CC 06-16-86 Cl'lY OF a1Ffm'DÐ, S'1ME OF CALIR:RaA 10300 Torre Averua, 0Jpert1m, 0. 9501A Tel~...I8: (408) 252-4505 MINUlE9 OF 'IHB ~ 1'II!iI!i.I:.uG OF 'IHB Cl'l'!C CXXIICIL HEW œ JCNB 16, 1986 IN 'ŒB CXXH:[L amMBER, aJPERl'I1Ð, c::AIJlIœŒA 00-697 '!be meet:.1JJ¡ was called to ....dtf:k. by Mayor BogIeN at 6:45 p.lI. in" CDJnci1 A\.....J -er. SAWm 'It) 'IHB lUG R>IL CAIL 0XInc. ~ r IL: Gatto, Jàmscn, Plungy, SparJes, Mayor Rcgia1:s staff PL i!L.t: city MIInager 01in1an city Clerk o-....J.ius Directar of Plannin;J and DBY8.h'l-·-ìL Q:Iwan Directar of PInics and Ra..........tjœ Dcrorlin;J Assistant to the city MIInager ¡'m:Jwn Assistant city ED;Pœer 1I1itten Deplty Tœasurer Ii)fflJlan n-..-"'1ity Affairs Officer sc.nid1 city Attamey Kilian ~ AND lmf ~ lTÐ6 It was IIICIIIed by 0XInc. Gatto, secx:tìCJ..d by 0XInc. Plungy and P'" -.:" unanimcus1y to c:xntiDJe Item No. 37 to the meet:.1JJ¡ of JUly 21, 1986. amx:taAI, Mlu;~ - PREmNrATICJ6 Pn:x:1.aaat.ia1 bcr......lng 0Jpertin0 Bigb ~l part"4,.. (&b and .. ....~ md GIu:dm Gate ~l ~icl¡;o6Iat.... md ~, ~..1 OlYllpi...... MIIyar Rcgex& .... sud.ed the ~ and aocq..Led a gift far her wadt em the ~..1 OlYllpiœ. Pnx:l.amati.c:n bcr'1IÀ.lng the ~ Lia1's Club and David Voss far l'IcstJ.nq the anmal Fish-a-'1bcn. Kt.". Voss and a 1"'tM- JIB ìLative of the 0Jpertin0 Lia1's Club aC'~ the procl2lllBt.ia1s. Pn:x:1.aaat.ia1 hcIiCIl.lng an act of heroism. Kim Williaa& and RXllda sæ~ ð(' qtLed the prccJ.amaticns t'raI the Hayer. -1- MDÐl'ES or 'DŒ 3CNB 16, 1986 Cl'1"l CØJNCIL 1Iu;.l'.uC (00-697) STAPF NIot'\.KU:j 1. Oral .I.~L. by staff - -ell and .".....i..tœ of written l"¥'.&.LB. City Clmk's L.u...t. By 00._...., CDmcil autharized the Mayor to appoint a 1~ B ttatiw to the J!dviscny CDmcil of Santa Clara camt:y CDmcil cn AginJ. 2. Treasurer's and 1'11~ ~t - May, 1986. COuncil nceiwd the .I."¥'.&. t. and recp!8ted clarific:aticn of "unfavorable variable. " Directar of Pub and Reo:.......ticn Dcwlin:¡ in~' .b-ed the nøpa...L.....tt.'s new supelVisar . 3. ~t fran Directar of Pub and Rec:reatien cn JUly 4 activities. COuncil xeceiwd the 1......... t.. auar. ~ 6. Q:unc. Jàmscn: I.egis1atiw Review Chnnitt.ee It was DICII8d by Q:unc. Jcimscn, secx:njed by Q:unc. Gatto and pelnsc! 1JI1aIÙJIWsly to taka the follClWiJ1:J actia18 regardinq 1'.&.~ soo. legis1.atia1: P-;r-t: veto of AS 4343 (n.-non), "Granny Flats." ~ AS 483 (a.ta), J:IIIt o...tt.u1.; AS 4334 (Fergusc:n), deve1~ìt :t-J',4. .........ìts. ~v \(. t. SB 338 (GIIrIIIøI!i), ba'd 4..... far senior mo-jnr:¡; SB 2493 (Y-nne), ba'd 4..... far JJbraJ:y f'JotorlH:t:ieø. Taka no acticn cn AS 3479 (Barris), p1b1ic finance, 1"",",,' f_ ar t-A__, pa.t;p-t cqJy of AS 2282 (nJffy), ir.c.1......