CC 3-19-19 Study Session Item #1 Work Program Written CommunicationsFREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT
Cc 3/11 /11
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C11per tino H ig/1 Sc/100/ I Fremont Hig /1 Sc/1001 I H omestead H ig /1 Scl,ool I Ly nb.-0 0/1 Hig/, Sc/100 1 I Manta Vista H igl, Sc/1001 I Ad11/t Schoo l
March 19 , 2019
Dear Honorable Cupertino Councilmembers,
Thank you so much for all your services, which make Cupertino a great city for our students and
families .
Recently, we heard that parents are becoming increasingly concerned about the significant rise in e-
cigarette usage by teenagers . Our district has hosted workshops at our school sites to inform parents
about this issue. At one such workshop , we heard that parents are particularly concerned about
retailers located close to our school sites that sell e-cigarettes, which might encourage students to
become more interested in using tobacco and other nicotine delivery products.
We would like to request that the City of Cupertino consider passing an ordinance to prohibit retailers
near schools from selling e-cigarettes . We hope that you take this under consideration, as we feel
strongly that it will benefit our students and keep them from developing habits and behavior that may
be harmful to their health.
As an example of the communications we are having with our families, please see the attached
message that Fremont High School sent to all parents regarding the use of e-cigarettes.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any
Best regards ,
Polly Bove
Roy Rocklin
Board President
589 W . Fr e mont Av enue, PO Bo x F, Sunnyvale , CA 94087 I TEL (40 8 } 522-22 00 I FAX (408} 245-5325 I WEB
SUPERINTENDENT : Polly M . Bove I BOARD OF TRUSTEES : Ro sa Kim, Jeff Mo e, Naomi Nakano-Matsumoto, Roy Roc klin, Bill Wil so n
Dear Fremont Families ,
CC 3 /11 l11
S'S #i
We hope this letter finds you all doing very well. We wanted to inform you about a current issue facing our
teenagers in High Schools across the nation. The Surgeon General along with the Center for Disease Control
and Prevention have reported a statistically significant rise in e-cigarettes usage in teenagers to the point where
they are referring to the problem as an epidemic. The statistics are indeed alarming. According to the Surgeon
General , 20% of high school students across the country are using those e-cigarettes . Assuming the numbers are
accurate , that would mean that for high school of 2200 students , have about 450 sh1dents who are using those
devices. Usage of e-cigarettes and vapes has increased by 78% from last year.
Growth in E-Cigarette Use
· · · · ·• · · · · · High School Students
----All Students
~ ~ 20
Middle Schoo l Students
0 .,
~ ~ 15 0 --
w ';'
00 (!J .g il: 10 w:::,
~ 0 w .s::
a. 3: 5 ___ .... _____ ---
2018 Year
Source : National Youth Tobacco Survey 2011-2018
Notes: In 2014. chan es were made to the e-ci arette measure to enhance its accurac .
The graph on the left shows the growth
in vape usage among sh1dents in the
USA. The year 2018 saw a significant
spike in usage.
Unfortunately , the e-cigarettes/vapes are very addictive. There are different types of those e-cigarettes with
some containing THC , nicotine , or other harmful chemicals. THC is the chemical that is found in
cannabis /marijuana which leads to the "high" feeling. Manufachu-ers of some types of e-cigarettes are flavoring
the drugs (nicotine or THC) with sweet tasting molecules to mimic the sweetness found in sugar. The
companies prey on young adults' preference of sweet flavors. This creates a much more addictive situation for
our young sh1dents who have brains that are still developing. The e-cigarettes/vapes come in different shapes
and sizes making them very subtle. The CDC and Surgeon General has examples of what you could look for
From a parental/guardian perspective, it is a good idea to speak with your teenagers about those devices. It is
best when parents/guardians are calm about the topic but it is critical to stress how negative the vapes can be on
young people 's health. Tell your sh1dents that you are concerned about their health and that they are not better
than cigarettes in any way. The chemicals found in those vapes are still considered carcinogens in addition to
leading to long term addiction.
This information was extracted from Please feel free to access this link
if you would like more information on the dangers of vapes and e-cigarettes .
For parents and guardians , if you would like tips , this link provides this information ➔ https ://e-
c igarettes ECig ParentTipSheet 508.pdf
Lauren Sapudar
Dear city council members,
Sudha Kasamsetty
Tuesday, March 19, 2019 4:37 PM
Steven Scharf; Liang Chao; Darcy Paul; Jon Robert Willey; Rod Sinks
Request to include fine arts programs to city council agenda
Looking forward to seeing you all at today's agenda meeting.
