D-788 Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground Water Rights, 10405 Calvert Drive, APN 375-17-029RECORDING REQUESTED BY City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO City Clerk's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre A venue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. CODE 27383 24099482 Regina Alcomendras Santa Clara County -Clerk-Recorder 01/17/2019 10:37 AM Ti lies: 1 Fees: 10.00 Taxes : 0 . 00 Total : 0. 00 Pages: 10 (SP ACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS 10405 Calvert Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 APN 375-17-029 Vinson Luo, a single man and Jung-Hui Tsai, a married woman as her sole and separate property, as joint tenants Jl! Original D For Fast Endorsement "NO FEE" City of Cupertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby given m order to comply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government Code. This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated January 7, 2019, from 10405 Calvert Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 to the City of Cupertino, a governmental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the Public Works Director, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: By: January 17, 2019 Lauren Sapudar Senior Office Assistant QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 375-17-029 10405 Calvert Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 Vinson Luo , a single man and Jung-Hui Tsai, a married woman as her sole and separate property, as joint tenants , hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTOR", this l+h day of fa'1VJ1At7lvy , 201 ~, hereby grants , bargains, assigns , conveys, remises , releases and forever quitclaims unto the CITY OF CUPERTINO , a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTEE", its successors and assigns, all the rights, titles , interests , estates , claims and demands , both at law and in equity , and as well in possession as in expectancy of the GRANTOR as owner of that ce11ain real prope11y situate in the County of Santa Clara , State of California , and specifically described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A " The 1ight to pump , take or otherwise extract water from the underground basin or any underground strata in the Santa Clara Valley for beneficial use upon the lands overlying said underground basin, and GRANTOR hereby iiTevocably authorized GRANTEE , its successors and assigns, on behalf of the GRANTOR and its successors in ownership of overlying lands in the lot to take from the underground basin within the lot any and all water which the owner or owners of said overlying lands may be entitled to take for beneficial use on said lands and to supply such water to such owner or owners or others as a public utility; provided, however, that nothing contained in this instrnment shall be deemed to authmize GRANTEE to enter upon any of the lot delineated upon the above described legal description or to authorize GRANTEE to make any withdrawal of water which will result in damage to any building or strncture erected upon the lot. This assignment , conveyance and authorization is made for the benefit lot within the above described legal description and shall bind the owner of the lot( s) within the legal description. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has executed this instrnment the day and year first above written. CITY OF CUPERTINO: ~c.-PE..,_,. __ Director of Public Works OWNERS: / / V~~~ VinsonLuo ~ Owner Jung-Hui Tsai Owner (Acknowledgment and Notarial Seal Attached) VIRGINIA NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Commonwealth of Virginia ~ County of I UQV£~ 2 The foregoin~ i_nstrument was acknowledged before me this 1 day of Jw1.,)lo j 20 il. by )/., QSri 0 d i )(51 (name of person acknowledged). (Seal) HANNAH M SCOTT NOTARY PUBLIC REGISTRATION# 7793491 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN I A MY COMMISS ION EXPIRES MARCH 31, 2022 Page 1 of 1 CALI FORNIA ALL-PURPOSE C E RTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness , accuracy , or validity of that document. State of California } County of ~O-AM:o.. C!MR } On J~~ \ \.p , 2/0\'\ before me, ( ere in se rt name an personally appeared JI \M..,JJ.._ ~(\ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted , executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. I z z ~ icSignature (Notary Publi c Se al ) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION Th is fo rm co mp lies ivi th current Ca lifornia statlll es regarding no tmy wo rding and, D~SCRl~TIQN OF THE A TT ACHED DOCUME ~ if needed, sho uld be comp leted and attached to th e docu m ent. Acknowledgm ents ~ I;\,, ~ -l ~ fro m other sta tes may be comple ted for do cum ents being se /11 to th at sta te so long I, •. _1 ~ , ~ ". ~ ' as the wo rding does no t req uire th e California 11o ta1y lo violate California nolm)' ,VV"'-(!