- state X8gUlat.im of ........HaI.......at..s miå1 sell beer and wine far off-pl.-_i.. cu-Vicn. CXHŒHl' CAIDDR (It is ~ that Its. 9 thn:uJb 23 to acted cn s.i:alJltaneaJsly unless øeperate ;14.,.._4""\ anð,Iar acticn is mquested.) It was DICII8d by Q:Iunc. Gatto, œooudt.c1 by Q:Iunc. JåmsCI'1 and P"'ø-ecl 1.II1IIIÜJIDJaly to ............J8 the 0... e .t Calerdzlr as ..'.....ittec1. 9. J1rsJlut.icn No. 6862: "A R,sc1ut.icn of the City Q:unci.l of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autbarizin:¡ Executia1 of Rei~:a1 J."..............¡t with Tflni. Gal:1...t.t. Gr:rI!f, Caœtaœ-, Jift""1..11an Ranch PI!I%k." -2- MnI71ES OF 'l1Œ JUNE 16, 1986 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL hui,L'.uG (æ-697) 10. 'l'n:lutia1 No. 6865: ~~ Attam8y. " ll. ("hd.. filed CI1 behalf of Fcnt:ainb1eu .~""'<Y"iates, et al. "A RIf1r~lutia1 of the City 0Juncil of the city of Resolutia1 No. 5214 J\ßIOint.in] Dep1ty City 12. Renlut.ia1 No. 6866: "A ResolutiCl1 of the City 0DIcil of the City of 0Jp&rt.1n0 Authoriz1n;J a::nt.inBtia'1 of Experditure until Adcptia1 of 1986-87 nscal l!o"'gPt." 13. Resolut.ia1 No. 6867: "A Hesolutia1 of the City 0Juncil of the city of 0Jp&rt.1n0 Allowing cmtain ('1..41IlOl am DI.uA..œ Payable in the Amounts and tma the !\Jrds as H8J:einaft:er Desc::ribed far sabrles am WI!I(Jes far the Fayroll Period ErñiD¡ May 27, 1986." 14. Resrl'1ticn No. 6868: "A Resolutien of the City 0DIcil of the city of 0Jp&rt.1n0 Allowing cmtain Cl..i1llOl am DeúIN¥Js Payable in the Amounts am FraIl the !\Jrds as Hereinafter r.scribed far General am M1.soel1aneaJs Expeuditures far the Period ErñiD¡ JUne 6, 1986." 15. ResoClut.ia1 No. 6869: "A Resolutien of the City ccuncil of the City of 0Jp&rt.1n0 Authoriz1n;J ExecmiCl1 of Ao"..._d. with Rcy&ta1, Han2JIJICto, Alley 'Abey PravidiJr;J for I.arx:'I-t"" Architectural services far Hoover ~." 16. RescClut.ia1 No. 6870: "A Resalutia1 of the City 0DIcil of the city of 0Jp&rt.1n0 ~ Final Plan far the ~.............tt of F.I:a1tage IDeated en AI""-8%' Averue; DeYelq:l8r, Teny Brcwn 0cnstruc:tia'1 00., Inc., Aut:barizin¡ the city Ðçineer to sign the Final Plan; am Autharizm, EIœœticn of Ao"..._tt in <l.........'tia1 'lberewith." 17. Rssolutiat No. 6871: "A Resolutiat of the City ccuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Dec::lariD:J ita Intentien to Order Vacat1a1 of a Partial of the East Side of East Estates Drive ~...rI-tely 150 Feet SCIut:h of SbMnI Creek Bc:W.svard, as ProYided in Sec:tia1 8320 Et seq. 0'- the SL...øt:s and ~ Code of the state of noHf'omia, Fixinq '1'i:œ arxl Place far P'\bl10 Hearln:¡ am PravidiJr;J far Notice '1bereof." 