CC 4-2-19 Oral CommunicationsTO: City of Cupertino Council Members and Staff From: Cathy Helgerson -408-253-0490 -cathyhelger@gmail.com Subject: Agenda Item 20 -Change to the Order of Oral Communication I would first like to mention what happened at the last City Council Meeting when this item the Order of Oral Communication was also left to the last item on the agenda. The Council Meeting lasted until around 12:00 o'clock midnight in which most of the public had left the meeting and so the council decided to postpone the item for the April 2, 2019 council meeting. I left early and I was upset as it was to see this item left last on the agenda and could not wait until that hour to speak on the subject. There are many elderly people, people that work, children that attend school that cannot stay till late hours. I am now very upset about this April 2, 2019 council meeting that has again left the Change to the Order of Oral Communication until item 20 on the agenda second from the last. What is the public supposed to do about this lack of consideration I can only imagine what the public felt when the item was postponed after they waited all night to speak on the subject. The public should be outraged by this behavior and the disregard for the public's views on subjects that are not on the agenda and mentioned at Oral Communication that can have great value, and should be put on the agenda for future study and review but they are never considered. It is extremely difficult to get items put on the agenda so Oral Communication gives the public a chance to at least voice they views. I ask the Council why take this privilege away from the public moving the time is unfair the public only gets 3 minutes and sometimes less to address you. It seems that the City is more concerned about reducing staff overtime and consultant time and they seem to think that moving Oral Communication will extend courtesy and respect to other applicants already scheduled. I am sure that the people that were fortunate enough to get their item put on the agenda need to consider how lucky they really are, and they should be willing to give others who cannot get their items on the agenda heard. The City Council needs to hear what the public thinks not just on agenda items and there is a great deal of information that the City could benefit from. I would like to remind them that the public the people that voted them into office should all be respected. I would like to make a suggestion to the City Council that maybe Oral Communication can be heard at the beginning of the meeting and also at the end this would give everyone a chance to speak. I would further like to suggest that there are meetings that can be conducted as open forum so that there can be an open exchange of information. The public would like their suggestions used and their questions answered and it seems many times this is not taking place. The way the meetings are conducted seems limited, unfair and very old fashion it is time for change the public wants change but not at the expense of the Oral Communication's agenda slot asking us to wait till the end of long Reports by Council and Staff is counterproductive and many people come to the meetings for Oral Communication only. I ask that the Cupertino City Council to please leave Oral Communication as is like so many other Cities and Santa Clara County conduct their business. CC 4-2-19 #20