September 11, 1968CITY OF CUPS TINO State: of California
110300 'Torre Avenue, California 95014
F-hone;, 252-4505 Od 17
The meeting .wa.s :galled to order •�t `8.00.0 by Chairman �mall9 Who Dell to order
s:aab.sequent1 led the•g .in the flag :salute. :: flag a ante
Comma tte.e naembe. present: Aguilar �a tohn.9. 'Small � Als0 pre.�ent o
Re *r:di ng S oretary LucieM. Matzie.ya roll .pall
Members .MoLaren .and Youmans arrived at 8:07 p•em. arrival
There were uao wr�..tte�n oommu�ni'dationp 9 nor were there any" verbal no o®mm�a=
oo ame�nt nica ones ;
Htember Agu filar moved to .approve the minutes of the August 289 1968
meeting as submitted. d,o a al e.r itehn :s•econded and it vas passed maaauate :,r
uaa nimou �l m ,Chairman am411 .abstained fro thevote. � &� �
A1,1eattians applications
rvig151�v�ry;Avenna Palo c3mk$bAo 3: kp
Alto: requesting Approval iof he landscaping. of, the pro legend
.p s,e,.d restaurant --whI h is to be .located at 20060
.Creek Boulevard.
-kw. Robert _,Erving made ,the FrIes"entat•ao.n .stating, -gnat ..4121 inherent
matte ae had` bewn ,app oved:.and tkna�t Drily .thee :.laandscapiaag approval was
c�ngln; a :l r:ro Erving reiterated thnat 9 .althoung�a ,e <hna:d :dot. attempted
t:o prev ent "the :ands apa:.aag �b ns to this Oo�am ttee .at, the -time of
the origina1, application, the lCity Council had seen fit to approve
thae ap l�cata onn ;ooantinag.�n t upon the . pre:�e�rnta:tioun. of a sun tab le lte:r-
nativefor 1ae ;plahter ,Strip along:, the 3338" :property line.
r.d wing =emph;as.ized that a :tirs-t=,class structure wad planned, and
that :t e adYsc p ng had , hreen des gue:4 to enhance and :compliment
the Me:dite: anean th-eme of -the stru�ctu, m. By way: of arohn� �eot�u�al
rendek: nng.s .and p1ot plans 1,4r:. :,rv:ing explained the locations. £or
the p.zrop,os�ed .lanads.o .plaag tahich :s�haall .include bottle brunsh:9 ol��re
tree;s 3.sana ser a olaaaaderr and 'seven planters aloung, the .338o65'0 .
`depth o,f the:: pxroper'ty,, "uhioh, -planters �Irnal� :;sae e,placed at 40.0 innter-
va:l:s tob:e ;p l me d Tgitha montere'y pines ° w i oka would ultimately
grow to a .h a.ght of 501 and a wa-dtha of:,.20 ° . The. gpF����n� stated
:that " all coandit� ons �n�d b��� astri��ly adhered. "to a. except, .for the
s•rnh€:ler •ystnns for eaekn planter:9 but .thaat that . ��uild� ng... ;e,partmen
had agreed that a :spri ler :'system would, be S.0 perfluap-s
as a1,1 planters were provided. :s-af:ficte.nt watering gt all time".
I present-
page 2
348- HC- 68
for delay
of problemo
Minutes of H Control September 11, 1968
Application 348-HC-68 cont'd
Discussion ensued relative to the advisability of planting monterey
pines in the planter boxes considering that these trees grow to a
substantial size and might, ultimately, be in the paths of motorists
wishing to park their automobiles in the stalls provided. Also, that
the cut-outs as provided might not suffice to enclose the mature
trees unless 3' x 3' spaces were planned.
Mr. Tom Henderson, a member
for 15 gal. trees within the
street tree sizes only, and
provide cut-outs of a large
would be left over.
Mr. Erving contended that a
would, in effect, defeat the
stalls, as a larger cut-out
parking stall widths.
of the audience, stated that the condition
12 Standard Conditions was intended for
that if the applicant were required to
r size, hardly any parking stall widths
request for larger planters for the trees
intent of the parking Ordinance for 101x20'
would encroach considerably upon the
Member Fitch moved to recommend Application 348- HC-68 for approval per
the plot plan and landscaping plans as submitted, subject to the 12
Standard Conditions, with the additional condition that the cut-out
for the trees at the western property exposure shall be at a size as
'those required for City planted trees. Member Aguilar seconded.