18. Rn:Clutiat No. 6872: "A Resolutia1 of the City ccuncil of the city of 0Jpertin0 ~ IDt Line Jldju..t.-d. BebR w 'lW Parcels of land Withcut a PaEœl Map in AI:- ..,dance with Sec:tia1 66412 (d) of !:ÞJIxiivisim Map .Act as Ammded JanJæy 1, 1984, P.L"¥"Ltj' IDeated at the HarthwIest o..u.... of Mira vista am santa Paula." 19. I\escClutiat No. 6873: "A Rlesolutia1 of the city 0DIcil of the city of 0Jpertin0 ~ <l..¡L..aCt Cbm:Je Order No.1, ArnJal OII8rlay, l'Zoject 86-111." 20. Rss:\lutiat No. 6874: "A Resolutia1 of the City ccuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ <l..¡L..aCt Cbm:Je Order No.1, Barrier RieIJK:Wal, l'Zoject 86-04." -3- HIl«1l!3 or œ JtIŒ 16, 1986 cny CXUCIL :tzri.r.IJ'G (CX>-697) 21. - ;þ"'4~ Ro. 6875: "A TI ~,"'4~ of the City ocuncil of the City of ~ ~ ~ MIIp an4 ~..,,_d. Plans of P..._L)' L....4t.4 en ~ Reed an4 orlina oaurt, D8Y8lcper, R1~n1 1:111--,; ~ ,II. ..1zJ.nr¡ Eøcutia1 of Sta1&t:4 Dy...,,_£t. ~ - .t., DetWk.......d ~ LI ~ Signing of Parcel Hap am ~uy_d. Plans." 22. RIIIIolut:icn Ro. 6876: "A Ru=1utiœ of tha City CDmcil of the City of 0JpIIrtiDD 1t¡p.'orinI) the lUc8l Hap of P1._l)' IDeated at the SOld-I lilt 0.......... of PJ:unøridI;fa an4 WOlf., DBY8lcper, ""1100 PaJ:k, Lbdt.sl ~d)...1zJ.nr¡ Eøcutia1 of ¥ - at..; an:! AuthcrizJn¡ the city DIJinøer to Sign the Pb1.oeJ. Map." 23. RBI .1,"'4~ Ro. 68T1: "A ReSclutiœ of the City camci1 of the City of QJpertjno RatityiD the AppoL4-£t. of ltØrta Wolfe as DepJty City Cledt. " Y2t§ JL..ÑM d of the City th1lY'!i1 AYES: Gatto, JànIcn, Plun¡ y, Spm:b, ~.. H:IES: NcIw ABSI1Hr: NcI1e ABEnMN: NcI1e .I:~ REH:JVED IKII a::HŒNr ~ 24. NcIw. aw. CXIIIIIIC1d'ICI 25. r . ....... of tb8 .....f4!nC8 regard1nI¡ mtterø not en the <¥"Ids - Rene. romiI:C -RDœ 26. ~ 3-Z-83 (RBYi8ed) of City of QJpertjno st.øvsJs creek Bciu1AIYud 0:.-," ...1 Zcn1DJ Plan - RlWisia\ of zaùD;J œst:r1ctia1s iDc1.udiDrJ bit not.-:- ui1y lDit:ed to ~-ign standards an:! læ·ta ~.. ...11 «1c Pel""· ~Jt. far 16O± act'88 aid Br1VizaIDantal RIIYi8r. 'Ib8 pmject is ~ 1_11y.... .~.l, hence no enviraIœntal _4~ 111 ra--;- flY. 'Ib8 project area 1& loœted en the north an:l scuth .4,· of stø..__ creek IÞ11.8vant betwfm stem 1MnJe to the east am ste1.llD) RDIId to the wst. Reo:· ..--x1ed for çproval. Ca) Firat X'IJIIII:Iin¡J of 0rdbIance Ro. 1376: "An 0rdbIance of the City of 0IpertJJ10 ~ Be ~f~ 1 of 0ldiMnœ Ro. 2 by RBvisJn¡ Zcn1DJ JL¿t...1t+4.... for l6O;t A...._ IDeated en the Harth an:! south sides of stewIw creek BcW.8Yard bebrv stem AV&"JJ8 to the East and stallinq Road to the west." -4- Mn«7I!S OF'IHE JUNE 16, 1986 CI'lY CXXH::IL hu;.1'lJ'G (00-697) Directar of PI.annin¡ and Devel_at.. cowan reviewed his ..