Desk Items 2-26-2019DESK
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Public Input on Draft Master Plan, Public Comments, Feb. 19 - Feb. 25, 2019
59 Include dog parks
58 Anything updated that includes preserving the nature that I'm not deeply familiar with the plan outside of the video. For playground structures please consider sunshade. We have 2
we have in supporting community is good My only thought is the interconnected aspect. I lived in small children and so many of the parks have trees around them
Cleveland 20 years a go where they had a beltway which but not necessarily over the structures which makes them hot
was fantastic (trail and cars). My concern here is that it and obviously provides too much Sun for young skin
could become a security issue allowing theft or violence to
be more easily transferred between communities. Perhaps
micro connected trails to dissuade that is a consideration
57 There is some recoginzation that east side of cupertino need There needs to be a actual concrete plan/route map on
more parks how to add parks to east side of Cupertino, namely the
Rancho area, not just hope and dreams
Neal gheewala114
56 1 mean know disrespect to the team that prepared the Plan.
However, reading the Plan sparks more than
(1) Please add data that identifies how many people live
I'd like to see better outreach to residents regarding the Parks Liana Crabtree lianacrabtree
solutions regarding how Cupertino will address park,
within a 1/2 mile of each park. Please identify how many
people are expected to be served per acre For
and Recreation Master Plan. It seems the Plan includes big ticket
recreation, and open space inequity across the City.
per park.
example if a park is 3 acres, how many people live within a
yet relatively few residents contributed to the data set that
informed the Plan. Without broad community support, where will
1/2 mile of the 3 -acre park (no matter city of residence)?
the money come from to build the items suggested in the Plan. If
Give expected park user values in terms of residents -per-
Cupertino were to add a 200-600 seat performing arts center,
acre. (2) Please provide within the body of the Master
who will pay for it? Does use of nearby performing arts centers
Plan an objective -assessment of each park and amenities.
indicate demand for Cupertino to have its own center, replacing
For example, how many restrooms? When were the
Flint Center? Similar questions and concerns with a new aquatics
restrooms last renovated? How many picnic tables? When
center: are there opportunities to leverage/subsidize existing pool
were the picnic areas last renovated? Play equipment?
facilities as a means of meeting current and future aquatic needs
Walking/mixed use paths? Other? (3) Please consider
and interests? It seems Cupertino needs incremental
upgrading Library Field status from "field" to "park". The
improvements and increased parkland acreage today, especially
community values Library Field, as it is in near constant use
in eastern neighborhoods and as a higher priority than distant
for cricket, pick-up soccer, volleyball, and field play. Library
future, non-park,capital improvements.
Field needs to be recognized and protected for the utility it
offers the community.