October 9, 1968• CITY OF CUPERTINIO, 9 State of California 10300 Torre Avenue., Cupertino, California����� Phone: 252-4505 HC_ 19 MINUTES OF T� .REGULAR MEETING OF ThT ARC�HITESt��T�AL AND SITECONTROL. COMMITTEE HELD OCTOBER 9� 1968 IN T� COUNCIL CHAMBRRS9 CITY d�L9 CtUpRRTINO$ ... CALIFORNIA IA i I �'ha� u���t�hg ��� �abi�d �® ®rd�r at .00 p ;m. by Chairman Small, �h� Babb �® order subsequently ntly led the assemblage in the flag salute.flag salute r Committee memberprec�nnto Fitch, Youmans,, Mc�bareml9 Small. 'Absent: committee member Aguilar.Ails® "presents Chief �u Jldin Inspector roll call Rtnevicha9 Recording Secretary Luc. M. Matz]leyo Bu i ldin Inspector Be nevich advised the Committee members that coummuunica�tion �h�s,� f � _ � , f he was in receipt of a communication from the Count planning ��i�mis�i®irno I be r itch ®�� 9 mbar McLarenn seconded and it was passed ubsnaffni- reading,!.: Ana d mouusly to postpone the reading Of this c ommuna c�atio n uantil after all �Est � fisted business has been heard. There were no verbal communications from the audience m no verbais Ghairmaua. Small reported to his fellow Committee members that he had ° app ���hb�d tine City nnn� �l with a request t6a�ac�nd �hae first con�di= discussion 1. t fib" of the 12St nad d Conditions. iaannsa The ®muuaittee. meumbers agreed t® ¢��ferr�d distuss'thl's matter under the.0'Unfinish��Y �un�in��s°Q p�rt�i�nu ofthne k listesd `agenda. i I Memberitch moved t� approve the minutes ®f the September 259 1968' minutes I meeting. Member Youmans requested cor ect�ionu of these mipnuntds ..4� follows: on.page �9 under Q°ia�adscapinag, presented", the lasts sentennce ®f that paragraph to read ° Mre Stokes also stated that than dispplay, area in front ®f the lot would be paved with exposed aggregate « ° MembeYoumans s �®an cad the mot to approve the minutes of Septemberl 259 1968 as corrected. The motion passed 3m ®9 �itha mbar Mc�bare�n miaautes approved abstaining. A �� �hhC��6ffis R. Eo dater, iilli/ 1�®rail ����c�9 fan Mateo, � � �- HC— 68 red aestir <: approval to construct a McDonga d ° s restauranti���aa�' t t® belocated on the south side of Stevc��as creek P�oubevard � ; 1551 west of portal Avenue. Mr. R. E. Banter, Realtor and exclusive repres met tide �f h� McDonald! presentation , operationsn California,presented the ppr0spe�tide for,the application. l � k i page 2 strict rules cited arches eliminated design explained equipment hidden statements roof line defined patio area dis- cussed Minutes of H Control October 9, 1968 Application 357-HC-68 coant °d Mr. Slater stated that it was obvious £rem the proposed renderings that the McDonald administration had realized that the company must advance with its criteria; this due largely to the strict requirements because of which previous applications had failed to be accepted by Cupertinoes various agencies. in further detailing the proposed construction and calling special attention to the fact that the "Golden Arches" national trade -mark had been eliminated, Mr. Slater contended that the property would front, and be located between, commercially zoned sites and that the traffic pattern was excellent as it afforded easy ingress and egress not only to the side streets but also to the east and west side of Stevens Creek Boulevard. Mr. Slater continued that the construction had a highly conservative design with an exterior of used brick; roofing material to be of textured ceramic mission tile; no internal illumination on the ,facia; the roof frame to include recessed lights, with the roof structure having been redesigned in contrast to the submitted renderings which show a truss system which appears to be mounted on top of the building. Further, that the basic roof design has been depressed within the perimeter of the mansard portion of the roof. Mr. Slater stated that he was aware of this Committee's recent re- affirmation of its requirement that no appurtenana.