~ l with ocuncil. It .. IICMId by o::unc. Gatto, seoalded by o::unc. JåInscr.. and p-ø"- UI1!II1iJD:œly to close the p.1blic hearin;J. It was JIMiId by CaIne. Gatto, seooaded by CaIne. Jàmscn and p"M_1!d unanimcuùy to deny ARüicat.icn 3-Z-3 (Rsvised). ocuncil ~ that fUture app1.icat.ia1s and:requests far variances 00 the SIIIIIB devel_1t be c:xms:i.dm:éd &4,,,,"1 t:aJ'-'o_1y. PI.ANNIlC APPLICATICHJ 27. ~ ~6 of PraDetheus Devel~.t Q). - 'l'ent:ative Map to Ø\1bdivide nine parcels with lot sizes rarr;¡iD] frail 13,070 sq. ft. to 91,500 sq. ft. and Envira1mental Review: '!be project is categorically &-"14., heooe no envira'œntal actia1 is necesø..ty. '!be i"'~Li is located at the øart:beast ............. of De ArIza Ballevard and stevens Creek 1Þ1levard. ~~~ ····--ded far elW-LU'IlÜ. Dimc:tar of Plannirv¡ and Devel_.t cowan reviewed the applicatim with ocuncil. Mark Kroll, 20300 stevens Creek Ballevard, requested clarificati.a1 of Item 4.a. and C'a1ditia1S 12 and 14 of Plannin;J n-.mn4....ien Resoluticn No. 2810. It was JIMiId by o::unc. Gatto, SEICCI1ded by o::unc. Jàmscn and pa",~ed unanimc:œ1.y to ~\N8 Þroliœtim 9-I1H-86 per P1.anniJ1g tnmoi ..ia1 Resoluticn No. 2810. It was JIMiId by o::unc. Jchnsa1, &eOCX'XSd by o::unc. Gatto and pa'5'~ unanimcus1y to ~Ó\/8 the Mirute o..dto.. per Plannin;J 0--4....im Resolut!m No. 2812. 28. ~ 13-0-86 of yogurt Delite - Use Fe.I:1IIit to ~at.a an 820 sq. ft. 1'.rœen yogurt st....... and Envixa1mental Rsview~ '!be project is categarically "._",4., hence no envha1mental acticn is nKT --"'Y. '!be ~~Li is located at the 8a1tbwest ........~ of DeAnza BcW.evard and ~A"'"t Read. Aec.,....._I1ded tor ClKlLU'IlÜ. It was m:wed by o::unc. SpEu:ks, &eOCX'XSd by o::unc. Gatto and pa'5'~ed unanimcus1y to ~ave A¡:plicatim 13-0-86 per P1.anniJ1g tnmo4 -ia1 Resoluticn No. 2822 with the refto1...._ regardiDJ the 1"'- of eaployees per shift deleted. ~ AND Sl'l!: APFRJIJAL CXHaT1EE APPLICATICHJ 29. Þ¡:p-1 filed 00 behalf of Marriott (u;poratim - decisim regardirç the tower sigMge of i"',-y.:se-:} Marriott Hotel, Valloo. Direc:tar of Plannirv¡ and Devel_¡t cowan reviewed the ASN:. applicatim with o::uncil. -5- ~ OF œ JCNE 16, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL JI'.u;.1'.uG (00-697) Jen H:x:4..., architect :t:qAL IS ..tinq Marriott COJ:p. , adi:h. T~9d 0camci1 ~ t:he peroeived need of signs IU1d the ræga of visibility as related to size. He Ljt....<:.'h~ David }l'A11er IU1d Gau...".. SàIeer to CDmci1. Betty Mann, 22968 CricJœt Hill Read, stated that she was pJ.....