CC 11-04-75 It II r ern or CUP......UIU. STMI'B .. CALifOlllIA 10300 Tone AY_. - J_UJIIO, California 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 NDlJ'rI!S OF TBI ",,...--.. IIIICUUJt IŒE'fDIG or TIlE cm conc11. 11m OK HO'IDIID 4. 1975. D TBB COUI1CIL awtBEIl, cm IIAtL UIOJI""" øo, CALIPOIUIIA CALL TO ORDER llayor JIICUO" called the _etins to o1."der at 7 :40 p... !tCLL CALL COUDC. present: Counc. absent: Frolicll, Jleye1."s, Nellis, Spa1."ks, May01." .Jackson None Staff present: City Manager Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryder Dlrector of Planning and Development Shk Director of Public Works Vi3kovich Asslstan( Planning Director Cowan APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of October 30. 1975. Moved by Counc. Nell is. aeconded by Counc. Sparks to app1."ove the Minutes of October 30. 1915, as reco1."ded. Motion carried, 3-o-l COUDC. 'rolich abstained Coone. Jteyer. was absent Minutes of October 28, 1975. Paae 2, st1."ike the last paraa1."aph and 1."eplace with: "The County Plan will all_ approsiaate1y twice the denslty in t\:... a1."ea out aide the urban aenice .rea as the proposed Clty Plan." pase 3, second paragrapb, 11ae 4, delete "for "perhaps" before the word "should"on the next 3, llne 2 d,elete "at the tops of the hills", delete "than those uacraded .rea.... instance", aad add line. In paraa1."ap and lines 3 . 4 CC-288 I'aae 1 -- -'... -'- ........ "" .. . . . -288 e 2 JlIIIlTIS OF 'tIlE ...... "'- 4. 1975 CITY COUttCIL JlDrDIØ lIoYed by CoIIIIC. S..... _oMed by COUIIC, lIa7~rs, to approve the lItnut.. of October 28. 1975, as corrected. IIot!oD ended, 4-0-1 ColIne. Billlis abatailled Minutes of October 22, 1975.. Paae 8, last para¡rapb. secODd line: delete "or his Assistant" and replace with "Nancy 1IeDd_ bf the· City staff". I Page 9, next to the last paraaraph should resd: "Counc. Nellis I suggested the City of Cupertino study the District's proposal for t~~~e areas withln our jurisdiction and get the info~tion back . t. " District." I Paae 6, paragraph 4, 4th line: Add "historical" before "structures". Moved by Coune. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Meyers, to approve the Mlnutes of ~~ob~r 22, 1915, as corrected. Motion carried, 4-0-1 Coune. Frolich was abstain COUNCIL REPORTS 34. Mayor Jackson: Inter-tity Council - No report. League of Californis Cities - No report. Association of Bay Area Gover\1lllents - No report. Santa Clara County Water Conœlssion - No report. AIAG Executive Comaittee - No report. 35. Mr. Frolich: Transportation Commission .. The 516 Bus Plan has been adopteð by the Transpo1."tatlon Cœa1asion. Leaislative Review Committee - No report. Bicen:ennial C.-it tee - No 1."eport. 36. Mr. Meyers: Plannina Policy Committee Discussed solid waste plan. tvo _bers of Social CODCe1."nS SubcOllllllittee resigned. Transportation Subcomaittee discussed their role. A ser'ies of policies is forthcOlling. Airport Land Use Commission - No quorum at the aeetina· ~ City Bounda1."Y Study Coaalttee -- "eets 11/5. , '. .~, :J:. ;.,". "';",:i..... . " ;~~r ."J. .:~. . . IIDIItES OF THE NOv.-a 4, 1975 CITY COUlCIL HEE'l'IIIG 37. lira. lellia: ....ir_enta! aevlew eo.aittee - Øeets 11/5. lip -.viev C-'-ttee .. 1Ita draft ordinance 1a ready for review b * ".dOlls c~do1l8. . Sbter C1ti.. - No upon. nClOll Control MY;!.sorJ ec-Ùtee - 110 nport Traila Subc~ltt.. of PPC - B1."1ef report, 38. 