89014.00 Gagliasso 63-71 May 28, 1963 Mr. Gospava Sulaver 21471 Columbus Cupertino, Calif. Dear Mr. Sulaver: We enclose a copy of Resolution 772 which names the time and place for rearin.- on the City of Cupertino annexation entitled "Gagliasso 63-7". All property owners with land included are being notified that the City Council has named Monday, July 1, at 8:00 P.M., at the Board Room of the Cupertino Elementary School District Office, 10300 Vista :Drive, Cupertino, as the time and place for hear.•ing. Please contact the City Office if we can be of any help. Yours very truly, CITY OF CUPERTINO Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk LKM: fr Encl. 528 6-60 c `a M Title Insurance and Trust Company SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFFICE 66 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE 13 CYPRESS 2-4212 September 20, 1962 IMPORTANT When replying refer to Gerald Lanz en Our No. 240644 Bank of America .Bldg. San Jose, California Your No. W The following is a report on the title to the land described in your application for a Policy of Title Insurance, and is made without liability and without obligation to issue such policy. Dated as of September 5, 1962 at 7:30 a.m. t p� pg�p �y 9 B.:x1. BLANCHARD Titl. Officer Vestee: JOHN GAGLIASSC and FIURI GAGLIASSO Exceptions: Firsts Taxes for the fiscal year 1962-63, now a lien, but not yet due .or payable, including personal property tax, if any. Second: Sale -to the State of California' on .tune 29, 1962 on account of non-payment of both Installments of Count Taxes for the fiscal year 1961-62.. Assessment 'Number 360-11-7. Code Number 63-35. The amount necessary to redeem this sale on or before September 28, 1962 accordin to estimate fllrnished by Goisnty. Tax'Collector is $111.89. ?Affects, the approximate Westerly 297 feet of the Northerly 152 feet of. Parcel 2) Third; ZAle to the- State of California or► June 29. 19€2 on account of non-payment of bath installments of County Taxes for the fiscal year 1961-62. Assessment Number 369-11_Q3.. Cade Number 63-+135. The amount necessary to redeem this sale on or before September 28, 1962 'accordin?Affects. to estimate furnished by County Tax Collector is $896.89. parcel 1) Fouith; Sale to the State cif California on June 30f. 1.9+61 on account of non-payment of both installment's of County 'faxes for the fx'sca'1 ye -aye 1960.61. Assessment f uMber .3�i0-11-F. Code Number 63-35. The amount necessary to redeem this sale and pay subsequent delinquencies for the fiscal year 1961-62' on or before September 28, 1962 according to estimate furnished by' County Tax Collector is $29934.78. (Affects Parcel 3and all except the approximate Westerly 297 feet of the Northerly 152 feet of Parcel 2) Fifths Action pending in the Superior Court -of the -State of California, In addition to any exceptions shown herein, and not cleared, the policy, if issued, will contain stipulations and also exceptions as to [natters outside its coverage which are required by the particular -form. An 1. No. 240644 - Page 2 Ip in and for the County of Santa Clara, entitled, *The People of the State of California"acting by and through the Department 0 of Public Works, vs. Charles F. Gagliessol, et al, G.Ise No. 139387, wherein complaint was filed on October 20* 1962 to acquire in eminent domain, a fee simple estate to that portion of premises lying kthin the following described Parcels; COWENCING at the Northwesterly corner of the parcel of land conveyed to Fiuri Gagliasso, et pax., from Southern -PapifIc Company, a corporation,, by -Deed recorded August 24# 1938 in Book 8192 at page 99, Official Records of Santa Clara. County; thence along the Northerly line of said parcel South 89* 1511 40* East 280.59 feet; thence South 0* 441 20" rest, 334.48 feet to the Southerly line oft the parcel of land conveyed to Fiuri Gagliesso from Miargaret Gagliasso, by Deed recorded March 5, 1934 in Book 676 at page .357,, Official Records of Santa Clara Countyt thence along last said line North 890 011 250 West 16.93 feet to the general Easterly line of -first said. parcel- thence along last said line from a tangeqt that bears South 25 560 00" West, along a curve to the left With a radius of 461.68 feet-,, through an angle of 28* 481 09" an arc length of 232.09 feet; theme North 89* 151 4011 West, 28.45 feet to the Westerly line of first said -parcel; thence along lost said line North 186 121 1811 West, 211.4,5 feet to the line common to the land,z,, nmv or formerly of said Fiuri Gagliasso* et ux, and of Charles F. Gagllasso,, ett-aI4 thence' along lasts sari common -line south 89* 151 4011 East 47.03 feet,, North 04' 441 200 East '300.00feet, and North 89'0 151 40!1 West, 150.00 feet to said Wdstarly line of first said parcel; thence along last said line North-180 121 181, West 63.44 feet to the point of 6ommencement. EXCEPTING THMEFROU all of that portion of Stevens Creek Road as included within the exterior oundaries