}Jl.JV 1 11\J\...V'{.A I aw . (Title or description f att ached doc um e nt) fn)J\l 31:S' ~ \')::-0 2.-°1 l () itOS: ~ (Tille or de script ion of att ac hed docum e nt co ntinued ) Number of Pages ~ Document Date I ·:}-.I'.'\ CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ~ Individual (s) D Corporate Officer (Title) D Partner(s) D Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee(s) D Other----------- 20·15 Version www.NotaryC lasses.com 800-873-9865 • State and Coun ty infonnatio n must be th e State and Coun ty where th e doc um e nt signer(s) pe rsona ll y appeared befo re th e notaiy pu blic for ac kn owled gment. • Da te o f notmizati on mu st be the date that th e s igner (s) personall y appea red whi ch must a lso be th e same date th e ackn owled gment is co mpl eted . • TI1 e notaiy publi c mu st print hi s or he r name as it a pp ears within hi s or her commi ss ion fo ll owed by a comm a and th e n yo ur title (notaty public). • Ptin t th e name(s) o f doc um ent signer(s) who pe rso nall y app ear at th e time of notari za ti on. • Indi cate th e cotTect s in gul ar o r plural fonn s by cross in g o ff in c0tTec t fo nns (i.e . lle/she/they, is /are ) or c irc lin g th e co tTec t fo nns. Fa ilure to co tTec tl y indi cate thi s in fo nnati on ma y lead to rej ec ti on o f doc um ent record in g. • Th e n otai y sea l impress ion must be c lea r an d ph otogra phica ll y re pro duci bl e. Impress io n mu st n ot cover text or lin es. If seal impress ion smudges, re-sea l if a su ffic ie n t area penn its, otherw ise co mpl ete a d iffe rent ac kn ow ledgme nt fo nn . • Signature o f th e no tary pu b li c mu st match th e signature on fi le with th e offi ce of th e coun ty cle rk . •!• Additi ona l in fo n nation is not required but could he lp to e nsure th is acknowle dgm e nt is not mi sused o r attac hed to a d iffe ren t doc um en t. •!• Indi ca te titl e or type of attached doc um e nt, number o f pages and date. •:• Indi ca te the ca pac ity cla imed by th e s igner . If th e c laim ed ca pac ity is a corporate o ffice r, indi ca te th e titl e (i.e. CEO, C FO , Secre taty). • Sec ure ly attach thi s doc um e nt to th e s ig ned docum e nt w ith a sta pl e . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has executed this instrument the day and year first above written. OWNERS: Vinson Luo Owner ~'@t ~ 17_ ' f <r ~ ~-,, / ;E__n1._ _)Jy~ CITY OF CUPERTINO: ·~.PE Director of Public Works Jung-HtrlTsai Owner (Acknowledgment and Notarial Seal Attached) { CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. Tai w an ) Cit y of Kaohsiung ) American Institute in Taiwan ) 18 : Gettt""'.,..,..f' Kaohsiung Branch Office ) lLJ vi ------- Suzanne Wong On J A N O 7 201 9 --~~-~~~~~- before me, ______ S~p_ec_ia_l_N_o_ta_ry~(_P_L_9_6-8~) _____ , Notary Public, (Here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared ___ · ::_::_--Ju_._V_VJ~j-+----t-_l _u._,_-r:~'7~C\...~~------=----------------- who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(8-) whose name(~) is/at-e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that-he/she/they executed the same in h+s/her/t-1:lw authorized capacity(ies), and that by hi-s/her/theirsignature(s, on the instrument the person-Es-), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(-s:) acted, executed the instrument. • .,.,, .•• -!:f' ··.·;~· I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State o_f c:i fi\fphtiia thadbe foregoing paragraph \ \ , ·/ , is true and correct. :/ \ · .,~··-·;::· -... 1 (/ ·.,' ·-v _/. cc ;::::.·· ·, ,·~ ~/ {3: ? }} \ ,;: .. t:: .,· WITNESS my hand and official seal. ! __ (~:--.. ~/) lt...''.1 Suza nn e Wong U) \ ··..;. , S ec ial No tary (PL 96 -8 ) (Nota·J sei 1~ {ri ~/ q /. Duly appointed and q ua 1 1e · 1 · c ,, ?-._,,. My commiss ion expires : Ja nuary 2, 2020 ,,, ·<J> ::::~ • • ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Title or description of attached document) (Title or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages __ Document Date ____ _ (Additional infonnation) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER D Individual (s) D Corporate Officer (Title) D Partner(s) D Attorney-in-Fact D Trustee(s) D Other ____________ _ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any acknowledgmenl completed in California must contain verbiage exactly as appears above in the nota,y section or a separate acknowledgment for111 11111st be properly completed and attached to that document. The only exception is if a document is to be recorded outside of California. In such instances, any alternative acknowledgment verbiage as 111ay be printed on such a document so long as the verbiage does not require the nota,y to do so111ething that is illegal for a nota,y in California (i.e. certifying the authorized capacity of the signer). Please check the document carefully for proper notarial wording and al/ach this for111 if required. • State and County information must be the State and County where the document signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. • Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. • The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title (notary public). • Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization . • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect fonns (i .e . ~/shell-Rey, is /are) or circling the correct fonns. