CC 03-07-05 CUPEIQ1NO APPROVED MINUTES CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Monday, March 7, 2005 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At 7:05 p.m. Mayor Kwok called the meeting to order in the Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Council members present: Mayor Patrick Kwok, Vice-Mayor Richard Lowenthal, and Council members, Dolly Sandoval, and Kris Wang. Council members absent: Sandra James. Parks and Recreation Commission members present: Commissioners Frank Jelinch, Jeanne Bradford, Cary Chien, and Roger Peng. Members absent: Chairman Rod Brown. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission members present: Chairman Geoftrey Paulsen and Commissioners David Greenstein, Joseph Walton, James Wiant, and May Koski. Members absent: None. CLOSED SESSION - None CEREMONIAL MATTERS - PRESENT A TIONS 1. Proclamation for Craig Breon for his work as an environmental advocate. Mayor Kwok presented the proclamation to Craig Breon, Executive Director of the Audubon Society. Craig Breon accepted the proclamation, and thanked the many people in Cupertino who support environmental issues in the area. Deborah Jamison, Cupertino resident, mentioned a special edition of the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Avocet dedicated to Craig Breon and others. She encouraged residents to make use of the Audubon Society located at McClellan Ranch Park. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A letter trom Dale Compton dated March 7, 2005 regarding item #2, and an e-mail trom Lonnie Toensfeldt dated March 7, 2005 regarding item #2. March 7, 2005 Cupertino City Council Cupertino Redevelopment Agency Page 2 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Deborah Jamison, Cupertino resident, said that not much progress had been made on the McNair construction project. She said that construction materials and trash are on their property, and the road is imbedded with gravel. She said that access to the construction site on parkland was supposed to only be for a short period. She asked that more be done about the situation. City Manager David Knapp responded that this is a private property issue and that Mr. McNair owns an easement over the property. The City required Mr. McNair to use this gravel road entrance rather than the driveway of the Simms property. NEW BUSINESS 2. Conduct a joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, to discuss the Stevens Creek Corridor Park project. Mayor Patrick Kwok emphasized that the City Council would not be making any decisions this evening. He indicated that the Council would receive input trom the community and commissioners, and if Council was satisfied with the information received, a formal public hearing would be held at the City Council meeting of March 15, 2005. Parks and Recreation Director Therese Smith presented a Powerpoint presentation of the Stevens Creek Corridor Park Project. Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Joe Walton reported on the safety of multi-use trails. He said that problems could be eliminated by good trail design, and gave some examples of good trail design such as the Los Gatos Creek and Stevens Creek trails. Parks and Recreation Supervisor Mike ü'Dowd continued with the Powerpoint presentation, and addressed the alternatives for operating Blackberry Farm picnic grounds. Therese Smith went on to highlight parking considerations and restoration. Pat Showalter trom the Santa Clara Valley Water District spoke about creek restoration considerations and alternatives. Therese Smith reviewed the capacity alternatives and expanded on the profit margin in regards to various group sizes. There was discussion regarding obtaining grant funding, channel realignment alternatives, parking impacts, and restoration. March 7, 2005 Cupertino City Council Cupertino Redevelopment Agency Page 3 Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioners commented on trail design, park amenities, days of operation, encouraged a multi-use trail, and suggested that bike racks be added to the park. Therese Smith said that visitors would have access to the trail and be able move about the corridor 365 days a year. The picnic and pool area would be fenced off and exclusive to the customers who have paid the entry fee. She also said that there has been discussion about charging a parking fee, but people might then park outside the park and impact the neighborhood. Councilmember Dolly Sandoval said that she didn't want the discussion of a parking fee to be dropped. Captain John Hirokawa trom Santa Clara County Sheriffs spoke on the issue of trail safety, and indicated that trails with legitimate uses had less crime and increased safety. There was some discussion on the pros and cons of a split trail surface, two unpaved areas side by side, one for bicycles and one