I have been talking to several residents of Cupertino and neighboring cities to collect all the different ideas and
also different initiatives each city is offering. Will share my collection to you in separate email. I have
prioritized from the list the following three initiatives that I sonar to request you all to look into to include in
your agenda today and approve any additional budget to accomplish the following:
1. Paint the city kick off program where we would hold a contest to come up with a theme and paint in
unexpected places and not just the utility boxes
2. Buy signage gifts to people who are busting city hall for the first time which would reflect our cultural
3. Decorate our city hall conference rooms with paintings and other wal hangings. They are very dull currently
Let me know if you need any additional details and we will work to get those for you
Sudha Kasamsetty
Vice chair, fine aiis commission
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Cyrah Caburian
Marilyn Monreal
Monday, March 18, 2019 7:55 AM
Cyrah Caburian
Subject: FW: Item 1 on March 19th Agenda -Work Plan -Please include Bird Safe Design and
Dark Sky policies in City Work Program for FY 2019-20
ATT0000l.htm; 190317_Cupertino Birds .pdf
Marilyn Monreal
Senior Office Assistant
City Manager's/ City Clerk's Office
(408) 777-1374
From: shani kleinhaus []
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2019 6 :12 PM
To: Steven Scharf <>; Liang Chao <>; Darcy Paul
<>; Rod Sinks <>; Jon Robert Willey <>
Cc: City Clerk <>
Subject: Item 1 on March 19th Agenda -Work Plan -Please include Bird Safe Design and Dark Sky policies in City Work
Program for FY 2019-20
Honorable Mayor Scharf, Vice Mayor Chao and Cupertino Councilmembers ,
In the attached letter, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society asks that you prioritize the protection of migratory
birds in Cupertino, and include in the work plan the development of policies that promote bird safe
design , lights-out programs , and reducing light pollution through dark-sky policies. Such policies will
contribute not only to the protection of nature in the city, but also to environmental health and the well-being of
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions,
Thank you,
Shani Kle inhaus, Ph .D.
En vironm ental Ad vocate
Santa Clara Vall ey A udubo n Society
222 2 1 Mc Clellan Rd. Cupert ino 95 014
Tel. (65 0) 868 2114
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March 17, 2019
Re: Item 1 on March 19th Agenda -
Santa Clara Valley
Audubon Society
Please include Bird Safe Design and Dark Sky policies in City Work Program for FY 2019-20
Dear Mayor Scharf, Vice Mayor Chao and members of the Cupertino City Council,
The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society is a Cupertino-based non-profit organization that promotes the
enjoyment, understanding, and protection of birds and other wildlife by engaging people of all ages in
birding , education, and conservation . From our base at McClellan Ranch Preserve we have supported the
city of Cupe1tino in providing nature oriented programming for residents of all ages and participated in
many planning efforts in the city-most recently serving on the Advisory Group for the City's Parks
Master Plan .
We write this letter with the hope that Cupertino will prioritize quality of life and the protection of
migratory birds in policies that promote bird safe struchire design, lights-out programs, and reducing light
pollution using dark-sky policies . Specifically , we propose that the City develop an ordinance that
Bird Safe Design -to provide guidelines to help reduce the risk of bird mortality from collision
with hazardous building and struchire elements or due to hazardous lighting design .
Dark Sky / Lights Out -to protect the health of the environment and residents from light
pollution and excessive illumination. Since most migratory birds fly at night, a Lights-out
component can provide additional guidelines to help manage lighting programs during migration
seasons .
Bird collision with glass is one of the most significant causes of bird mortality . Buildings and structures
that are invisible to birds are estimated to claim a toll of between 350 million to 1 billion birds every year
(Loss et. al. 2014) (1). Indeed, loss of habitat, collision with buildings and other man-made structures, and
death by domestic cats are the three main reasons for the decline in populations of birds and other wildlife
species. Sadly , a 2017 report conducted by the U.S. North American Bird Conservation Initiative
(NABCI) (2) shows that 37 % of all North American bird species need urgent conservation action , and
many species are under severe threat of population loss and extinction. The report shows that even
common migratory bird species have lost more than half of their global population over that past four
decades. Taking action to reduce the toll is important if people wish to see birds in the fuhire, and listen to
them sing.
Cities around the world-including many in California-have taken action to reduce bird deaths by
adopting bird safe design guidelines and ordinances. Some Bay Area leaders in bird safe design include
San Francisco (3), Alameda (4), Sunnyvale (5), Richmond (6), Oakland (7), and Mountain View (8).
22221 McClellan Road, Cupertino , CA 95014 Phone: (408) 252-3748 * Fax: (408) 252-2850
email : scva s@ scvas .o rg * www
Solutions that help reduce bird collisions with buildings and struch1res are widely used. They focus on
careful planning near important bird habitats , avoidance of the most hazardous building elements ,
provision of visual cues to make glass more visible to birds , and modifying lighting systems to avoid
a ttracting migratory birds to their death .
A key aspect of Bird Safe Design is the mitigation of light pollution . For millions of years , Earth's
species have evolved under nah1ral cycles of light and dark. The circadian rhythms of nearly all living
things , including humans , are regulated by light. Migratory birds can become attracted to light and collide
with buildings and other structures . Their migratory flight p aths can be altered, sometimes leading to
death from exhaustion . Many species of noch1mal bats and amphibians will refuse to forage if there are in
illuminated areas . Crucially, artificial light ca n have serious impacts on human beings . Disruptions of the
circadian rhythm can impair the production of Human Growth Hormone in youth (9) and can be
carcinogenic if the disruptions happen over a prolonged period of time, as was found by the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (l 0).
