TC 11-02-88Cable Television Advisory Committee Regular Meeting November 2, 1988 Cupertino City Hall-- Conference Room MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Leonard Batchelor, Chairman. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Len Batchelor, Jane Chiavacci, Dorothy Schmid, Michelle Mann, Bill Fletcher Staff present: Donna Krey, Community Relations Officer Carol Frausto, Community Relations Aide Elliott Margolies, Channel 30 Guest present: Joe Wilcox, United Cable APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 5, 1988 Fletcher made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Chiavacci seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Fletcher mentioned an article in the Wall Street Journal regarding t--ephone companies and pay-per-view. Commissioners discussed the various agenda packet clippings. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Batchelor mentioned the Western Cable Show in Anaheim. None of the commissioners will be attending. Batchelor received and filled out a questionnaire from the International Consumer Research Institute and indicated that the committee would like a copy of their findings regarding the performance of cable television in America. STAFF REPORT Krey gave the committee updated copies of Ordinance 22101 relating to San Jose's franchise with Gillcable. She reported that the Civic Service Awards ceremony went well and she congratulated Batchelor and Margolies on receiving awards. Krey pointed out a notice she placed in the Cupertino Scene asking for comments regarding Gillcable. She received four letters from the public. She will place the notice in the Scene again next month. Krey said that Deputy City Attorney Lopez will be available to discuss the franchise renewal during subcommittee meetings. REPORT FROM JOE WILCOX, UNITED CABLE Wilcox pointed out the phone statistics for September -- three times the normal amount of incoming calls. He reported there are still technical problems since the headend changeover and they have not been Cable Television Advisory Committee November 2, 1988 F ORT FROM WILCOX CONTINUED able to track this down to a specific problem. United put a hold on the scrambling of some of their basic service channels because of subscriber complaints. The service will stay unscrambled for the next 6-10 months. Wilcox reported that Channel 32 is not back on the system; they are waiting to see what will happen regarding the FCC. In October the phone statistics showed incoming calls were down. November through December, United will run a food and toy drive which offers customers free installation if they donate. Wilcox announced two pay-per-view boxing events in November. The United L.O. van will be used to shoot the Battle of the Bands on November 4. Wilcox announced that he had forwarded the letter the committee sent him regarding equipment replacements to his division office. He believes the cash flow delay is because of the recent merger. The committee discussed the possibility of traveling to Los Angeles to meet with Bill Cullen who will be the division manager. The discussion of a personal presentation in Los Angeles was placed on the December agenda. ACCESS COORDINATOR'S REPORT Margolies reported that Channel 30 produced election tapes which are available at the library. The tapes have also been on the Tandem and Apple internal mail service. Margolies reported on equipment purchases and repairs. He also reported on outreach and mailings. January will begin a monthly orientation for all new crewmembers, producers and public. He gave the committee a task breakdown per a request for a Access P'-ector's manual by Chiavacci. He said 4-5 producers/crewmembers have e -pressed interest in attending the Santa Barbara conference. Margolies informed the committee that two studio lights had burst into flames due to improper use. He described the safety precautions that have now been taken to help prevent this problem. He expressed his appreciation for the civic service nomination and award. DISCUSSION OF YEAGER/MARTINEZ GRANT PROPOSAL Mann made a motion to approve the Yeager/Martinez grant not to exceed $1,000. Fletcher seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Krey said she will try to get this item on the Nov. 7 City Council agenda. DISCUSSION OF GILLCABLE PROPOSAL Committee members discussed the franchise renewal proposal received from Gillcable. Mann expressed her disapproval with the treatment of Cupertino as an extension of San Jose. Batchelor said Gill is offering to take a feed from United to carry Channel 53 considering there is no cost. The committee agreed to form a study committee to explore and review the franchise renewal issues. Batchelor, Mann and Fletcher will be on the study committee. The study committee will meet with Attorney Lopez in November to discuss the renewal process. Batchelor and Krey will draft a letter to Gillcable in response to their renewal proposal. Cable Television Advisory Committee November 2, 1988 I DING FOR SANTA BARBARA SCHOLARSHIPS Margolies said that Lionel Lewis, Linda Grodt, Barbara Risher, Bill Heath, and a Jim Cocorane crewmember would like to attend the Santa Barbara conference. Committee agreed to sponsor a Bill Heath crewmember and the other four people listed above. Fletcher made a motion to allocate an amount not to exceed $155 each for five people: Lionel Lewis, Linda Grodt, Barbara Risher, a Bill Heath crewmember and a Jim Cocorane crewmember to attend the Santa Barbara conference. The participants are required to submit a report to the committee on the benefits and what they gained from the experience, at least one page. Each person should also submit an application form to Krey. Schmid seconded and the motion passed unanimously. He also announced that several groups have entered the WAVE contest from Channel 30. Committee agreed that a standard application form should be produced. Funds will come from the grants budget item, but future funding for producers' conferences should come from a separate line item. DISCUSSION OF GOALS Mann reported that Schuler is available as a facilitator in January or February. Schuler was not clear on the goals/tasks that the committee is trying to accomplish. She expressed defining the prioritization and overall goals for the committee. Mann suggested individual phone conversations with Schuler to express goals. The committee agreed that early February would be a good time for a goal setting session and set February 4 as a tentative date. Her rate is $35 per hour for a six hour ',sion. ADJOURNMENT Schmid made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Batchelor seconded and the motion passed unanimously.