COUNCIL !\UTING , 111. Dlrec:ð of l'IIbl1c 11ft.. ..tell that althou;b the cODaalta11&'. tnffic r~ plans fo1." 199.5 traffic, it is Sl'u-ledaed tlla 111 1980 tu ':nff1c dtuatioD wU1 lie critical. Be tben vellt _ to aPhiD t!>e "--.ptiOIltl ..... ~ 111".- Goodrich. The State'. Jblel .. Wled ::.: c-rate the -.a)" Þltl.. aDd charts 1ft the dcK w't, &1Y1111 YU"i»1es aDd ChatD reac£l_ caused. A B/C level of ....1c. 1a coasit«ed the aost d..1nII1e. llayor Jacl:s<:-: DOted the YUJ r~ probla of fundina lan. W¡Ir__enu. Mr.. IIel:i3 1I;&S aaswered tba~ the Fre.ont Older pro pert)' va. cOIIII1d.red .. being ::~ :-arl.. purpo..., bat DOt the additional 58 sern, __ ..kina t::-t ::-1ffic as_ptlo_. Hrs. Xe:::c c':-,,,rved that same ir. :-¿ :::v Plan and ¡level c: ;.¿:-.-::e. the lane requ lr"",e::t s are essent !ally the the Count)' Plan. ~ut the difference 1a iD Mr. I~ar~ ~ C_,:.15 stated he lives 5 miles a:'.o"e the reset'volr, OD Montebt::'=': ~:.:!:~. He drives :hese roads E'\·~r~· ~ay. He vent into detail :-" ?:-esent lanes and their Ie,·e:. :: .:ongestion. Counc . as Oite ,- _:_co ,;uggested the ~revp.rsible :a:-'" 3rproach be considered - - _.~- :- -- - _...... It was t5:;:-~':'5:":.N that Mr. Gcodrich will :..~ ':'~\·~ted to these public ,,,: ::'"_;> .:nly when h1s services ar. ::~L~ed. Hrs. L~,:,- -,,::ert called attention to t~~ ò~:inlte lack of traffic along L::::,: 31vd. t!Xcept f,,1." peak hours. Mayor :" '--".-- and the Dire::tor of Publi.: I.'.'r:':. noted there is pe.~k hour c'::'"·f:~::c" going both directions on both Stevens Cr"ek Blvd. and I Sarato,;.-: ,:":-:.-dl~ Road. Mayor :~:,;-- :~lled a recess at 8:38 p.m. at 8:55 :_~. -~ > ....e: ",eeting reconvened Mr. La~:: 0 :¿-.-:ewed the slope/density fontula ..:>.I the role played by soils a~_ ;,'::sical factors. Another alt~r~~tive that can be considered is the =~_o:¿: development in order to pro,'ide an ecolo¡ically bettcr 1."oad. The COU::::T : r will allow approximately twice the density ia the area outside -,e ::-~ Servlce Area as the Proposed City Plan. . . . . . ......n~ OF .:::. XTOIÐl 28, 1975 CITY COUNCIL H£ETI1IC Ja r..-rd to' e<;.r;>al tr"~ f_ -.sat properths, Mrs. lIet;1a -II it is ~i::kclt to appl, tile .lope/density fonula in .... where ;cv!e bave air., '-loped. hillside lots accordiDa te c.mty "2V-"rds, and "J- Iou are ready to develop. Ins. ..llis Þeli.rtes the __ ....unt consideration in develop- ~ of the ~~:sides is KC_. DOt slope. She is not sure that ... alope/4c,:,:y fOraula Þ . aoo4 tool to use wen talkiJII _L uc larae ~rt1es in tile Id11s. The Chruch property is -".... &IId;oe..~ ahouU M ~ed difCecently. ~ pr<'~:eII !Irs. NeilÞ _Jot _ will have to grapple with is - -rde fiat ~:y... With tile slope/density fonwla they are .11 ~-d h4~= ':msity. In regard t: :'. ::atter of det18ity where bep:i: tanks are to be stl1ized, :: ." :elt the final approval ~oul~ ~e continger.t spon. H~al:'. : '7-l::,,"ent approval of a plan. JIa,.or Jach': ." :oncerneè about the possi!:::::\" ~f adjacer.: jKoperty ,:'.~".: .:::-:.:('sing t.