Recently, the City of Alameda adopted an ordinance combining bird safe design guidelines with light
pollution mitigation . This combination of safe building design with city-wide lighting guidelines aims to
create a comprehensive plan to protect birds , humans, and other living beings ( 4). Other California cities ,
including Malibu (11) and Ojai (12), have adopted Dark Sky Ordinances.
We hope you prioritize the development of a Bird Safe Design/Dark Sky/Lights-out
Ordinance for Cupertino in 2019/2020. Such an ordinance would combine Bird Safe Design Guidelines
with Lighting Guidelines and include a crucial measure known as a Lights -Out Program, which conserves
energy and mitigates light pollution by turning off lights that are unused after an established time at night
(often around 10 :30 pm). This would reduce any unnecessary artificial light that is generated by
illuminated parking lots, buildings , and other structures in Cupertino . These measures will protect birds
while reducing sky glow , allowing Cupertino residents to enjoy a healthy ecosystem and a clear view of
the nighttime sky.
Respectfully ,
Shani Kleinhaus, Ph.D .
Envirorunental Advocate
In -Letter References:
1) Loss et. Al. 2014: Glass windows and facades claim a toll of between 350 million to 1 billion
birds every year ht tps://www.audub it es /defa ult/fil es /do cum e nt s/lo ss e t a l bird-
building colli so ns c ond or 2 014 .pdf
2) North American Bird Conservation Initiative 2016, State of North America's Birds : 37 % of all
North Americ an bird species need urgent conservation action
http://www . sta te ofth e b ird ove rv iew /res u It s-summ a ry/
22221 McClell an Ro ad, Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone: (408) 252-3748 * Fax : (408) 252-2850
e mail: scvas @sc vas.o rg * www.scvas.o rg
3) San Francisco Ordinance: Standard s for Bird Safe Buildings:
http :// lications reports/bird safe bldgs/Design%20Guide%20Standard
s%20for%20Bird%20Safe%20Bldgs Final .pdf
4) Golden Gate Audubon Article Summarizing Alameda 's Bird Safe Design Guidelines :
https ://go ld e n gateaudub n tent/uploads/TheGull Winter 19. pdf
5) Sunnyvale Bird Safe Design Mandatory .gov/c ivicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID =23799
Guidelines :
6) Golden Gate Audubon Article Summarizing Richmond's Bird Safe Building Rules :
h ttps :// go ld engateaudub on . org/b log-p osts/richrnond-adopts-b ird-sa fe-b ui !ding-mies /
7) Oakland Bird Safety Measures :
https ://go ld e n gateaudub on.o rg/wp-content/uploads/Oakland-B ird-Safety-Measures.pdf
8) Mountain View North Bayshore Precise Plan (Bird Safe Guidelines on page 125, pdf page 134):
https :/ /www l ei v icax/fi le bank/b I obd load .as px ?B lobID = 15 05 0
9) Physiology of Growth Hormone Secretion During Sleep
h ttps :/ /www .n cb i. nlm .nih .gov/pubmed/8 62 7 466
10) Carcinogenicity of shift-work involving Circadian Disruption
http s :// /wp-
content/uploads/2013 /06/carc ino gen icity of shiftwork painting and firefighting.pdf
11) Malibu Dark Sky Ordinance: http s://www.malibu c ity .org/Docume nt Center/V iew/22417 /Dark-
Sky-Ordinance-Ordinance-N o-4 34
12) Ojai Dark Sky Ordinance :
http s:// /ordinances/O jai Va ll ey Dark Sky Public Brochur
Other References:
13) National Audubon Lights out recommendations
h ttp s :/ /www .audubon .org/co n serva ti on /pro j ect/1 ig h ts-out
14) The International Dark Sky Association
https://www .darksky .org/
15) Menlo Park Biological Resources (Bird Safe Guidelines on page 22):
http s://www .menlopark .org/DocumentCenter/View/ 103 44/43 B io logica lR eso urces?bidl d=
16) Portland Bird Safe Design Guidelines+ Portland Dark Sky Ordinance :
http s ://www s/artic le/446308
http s ://multco .us/file /34011/download
17) France's Decree on preventing light pollution country-wide
http s://www .legifra nce .go uv .fr /e li /arrete/20 18/ 12/27 /TREP l 83 l 126A/jo/tex te
22221 McClellan Road , Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone: (408) 252-3748 * Fax: (408) 252-2850
email: scvas @sc vas .org * www
https :// uti on-la w-2018/
18) Campus Illumination: A road map to exterior lighting at the University of Washington Seattle
h ttps :/ /www. lighting des ign lab. com/sites/ defaul t/files /pdf/Campus-Il 1 umina tion-Roadmap-
final. pdf
19) Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) reintroduced the Bird-Safe Buildings Act of 20 19 to the U .S . House of
Representatives on January 30, 2019. The bipartisan bill requires that public buildings being
constructed, acquired or altered significantly by the General Services Administration incorporate
bird-safe building materials and design features.
22221 McClellan Road , Cupertino , CA 95014 Phone : (408) 252-3748 * Fax : (408) 252-2850
email : scvas * www.scvas .org