-'I with Marriott's r.ewst sign p.L~1 ani had no c::Ðjec:tia1s to the altemate pt!S .lít.ed. Matt Penry, )W'181",,1'\ Read am Fcot:hill Ibllevam, stated that ~ -..... dealt with aesthetics. He said that Marriott's .issue was peqüe driviD;J dcwn the ti. i"~ IU1d missiD;J the hotel. He stated a pre!tII....aA far ABAC's cxn:iit.ia1s of ~I.NIÙ. He said urœr t:hœe cxn:iit.ia1s the sign WOI~d be seen. As p8q)le c1raYe by, they oonld takB the next exit am CCII8 back to the hotel. He ~_.-'I the c:pinicn that the northerly fac:in;J sign '-"ùd be backlit and that no sign shculd œ facin;J the sœthWest. If a sign had to face .in that direc::t:ia1, it shculd œ BaIIIBthJn:r lower than p.L~csed IU1d smaller. It shculd not be red nor shculd it be backlit. It was 1IICMId by a:mx:. Plun;¡y, sec:añed by a:mx:. Jc:bnsa1 and pa~9d unaniJD::Jusly to y,r._1t the ~1 am GK"'0Ye signage as per ASAC Reso1utiat No. 1212 with Ocnfiticn No. 10 1IIt'rlif'ied as per the letter frail of JUne 6, 1986 frail Gtou...".. Sd1eer. '!be aJIIeI}jed Ocnfiticn 10 shall read as follows: /"'Ihe fo1.1cwin:;J bl1i1djTJ1 mamted signs are a¡:proved: a) _t-~ fac:in::J ........"*""" sian doof'1ned bIr Exhibit F-2. '!be signage CXI'ISists of red plastic letters with painted Etal røtmns, intema1ly illuminated at night. '!be height of t:he "M" 1.LL- is to be seYen feet and t:he len;¡th of t:he "Mauiott" sig111!q& is to be thirty-six feet and three inches. b) ScJutbÆst f,....hrr ........"*""" sicm doof'hwl bIr 1M'Iihit 1'-2. '!be signage CCIISists of red:œtal reverse àIa11nel lettem with painted røtmns illuminated by Wite "halo" b8ckl.ightirIJ at night. '!be height of the "M" letter is to be six feet and the len;¡th of t:he "Marriott" signage is to œ thirty-a1e feet and cne !neb. " UNFINI.SHED EISINESS 30. Clarificaticn of cnmcil acticn regardiIq A¡:plicaticn 21-u-84, Usbeir: & Mic::baud. It was 1IICMId by a:mx:. Gatto, sec:añed by a:mx:. JåU1sCn and P"' e:l unaniJIDJsly to verify a:mx:i1's intentien to adc¢ the riIif'ied c:xnU.ticrIs of GK"'uv'ëÙ dated A1J3ust 6, 1985 for a 13,040 sq. ft. devel~lt. -6- HINt1.Œ9 OF 7HE JUNE 16, 1986 CI'lY <XXJNCIL MEE'.l'Im (cc-697) lU IDmIESS 31. o:nside:ratiem of an cmi1nance :œgu].atiD¡ the dist:rib.Itia1 of . :. ....-..cia1 hardbUls. (a) First readiD;J of 0J:dinarx e No. 1377: "An 0J:dinarx e of the City of QJpertino A1IIen:lin¡ sectia1 10.52.070 of the Q:Ip8rti1'Io Hmicipal COde Regulatin¡ the Dist.rl1Juti.cn of 0 ...."'" cia! AdvertisiD¡. n It 10IIIS IIICMId by 0cmIc. Plun;¡y, secx:n:3ed by 0cmIc. Gatto and pelE'f'ed unanima.Jsly to read 0J:dinarx e No. 1377 by title aùy and the City Clerk's readiD¡ to OCU$t.itute the first readiD¡ thereof. 32. ~L em bid cpeni.rç and award of ........L..eICt, Baratoga-sunnyvale Road widenin;r (Project 85-(1) and traffic signal mnr'Ii f'icatiœs (Project 85-(6). It 10IIIS IIICMId by 0cmIc. Jåmsa1, SEl(Dùa:1 by 0cmIc. Plun;¡y and pass'!ld unanima.Jsly to award the OCIIbined project to p..i~ o:nrt:J:ucticn in the i!IIICU1t of $277,552 and ~W8 a cx:nt:1ngerx:y in the i!IIICU1t of $22,500. 