for pedestrians. Mayor Kwok opened the meeting for public comment. Craig Breon trom the Audubon Society said that preservation and restoration should be a top priority. Dale Compton, Cupertino resident, supported a pedestrian footpath that preserves the historical nature of the land, and a separate bicycle path placed on a route where there is less probability of damage. Stan Soloman, Cupertino resident, said that the path should remain the same as it is today. Deborah Jamison, Cupertino resident, was in favor of parallel streets that would allow bicyclists to go to McClellan Ranch, but not through it. Don Bautista, Cupertino resident, supported the trail alignment on the east side, a pedestrian only trail, and no access to the park or trail trom Scenic Circle. Stewart Kelly, Cupertino resident, supported the trail alignment on the east side, and was concerned with safety and weekend traffic with potential parking on Scenic Circle and Scenic Court. Tom Holodnik, Cupertino resident, was concerned that the Meadows neighborhood would be another gateway to the trail. Teresa Dickerson, Cupertino resident, supported unlocking the gate at Scenic Circle. March 7, 2005 Cupertino City Council Cupertino Redevelopment Agency Page 4 ¡man Yuen, Cupertino resident, said that he was against a multi-use trail, supported trail alignment on the east side, and wanted no trail access trom the Scenic neighborhood. Paul Nam, Cupertino resident, supported a multi-use trail. Janet Van Zoeren, Cupertino resident, was against a multi-use trail, and encouraged preservation and restoration. Steve Moody, Cupertino resident, was in support of the east side alignment of the trail. Larry Loo, Cupertino resident, supported the east side alignment of the trail, opposed a multi-use trail, and supported locking the gate on Scenic. Kwok Shaikh, Cupertino resident, opposed the trail alignment with Scenic Circle due to safety concerns. Anne Gadd, Cupertino resident, said that she was concerned about the trail being placed between McClelland and the 4-H ranch area, and would like the trail to be placed on the west side of the garden. Linda Wegner, Cupertino resident, supported a multi-use trail. Nancy Teater trom the Audubon Society was against a multi-use trail, and supported conservation and restoration. Robert Hirt trom the Audubon Society was against a multi-use trail. Jane Norton, Cupertino resident, representing the Rolling Hills 4H Club, was concerned with the trail coming close to the goat pens, and wanted to be involved in any planning that might impact the club and the animals. Kevin Jackson, Sunnyvale resident, supported a mixed-used trail and gave examples of successful trails in local cities. Aaron Grossman, Mountain View resident, supported a multi-use trail in the southern portion of McClellan Ranch Park. Stuart Chess en, Cupertino resident, supported a multi-use trail. Anne Ng, Cupertino resident, supported a multi-use trail the length of the corridor, and urged charging for parking to encourage carpooling. Joe Camarda, Cupertino resident, doesn't want to see the park disturbed, and recommended several other locations for trail access. March 7, 2005 Cupertino City Council Cupertino Redevelopment Agency Page 5 Therese Smith recapped the decisions that needed to me made soon, reviewed the funding options, potential design alternatives, and entry fee alternatives. Council comments included: a compromise proposal to the operational options for a maximum capacity of 800 and parking available for 500; a long-term strategy regarding design alternatives; concern about the loss of revenue in operational option alternative Al and that the golf course is subsidizing the project in each alternative; and further discussion on park entrance location. Commissioner comments included: urged Council to make a decision regarding the trail use; set a goal of providing a trail for the good of the whole community; carefully consider the relocation of the 4-H pens; remember the community visionary process; and consider an alternative Plan B to mitigate issues that may occur. Mayor Patrick Kwok thanked all the commissioners for their attendance and thanked the community for their input. ADJOURNMENT At 10:35 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. ~ß.i3lÆVì'1 Karen Bernard-Guerin Administrative Clerk For more information: Staff reports, backup materials, and items distributed at the meeting are available for review at the City Clerk's Office, 777-3223, and also on the Internet at www.cupertino.org.Click on Agendas & Minutes/ City Council/ Packets. Most Council meetings are shown live on Cable Channel 26, and are available at your convenience trom our web site. Visit www.cupertino.org and click on Watch Meetings. Videotapes are available at the Cupertino Library, or may be purchased trom the Cupertino City Channel, 777-2364.