TICC 03-06-2019TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & CO:M:MUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting March 6, 2019, 7:00 p.m. Conf ere nee Room A, City Hall APPROVED MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Mohanty called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff Present: Guests: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Prabir Mohanty, Arnold de Leon, Naidu Bollineni, Ilango Ganga, Rajaram Soundararajan None Bill Mitchell, Staff Liaison Juliet Shearin, Cupertino Teen Commissioner Jennifer Shearin, Resident 1.Commissioner de Leon made a motion to approve the February 6,2019 minutes. Commissioner Bollineni seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0-0. Commissioner Ganga requested that tonight's minutes reflect the Interim City Manager's requests (after the February TICC meeting) that all (2018 and/or 20 I 9) Commissioners respond to the survey on improving Council-Commission Communications. This supersedes the request made during the February TICC meeting that only those Commissioners that served in both 2018 and 2019 complete the survey. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. A.Juliet Shearin addressed the Commissioners regarding Hackathon Cupertino 2019 B.Jennifer Shearin addressed the Commissioners regarding Commission Procedures WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2.Letter from AT&T dated February 14, 2019 Staff Liaison, Bill Mitchell, reviewed the AT&T Letter with the Commission. OLD BUSINESS 3.Discuss Commission Work Plan: The Commission discussed the elements below included in the 2019 TICC Work Plan A.Wireless Master Plan Mr. Mitchell discussed the Requests for Proposals (RFP) method for selecting a Wireless Master Plan vendor. He further shared with the Commission the process may take a year. He relayed to the Commission the City is looking for where does it makes sense to expand fiber and build the Master Plan to incorporate into future technologies such as 5G. B.Makerspace for Teens and Seniors Mr. Mitchell provided the Commission a summary of the upcoming Improvements taking place at the Teen Center, including but not limited to reconfiguring the traditional lounge and putting in additional computers, and informing that adding more systems will be budgeted for the upcoming fiscal year. C.Teen Hackathon The Commission designated Commissioners Bollineni and de Leon to judge the Teen Hackathon event on Sunday, April 141h , at the Quinlan Community Center. D.Smart Cities and 5G Mr. Mitchell shared 5G Events with the Commission. Chair Mohanty provided an update regarding the anticipated 5G meeting with AT&T. Chair Mohanty, Commissioner Ganga and Mr. Mitchell will attend the first 5G meeting with AT&T. Commissioner Ganga reiterated the request to have Public Works Staff provide TICC with an update on possible private-public partnerships in regards to 5G and Smart Cities. The motion was made by Commissioner Ganga and seconded by Commissioner Soundararajan to be placed as a future agenda item. E.City owned Fiber Network Mr. Mitchell share the confidential (Critical Infrastructure) Fiber Plan with the Commission, and discussed the process and expense of expanding the Fiber ring to provide more services to City populous. F.Internet Satisfaction Survey The Commission discussed the status of the Internet Satisfaction Survey that went out. The City has received a response from 200-250 residents. The City will email a reminder to notify of the deadline to submit surveys. G.Monitor Legislative Technology Actions -Provide Guidance to the City Council Since this is duplicative work with another City group Commissioner de Leon made a motion to remove the item from the work plan. Commissioner Soundararajan seconded. Motion passed 5-0-0. H.Commission Partnerships Mr. Mitchell updated the Commission on a possible pa11nership with the Public Safety Commission. The City Council's proposed 2019 Work Plans refers to educating small businesses with best practices around security and CCTV use. Mr. Mitchell will add timelines to the Work Plan. 4.Subcommittee Report A.Internet Needs in Cupertino: The Open Town Hall survey asking residents about the internet speed in their homes has been released via the city website and social media. B.Educational: Commissioners Soundararajan and Bollineni have volunteered for this subcommittee. 5.STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner de Leon provided a report from the March Mayor's meeting with Commissioners. Reviewed Activities Calendar. Reviewed Action Items list. Mr. Mitchell was assigned the following action items: •Updating TICC Calendar meetings on City's website •Sending out TICC calendar invites to all Commissioners •Requesting a presentation on OpenGov •Activities Calendar update ADJOURNMENT Chair Mohanty moved for adjoununent at 9:01 pm. APPROVED BY�,-- �--7+------