1Ir, Sparks: OperaU01Ia! Area CoordilllltfDl CODDell .. Be aave speech in n..rd to our disaster plan. Bay Area Sewe1." Service Agency .. South Bay D1scharaers speech due ll/5 in 1."ega1."d to water quality. PUBLIC HEARING 7. Public hearing to consider an amendment to the 191'.4 General Plan for the City of Cupertino relative to the hillside area of the City. AdditioD3lly. said hea1."ing will ~onsider the d1."aft Environmental Impact Report for said Jroposed amcndaent. The draft Environmental Impact Report is incorpo1."ated within the General Plan -. Hillsld~ document. (Continued from meeting of November 3, 1975.) The Planning Di1."ector stated the p1."operty owners in the hills were notified of rhls Deetin¡ and some were present to give their thought- in 1."egard to the Cupertino Foothills. After November 26th, the H1d?8nlnsula Regional Park District will have a report tc make. Counc. Nellis stated R(~nart Canyon Area. being discussed. that her confllct of Inte1."est Is In the She said she would abstaln whenever it is The Planning Director refer1."ed to a ..p on the board vlth nuabered sections fo1." easy identification. Hr. Lawence Hill, 14652 Bia Basin Way, Saratoaa, said he was 1."epresenting the 300 acres of developable land now owned by the Ca~hoUc Church. A study is being aade of the area, but at this ~int they are looking for guidance fro. the City Council. CC-288 Page 3 ~ - ct-2U ....e4 1Mtf~ Of m ØlßD 4, 19J5 em amlCIll!D1II:' Iir. Bill saii their .aio .1 is _re '280 cro.... rootbi11 Blvd. .., aust noW "'11111 t'" ., r .. ac:_ ro.Jd aoin& tbrooab tile "'tery. lie, ,._l1y. ,.... Ie WIIld be vUe to keep the -.... _..erty as.... ..-ceo ...~. 1_ tbe hœes 1D the fl.tter _. -er Dall ~lœa, of !far7 "_11 fr'-ry, stated t"t .1..h..... there ... 300 acres, oaly l50 Kr_ .. 4.e1opable due to the falt l1ae, ""lIesS, - tile creek, ete. CD -. Nel1å asked if the ten-81m will in any vay rendct tbe "e1opable 150 acres, The PI ""'I Directo1." said there are .t this JIOiDt a lot ,,£ unresolved -pEObt_. JIr". Bill offered the inforaaUøa that P.G. & E. is hopill8 to d_ble their capac;;~~ up above Foothi.ll Blvd. DIe Plannb£ !)<Jector said a secoodary road allowing the Peraallmte cracks to ~1i:I access to the freeway without goill8 down Foothill Blvd. baa been l:O:~Ced. The Director of t>ublic ;;orks stated tbe1."e is a possibili:T ~f getting an on-raap loop system for this secondary road as ar: ait only. Counc. Spa.:-Ü 3aid he objected to aivin¡ cred it for creeks, fault 1ines, st~ê~~S~. etc. ~ ~ Counc. Nel::s would like to consider clustering of the units on the church pr~...--=:~ rollill8 ter1."aine rathe1." than havin¡ them sprinkled allover t:..æ ;:roperty. Jtr. Hill ..,~ :!öa.t as you reacb '280, tbe terralr: goes up abruptly and then i: F"s into a valle)' 1Ib1ch is not visible fr.n the road. :> , Counc. Meyæ=s said he was thiaJtJn& 1D tel'1ll:!' of 4, 5 or 6 units per acre in a ::.ster develo.-eat here. The 20 acr<-s easterly of Foothill Blvd. were adc!ressed next. JIr. Charles 3~X'ne, 2430l SoutblaDd Drive, Ha~"Ward, represmtias The Taubma:: :.:apany, said the)' purchased the property in 1969 a. a possj.ble ac~us to the proposed rqlonal shopping center on the church propo<r':~. They have _ plans to dev.ælop this p1."opert)' nov. riley w1sh.,¿ :c ao on record as opposin¡ the proposed rezonlna. ,",ey had a plan ::r 80 units, cluatered, on this property. He a&1."eed t1ae noise :=:a the trucu 1JJ a real problem. ;. , "'" .', ~. ¡;- *- '- "¡; .,"- -~. '.',' ..~ ~ ~( .- ." - - ~l&" DE _... 4. 1175 em COO1ICIL IlEETIRC ;; the u-.n toss p1."0....L7. 1dtII _ perqe l1."adlmt of 27, .. d1Kuaecl IIIISt. lit. llilDiel C. st.r. ..... 'ederal s.-.1DCa, 4611Uu100 Street. San Fr~isI:o, said tJda 'II' J I 1:, "a lies tied up for foar ,.era DOW. 'they ba4 a .tøelo,.mt pba 1-1/2-JOn aso llat DO actioa ..s taltea 04 It. !'rea the1r point of vs... ~ oppoaed the Plaaa1a& c-1adoa'. ree· -...a-tieD. ~ ,.'