ö develf.)p rural ar~,; $ci-rural rather t"-': :. :':y standar¿s. !tr. Laurir_ ':'·""eè the fa:t that drive...ay" .... b" a prob:eo: vlth ðev.:::-::, : :n the hU:s. 1>:'. Don ~!\":'-" -:"t revieved his documents .': "r qual!ty ax e:>erg)·. ,,- :<-~ that cars are the ,"ajor .:~:~::: in .11r q~.:it:'·1 problems, T"': ___:arly wh"re the,- are idJ in~ .c. :",:;¡:ested ir.:cr- I sections. -; ~¡:.:. ~~ based his ~sSUJ:lpti('n:; :';". t~\.' .tu.tOr.'¡('ICi:è " rather t"-'= ,- '¿=sit~·. Heavily travelled i:.:,·:".'ctions tc.·>t slow do...-n:-: ::~.l:':' ..1.own (lev of traffic h.1\'(t :-:,,--.ì\-ily C0nce-::.:r.1:ee _1..10ns. '.-o:::¿ t~~re are decrusinr servi..'t" :,..'\'~ls thert.~ ·...iil also be i:"::,_i;_C,,: air quality pr-oblC!1ls. The r¿~i<'nal prob:...,.. cf photcod:<=c_-': "iJes is en ~he 1o.:u,ase. I.. reaarJ :: :.~ ;::>ergy sec~1o:> of the draft :.". Dr. M)'rconc:t said we h3.-. :: ::"" at nat1()M:, re¡,iot\.11 a"~ :",,:..1 perspective 1a reaard :: ~..r~y expended. He said the b¡~ e""rgy users are I space heat t:'·f. .~:er heat inS aDd transport.1r i~.:. In the develop-j _t of our ·'--~s. he envisions :arg.., clin.1te-<::ntrolled h,..es. It is not Ä "ü::on ot how &Sny hoces, but r~t"èr how they are CCID.tructE"':~ ~_.:.::'g.1t1on aeasure.s include insu~.l:' ion, 8tOn::J: 1riDdows, d.'_::¿ ~"'~rs, weatberstrlpping. anJ Älr..rnate ener~y _c-es su:~ H ~obr energy. !!>erg)' ~xpendd b order to prod _lar 80111": ",-.r also be cooa1dered. Leftal probl...s also will .. 1ntrodu.:.o::. su.;:~ as construct1_ of a builèing in such a yay - to cut o!: :.:.. solar en8'l'&Y sourc". œ-285 Paae 3 CC-285 .... 4· , e· . IIIlIUTES OF TIlE OCTOBEII. 28, 1975 CITY COUNCIL HEE1'IMC . k. 1IJ1."0Dek state4 tbe s!SDU1!:aoc. of Ida nport is based OD oreler of usøltude, DOt OD ..ecif 1!: lhØIbe1."a. hioT to the Dat publ1chear1Ds OD the Rillside Ell!l!leBt, COUDC. Meyers -.lei lUte to have the slope density fonula _worked out witb balf-ac1."e aød- ODe-acre .in~, startiD& .a a baae instead of 4.4 dwelling units ... acre. Th. Plannlag Directo1." will also arratlle to have soae potential developers of the bills14es cœe and p1.",sent tbelr tboughts, . Moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Coone. Sparks, to contlnue tbe public hc~:ing on the Rll1side Element to November 3, 1915, at wbich time the ~"...a:t:'''r 4th public hearing will be conf1riDed. Motlon carried, 4-0 CXFIXISHEJ 5~SINESS 2. Annu~l r~v¡ew of Urba" Service P13~~:::~ C~mission's review. Octcorr "2, 1915.) Area boundary and report of (Continued from mceting of This matter ~as put off to the ~ovember 3, 1975, meeting. ~II SC ELLAN rous I I I I , Counc. Xellis introduced discussion of sales tax and its relationship the cities ð"J the County. The Director of Finance ...as instructed to work up S('''I~ proj ect ions in the event there is a change of pol1!:j'; betwee. ADJOURNME.'ï adjourned this meeting at 11 :30 P.D. to 7 :30 p.III., Octohf't the purpose of intervicwll\g applicants for appointm~\t to Recreation C~ission. Mayor JacÌ<.s0:1 30, 1975, for the Parks 3nJ ATTEST: APPROVED: /./ Woo. E. Ryder City Clerk /a/ J_es E, Jackson Kay01.", City of Cup.rtino