Ayes: Members Aguilar, Fitch, Small
;Noes: Members Youmand and McLaren
Absent: None
B. 358- HC-68: Del Oro Development Company, Inc., 142 George Street,
San Jose; requesting approval of the landscaping of the proposed
84-unit apartment development to be located on Mary Avenue,
east side of the proposed West Valley Freeway.
Mr. Carl Haaland, president of Del Oro Development Company, reiterated
the reasons for the delay encountered in presenting the landscaping plans
earlier and related that a letter had been received by the Planning
Commission from the Division of Highways indicating a possible re-
alignment of the property lines along the proposed West Valley Freeway.
Additionally, a letter had been received from the Central Fire Prevention
District requesting additional time to research site accessability for
fire fighting equipment. Mr. Haaland stated that, because of receipt
of these two letters, the Planning Commission had continued the appli-
cation until such time as all problems had been resolved.
fMr. Haaland indicated that the Division bf Highways had since reconsidered
!the alignment and had informed all interested parties that no re -alignment
!was contemplated. Also, that the Fire Department had requested two
Eaccesses off Mary Avenue and a wider turning radius. According to Mr.
lHaaland, these requirements had been met by redesigning of plans and
!providing two further accesses in addition to those requested by the
Fire Department as well as a larger turning radius by four feet over
and above the twelve feet requested.
Minutes of kh Control September 1l9 1968
Application 358-HC-68 coat°d
Mr. llaaland .reiterated that the landscapinng .Mans had received teas
tative approval which had haen held in abeyance pdndinng regdlutions '
to inherent problems. khowever, ;at ,the meeting of the p'banan�;�ng` � explanaftkous
Coemnissi®aa. cif Monday last, the project had received approval in'
Mr.. kiaaaland reminded the Committee members that the pro used con-
struction was for ,a townhouse concept with two-story apartments,'
each apartment having its own fenced -in courtyard, one complet"ely concept
enclosed garage each a,sllwell as one additional, uncovered parking "� reiterated.
space for each apartment to meet the City°s requirement for:2 to l
parking . areas o r..`,...
Mr. Haaland-. explained that the landscap.ieng would include such items r
as yucca palm trees star Jasmins, flax.,. a ground .c6v6r of -Lee plants,
and that thee, eki pt,i�ag haaghway band�dap� gag of ground cover. along thc� _ lauadscap�na9
cyclone fence would die continued aloe the pro ert linne to afford defamed
continuity;pf g cenery.
member �itckn moved,, o; esd KaappLevalthe, original Landscaping a povan
date. of July 24, 10684 Member Aguilar seconnded aad It,`was Gassed,"rescinb�ed: ,.
unanimous ly . '
Member McLarenn moved torecommend Application 35g-HC-68for, appro 35g=hiCe}6g
val per the plans as submitted, subject to the 12 Standard,'Connditionns approved
nand subject to the Planninb 0epartment checklist. Member'Fitch
seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Cr. 365=hhC=68.b Mob 1 .011 Corporation,1197 PewTy St�re:c�t0 Oafl�laa�da 365 HC-6$
requestingproval of the landscaping and a gnnof thy' Mobil lc�genad
Oil service station t6 be located cau the mtorthwast corner �
of Bernardo and Homestead Road;
Mr., Frank Laurel,, .the .project engineer for the deveLopmennt, presented'
he application explaianinag that the would' include away a�ad preseant-
all of the plants as li:ated on the plazas, i,i�cludbng 'a prov��i,®sn`, for eta®n.,
ice plant ground .corer as well as a complete s�tinkler system.
Member: Fitch moved. to reIommennd Application 365= 90-68 for approval 365-HC-68
per tine: lanbdsc pa��nng plan. as, saabm tad,. subject to the 12 Standard �ap�aroved`
Conditions o MembeIr AguiIar seconded and it :waa passed unnanimou-sIyo
Mr. Laurel -explained the standard Mobil oil serVice station identZ sign
ficationn .sign which, according to plans, would be 12 ° ' higha an VInterm defined
rally` illuminated.
page 4
369- HC- 68
Minutes of H Control September 11, 1968
Application 365- HC-68 cont'd
Member Fitch moved to recommend the sign portion of Application 365- HC-68
for approval per the main Mobil Oil service station sign as submitted,
subject to the following conditions: 1) with the Mobil logo as presented
on the plans submitted at the locations indicated; 2) per the service
sign over the service entrance of the building; 3) per the one price sign
as specified by the Lessee; and 4) that requests for all other miscellaneous
signs to be used shall be brought before this Committee prior to the
installation of same. Member Aguilar seconded and it was passed unani-
D. 369- HC-68: Richard J. Kehrig, 963 Orchid Way, San Jose;
requesting approval for an exception to Ordinance 353,
Section 6.131, to allow a shopping center sign at Oakmont
Square located at 19990 Homestead Road.