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document recording. • The notary seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re-seal if a sufficient area pennits, othenvise complete a different acknowledgment form. • Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk . •!• Additional infonnation is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. •!• Indicate title or type of attached document, number of pages and date. •!• Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. If the claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e . CEO, CFO, Secretary). • Securely attach this document to the signed document C 2004 -201 5 ProLink Signin g Service , In c. -All Right s Reserv ed www .TheProLink .c om -Nati onwid e Notary Se rvi ce CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached , and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California } County of_~_· --~~-----} On \.\~ i¥ ,'2..fll\ before me, ..,\l>,L-LA IJ:1~,;;T NQ-b--~ ~v , ( ere 1nsertlname and tltl e of th e o r) personally appeared I\~ ODYJ.Ltl\ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. JULIA KINST r WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public • California i. i Santa Cl ara County :~ I Comm1111on ti 2177 456 =- • •••• ,Ml i0 T'e· L1r't1 t•s YrJ&21l Notary Pu (Notary Public Seal) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING nns FORM ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION This form co mplies with curre11/ California slalules regarding no/mJ' warding and. DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT if needed. s ho uld be completed and attached lo !h e document. Ackn ow ledgm ents /.1 . . L..,n A. " • A "' + It,_ 'Li~ I,_/\ fi'am at her s lates may be comple ted fo r d oc 11111 ents being sent to 1h 0 1 state so long ~ ~ l)...lUUA.-· I v \ O'' ;vv.,_.I"'..,,, -as !h e wording does 11 0 1 require th e Califomia 110/a,y lo vio late California 11 0/a,J' -"'-\,'-'<.,,___,"-'"',.___......u,_..___,_=-=w'----"--"'---''--'t\"---'------'.., I aw . (Tit or description of attached document fa State and Co unty infonnation mu st be the State and County where th e doc um ent MN ~'1S' ,.. \ '-::)--~ {) 2---9 s igner(s) personall y appeared before th e nota1y public for acknowl edgm ent. • Date of no taiization must be th e date that the sign er(s) perso na lly appeared which (TiUe or description of attached document continued) mu st al so be th e same date th e acknowledgme nt is completed. 4 1 1-1 °'I • The notary publi c mu st print hi s or her name as it appears within hi s or her Number of Pages_ Document Date · , co mmi ssion followed by a co mma and th e n yo ur titl e (notary publi c). CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ~ Individual (s) D Corporate Officer (Title) D Partner(s) D Attorney-in-Fact o Trustee(s) 0 Other---------- 2015 Version www.l\lotaryC lasses.com 800-873-9865 • Print th e nam e(s) of docum ent sign e r(s) who pe rsonall y appear at the tim e of notaii zation . • lndicate th e CO!Tec t s ingular or plural fmm s by cross ing off incoffect limn s (i.e. he/she/they, is /are ) or circling th e comet fonns . Failure to COffect ly indicate thi s infonnation may lead to rej ec tion of document reco rdin g. • Th e no taiy seal impress ion must be clear and photographicall y reproduc ible . Impress ion must not cover tex t or lines. If seal impress ion smud ges , re-sea l if a suffic ient area pennits, othe1wise comp lete a differe nt acknowledgment fonn. • Signature of th e notary public mu st match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. •!• Additional inform ati on is not required but could h elp to ensure thi s ac knowledgment is not mi sused or attached to a differe nt document. •!• lndi cate title or type of attached docwne nt , numbe r of pa ges and date. •!• Indi cate th e capacity clai med by th e s igner. If th e claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indi ca te th e title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secre tary). • Securely attach thi s docume nt to the signed docum e nt with a staple . For APN/Parcel ID(s): 375-17-029 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO , COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA , STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : LOT 136 , AS SHOWN ON THE MAP ENTITLED 'TRACT NO . 1004", WHICH MAP WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA , STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN SEPTEMBER 10 , 1952 IN BOOK 40 OF MAPS , AT PAGE 29 AND 30 .