CC 11-09-82 CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORN~A 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 CC-'· 92-A Page 1 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL aELD ON NOVEMBER 9, 1982 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Mayor Catto called the Å“eeting to order in the Council Chpmber at 7:10 p.m. ROLL CALL Counc. Present: Johnson, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks, Mayor Catto Staff Present: Director of Public Works Viskovich Director of Planning and Development Sisk Assistant Planning Director Cowan Director of Finance Snyder Director of Parks and Recreation Dowling City Attorney Kilian Deputy City Clerk Campagna-Blaise PUBLIC HEARINCS 1. Application l-GPA-80 of City of Cupertino: Ceneral Plan Amendment to consider a comprehensive amendment of t~e City of Cupertino Cenernl Plan and a specific plan for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Planning area. The General Plan Amendment will concentrate on land lise, traffic circulation, housing and economic issues which affect che entire community. The Stevens Creek Boulevard Specific Plan will concentrate on the development of a more detailed land use, circulation and urban design plan for properties which abut the reach of Stevens Creek Boulevard between Stelling Road on the west and Stern Avenue on the east. Mayor Catto opened the meeting by inviting the public to address Council concerning the General Plan. David Klinger, 7532 Waterford Drive, spoke on surplus school sites and usable acreage. He talked of the financing options of transferring land between the District and the city with the Naylor Bill mentioned. Wm. K. Kelley, 305 Lytton, Palo Alto, expressed his concern over two buildings he is planning on erecting on De Anza and Stevens Creek Boule- vard. He said that one building is three stories ¡'~igh with a FA¡{ of 1 and stated that the second building which would be next to it with the same height (which would be as tall as Cali's) would have a FAR of .36. He felt he needed guidarce from Council and therefore asked for a 30 day continuance from the Planning Commission on his Planned Developme~t permit. His concern was over the strict guidelines set with no thought as to what the applicant wants. .~-A MINUTES OF 'IRE NOVEMBER 9, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Carl Tucci, 136 Memory Lane, Campbell, was d1bturbed over the pro- posed limits for developing the commercial property in the core zone. He asked Council to keep in mind that there are other interests in town besides Cali and Vallco and to remind them that the core area covers a lot of property along Stevens Creek Boulevard/De Anza Boulevard and asked that the people who have an interest and other small businesses be protected. Tom Legan, President, Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, stated that they had proceeded with the selection of an independent consultant to review the economic and fiscal impact of the proposed Ceneral Plan alternatives. Dr. Roger Mack was selected as the Chamber's consultant. Dr. Mack overviewed l.is findings on the various reports including Questor and the Planning Commission and remarked on the differences in numbers. The general directions were clear throughout but he spoke on revenues and costs, sales tax, budgets, school district financing, industrial costs, property tax base, retail and household sales, traffic and housing g>:owti' issues and police and fire services. He stated that the Ceneral Plan is a detailed guide for the City's future growth to give it identity. (City Clerk's Note: City Attorney Kilian left at 7:15 p.m. and returned at 7:30 p.m.) . Tom Legan stated he believed the General Plan should be amended to permit higher intensity in the core area and that the Chamber would work with the City for the ben2fit of the Cupertino community. He told Council a written report will be submitted to the Chamber from Dr. Mack and would be forwarded to the City. Mayor Gatto thanked the Chamber for their interest and effort. Wayne Starr, 1356 Primrose Way, spoke on park acquisition and asked that the athletic fields be maintained. David Klingeragain addressed Council saying he had spoken to the City Attorney about the Naylor Bill. It was his understanding there were two types of additive costs to a purchase price for a school site; l. Cost attributable to transferring of students and 2. Recreation in open space. It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Johnson and passed unanimously to close the public hear<ng. By consensus Council agreed to the following: . Land Use/Community Character - Retain the existing Ceneral Plan and maintain it and to put in dialogue to allow site-s~ecific review for incremental increases above the existing General Plan and have a serieö 0f criteria which would evaluate the incremental increaöe. It was also suggested that the property be taken out of reserve at Vallco and be given the same density designation. It was also decided that the traffic level remain the same which could allow for growth. The existing trip-ends and land use were agreeable. MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 9, 1982 CITY COUNClL MEETING CC-592-A Page 3 Transportation - Retain tÞe same level with high pri~=.ity on Stevens Creek Boulevard/Saratoga-Sunnyvale and strive to reduce commute traffic on Stelling and other minor collectors. Housing - Retain the existing General Plan i.nd modify the BMR Program. (City Clerk's Note: City Attorney Kilian left at 9:15 and returned at 9:20 p.m.) Parks - Retain the same level and eliminate the priority list system. Land Use Policy - Retain the existing Ceneral Plan and evaluate each applicant as the need arises. RECESS: 9:20-9:45 p.m. (City Clcrk's Note: Director of Finance Snyder left at 9:20 p.m.) It was moved by Counc. Rogers, seconded by Counc. Johnson and passed unanimously to reopen the public hearing. Tom Legan requested Council postpone any decision to give the Chamber and the public time to digest the discussion. Walter Ward, General Manager of Vallco Park, asked for time to study the existing Gelleral Plan. He said that 50 acres has been undevel- opable and that he heard Council say Vallco land be taken out of reserve with a .33 on industrial. However, there was 12 acres left for the hotel site. His concern was that nothing was said about den- sities along Stevens Creek and the present plan on land uses would not permit the addition of another shopping center or another department store expansion which would mean storcs would go to Valley Fair or Sunnyvale Town Center and it would also mean losing their market super- iority. He could not see, under the present land use plan, how they could put a hotel there because the present General Plan does not provide for one under the existing intensity alternatives. He spoke about credits and asked for clarification and some rules so they would understand if it pertained to all the property or just the 12 acre site. Mayor Gatto replied that it was the intent to take 50 acres o~t of reserve, not to stifle, but to develop and put together any package that was possible and probable and then it could be diøcussed with a possible solution worked out. Barbara Trubell, 10354 Imperial Avenue, Rpoke on sports complexes and their immediate n~ed to the children of the community. She was co~- cerned about. the . discussion on traffic on Stelling Road south of Mc- Clellan and making it a neighborhood street. She suggested possibly De Anza College could cooperate by widening a portion of McClellan between the railroad tracks and Stelling Road and have a center lane for turn traffic which could possibly relieve congestion. cAl2-A P JII" 4 . ¡.' " '. ~" ' .' . " .... .< '., , MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 9. 1982 L~Tï COUNCIL MEETING Roy Shannon, 1157 Yorkshire D~ive, spoke on public review and the fact that the CATV at De Anza and Gill Cable has studios to make presentations on tapes. Marie Akin, 1192 Stafl'ord Drive, stated that she has asked l:egnart School Library and Kennedy School' 'for meeting rooms for about 300 peoD1,e and was told by the schools they no longer allowed it'. She also inquired whether or not the community could use the public access channel of cabl" TV. ' It was moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unanimously to close the public hearing. Counc. Rogers stated she felt any decision be postponed until more citizen input could be given. It was moved by Counc. Sparks, se~~~ded by Counc. Johnson and passed unanimously to reopen the public hearing. It was moved by Counc. Sparks. seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unanimously to continue the public hearing on Application l-CPA-80 to the meeting of November 15, 1982. Dr. Mack requested a brief summary on what Council agreed to. Director of Planning and Development Sisk said they would have some- thing available by Friday. At 10:20 p.m., the meeting was adjourned to 6:45 p.m., Monday, November 15, 1982. ~;~~d/{.,~ ,- eput City Cle C