described in Parcel 2 above. CONTAINING 1.071 acres, more or less. COMENCING at the Southwesterly corner of the parcel of land conveyed to Fiuri Gagliasso from lHargaret Gd9liasso by Deed recorded March 5,.1934 in Book 676 at page 3570 Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the Southerly line of said parcel South 89* 011 250 East 16.93 feet; thence South 0-* 44* 20" West 225.52 feet.; thence North 89* 151 401, West 69-.94 feet to theWesterly line of the parcel of land conveyed to.3-ohn Gagliasso, et: al by Deed recorded tray '7,, 1945 in Book 1262 at page 110, Official. Records'of Santa Clara Countyj thence along last said line from a tangent that bears North 2 521 0911 West.9,10ng a curve to 'the right with a radius of 461.68 feet, throfigbClan angle of 28'0*481 097 an arc length of 232.09 feet to the point of commencement. COINTAINTNG 0.250 acre, more or less. Notice of Lis Pendens in said Action was recorded Appl. No. 240644 3 August-201 1962 in Book 5,690 Official )Records# page 359. v I DESCRIPTION I if - For Description of the real property referred to herein, see E)GUBIT A, attached, hereto and -made a pert hereof. et-oko 4 copies to Gerald Hansen 4 MAY El Appl. No. 240644 EXHIBIT A All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: P ARC EL ONE BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly line of the Southwest quarter. of Section 14, Township 7 South, Range 2 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, said point being distant thereon South 00 13' West 69.6 feet from the original center line of Stevens Creek Road; thence along the Easterly line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14, South 00 13' West 1252.25 feet to a two inch iron pipe; thence East 11.83 feet to a two inch iron pipe in the Westerly :,boundary of lands formerly owned by Sarah A. Merithew; thence along said Westerly boundary line South 0° 1'3' East 607.05 feet to a point in the Northeasterly line of•,the lands and right of way of the Southern Pacific Company, formerly owned by Peninsular Railway Company; thence along the Northeasterly line of said lands and right of way North 190 03' West 1235.55 feet to a point; thence leaving said Northeasterly line North 130 19' West 126`.72_feet to a point said -point -being distant i6 feet at right angles Easterly froze the center line of the Wire track connecting Peninsular uailway Company's railroad adjacent to Stevens Creek Road with Peninsular Railway Company's railroad between Monta Vista and Congress Junction, as said railroads existed in 1920; thence following said Wye track by curve whose radius is 461.68 feet and being distant 16 feet Southeasterly from the center line of said Toe track, a distance of 785.93 feet to a point; thence'North 8411 11' East 19.5 feet to the point of beginning. All bearings true. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 10.299 acres of land, and being a portion of the East half of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 7 South, Range 2 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian., EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof conveyed by Margaret �Gagliasso to. Fiuri Gagliasso by Deed dated March 5, 1934 and recorded March 5, 1934 in book 676 of Official Records, at page 357,and being described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly line of the Southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 7 South, Range 2 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, from which the point of intersection of the Easterly line of said Southwest quarter of;said'Section 14 with the original` center line of Stevens Creek Road bears North 0° 13' East 69.6 feet; thence South 840 11 " West 19.50 feet; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 461.68 feet through an are subtended by a chord of 144.80 feet to an iron pipe which is the point of beginning of the tract about to be described; thence from said point of beginning on a curve to the left with a radius of 461.68 feet through an are M. Appl. No. 240644 subtended by a chord of 324.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence' ppa�rallel with th,e center line of Stevens Creek Road South 89:9 44" East 230.37 feet to an iron pipe; thence parallel with the Easterly line of said Southwest quarter of said Section 14, North 0 13' East 227.10 feet to the point of beginning, and being a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 7 South, Range 2 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. PARCEL TWO A, BEGINNING at a stake standing on the South line of Section 14, T. 7 S. R. 2 W., M.D.M. from which stake the -Southeast corner of said Section 14, bears East 26.721 chains; running thence along the South line -of said Section 14 West 8►70 chains to a point from which the intersection of the South line of said Section with the Easterly line of the railrodd right of way of Southern Pacific Company, formerly of Peninsular Railway Company, -bears West 0.623 chains; thence North 0° 18' East 20.06 chains to a stake.marked I'M" standing on the North line of the South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 14, T. 7. S., R. 2. W., M.D.M.; thence along said line South 89' 57' East 8.549 chains to a stake; thence South 00 08' East 20.053 chains to the place of beginning. CONTAINAING APPROXIMATELY 17.30 acres, and being a part of the Southeast quarter of Section 141 T. 7. S., R. 2. W.,_,. M.D.M. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof conveyed -by Fiuri Gagliasso, et al, to Charles F. Gagliasso and Mildred I. Gagliasso by Deed dated May 20, 1953, and recorded May 22, 1953 in Book 2�48•of Official Records, at page 7, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a 2 inch iron pipe set in the Southerly line of Section 141 T. 7 S., R. 2 W.,,M.D.B. & M., at the'Southeasterly corner of that certain 17.30 acre tract of land described in the Deed :from Margherita Gagliasso to John Gagliasso, et al, dated January 17, 1945 and recorded May 7, 1945 in Book 1262 of Official Records, at page 1109 Santa Clara County Records; thence along the Easterly line of said 17.30 acre tract of land North 00 05' West-200.00 feet to an iron pipe; running thence West 120.00 feet to an iron pipe; running thence South 00 05' East 200.00 feet to an iron pipe set in the Southerly line of said Section 14; and running thence along said Southerly line East 120.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.55 of an acre and being a portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 142 Township 7 South, Range 2 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. PARCEL THREE BEGINNING at a stake marked H.1, standing on the South line of Section m -�� !^�� -- - '---'--------��' --- -- - '---- � -^___-_~_ _ - ~-__- ` ` - * - ^ \ ~ ---- `��� ' \ ^ \ \ C Ap'b1. No. 240644 143 T. 7 S., Range 2 W.; M.D.M., from which stake the Southeast ,. corner of said Section 14 bears East 35.421 chains; running thence along the South -line of said Section 149 West 0.623 of a chain to a stake standing in,the Easterly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Company, formerly of Peninsular Railroad Company, a corporation; thence along the Easterly line of said right of way North 18° 57' West 11.541 chains to a stake marked R. M.; thence North 0° 081 West 6.953 chains to a stake marked H.M. standing at the Southwest. corner of�that tract of land deeded to Golden West Distilling Co., a corporation, by Deed dated July 25: 1906 and recorded in Book 310 of Deeds, page 29, in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, California; thence along the South line of said tract of land South 89' 581 East 4.472 chains to a stake marked M.1; thence South 00 18, West 17.868 chains to' -the place of beginning. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 5.84 acres, and being part of the S.E. quarter of Section 14, T. 7 S. R 2 W., M.D.M. R " 0 May 28, 1963 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sulaver 21471 Columbus Cupertino, Calif. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sulaver: We enclose a copy of Resolution 772 which names the time and place for hearing on the City of Cupertino annexation entitled "Gagliasso 63-7". All property owners with :land included are being notified that the City Council has named Monday,.July 1, at 8:00 P.M., at the Board room of the Cupertino Elementary School District Office, 10300 Vista. Drive, Cupertino, as the time and place for hearing. Please contact the City Office if we can be of any help. Yours very truly, CITY OF CUPERTINO Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk LKM: fr Enc 1. 0 May 28, 1963 Mrs. Onorina Krilitich 285 Coleridge San Francisco, Calif. Dear Mrs. Krilitich: We enclose a copy of Resolution 772 which names the time and glace for hearing on the City of Cupertino annexation entitled "Gagliasso 63-711. All property owners with land included are being notified that the City Council has named Monday, July 1, at 8:00 P.M., at the Board Room of the Cupertino Elementary School District Office, 10300 Vista Drive, Cupertino, as the time and place for hearing. Please contact the City Office if we can be of any help. Yours very truly, CITY OF CUPERTINO Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk LKM: fr Enc1. 0 0 May 28, 1963 Charles F. and Mildred 2. Gagliasso 21431 McClellan Road Cupertino, Calif. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gagliasso: We enclose a copy of Resolution 772 which names the time and place for hearing on the City of Cupertino annexation entitled "Gagliasso 63-7". All property owners with land included are being notified that the City Council has named Monday, July 1, at 8:00 P.M., at the Board Room of the Cupertino Elementary School District Office, 10300 Vista Drive, Cupertino, as the time and place for hearing. Please contact the City Office if we can be of any help. Yours very truly, CITY OPP CUPERTINO Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk %KM: fr Enc1. 