08010082 CTTY OF CUPERTINO BUILDINGDIVISION PERMIT ,VQilt��'" � IQd1\ , BInLg��c�I�RE DE ANZA BLVD TAISEI CONSTRUCTION CORP P-6tSUr�q D10082 OWNER'S NAME: PERhffI ISSUE DAIS SAND HILL/1200 SAN MATEO AVE 2180 BERING DR 03/18/2008 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO COMM'L T. I . — -BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 300 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION O O O Fy 1 hereby alfim that 1 ore licensed under poaNsionsof Chapter 9(cummaming lob Description MMN Section 7")or Diviaan 3 ofthe Buausu W PoafoeaonsCode,and my license i in full(am AM elect. 3 License a. Lle.i 5 DateContractor ty ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION q 1 unaerataml my plana shW he used as public meet& ksea Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION M 1 hcmby aRrm Nat I em exempt foam the Comhaumes License Law for the p o following moon.(Section 7011.5,Businessand Prefessium Code:Any city or county 9 which aviation a Permit to CMm t.alar,impare,demalwh.or repair my mmmre �r prior to its nausea,also mquima the applicant forsmh permit to fla a signad statement 5F< thuheis licensed purumtothe provisions ofthe Conuocier's Lice=Law(Cbapor9Sq.F FlFloor,'rea Valuation Sa (canmencing with Sccdm 7000)of Division Sof the 9usinwand Pretensions Carle)or w Nan W muccom therefrom and the bow fm the alleged exemption.Any violatlm of Section 7011.5 by my applicant fees permit subjects the applicant to•civil penalty of APN Number Occupancy e .1 mom Ihm Bw hundred dollars(5500). P Y TYP ❑I,uownerofdieproperty,mis wployemwithwagea NeshateeampensNan, osiness and dothewmk,ander he nomwants License Law Wce met 70an Bnerof anti Pmrmat W Codec The thromre sad.1W law dam ant apply lf m ower of _ Required Inspections progenywhobuilds i impmwaderma,Onawho dataoahwork croffeedthrmle his awn mnployaa,poaWErE that such impoawmwt see not year moQaud roe Owner Wilmer mNe buildingftorImpoawmantIanhathwithinamywofmprowfrtheawusr- builrlm will haw the harden of proving that he did ant bulla m imgow far purpose of sew.. u awusr of the property,w exclusively conosning with licenses cenuonms o wan thla(inject(sec.7014.Business and prof..in.Cade:)Than ContMors IJ- aw Law dose ant apply M an awnm of property who builds or snpeow thereat.and, who concis for such projects with acmmuct licensed personal in the Conuc7oM1 Lkew LAW. ❑lam ex.mp�n ,BdkPCfar thi4muon Owver I WMKER5 PENSATION DECLARATION v 1 hereby a0im under Funnily of perjury arc of the fallowing decla odanc has.andwill for by •tion37 taof Camebwself-inswv fm Wmtrrs Compeo- an,u which this far mi is Issued.1700 of Ne labor Code,!m the perfommxe of W wank for rMch This pcmit is IOucQ ❑I haw real will maintain Worked CompeuNon Insurance.as rationed by Section 3700 of the labor Code.for de perfamance of the work far which mis permit is Wood. ' My Wmicre.Cor ohnn.Inannum prier and Policy number art: Cartier. Policy No.; CERTIFICATE OF 13XEMMON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE main section used mt tecan plead lines permit is fm ane hundred do0w($IBM or lana) I clarify Out in tlo perfmmanco of the work for which this permit is issued,l null not employ anyCalionan I.any DOW mmncrsoumhmma subject wthe Worts ompema0on Lawn of Cniifami Date Lsf-G�� 'T , NOTIApplCE NOTICE TO APPIJe Work IC alum m i w Certinute M Utuar on,yon aurum become habjcn y it Workers Csmpewam provisions of the Ia d Cade,you must wJ O foMwith eamP1Y with mese provisions or this permit shat m deemed hawked. �y CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY p. I hereby slim that dem Is a construction lending agency for the performance of (>:7 the work for which dds permit is iumA(Sec.3097.CN.C) 0..Q Laners dName 0z Leaders Add. U Q I amify Nu I haw rad this application and sum that the.bow Information Is 17r torten.I as=m comply with all city and county andinmce,and sum laws painting m O SU' building construction,and hereby mthorion mpmammiwa of thin city m enter upon 0e Ui above-mentioad property,fm inspection purposes. 0. (We)agree in sew,indemnify and kap seamless the City of Cupertia against Uy liabilities,judgments,cars and seam•...which may in my way accrue Oninsl said City 7 in cmxyanm of the iraaing of this North. r1— APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NONpOINT Issued Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. ,I // brJ Signstum of AppuanuCommutoorrDXUam Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will 0e applicant or future building acearm nt more Or handle hourhons materia an&flwd by the Cannon.Municipal Cade,Chapter 9.13,and IM Health and Safety Code,Sad.35513(.)? ❑Yon Qt�////1No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or fuom building macaroon use equipment at deices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,.1 agree to remove 40 In huaNnus air antsminsmb u defend by the Bay Amo Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. rict7 ❑Yes 1 hew mad the huaNau muerioumquiremenu under .Clupterb.95 athe Califon nu Hcalhldi SafctyCab,Soniats 25.505.25531 bad 25534.I madereuM Nulfuse Witting dna at currently now a tense t it s m mponsibiliny m mitt de/a:cupant of Ne mquimmcrm which msec m arm' anceofa Crm�tp('0�ccupmry. Signature of Applicant Date Owner or authorized sent II �1 DDem All roof coverings to be Class'%¢"or better