TC 10-07-87Minutes Regular Meeting of the Cable Television Advisory Committee Wednesday, October 7, 1987 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Leonard Batchelor, Chairman. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Batchelor, Schmid, Fletcher Commissioners Absent: Mann, Chiavacci Guests Present: Margolies, Everett Staff Present: Krey, McKennan APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 2, 1987 Corrections to the minutes are as follows: Second page, second item, thought is misspelled. CATV Goals section, members is misspelled. Commissoner Fletcher motioned to approve the minutes as corrected. Commissioner Schmid seconded and the motion carried unanimously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION A petition from a group of residents on Lindy Lane was presented. The group wants cable installed in their neighborhood. The letter was for- warded to Joe Wilcox of United Cable. ORAL COMMUNICATION Herb Everett mentioned the maintenance situation and equipment problems at the DeAnza T.V. Center and Access facilities. He said he needed to meet with Margolies, Batchelor, and Wilcox to look into the problem. REPORT FROM JOE WILCOX OF UNITED CABLE Joe Wilcox's report was left with the CATV Committee to discuss, as Joe Wilcox was absent. Commissioner Fletcher mentioned that the average hold times were much too long, and said that the 1 out of 10 ratio or 12% was shoddy performance. Commissioner Batchelor said he would call Wilcox and mention that the telephone service could be better. ACCESS COORDINATOR'S REPORT Elliot Margolies distributed a newsletter and other items, including a Vietnamese self -promotion and a magazine for seniors. Margolies said that Access users are now trying to promote and advertise themselves from within. REVISIONS TO ACCESS COORDINATOR'S CONTRACT An Access User Agreement was distributed and revisions were made to the document. Margolies said that the only major change was that users were now financially responsible for returning videocassettes. The User Agree- ment will appear, as corrected, in the minutes. Commissioner Fletcher motioned to approve the User Agreement Contract, with revisions, and with the exception that section 1.2 stay as is. Commissioner Schmid seconded and the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ON COMMUNITY LIAISON PRODUCER Elliot Margolies proposed giving $100 grants to student producers to assist community groups in developing and producing video materials done at Access facilites. Commissioner Batchelor said that this was a good idea and that it would encourage student producers to help these community groups. Commissioner Fletcher motioned to approve and set aside grant money, up to $500, to be allocated in X100 increments to student producers or groups interested in helping local groups produce Access programs. The Access Coordinator would report to the CATV Comm- ittee. The $500 amount would be renewable. Commissioner Schmid seconded and the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF FUNDS FOR 4800 DECK Elliot Margolies reported that an Access producer had ruined a 3/4" deck and refuses to pay for it. Margolies said that both DeAnza and United Cable also refused to replace or repair the deck. Commissioner Batchelor said that Herb Everett, Joe Wilcox, and himself needed to meet later to discuss the issue. He then deferred the issue to Sub -Committee. DISCUSSION ON THE PURCHASE OF A CHARACTER GENERATOR Elliot Margolies reported that he had found a character generator that was compatable with the Access Editing Suite, and that it was fairly inexpensive, arounJ $2000. Commissioner Fletcher motioned to spend up to $2100 on a character generator and to accept the appropriate bid. Commissioner Schmid seconded and the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF THE PURCHASE OF A BATTERY ANALYZER Elliot Margolies said that he needed a battery analyzer to recondition the batteries at Access. He said that DeAnza T.V. Center and the Creative Arts Department would be willing to go in one-third each for the cost of the battery analyzer. Commissioner Schmid motioned to go in one-third of the cost of a battery analyzer, at under $1400, with ownership and maintanence going to DeAnza T.V. Center. Commissioner Fletcher seconded and the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ON GOAL SETTING The goal setting issue will be a carryover item on the next agenda. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m. by Leonard Batchelor, Chairman.