CC 10-30-75 CIn or CtPERTlNO, lIrE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torn: Avenue, ~ertlno, California Te1ephonc: 252-4505 .~ huluu;S OF 11IE ADJOUIIIEI) REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL BELD .M 0Ct01EI JO. 1975 IN THE CONFERENCE R<nI, CITY IIALL . .....DUMO, CALIFORNIA , The aeet1D¡ vas ca11ed to order by Mayor JaclrlllOD In tbe ec.nfenn1: 100II of tbe City 8aU at 7:30 p.., . IOU. CALL Counc. pn:¡ent: Counc. absent: Meyers, Rellis, Sparlts, Mayor Jackson FroUeh Staff pnsent: Director of Admlnistratlve Services Ryder Mayor Jackson adjourDed tbe ~eting to a personnel session for the purpose of interviewing applicants fo1." ~ppointments to the Parks and Recreation Co.mlssion. Councl1man Sparks left the personnel session at 9:45 p.m. The Council meetlng was 1."econvened in open session by Mayor Jackson at lO:20 p.a. It was DOv('d by Councilman Heyers, s('conded by Counclh.-on.an Nellis, and unanioously approvcd by the th~ee ce~bors pro~~r.t th4t ~:r. Giovanni A. Foggiato be app"intcJ to cr." P,Jr;'" .mJ h"cr" ation Com::>ission for the unexpired term of Hr. Barry Tbi~(,dl'au "hich ends in Apri1, 1977, and that Mr. r.d,,·a~d \-:. EDlin!; i1ad Mrs. .10,100 B. Hinnic:" be appointed to the Park" imd R.',r.'alion Commission for terms ending in April, 1978. ADJOUR1mSNT The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. APPROVED: /s/ Jame. E. Jackson Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /./ va. E. Ryder City Clerk CC-286 Page 1 Appointn>ents to Parl:s ;on:! ¡:c....r~c:i.i.¡0iì C07.:11!:.;" c>n