TC 08-03-88Cable Television Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Wednesday, August 3, 1988 Cupertino City Hall - Conference Room MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Leonard Batchelor, Chairman. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Len Batchelor, Jane Chiavacci, Dorothy Schmid, Michelle Mann, William Fletcher Staff present: Tracy Colgin; Elliott Margolies, Channel 30 Director Guests present: Joe Wilcox, General Manager, United Cable APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1988 Mann moved to approve the minutes as written; Chiavacci seconded and the motion was carried unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No oral communications were made. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Batchelor and Mann reported they received a copy of Austin Access. Committee members received a written request for cable service from Mr. Black, a resident of Regnart Canyon Dr. Wilcox reported that at this time, Mr. Black is ready to be installed. STAFF REPORT Colgin reported for Krey, who was on vacation, that there were no cable complaints and that she will keep committee members informed on the latest relations with Gill Cable. REPORT FROM JOE WILCOX, UNITED CABLE Wilcox reported that complaints were up in June due to the Spinks- Tyson fight and because of the change in billing format. Wilcox reported that s4scribership on premium units is starting to slide as expected be- cause of the Summer months. There will be promotions on Showtime and a free Disney Preview at the end of August. Wilcox reported the switch to the Headend Facility out of Hayward is to be happening on September 7 & 8, and will happen at non -prime time hours. ACCESS COORDINATORS REPORT Margolies reported the Connectathon event on July 6, 1988 was a success. Margolies also announced that Channel 30 will participate in a video con- test in November, in Santa Barbara. CTVAC Mimutes August 3, 1988 DISCUSSION OF THE NFLCP CONVENTION Batchelor proposed working on the Farwest and preferably getting a Peninsula/South Bay chapter formed. DISCUSSION OF AUDIENCE MEASUREMENT SURVEY Batchelor proposed that the committee do their own audience measurement survey in conjunction with De Anza College or San Jose State University. The survey should include United and Gill Companies. Mann proposed using a facilitator to help the committee set a work plan to organize the committees goals and future projects. Batchelor asked for committee members to write up their goals and get them back to him by August 20, 1988 ADJOURNMENT Batchelor moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; Mann seconded and the motion passed unanimously.