-e shall protrude above roof lines. Accordingly, all equipment for the proposed construction had been designed in such a fashion that none of it shall project above the roof line. Mr. Slater summarized his presentation by stating that the proposed sign, which is the only portion of the proposal that sh0ws the golden arches trade -mark, had been designed to stay well within the Ordinance requirements; that the sign would consist of a free-standing sign and that it shall be placed 60' back of the property line. Mr. Slater made mention of the fact that the elimination of the golden arches trade -mark from the design of the construction had been a traumatic experience for the management at McDonald°s; however, because of the sinZare desire on the part of the chain to become a part of the Cupertin community, the arches had been eliminated. Adhering to Chairman Small's request t:) discuss the building, the landscaping and the sign separately, Mr. Slater ex3 laIned that the proposed roof line on the building, as submitted, would nacessftate addI timnal mechanical engineering to completely enclose the air conditioning and heating units. The applicant had submitted, for the sake of comparison, photographs of similar McDonald structures in existence elsewhere,all of which showed outdoor eating facilities. When asked by the Cmc�t��aittee members if an outdoor patio area was planned fci this proposal, Mr. Slater said that the most logical location for such outdoor eating area would be the eastern exposure, providing that the Ordinance permits such outdoor facility. • 4r DUAuFtea of H C®nbtrrol Octobers 9, 1968 pa b. Applicationn. 355-HC®68 ccnntOd r® Slat r fnarthben expbainned. the; . the disposal area,, which includes facilities for.. hotand, cold` water for the cleaning 6f the equipment,, wcul.d, be. enclosed by a 6 u, decorative black wall that complete ly shields disp®sAb. the: Area from public view. When asked if the propoIsed�'r Od and white � area di.s�. debt s r eceptac.l`�s could, also be enclosed in some fashion- t0> eit��� cussed � ,. •iimenat o� continue -the zenclosura for the disposal area$, o " S .cmlater � p aced that this; was feabib;k%m_ Member Youmans. moved to recommend phase i of Application 35,7PHC-68 357 HC=°68` £a�' agp �val:g. �� the bu�ld�,n elevation, ' £®r the main buy ld� ung as:; pleas a': u$b �.t si Q �ub.� c . to, the''.l� tanndan Co ndi t ;4 9, wLt thne �idditi:�rmab.' approved, wha . c®and- tinnA 133) thsat thaa tjajh. receptacles pla6e � aUnng' the ®pens canb . f a "thee street to the:' bun ldinng; be enclosed with brick one. three, sideZ, c�nadr<t�.®nbs o maaamus heihntf the.`+hneighnt ®£ the �e�eptac�les9 ��� hat cut�d®®� gab -lei g if: array,,: be placed. only on. the patio area, adjacent to the: building. to the easterly, side; 15) that: airy conditioning, inng, ventilation, and all. other utilities. ru.ta ems• d���. �: , . p• :a�nbte.d. troy be placed on.. top of the building L. l be -m1.ounted. completely wighinn, the rco£ line o�£` the building, not. �ra.s ,bl e: "£rc a immediate st et' eL.cvaticnns m Netbe r Fitch: seconded .amid it was passed unanimo usly. itade; - inber You mans had made special; wenntion� ®f Item 3 e -on the: sub-,, ,�t�:�te.d. drawitrnge" �,. slaters eio,,Ldizsned that the., l�an sc�a inug was: the e ;p asibi lity o:£ the franchise ha�Ider . Member McLaren. felt that. the. la as�sc� anag. £.m•� the � ,° . fit. �p o£ property was �,nasuff,,cie' t:- and Membe"� lanads�apinag; Yuan; sug ted`. add`a.ti.ona : pjannt.s t0 be placed between the exkst�.nng: � discussed pror� s,�onas a thae drawings. y. Slates asked. that- anaand• all duggest� bhs t� e.q ai���aanats bed drawn into the, submitted" lanudsc�apinng pl;ann for they gui d e of thee. aud.a pe `archic� architect; landscaping, planes are to be sub® mi .ted . imm. detail. And. p: rjDr t.m; the issuance �� a b>suil'.da a�g. p�n°�ai.t:a at �, later time:., it e. Ot to exp.la aaed' the sag n. c be the Mc��Donaal,d trade=u�are�.�, the, Golden �archaes:. sy sb0l a; with a Z0. k 9,1611 reed area 9 a 13 a 4 1% z -ea• 9 and a' t.cte�. sang, are o£ sixtyafs�Ur fo- t.9 well within the Crdinnaaa�c� allowances., Member. Fitch moved to, recommend phase 11 ®£ Appleigation 357-1,HC �g`a. �'S7-IiC'=6�' . the - po.L a gay sand-,the. OOEX� tti4 and "En t-ranc e" signs, for approval per , siga�s the d awing s submi ttecl., Member McLarenn seconded and i.t . was passed. a -pp roved. unanimously, members Youmans moved t® recommend . £®r approval the planted area as pia- nted area, show: on, the plat plan submitted ;and modified at this meetings Member modified seed Fitch seconndled .annd it. was passed unanimously. 