1--lay 28, 1963 Mr. John GaSliasso 21546 Stevens Creek Road Cupertino, Calif. Dear Mr. Gagliasso: We enclose a copy of Resolution 772 which names the time and place for hearing on the City of Cupertino annexation entitled "Gagliasso 63-7". All property owners with land included are being notified that the City Council has named Monday, July 1, at 8:00 P.M., at the Board Room of the Cupertino Elementary School District Office, 10300 Vista Drive, Cupertino, as the time and place for hearing. Please contact the City Office if we can be of any help. Yours very truly, CITY OF CUPERTINO Lawrence K. Martin City Clerk LKM: fr Encl. 0 40 May 28, 1963 Fiuri & Elvira Gagliasso 21546 Stevens Creek Road Cupertino, Calif. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gagliasso: We enclose a copy of Resolution 772 which names the time and place for hearing on the City of Cupertino annexation entitled "Gagliasso 63-7". All property owners with land included are being notified that the City Council has named Monday, July 1, at 8:00 P.M., at the Board Room of the Cupertino Elementary School District Office, 10300 Vista Drive, Cupertino, as the time and place for hearing. Please contact the City Office if we can be of any help. Yours very truly, CITY OF CUPERTINO varence K. Martin City Clerk LKM: fr Encl. F i v t2 I lr�' iA� (,r 6- L i A 7 .i C714-14 & A brL-1 A 'u 'r'-¢ZP STE-VENS cf�i✓ �L ��At CIS AP-LEs f /�I LfJ2ErJ T. 6rA& �SS� 21 ¢251 G LE LL P-N f-C) An pN�fLl N 1� � R.i LI TlG t�" 'Z� C�JL� jZtfJL�F- S A, AY r(ZA-JG►Se-U sc1LA.vE-C2— l 4-1l COLIJ,,P US CL1(? Cro,ez, XVA- SU LA V E7fZ. 2 l 411 cOLLI �,Rd S CtJ P. &- L I.�� -C I>�7 PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned property owner(s) heieby make(a) application to the City of 00 for annexation to said City of the hereinafter described territory in accordance with the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939 of the State of California. Said territory is uninhabited territory, and is situate in the County of A- e e 'A Q A , State of California, The undersigned petitioners} is (are) the owner(s) of not less than one-fourth of the land in the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of � � i .'� 9 c-� ,, , by area, and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of pcN e A 0-.,LA 2-A in which said. territory is situated. Said territory is bounded and more fully described as follows: -and- (Indicate street and house no. ASSESSED A OWNER_ 2--DRESS or route and box numloer) DATE VALUATIQN- lfP P being unable to write, made his mark in our presence. His name was then written by'the undersigned; in his presence;. Witne s for mark: ��c� C" .�� • GAGLIASSO 63-7 EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at a road nail set in the centerline of McClellan Road distant thereon east, 270.76 feet fr,-)m a 3/4 inch iron pipe at the intersection thereof' with the centerline of Bubb Road, said point of beginning being in the northeasterly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, said point also being on the Cupertino City Limits; thence from said point S. 890 49' W., along said centerline of McClellan Road 250.54 feet to a point at the southwest corner of that certain 0.941 acre tract of land con- veyed by Margherita Gagliasso to Onorina Krilitich by deed record- ed May 7, 1945 in Book 1262 of Official Records, Page 112, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said point N. 00 13' W. along the westerly line of said 0.941 acre tract and its northerly prolonga- tion to a stake marked "R.M." standing at the northeasterly line of the right of way of said Southern Pacific Railroad Company; thence from said stake and along the northeasterly line of said right of way N. 190 03' W., 1659.52 feet to a point at the southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Charles F. Gagliasso, et al, recorded May 3, 1961 in Book 5156 of Official Records, at Page 201 Santa Clara County Records; thence from said point and along the southerly and easterly boundaries of the last mentioned tract of land, S. 890 56' E., 47.01 feet, thence N. 0° 04' E. 300.00 feet to a point in the original centerline of Stevens Creek Road; thence from said point East 506.34 feet to a point at the 1/4 section cor- ner marking the center of Section 14, T. 7 S., R. 2 W., M.D.B. & M.; thence southerly along said Section line S. 00 13' W., 1321.85 feet to a two inch iron pipe; thence East 11.83 feet to a two inch iron pipe; thence Southerly in a direct line 147.66 feet to a stake marked "H.M." standing at the Southwest corner of that certain tract of land deeded to Golden West Distilling Company, a corporation, by Deed dated July 25, 1906 and recorded in Book 310 of Deeds at Page,29, in the Office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County; thence along the southerly line of the last named tract S. 890 58' E., 295.15 feet to a stake marked "M. 111; thence N. 00 18' E., 147.55 to a stake marked "M" standing on the North line of the South half of the South- west quarter of Section 14, T.7.S., R.2 W., M.D.B. & M.; thence along said line S. 890 57' E., 565.23 feet to a point at the northeast cor- ner of that certain tract of land conveyed by Margherita Gagliasso to John Gagliasso, et al, by Deed recorded May 7, 1945 in Book 1262 of Official Records, at Pa e 110, Santa Clara County Records; thence from said point S. 00 0�' E. along the easterly line of the last named tract, 1323.50 feet to a 2 inch iron pipe standing on the South line of Section 14, T.7 S., R.2 W., M.D.B.