CC 11-10-75 CITY OF œ&, IUD or CALIFOIIUA 10300 Tone A_, ~ J LiDO. California .Ye1epae: 252-4505 ,... .... w.-. ...-/ IUIIUl~ OF I'll A9- IIIGIItAIlIIDTUC OF 'IBI CI't! IAlWlGIL BIUI œ MMk& 18. t97S D 'IBI COIIPUIIICE IlOOII, CITY JIW.L . ___&110. «:=AL1FOIIßA !be _t1D& vas coa~ ., Meyor Jackson at 7:37 p... lOLL CALL Counc. present: Frol~. ø.yers, .ellis, Sparks (7:57) MaJOr .t.cu- Counc. absent: Roae Staff present: City ....cer Quinlan Director of Adainistrati\~ Services .yde1." At the request of the Clty ~ger, the Mavor gave recognition to a fe~ non-agenda it.... The City Manager requested and re- ceived :0~currence for the placement øf t~e new De Anra Boulevard street signs on top of the poleabove the existi~g sign indicating =ar8t~g3-Sunnyvale Road. It was exp!a:n~ that this would be for a s~crt period of t1ae to help in street ldentification in that so::e :IIerch,nts rel,- on City strN·t .....ps which would not as yet ~3V~ the new 5tr~et na.e. City C~u~~il concurrence WAS depende"t on the estiaated cost for ....king this type of in! talla- tion ~hi:h report would be subaitted at the next Council meeting. Authori:3:ion was aranted for placing paid adverti8e~nts in the Cuper: i"" Courier and the Valley Journ.l1 i.'r the public hearings relatir.; :0 the second year applicati~n ~f the Housing anè Com- aunity ~evèlopment Grant funds. In res?<,,,se to a "So"'" Off Card" coaplaint regarding exces.ive Daise a~d fireworks at the Cupertino High School during various activit:es, the City KaDager was requested to investigate and report ~n how often the.. types of activities took place and to obtain an opinion as to the approprLHt' jurisdiction for cuntrol as well 8S the Hiah School District'~ plans for similar future activit~es. Council~~:llan Nellis reported on an action taken by the Environ- aental Review Committee in regards to an application for the Bianchi property. She repor<ed that the Environmental Review Comaittee initially had woted a negative declaration as to sianificant environaeata1 iJlpect. Subsequent to this and as a result of a complcint baYlng been made, additional inforaation vas developed and obtained. A subsequent ERC action reversed the original negative ~1aration anJ now requires an Environ- ....tal Iapact Report. She stated that the City Attorney had CC-289 paae 1 De Anza Blvd. str"et signs Adv,'rt ise",en: of pub!! c hearings Cupertino Hir.h School act ivit ERC Applicat io Cc-la, r.se :l I I I ¡ Rev_ ... expeødinKe study _ioa PoUc~ u.~ fire ....=-r7-:es KlWUS Of mE au. 10, 1975 CITY COUNCIL ... aiven an affiraatb,e op1DioD on the r..versal of the p~ decision. The appltcaDt lateT had coaplained of not 1ÞeiDs present dar1u& the disc..~ at viaich the reversal of op1DioD .. .-d.. It then .. the coa....-. of the Council tbat .. ....it. iD- spectlon would he .... of the Inspiration Be1¡hts area duriDa the field trip to 1Þe taII8a on Noveaber 23, 1975 with the a£aff to uke a reco .. ~.U- .. to the subdivlsion of this aree subsequent to that field trip. Agaln by CODSenIIWI, t_ City CouncU agued to fonulate a policy to be used'by the EIC as cuidellnes fo1." p1."OCessina disputed .p- pllcations. HaYo1r Jackson cO> ....ed t~ study session portion on pTOjeet1ons of City revenåes and _.,eod1tu1."es by nviewing the 1Ddlcated status shown in the Flve Tear F01."ecast. He then a..ked that pend- Ing the outco.e of this In-depth review that all position vacan- cies remain unfilled, that all capital improvement p1."Oaraas funded from the General Fund not yet under contract be defer1."ed, and that capital outlay items be reviewed for absolu.e necessity prior to being purchased. Durin~ discussiong on the revenue portion of this study, the staff was authorized to proceed with a 1."eview of the existing Business Licen~e Ordinance with the possibility of providing for a gross receipts structure instead of a flat fee basis or other alternatives. Also authorize~ was a staff review of current servi~e charges as to their adequacy for such services provided. As a result of the study ~es"ion, the staff was requested to re- evaluat" certain eleccnts of the revelue projections and to submit a report thereon for further study at a ID,"eting to be held on Oecemb~r 8, 1975. The City ~~nager reported that a dov.lward revision could be ex- pected in the previous esti~~tes fo~ the law enforcement contract with the sheriff. This was based on later information available but still would be considerably in excess of fees now being charged. Councilman Frolich introduced a memorandum he had written to the City Councl1 members suggesting immediate action on reviewing the cost effectiveness of t~e existing public safety functions and that 'a study be made to detersine if any alternative was econo~lcally or practically IIOre feasible. After discussl~n of this question, it wag moved by Councilman Meyers, seconded by Councilaan Frolich and adopted unanimously thót the staff be authorized to enter into data gathering to support police and fire services cocce?t as contained in Councilman Frol\ch's ..mo- randum which would include all feasible alternatives with such a re- port to be submitted to the City Council. The City Manager was r..- quested to construct a tiaetable and procedural outline and to submit them in a report to the City Council at the Deceaber I, 1975 ..eting. t· .' ~ KIIIITtS OF &œn 10, 1915 Cl'n COOIa~DlG I CC-18CJ I rase 3 :;{I 'i~ "¿¡à :~:: ·...JOr Jae~ theD adjourned the City Couac11 to sa Executive 'SeuI011 at 10:105 p.., for the purpose of d1sc:auiDa Utigat10a imlub1n& Crossroads As_nent D1stdet 10. 2 and the c:onc1ca- ..dOlI of property adJaceat to the Cot'poraticm Yad OD Mary 1weDue. Executive Session '- - ;"'. .~~~ ' -. '.....'.. ADJOUIIIUŒMr r,:. the City CoUDCll vas recOllvened in Open SeutOll by Mayor Jackson aDd then ~iately adJourred At 11:36 p... . i' kclØlYlW: ,.~ J_s E. Jac:ksoD MaJ01.", City of Cupertino ArrEST: 's' "'-. E. Ryder City Clerk