6 t 1 page 4 3 73- HC- 68 legend present- ation "shell" building proposed chairman cautions reference to previo applicati Minutes of H Control October 7, 1968 HC-19 B. 373- HC-68: Haneberg-Koch, Inc., 939 Terra Bella Avenue, Mountain View; requesting approval to construct an industrial building to be located on Lot #6, West Valley Industrial Park. Mr. Al Arens of Haneberg-Koch presented the application and introduced Mr. Dennis Koch. Mr. Arens maintained that the owner of the proposed construction on Lot #6 preferred to remain unidentified at this time, should, however, his identification become necessary, the owner would consent. Mr. Arens explained the building to be a built-up construction of about 16' high with 15,620 sq.ft. of floor area, designed in such a fashion that prospective tenants could specify how they desired to have whatever amount of square footage build. The roof of this ",shell only" building is to be constructed of tar and gravel mansard roof, the sides to be constructed of Ansak redwood siding. Chairman Small cautioned that previous problems had been encountered after a "shell" construction had been permitted and requested that any modifications not shown on the submitted plans shall be brought to this Committee for review prior to their construction. It was the con- sensus of the Committee members that it was impossible to specifically state conditions to which subsequent tenants would have to adhere, and that any approval would of necessity be of a general nature. There was repeated reference to Application 360-HC-68 and the minutes of the meeting during which this same application was approved. Applic- ation 360- HC-68 was also a speculative building which had been con- structed on Lot #9 of the West Valley Industrial Park. Mr. Burrell Leonard, a member of the audience, stated that it was the owner's responsibility to keep the building in conformance to the Ordinance through occupancy changes, regardless of whether this might audience apply to the physical appearance of the building or the necessity for comments additional parking spaces. If, for example, one lessee finds 35 parking spaces sufficient for his operation and a subsequent lessee of the same premises determines the necessity for at least fifty parking spaces, it is the responsibility of the owner to pick up more parking spaces reasonably adjacent to the building and not on the surrounding streets, to stay within the Ordinance requirements. In essence, regardless of circumstances, the responsibility stays with the land through changes of ownership. Member Fitch requested a statement from the applicant by which he agrees statement to accept the responsibility for�the owner to meet the conditions now and requested through any changes of occupancy. Chairman Small asked that consider- ation be given to the approval of the "shell" construction and the land- scaping for same with the provision that, if a tenant wishes to affect subsequent changes, he shall appear before this Committee for approval of such changes. • i Minutes of H Control October 9, 1968 Application 373-HC-68 coat°d HCm 19 page 5 Member Fitch movedbo recommend Phase I of Application 373-H.Pm68 for ���=k��'6g approval, which rebates strictly to the site plan and building eJl���� �ha�e , tion as shown on the site and elevation planns submitted,, subaect to ap�rov�cl the 12 Standard Condibioans D with the . addittonal conditions thnat -tha applicant will accept the responsibility for the owner to meet a�A of -the conditions through any occupancy changes; 14) subjef to the Planning Department check last. Since there was no second forth - cowing, the Chair seconded the motiono : Member Youmans amended the motionstate that and utilities such lotion as air conditioning,: ventilati®nna and others 9 placed.on the , hoof `of amended � ib'le from"any public thoroughfa�em,Membe� this building shall not bei McLaren seconded the amendment which passed 4 � 9 after �k�� �h the o�� �ina1 mp a .p. passed unaanimggsl a Mr. Arens explained the landscaping to ,innclude Monterey: pinaes.9 ivy and landscaping � iiyberniaams a and that 'all planted areas would surround tkne core of the explaia�ed i base ldin as e11 As the base of the proposed sign. Member ditch .moved t� recommend the landscaping