& M.; thence from said pipe southerly along the prolongation of the last named easterly line to a point at the centerline of McClellan Road (40 feet wide); thence westerly along said centerline of McClellan Road to the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of that certain tract of land con- veyed by Gospava Sulaver to Gospava Sulaver and Peter J. Sulaver, mother and son, by Deed recorded November 19, 1952 in Book 4234 of Official Records, at Page 709, Santa Clara County Records; thence South along said prolongation and the last named easterly line of -1- A`, 1963 Sula.ver 878.00 feet more or less to a 3/4 inch pipe set at the south- east corner of the last named tract; thence from said point at right angles, Westerly 117.10 feet to a 3i4 inch iron pipe set in the Northeasterly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Rail- road Company; thence along said northeasterly line N. 180 59' W., 928.50 feet to the point of beginning. Containing approximately 42.401 acres of land. r OFFICE 0 !RUNTY ASSESSOR ••• SANTA CLARA COW I / \ 1/4S:IN CTR.5EC.14,7R7S.R.2W.•••... l STEVENS CREEK ....... 30 \ M 9.h0•; 4 30 8243 278. 50 150 4e5J9 104.91 329.67 3as �oj59 261.64 27 1.831 AC. 9yo` 142.02 Z 2 .0 8 '9� y. 1 9.418 AC Q 28 , Ju v < �tl •�Q A__ p. 8 230.37 " i' �. Q 9.-549 AC. o o n `^ f3 0 JY c; /u3`70 a ;° 10 `� 3 � • !2 3 N \ 4.92 AC. N N CD N J Q fh Q N n O ~O o� `� 8.879 AG. • 7.78 S Ac HE d Ll s N W 34792 361 o- � ` r • S T AT E OF i CALIFORNIA � m + s 26 W N V uj 6.435 AC ± ' o; ry s 971 a' 384.20t 0 ?'vsl 122.65 329.95 207.3 OLIVE ST, \ 382.60 ,,; 1• �' 2oh.�4 I 1 AC. LL1777.AC. �293.95 '� ..,t•,• 4.oS :N. "9".53 ve O C3 !r pp "Hl?" 4.472 593.142 d u 4 N 5.84 AC.. f 15.90 AL 10 2. o W 11 \ I 1 Wul m z W • ' 1 o / a' N ' • wt 6 „ .r FOOTHILL d Ryrr COLLEGE H' 741 Lo 0- N Q Foe mveanvo77.30 - 165,-44 $ 0 35.454.20 (8,70) 120 25.72i��:763�505� ~ McCLELLAN . O • _ u a. 1XIEW-171, May 15, 1963 Mr. Larry Martin City Clerk City of Cupertino 10321 Sunnyvale -Saratoga Road Cupertino, California Dear Mr. Martin: We have been asked by Mr. Clarence J. Shuh, Attorney at Law, to express our opinion on the extent of the state's amd the cou nty's interest in the title to certain property sold to the state for delinquent taxes. As we understand, the City of Cupertino proposes to annex certain land owned by Fiuri, Elvira., and John Gaglia.sso. The taxes are delinquent on some parcels, and pursuant to Section 3436 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, these were "sold11 to the State of California. on June 29, 1962. We are a.dvised that the city believes that because of this "sale". the annexation petition should be (or can only be) -signed by the state or the county or both. Mr. Shuh ha.s stated tha.t the only effect of the "sale" to the state is to commence the running of the five yea.r period upon which redemption of the property can be effected, and, therefore, the above named owners are the ones to sign the petition. We quite agree with Mr. Shuh's statement. In Weston Inv. Co. v. State of California, 31 Cal. 2d 390, the Supreme Court of this state ha.s said: "When a. property owner is in default in payment of his tax obligations, the statute imposes delinquent penalities in order to encourage voluntary payment of the tax . . . If the delinquency persists, the property is 'sold' to the state as a preliminary step in the 70 WEST ROSA STREET • CIVIC CENTER • SAN JOSE 10, CALIFORNIA • COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. • CY 9-2111 0 0 Mr. Larry Martin -2- May 15, 1963 actual enforcement of the tax lien against the land. The 'sale', which occurs'by operation of law and declaration of the tax collector', starts the running of the five-year period at the expiration of which the state may acquire legal title.19 During the five-year period following the sale to the state, the legal title to the property, as well as the right to possession, continues in the taxpayer, subject, of course, to the lien in favor of the state created by the tax levy. In effect, the initial sale to the state is merely a book transaction to facilitate the adjustment of accounts between the tax collector and the county controller. (In re Seick, 46 CA 363; Sears v Willard, 165 Cal. 12; 47 Cal. Jur. 2d, Taxation, sec. 303). In view of