TC 05-04-88Cable Television Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 4, 1988
Cupertino City Hall -- Conference Room
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Leonard Batchelor,
Committee members present: Leonard Batchelor, Dorothy Schmid, Michelle Mann
Absent Committee members: Jane Chiavacci, William Fletcher
Staff Present: Donna Krey, Community Relations Officer
Carol Frausto, Community Relations Assistant
Elliott Margolies, Channel 30 Director
Guests Present: Joe Wilcox, General Manager, United Cable
Joe Wilcox asked that the words "Boards of Directors" be changed to
"stockholders" in his report referring to the United Cable/United Artists
merger. There were no other changes and Batchelor moved to approve the minutes
as corrected; Schmid seconded and the motion carried, with Mann abstaining.
There were none.
There were none.
Batchelor reported on a meeting he attended with Krey, City Manager
Bob Quinlan and Finance Director Blaine Snyder, where the total CTVAC
budget was calculated by Snyder to be somewhat less than originally
thought by the committee. The 1988-89 budget will total about $51,500,
with nearly $14,000 allocated to the Fixed Asset Acquisition line item.
Krey said she would mail final copies of the budget to the committee
Wilcox reported eight complaints for the month of April, reduced by
5 from the previous month. He also spoke of promotions underway at United,
including the HBO "Summer '88" campaign beginning May 9. Giants Vision was
launched in April and 150 subscribers have signed up, with about 30 buys
per game on pay-per-view. United's Cupertino penetration is now 52.1%.
Margolies distributed a copy of the Channel 30 newsletter and his
April report. Margolies reported on equipment purchases. He also reported
on a problem with a TBC in the control room. Margolies spoke of opening
communication with United when equipment goes down. He also said the
character generator is fixed, and will be sent back soon. No meetings
have been held to address equipment replacement with United. A van
should be available for the congressional primary debates. When the
van is repaired it will be stored in Cupertino for easier access by
CTVAC Minutes
May 4, 1988
Channel 30. Two applications have been recieved for scholarships to the
Tampa convention. Margolies said he would check into a request by Schmid
regarding track for curtains in the studio. Margolies passed out copies
of Channel 30's entry to the Hometown Video Festival.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Leonard Batchelor.
The committee reconvened in the City Council Chambers for a public
hearing on Gillcable service at 7:.35 p.m.
Chairman Batchelor explained that the public hearing was being held
to determine the needs and level of satisfaction of Gillcable subscribers
living in Cupertino. He said the Gill franchise was due for renewal in
1990 and the City was now beginning to gather data for that process.
Batchelor opened the floor for public comments.
Ann McElroy, Stelling Road, 27 -year Cupertino resident, said she
joined Gillcable in 1975. It was $6.75 per month and one of the reasons
they joined is because Gill advertised they would be showing new movies
once a week. She now pays $18.95 per month for basic service and they
have not shown any new movies for over a year on the basic Gillcable.
In order to get new movies you have to subscribe to the extras such as
HBO. She feels like they got customers and then did not live up to
their bargain. She would also like to be able to get the local
television such as Channel 30 and 53. She is glad to.recieve C -SPAN
on Gill. Her basic complaints were the rise in service charges and the
fact that they have not lived up to the original bargain of providing
new movies.
Batchelor explained some of the effects of the 1984 Cable Act
regarding rate deregulation. McElroy also said this is a matter of a
monopoly because she has no choice of which cable company she can
subscribe to. She would like as a citizen of Cupertino to be able to
choose her own cable company.
Robert Browning, 18 -year Cupertino resident, in 1986 Gill came
west of Stelling and he was wondering why Gill came into Cupertino when
United was already in Cupertino. Batchelor informed him that neither
company has an exclusive franchise with Cupertino. Browning said Gill
had an appointment in February to install cable; they showed up in May
and he told them to forget it. During this time he installed satellite
and at the time you were supposed to call your local cable company to
get the decode to work. Gill wan not polite and even though United
did not know much about it they were polite. He also wants to get
Channel 53.
Doug Keller, Cupertino resident before annex into San Jose, had
questions regarding the franchise fee for Cupertino residents annexed
into San Jose. He is looking for a choice, not one company over another
company. He is surrounded by United Cable, Seven Springs and other new
developments. Why not bring United Cable in and give those who wanted to
be a part of the City of Cupertino and not a part of San Jose a choice?
Joe Wilcox General Manager of United Cable, Cupertino addressed the
questions about United also servicing the areas now serviced by Gill.
He explained the economic reasons and the problems with overbuilding
another system that is already established. Keller said that Gill only
CTVAC Minutes
May 4, 1988
offers 24 channels, their prices are higher for basic service and
ity of service is terrible and he is dissatisfied
installation, the qual
hen he calls in to report problems. He
with the treatment he recieves w
also said that United offers more channels at a lower price and you can
get Channels 53 and 30.
McElroy asked if there is a possibility of not renewing Gill's
franchise. Batchelor informed her that because of the 1984 Cable Act,
complete documentation is needed to not renewa franchise.
before the
Krey told the public there will be opportunities
City Council regarding Gillcable.
Tony Alexander, 7 -year Cupertino resident, said for three years he
has been recieving Gill. For four years prior he had recieved United
Cable, but because he moved he was now in Gill's service area. Whenever
there was a problem with United's service he would call and recieve
prompt attention. With Gill, he has been treated rudely, he has not
been given good service, he pays a lot more money for the service, he
said. He also said Gill is not interested in the people in the
need a
Cupertino area -they are interested in the income. The people
choice or at least an opportunity to choose what they want, he said.
Batchelor asked for any other comments from the public and
closed the meeting by reminding the audience about the future
opportunities to voice concern to the Cupertino City Council. He said
this is a process that is not going to happen quickly but is needed to
start renewal negotiations. The public hearing ended at 8:05 p.m.