and sign portion of; landscaping j ApP`lication 373--xC-.68 for approval per the lay -out and sign submitted and sign on the >drawing, exhibited as number L 1. Member McLarenn seconded and approved it w4. passed unanam9ugly, r �haa,rah�9a11 called,.., �ecesa at 1a p om¢ recess The meeting reconvened at 10.. pom. Co 374-HC=66n V.allco Part,, 10750 North Wolfe Road, Cupertino; 374-HC-68 requesting approval to construct a 45,000 sq,fta. industrial legend buildi g� to be located on the . east side.of Tantau Avenue, immediately south of the calabaFas creek. Walter Ward9 General Manager of Vallco Dark, made the presentation; H explained that tkna,s. was the very first construction within Vallco Park that aouts;to 8anta'Cbara9 and that the City of Santa Clara had, statements re gnuested that any developments abutting its City limits b. presented, to their Planning Commission for review. � Mr.:m Ward explained that the proposal had been 60% leased to, date aand that 'ids tenaants would include _electrical packaging maanufact�urerO e hardware wholesalers and office space users.. hardware the bu�ld�g was programmed for maximum utilization and that the appurtennancces wO uld explanations be screened o.ff much in the same fashion as those. ..on the existing, Mark Systems construction, with the exterior,'to show a`window portion.,... of metal frame and glass with the walls.annd,columns to be �on�s rutted of.coherete4 Mr. Ward advised the Committee members that thcta�le dd ,planns,;-for, landscapia g ,and si ns would be submitted at , a later time o _ � k I page 6 balancing defined statement bouquets 3 74- HC- 68 approved with conditions motion amended 3 75- HC- 68 legend present- ation Minutes of H Control October 9, 1968 Application 374- HC-68 cont'd Mr. Burrell Leonard explained that he had been in attendance at meetings with the architect during Mr. Ward's vacation, and the reason for the indefinite nature of the placement of air conditioning units was that they would have to be balanced to provide for a symetrical looking building without any violence to the appearance of the structure. Mr. Ward stated that the exterior profile on the elevation would be as shown on the submitted plans; any proposed changes, adjustments or modi- fications shall be submitted to this Committee for review. The Committee members, jointly and individually, complimented the Vallco Park representatives for yet another excellently conceived proposal and for the most attractive designs allowed for construction by the Vallco Park Design Review Board. HC-19 Member Youmans moved to recommend Application 374- HC-68 for approval per the layout, buildings plans and architectural renderings as submitted, subject to the 12 Standard Conditions, with the additional conditions 13) subject to approval of the Use Permit by the Planning Commission; 14) subject to the Planning Department check list; 15) subject to detailed landscaping and signs plans to be submitted at a later date, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Member McLaren seconded and it was passed unanimously. Member Fitch amended the motion to read that the approval of Application 374- HC-68 shall include the recommendation for approval of the land- scaping of the easterly side of Tantau Avenue per the landscape architect's master plan for Vallco Park, as described on the plans as submitted. Member Youmans seconded and it was passed unanimously. D. 375- HC-68: Ehrlich, Heft & Rominger, AIA, 2470 E1 Camino Real, Suite 214, Palo Alto; requesting approval to construct a two- story electronic facility (Phase I) to be located on the south side of Pruneridge Avenue between Tantau Avenue and Wolfe Road. Architect Rominger, representing Watkins -Johnson, stated that the proposed building, situated on a 20-acre site, the footage to comprise of 160,000 sq.ft. and would consist of a two-story structure with an attic and a mezzanine area; the mezzanine area to be 9' high and the attic to be from 8' to 9k' at the center of the building. The mechanical equipment to be concealed, except for the elevator shaft which would rise three feet above the roof. Mr. Rominger maintained that, because of the 49' building height, this shaft could not possibly be seen from any public thoroughfare. Mr. Rominger stated that the