the foregoing, it is our opinion that neither the state nor the county holds any interest in the subject property which would entitle either agency to sign a petition for annexation. JRh: meb cc: Tax Collector Controller - Clarence J. Shuh Very truly yours, SPENCER M. WILLIAMS County Counsel By. e �ohn R. Kenn dy ',Assistant County Counsel Ay 17 1963 0952 OT Title Insurance and Trust Company SANTA CL-ARA COUNTY OFFICE 66 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE 13 C F SS -42 CCZOWer23s1 962 IMPORTANT bi When re 44—A I refer to Gerald Hansen Our No. Bank of America Building San Jose, California Your No. The .following is a report on the title to the land described in your application for a Policy of Title Insurance, and is made without liability and without obligation to issue such policy. September l8w 1962 Dated as of---- at 7:30 a.m. =4 HARD Title Officer Vestee: FIURI GAGMIASOO, as to Parcel 1, FIURI GAGMIASSO and ELVIRA V, ' GAGLIASSO, his wife, as joint tenants, as to Parcel, 2;, and in CHARLES V. GAGLIASSOPnd 1AILIMED GAGLIAS$O* his ., x t cep wife, as joint tenants, as to an undivided 1/3 interest; LEONAM) McCARTHY a-nd JANET ;McCARTHY$'his wife, as joint tenants, as to an undivided 1/3 interest; and LOUIS STOCKLMEIR SR. and LOUIS STOCKLMEIR, JR., doing business as STOCKWEIR t STOCKMEIR9 as to an undivided 1/3 interest, as to parcel 3, EXCEPTIONSt First.- Taxes for the fiscal year 1962-63, now a lien, but not yet due or payable, including personal property tax, if any. .Second.- -S-ale.to the -State of California on June 29, 1962 on account of non-payment of Both installment of County Taxes for the fiscal year 1961-62. Assessment Numbei 360-11-001. Code Number 63-35. The amount necessary to redeem this sale on or before October 31, 1962 according to estimate furnished by Goanty. Tax Collector is $351.63. (Affects 'Parcels 2 and 3) Third: Sale to the State of California on June 29, 1962 on account of non-payment of Both installments of County Taxes for the fiscal year 1961-62. Assessment Number 360-11-002. Code Number 63-25. The amount necessary to redeem this sale on or before October 31, 1962 according to estimate furnished by County Tax Gollector is $262.64. (Affects Parcel 1) In addition to any exceptions shown herein, and not cleared, the policy, if issued, will contain stipulations and also exceptions as to matters outside its coverage which are required by the particular form. Application No. 240644 page 2 Fourth: Any Municipal Assessments and/or Bonds of the City of Cupertino. (Affects Parcel 3) Fif�h: Right of the public to use as a roadway so much of the premises as lies within the bounds of "Stevens'Creek Road" . (Affects 'r- arcel 2) Sixth: Action pending in the Superior. Court of the State of Calif., in and for the County of Santa Clarn- entitled, "The People of the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Public Works vs. Charles F. Gagliasso,, et all", Case N'o-, 139387,'wherein complaint in eminent domain was filed on August 20, 1962 to condemn a fee sirople estate for a maintenance station site in and to 611 of Parcel 3, and portions of Parcels 1 and .2. Notice of Lis Pendens was filed for record on August 20, 1962 in Book 5690 of Official Records, page'359. Recor-der's aerial Number 2246704. , a DESCRIPTION For description of the real property referred to herein see EXEIDIT fit. attached hereto and made a part hereof. gl/jf 4 copies to Gerald fiansen k E Application No. 240644 11 A f EXHIBIT A PARCEL ONE All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the Easterly line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Township 7 South Range 2 West, M.D.M., from which the point of intersection of the Easterly line of said Southwest 1/4 with: the center line of Stevens Creek Road,, -bears North 00 13x East 69.6 feet and running thence South 840 11' West 19.,50,feet; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 461.68 feet through an arc subtended by a chord of 144.80 feet to an iron pipe which is the point of beginning of the tract about to be described;' thence from said point of°beginning on a curve to the left with a radius of 461.68 feet through an arc subtended by a chord of 324.00 feet to' an .iron pipe; thence parallel with the center line of Stevens Creek Road, South 890 44fi East 230.37 feet to an iron pipe; thence parallel with the Easterly line of the aforementioned 1/4-section line North 0° 1V East .227.10 feet to the point. of beginning. Being a part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 140 Township 7 South, Range 2 West, M.D.M..- PARCEL'TWO All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described .,as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying being in Section 14.-Township 7 South, Range 2-West, M.D.M., ' County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Stevens Creek Road, said point being the center of said Section 14; thence South 00° 13'tWest along the'Easterly line of the. Southwest quarter of said Section 14, a distance of 69.6 feet to a point; therice South. 