0cmIcil mquest:ed that in the fUture em projects of this nature a map be ireluded shcwin] the loc::aticn of the project. 33. ~L em bid cpeni.rç, steJ.1in;J Road )fo:Iñb'1 and ram~irg Installatiem, Project 84-01. 34. Ræpol.L em bid cpeni.rç, stevens Creek EbÜevard¡stelliD¡ Road ~uIi......uls, Project 85-03. By co. nnsus, 0cmIcil hh14!d these items. 35. Ræpol.L em bid cpeni.rç, pqp-i1"8 of stevens Canya1 Road - Project 86-115, and award of .......d....eICt. It 10IIIS IIICMId by 0cmIc. Plun;¡y, secaùa:1 by 0cmIc. Gatto and I""-'!Id unarùmcusly to %eject the bid and autharize staff to œadvertise the project at a later date. 36. Rq.u..L em bid openirg, Linda vista Plait, Project 86-114, and award of u.AíLLaCt. t It 10IIIS IIICMId by 0cmIc. Sparks, seoc:IIÜed by 0cmIc. Plun;¡y and pass'!ld unarùmcusly to CXI'It.irJJe this item to the meetiD¡ of JUly 7, 1986. 37. ~L em bid openirg ..L..o:odt hproyement projects (Project Nos. 86-09, 81-27A, 81-278, 86-11) and award of ........L..eICt. Previcœly CXI'Itinued. -7- KDI1lE9 OF mE JUNE 16, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL loJua·.uG (œ-697) 38. )llllo(. _._._~ traa the P1.anrrln) n-4-icn to 11111Ø11d City ltJnicipftl ooœ pertain1ncJ to the 1'1...... at.. of ':J1"'11e.,. CCI1ta1ner8 in truh enclosures. It was 1IIMId by ocunc. Gatto, seconded by ocunc. Plunw to aut:barize a hearln¡ to ccnsider an ardinanœ requirlD¡ 9"'" tI'J& ccntainera to be pJ--" within tnsh &'clœures per P1.anrrln) n-i....i...., Re&':lutia1 No. 2813. Mu'n:ul CXHIJNIOaTIC16 39. Na1e. c:&mNANaS 40. Na1e. RæOIDl'Iœs 41. Na1e. lDl-1\GmDA JIJSINESS 42. F.eo>]1iiticn by Mayor of ...,.........1 requests. <a) Gene1:àl Audience. (b) City ocunci1. (c) staff. At 8:45 p.lI. ocunci1 adjcumed to a closed E'~"i...., to c:xndder per........-=l negot.i.at:iœs ard also a matter of pot:ent1al litigaticn. At 9:08 p.lI., ocunci1 ~ in q&1 sessia1 in ocunci1 Q\....J-er. CDmc. p~ S t tt.: Gatto, J~-"'I, Plunw, ~, Mayor Roge1.a staff P1. a .L: City Clck 00melius City Attamey Kilian It was 1IIMId by ocunc. Gatto, seconded by ocunc. Plunw ard p-ø-ed un&lÛJII:IUSly to aut:harize the City Attamey to initiate litigat:icn against Inns of America, IaJœ Tabœ. It was 1IIMId by ocunc. Gatto, seoa)jed by CDmc. Plunw ard p-ø....rl un&lÛJII:IUSly to authar:ize the AsIdstant to the City Manager to ~..c- -... with per&a1nel r__Uat:ia1S as diJ:ected .in closed sessia1. -8- KnI7I!8 œ '1BB JtJNB 16, 1986 Cl'lY cx:uaL 1'IUa".uG (CXHi97) '.DJa -.t:inr:J .. 1IdjCII.ŒIBS at 9:10 p.m. -9-