- Hayor Ja::Øcc called a rer- at 9 p... T» ...cilia recOIIY_ed at 9:18 p.... There """,æ :10 :...ente _ )lap Area 4 (Insri:Uion Re!&hU). Hap Area = (Iaiser-peraa_e) sb_ed a ~~: averaate slope for the 130.7 a::æs. Mr. Ha:::: A3i:.ton sald thia _a the quart, L:". Stevens Creek toes throug.:: ::': tenter of the property. The'- ".,g"st 390 units. clustered, for ac l=~: retirement coaaunity. This ::_:~ filt the social needs of th.. :~::_ He said they have had gc"¡'-,,,,: and traffic st:>dies made. The [i:T-; ,::pe/density fo~la and pc",,:, ~"nslty transfer would allow ?,:~:5 105 unlts. Yb1ch ..tes the,r ::lC ecoaoaically unfeasible. Slides -.>1:. 5ac...n of what they had in ..ic: ::: this propertv, and of the ¡:""''''L. :o..racterlst1.cs of the land. :--'" proposed 3-story bulld¡n~s over r-~':::.f "n the quarry floor. Pict..::,,·: the Wood lake Condomir.1uc_ devel:?=,,::: -.-.are shown, Yh1cb has appro,,'-..." !'y the saae footprints as PU;-:5õ!: :'"r this property. Kaise: ~~ 3GCO+ acres. lneludiDg thelr :"'~."c plant, raw a8terials and l-,,:':'<= :on... They propose property ,-. :.-.e hills outside the urban ser.i.. 1:~ ,,",uld be retained in open ,"',. -.-ith the density transfcrre,~ to ar..:::e:. :at necessarl1y adjaceat pr~;e::" It ....s :.::.¿ that briDaÚIC the road" al>.! .:':;ties into the hills is a very ex:~i¥e proposit1aa. There '-..:e """ ~oilllllent. _ Area 6, the Ba,,~ _ _ America property and the Wl11iau ;:::p.erty. Hr. II:':: ::;......ry, l15SO ~erey Street, Morp" Hill, said he was represez:~ !tr. Noor Bn .tlla reaardin& ::-.e 37 acres wlth an avera\te 34% sl~, !leyond Ral__ 1k1ye. They are thinking In >cer.s of l4 to 19 uniu :c tbe 2.5 acr_ of relatively !:n area near Rainbc"" Drive. He note: !!r. lIilawaUa .. Me pay1n& $..,:\:<J per yea1." In taxes on this F......-:Y since 196). Be -.aId like t: proceed wlth his tentative _p, if i"-"SSible. ~ .~~ .,.I<"~-""~'.~:""~L_ ~" _.~'J , · - , huluxES Of TIE MdER~, 1975 CITY ~lL HEadì'ICf "0 It: .a DDt_ this property is sfailar to the '-nt Vnl~ property. 1k.lll1awla said if the fIIprowellent costs can be kept dOVD he .111 try to keep tile coat of the ~ down. Area 8, 5eYee Sp1."in¡s Rancb, vas dløc:ussed next. It haa 112 aer. vlth a 3.6% slope and 33 acres with a 22% slope. Ifr, Robert" B. Denney, 1180~ S. Stelling Road, Cupenlno, said the L7ddon propel'ty 1a In the Willf.aason Act now, with marginal ag1."lcultural u... Since the traaic death of Hr. Lyddon, no short tem plans have been made a~ he asked th~ City Council to consider their long tl!l3 plans. Then are high tension wires on the hilly portion of the propeny. Mr. Angela Gaidotte, 11041 Stevens Canyon Road, said our best prope1."ty is on the hills. He DOted that yea1."S ago, people graded thel1." lots and let theœ sit fo1." 2 or 3 years before they built on them. He said this is t!:e ~est way to build in the hills. ". The Planni~ D{rector would like to arrange a field trip fo1." the Council Mec~ers, as wás done for the Planning Commissioners, to help them gain a feel for ·the different kinds of characteristics available tor devel.~ent in the hills. After checking their individual calendacs, it was dad':e.! this field trip should be arranged for 9 a.m., Sunday, November 13, 1915, with everybody to meet at City Hall. EXECUTIVE S~SION Kayor Jack~~n adjourned this meeting at 10:20 p.m. to an executive session for the purpose of discussing the corporation yard expansion. The Council reconvened In open session at 10:29 p.... and the ~wyor adjourned tne meet in¡ at 10:30 p.... to 1:30 p.m. on November 10, 1975. , AFï>ROVED: /./ Jaaes E. Jackson Mayor, City of Cupertino A&...~r: ,., Va. E. Ryder ('.icy Cleñ.