84° 11° West a distance of 19.5 feet to a point; thence Westerly and Southerly along a curve to the left, whose radius of 461.68 feet, an arc distance of 785.93 feet to a point; thence South 13° 192 East,.a distance_o£ 126.72 feet to a point distant 40 feet measured atright angles. Easterly from the surveyed,center line of the Southerh Pacific Company's {formerly Peninsular Railway Company=s) railroad between Monta Vista arid, Mi Application No. 240644 . B and Congress Junction; thence North 19° 03t West along a line parallel to said surveyed center line a distance of 804.60 feet to a point in the center line of said Stevens.Creek Road; thence due East along said center line of Stevens Creek Road, a distance of655.57 feet to the point of beginning, containing approximately 3.39 acres: EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof described in the Deed from Fiuri Gagliasso and Elvira M. Gagliasso, his wife, to Charles F. Gagliasso and Mildred Gagliasso, his wife, in joint tenancy as to an undivided 1/3 interest; Leonard McCarthy and Janet McCarthy, his wife, •in joint tenancy, as to an undivided 1/3 interest, and Louis Stocklmeir, Sr. and Louis Stocklmeir, Jr., doing business as Stocklmeir 8 Stocklmeir, as to an undivided 1/3 interest, dated May 1, 1961 and recorded May 3, 1961 in Book 5156 of Official Records, page 201, Recorderts Serial Number 1992095 and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the 1/4 Section Corner marking the center of Section 14, Township 79 South, Ranch 2 West, M.B.M., in the center lind of Stevens Creek Road; thenc6 from said point of beginning North 891 56t West along said center line of Stevens Creek Road for a distance of 656.34 feet to a point on the Easterly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; thence South 180 521`50" East along said Easterly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company 63.44 feet to the Southwesterly corner of that certain 0.441 acre -tract of land described in the Deed from Fiuri Gagliasso et ux, to County of Santa Clara, dated August 2, 1954, recorded August 5, 1954 in Book 2932 Official Records, page 203, Santa Clara County Records and the true point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence from said true point of beginning South 180 521 50" East along said Easterly of the right of way.of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company 317.19 feet; thence South 89° 56t East 47.01 feet; thence North 00 00 East 300.00 feet to a point in the Southerly line of said 0.441 acre tract; thence North 891 56t West along said last mentioned line for a distance of 150.00 feet to the true point of beginning. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.678 acres, and being a portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest-.1/4 of Section 14, -Township 7 South, Range 2 West, M.D.M., as surveyed and monumented Application No. 240644 0 C in April, 1961 by Mastin 8 Kingston, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. PARCEL THREE All that certain real property.situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the 1/4 S.ection Corner marking th-e center of Section 14, Township 7 South; Range 2 West, M:D.M., in.the center line of Stevens Creek Road; thence from said point of beginning North 890 560 West along said center line,of Stevens Creek Road for a distance of`656.34 feet to a point on the Easterly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company4 thence South 1810 52' 50" East along said Easterly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company 63..44 feet to the Southwesterly corner of that certain 0.4.41 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Fiuri Gagliasso et ux, to County of SantaClara,° dated August 2, 1954, recorded August 5,'J954 in Book 2932 Official Records, page 203, Santa Clara County'Records and the true point of beginning of the tract of land to be -,described; thence from said true point of beginning South 180 521.5011 East along said Easterly of the right of way of the..Southern Pacific Railroad Company 317.19 feet; thence. South 890 56' East 47.01 feet; thence North 00 04' East 300.00 feet to a point in the�Southerly line of said 0.441.acre tract; thence North 890.56' West along said last mentioned line for a distance of. 150.00 feet to the true point of beginning. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.678 acres,and being a portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, .,Township 7 South, Range 2 West, M.D.M., as surveyed and wonumen°t4dhisn April, 196.1 by Mastin & Kingston j Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Title Insurance and Trust Company FOUNDED 1893 66 NORTH FIRST STREET • SAN JOSE 13 • P. O. BOX 818 • SAN JOSE 6 • CALIFORNIA • CYPRESS 2-4212 PAUL E. POTTS VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER Mr. Lawrence Martin City Clerk City Hall Cupertino, California Dear Mr. Martin: May 16, 1963 Re: Our Escrow #240644 In accordance with your request, we are enclosing herewith two copies of preliminary report covering property of Fiuri Gagliasso, et al. Yours e y t u , PAUL E . POTTS VICE PRESIDENT - MANAGER encl mf Tf 9 f- .0 - 6 a Fe ?