detailed landscaping plans would not be sub - plans to mitted until construction of Phase II of the proposal is commenced. How - be sub- ever, that the landscaping would include portions of the existing orchard mitted and that all landscaping would be fully sprinklered. Minutes of H Control October 9, 1968 HC019 page 7 Application 375-HC-68 coant°d since Mrs Rom nnger had indicated that a portion of the existing g orchard w.onnld- be retai ned for continued farminathe ,members of the Committee requested that a copy the proposed fan , sc apinbg banndscapisa pl an9 ; show snn s whn �h po�ti�nas ®f the orchard are to be reta�r ed a be explain dd submitted in -conjunction with the detailed landscapinggig n for the application at a later time. Member Fitch moved to recommend Application 375-HC-68 or apProvalo peI the revised master plot' plan and renderinngs foa Uhit A ©nnly9 approved sub °eat to the 12 Statd& rd , CbMition s 9 with the additional conditions with 13) that the landscaping plans -plans be submitted at a later time conditions and psi®r to the approval by the Catty Counbc U; 14) that time land scapinng and sign,plans be submitted per the minutes of this meeting; 15D subject to ,the Planning Department check, list; 16) subject to the Planning Departmenat ° s approval relative to the height of Rnnildinng . IWO in, connection with the :; "Limit of Clearannce°°o Member Youmans ,seconded and it was passed unanimously. Utfinnished Business ChairmanSmall read ..,the.. e letter, .fryom the Sancta. Clara COtnnty P1,!nnnnbrrng' .communication Commission relative.to the.,49ppinbg of six elderly;pgople in anexist nng-�read re id nee on Glenco �r �� ins ; Pardenb date ���bage Co a itte ,members felt that, i n the past, commercial uses of homes had been discouraged, It was,. hawever9 the consensus that the'site riot decidian bnrc the matter Sbrrnee time letter M commercial sho ld he viewedp to g had been received rather late and the next meetingof the Planning �N �Se d�S - Commissions at which tame . th is matter would be diaq.Ad,,- & waarsdhkeduled �; c®uraged pomftfos, the Committee members statgd their request for a postIPOW—E meat. of the natter to a later meeting of the Planning Commission. re - nest for Member McLaren moved that the County Flannnitg commission b� notified, q with a statement that this Committee was unable to extend any type of 51,1notification pdgitibnn dsue to the � Shbrt a��t * of this c��mm ni ate o' ' annd non= availability of plans and descriptive details, The Committee members expressed their opposition to this type of use in a residential area, but expressed their desire to cooperate in every `cooperative po�sihAle warm hne Chgi r;.. requested that the. Cbnnnnt Planning Commissions spirit be approached with, a req- est �or� po-StPOnemenai� ®f. �ha� � a��te� too afford �� e�haresaed the T Mbers of this Committee at opportunity.:, 9 view the site Member Youmans- seconded Member McLareWs motional, and it was passed motion passed unman mouslyo Thehalef �t ildiang ;pspector-explaisned ghat .the members of the City. Council had returned the re quested amenbdmeaL to thne first condition� staff d Conditions, g asi isn that this Committee eview and rreport ou of thae. 12 Standard re -consider suggested verbiage. Mrs Renevic�h, however, was of the l ameanded opinionthat the suggested wording should be retained and adopted by connditi®nn hb i.tyr council as any applicant was free to approach this Committee for an exception, if . the need arises,� I page 8 original position re- affirmed adjournment) Minutes of H Control October 9, 1968 Unfinished Business cont'd HC-19 Member Fitch moved to return the request for amendment of condition one of the 12 Standard Conditions to the City Council with the statement that this Committee has reviewed the matter and re -affirms its original position. Should, at -some later time, an applicant determine the necessity for an exception, he shall appear before this Committee for review of his application. Member McLaren seconded and it was passed unanimously. Member Fitch moved, Member Youmans seconded and it was passed unanimously that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjournedatll:-30 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: Ex - /s/ E. James Small Chairman