11-20-2018 Oral Communicationscc 11!:JJJ}/g
Ignatius Y. Ding, 41 -year resident of Cupertino (5-min. Presentation)
Tonight, I am delivering a mess a ge from a group of 24 individuals here with me tonight:
We are here b e cause, as y ou know, during the re ferendum s igning period, Council m an Rod Sinks &
Plaiming Commissioner G eo ff Paulsen authorized a message be distributed on a S and Hill door hanger.
Without the proper disclosure (that is for i:de1111tifocation purp oses o n ly), anyone re ading it would assume
that it was from the City Council directly. That amounts to abuse of ower.
In addition to th e authorizing developer's deceptive campaign , both of you also authorized its
d istribution and that distribution was done by paid th11gs /disrupters. They w ere antagonistic and
deme aning. They slandered a nd insulted our volunteers. They jeered at our re sidents . One of them made
fun his Chine se accent, mocked when he started shaking, there were also incidents of body shaming two of
the fem a le residents.
Some were bullied, publidy humiliated, intimidated, and physicaUy harassed by shadowing too closely.
Some were surrounded without a way out. You will h ear from a few tonight.
We h ave witnesses and videos to prove if need b e.
We h ad to endure the constant bullying for 3 w eeks in order to ex ercise our lega l right to referendum.
We bold you b oth personally responsible for its distributed and therefore their buUying.
Your authorization and approval of this type of activity from a Council member and from the Chair of our
Planning Commission is an utter disgrace to the city of Cupertino.
The Sheriff told us he would r eport the incident to City Council and ordinance. I h ave no reason to believe
he did not.
**In addition to that, we have this e-mail between y ou and Peter Pau (e.g. one dated 10 /19/14)
The other item, that we 'd like to bring to your attention, is the "tort clai m" from Mr. Randy Hom --where
he accused you of wrongful termination because he 's voiced his disagreement with SB 35 as compliant.
(Show the "Government To r t Claim" here)
Rod Sinks refused t o establish objective standards on the Vallco part:e ls, resu lt in g in the terrible SB-
35 plan by Sand Hill P roperty.
od Sinks tried t o eliminate the Library Commission at the r equest of Sand Bill Property who did
not want a B ette r Cupertino parti£ipant on the Commission. He als o tried to eliminate the Public
Safety Commission.
Because of these offenses, the breath of public trust and your continuing collusion with the developer
to orchestrate the suppression of the constitutional rights of the residents to submi t Refe rendum
petition to p la~e the Vallco projed fo r a public vote ---thereby you both have violate your oath to
support and uphold the constitutions of California and the United States of America , w e , the ~eople
c an trust you . We formally request your resignation .
A (forme r) mayor, like Rod Sinks, needs to be an ethical, honest, leader. Even though the mayor doesn't
really have any more power than any other council member, he or she is the spokesperson for the City . The
rotation is not set in stone. Barry Chang was once denied the mayor position despite it being his tum
because of his behavior.
Dear Better Cupertino Supporters:
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I hope that whoever the new City Council consists of will exercise power wisely. The first issue
is about who will be mayor and vice-mayor.
The following are some reasons why Rod Sinks should not be appointed as mayor despite it
being his "turn" in the trad i tional rotation:
Rod Sinks voted to allow Sand Hill Property to not build senior housing units at Main Street
and instead build market-rate all-ages housing, despite the community having had extensive
negotiations with Sand Hill Property and coming to agreement on senior housing.
Rod Sinks voted to approve the GPA for Sand Hill Property in December 2014 which has
resulted in the demise of Vallco Shopping Mall, and which has created extensive discord in the
At the request of Sand Hill Property, Rod Sinks voted to change the ballot title and summary of
Measure C, against the advice of the City Attorney, resulting in an inaccurate ballot title and
summary which has cost Cupertino a lot of money in legal fees.
Rod Sinks refused to establish objective standards on the Vallco parcels, resulting in the
terrible SB-35 plan by Sand Hill Property.
Rod Sinks tried to eliminate the Library Commission. I believe that this was done, potentially,
at the request of Sand Hill Property who did not want a Better Cupertino supporter on the
Commission . He also tried to eliminate the Public Safety Commission.
Rod Sinks did nothing to discourage the deplorable actions of a group of people hired by Sand
Hill Property Co . to disrupt the efforts of resident volunteers at the Cupertino Library and
As disclosed by Barry Chang, Rod Sinks voted to fire the City Attorney, probably because the
City Attorney advised the City that the Vallco SB-35 Plan submitted by Sand Hill Property was
found to be not compliant.
Rod Sinks voted to approve the Tier 2 Specific Plan for Vallco, submitted by Sand Hill Property,
despite what he referred to as a 'poison pill' and with widespread community opposition,
forcing residents to resort to the referendum process, and delaying Vallco revitalization for at
least one year, and possibly three years.
Rod Sinks allowed his picture and signature to be used on a flyer, distributed by Sand Hill
Property's paid Disruptors, discouraging residents from signing the referendum petitions.
Rod Sinks continues to disparage Better Cupertino in public meetings.
The mayor needs to be an ethical, honest, leader. Even though the mayor doesn't really have
any more power than any other council member, he or she is the spokesperson for the City.
The rotation is not set in stone. Barry Chang was once denied the mayor position despite it
being his turn because of his behavior.
Better Cupertino supporters received a mandate from voters on November 6th and needs to
exercise power responsibly and fairly, but firmly. In two years, the developers will try even
harder to elect their slate of candidates so the new Council needs to move quickly to rectify
the damage that has been done in the past and put policies and procedures in place that will
help prevent recurrences of what developers have been able to accomplish in terms of
damaging our City.
Please speak out about these issues in online-forums and during oral communications at City
Council meetings.
Thank You,
A Fellow Cupertino Resident