-T 114 C -5 IVY4. es.14, T7 4067,111, R� 29 y ra P-9 [S-T d F. E: fZ tQ (?A 61 Lt A 4ev 0 OP 0 EdT 4 & C- A L -V-- 1= 3 o 0. Ov BEFORE THE BOUNDARY CU101IS03ION OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE P11OPOSAL FOR THE ANNEXCLATION ENTITLED Gaizllasso 6>-7 to BY A,*`V, L,-Lhi. City DATE The Boundary Commission of the County of Santa Clara does hereby report to the proponents of the above -entitled annexation and/or withdrawal, as follows: 1. Definiteness and certainty opt 2roposed boundaries. Definite and certain. Indefinite andior uncertain in following respects: 2. Non-conformance of boundaries with lines of assessment or ownership, X Conforms to lines o2` assessment or ownership. - Fails to conform to lines of assessment andior owner- ship in kollowing respects: 3. The creation of islands or corridors of unincorporated territory. X Does not create islands or corridors of unincorporated territory. Creates islands andi'or corridors of unincorporated territory in following respects: I 4. Other defects in or observations as to 2roposed boundaries, 27th. line; Z-;,o,,,.ther1y in a diroat 1,ine 147.66 feetto V — —,— APPROVED AND ADOPTED By the Boundary Commission of the County of Santa Clara,, State of California, this M AV, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners x5'> Belser;, Enochs, Glaeser., NoI14 sulliva'i I i NOES: Commissioners, ABSENT: Commissioners, N -one M4hrkan�. abairman. P%o tern aikman of the--g—oundary -Commission ATTESRT: Secretgry of the Boundary 3FEI is s 'ion AA A Y 19003 July 1, 1963 City Council City of Cupertino Cupertino, Calif. Gentlemen: We wish to protest your annexation Gagliasso 63-7 on the grounds that it includes my five acres which is now presently greenbelted and also for the reason that my joining the City at this time would be of no benefit to me whatsoever. Sincerely, Pete Sulaver Marlene Sulaver .JUL 1 1963 Q _ --------- _ ----- Tiz SrrcTlc?t­I 14 T. S.- IZ. -2 NV., � - 0. Ff, )F 5Te-vents CV-E--r-< PCA'o NJANf=, Sj2, s\VY4. 6 EAST4, T. \V F> v V 310 QIZ. Z9 991A. 0 C-N 2951s, TT'( Of- T, 11to2 012. Ito u 70�AL A JZtA (P tj I Iz >9 49ivip 4j- '9YV4 I P- eA5t!7 4 C.0 41'� 4- �C)q NC ca pegrI, 0 #9 IS T it-,IEr cfd F E P-T NO 4 IT ITS I L E L L A F_ V^ 4 - 3c?- A L = I = 3 RICHARD V. $RESSANI (1894-1989) LAW OFFICES OF BRESSANI AND HANSEN 512 RANK OF AMERICA BIIII,DIN(� TELEPHONE CWr..ss 4-0868 SAN JOSE, 13, CA=FORNIA May 10, 1963. CIERALD 8. HANSEN CLARENCE J. SHUH Mr. John R. Kennedy, Counter Counsel 70 W. Ross Street San Jose, California. Dear Mr. Kennedy: `;4e rewpzesent Puri Gagilasso, Elvira Gaglia`,so and Jahn Cagliasso who are property owners of property on which an annexation peti- tion of the City of Cupaxtinv i; about to be filer?. This prop- erty is listed on the tax wells under Assessment No. 360-11-03, 029 06, 07 and 028. There" are delinquent 1-.a::.es on at leant the first four listed parcels. Where has been a "sale to the state" for such delinquent ta. s az of June 29. There has been a contention of the City of Cupertino that the Annexation Petition should, on account of the 'sale to the state", be signed by the State of California and/or the County of Santa Clara. We have been attempting to resolve this portion as we feel that neither the state nor the county as any 't le to this prop- erty or any interest in this matter sufficient to require either the state or the county to sign the jknnexation Petition. it is our position that the only effect of this "sale to the state." is to start running the five year period upon *hi.ch t1he� t r s cption of the property can be effected. In order to resolve this matter, we hereby request that you di- rect a letter to the City Clerk, of the City of Cupertino, Mr. Larry Martin, informing him of the position of the County Counsel in this getter, which 1 understand is that the state or county has no legal title in this matter that would require their signature on the annexation. We would appreciate your directing a copy of the let- ter to tine City of Cupertino to out office. As we :indicated to you, our time is quite short in this matter and we would appreciate your directing this letter to the City of Cupertino as soon as possible. 'thank you for your co-operation in this matter. SAY 13 1963 Very truly yours, CJS : EL BUSSANI AND HANSEN By MEMORANDUM From ............... J.1i..L.,.-( .......... 12 . .................19.k. .... .... .... . ... .............. W. J. Brooks - 0 To----------- I T A. CA A V- L C- 1; 6r A lz:? F.>c- Re sAjo # T-D W -A IT -Atjo E- 'N t AT I L 0 NE-?q Tt? 4.c" CITY CLLF-CVt. RAINBOW PRESS PHONE 295-4810 mllnwAAAmqm A W W A NA A 4Z