Mr. Richard Kehrig presented the application stating that the agenda
listed a request for approval of the exception only but that he was
desirous of obtaining approval for the landscaping plan as well. Mr.
Kehrig indicated, however, that the landscaping had not been completely
deliniated and that a definite schedule for placement of plants was
Chairman Small cautioned -that submission of an incomplete application
to the City Council would not be possible and suggested that the
landscaping plan not be discussed until such time as complete land-
scaping plans are available. The applicant agreed.
Member Youmans read the applicable portion of the Ordinance under
discussion which section indicated that the applicant did not qualify
for the Shopping Center sign because of the size of the property and
the frontage facing on Homestead Road.
Mr. Kehrig explained that the actual installation plans differed from
the colored rendering as submitted in that three poles were shown and
only two were planned. He also stated that a very rigid sign control
for shopping center tenants would be maintained by way of conditions
written into the individual tenants' leases for each business, and
that all such allowed signs within the shopping center would be mounted
on the vertical building facade with a provision for sufficient depths
each 21 inches in height with the length of such signs to be proportionate
to the size of.the individual shops. Further, that the signs would be
designed of ivory (off-white) color with dark brown rims and lettering,
except for the "Foster Freeze" sign which would show white coloring
with lettering, continuing the national identification
of the chain store, and that this sign would be placed on the building
Minutes of H Control September 119 1968
Application 369m ahC= 68 cont ° d
Chairman Small, in coanauxnc:tion' with= hi`s :fellow Committee membgrs, g
caaati®aaed that no,, suabae—q aeuat"" requests by ind:ividuualshopping gun"ter`
tenants wolld'be allowed and that, 'shoauld approval;of this request .
be - granted., 41l signs :` woul& have to be, exactly .as outlined- by the. -
appUc ab.t i.o e o 2 H high individual signs of. proportionate length
without exception
The applicant stated that subsequent rogues s "by. individual ten ihts ": �
would be preclaaded by a ccnditio n in each individual lease,. acid 'that
he would maionntai a' absolunte and continuing. control, . over all` S.Lgns o
A1sbi that,he would accept any eennditiorns that -,,,.the Committee might
wish- to plate upon the approval of the app"licationb
..Member. Aguilar stated that 9 "for the, record . and s:Inca a wn°di nance
exception was requnested.9, the applicant should define hardship, r asons
which could be considered in the possible approvel of the 'request.
Mr Kehrig contended that the' shopping center dad -sufficient s ab=
staance to wairanat" the aigx� seed` that theregue"st <was e -logi :R-; oane. +
as this sign,Vas needed to provide sufficient identif. catLon,for
the shopping center and that: it would be an econovi6:disadvantage 1
if the 6 ° x 100 sign with an overall height of 18160 to: the. top t
of the lantern were not allowed.
Member Youmans felt that, since the rendering : as , sunbm tted: had, V.ery
little in common with the pctu al plans 'for thz :sign, i.�,,would riot _
be possible to render a decision annul an accurate rendering true
to size and dimension could "°be''obtained, not only for the: ghsppang
center sign but for the individual signs planned for tshel, various
shops within the center. 4
Chairman SmAIV,:expressed his concern that any and all tenants of
the. �shoppin& center could: and probably would apply for individual
signs at a latex° time, all of varying sizes, shapes and 4orms 9 , shouldthe shopping ceaater"sign As requested -nnct be permitted9�'"however°"
should the '`committee decide to approve the sign, coandition s- could
be placed upon the appr"oval through whit h futurei.nndivi,dunal requests:
could be prevented and a'uniformity of -all signs.;.with n .the center
could`be afforded-.
page 5
request .
defined ,
Member since "thee applicant had. made firma st4te
menu' re IV
e t`o. the provisions fora rigid sign control within
the iadividual� tenants leases,, "4_pos;sible pp o al f', the: r gpe uaaif®r ty
could be made cont iaa eaa 'upon the spe a is ; igns,cribed signs
the "appl�,canat_ fog. tlne �arisaus" busia�esses'." andas:.-specified .-specified man- "the reemphasized
prints ' s"uabpa�,tked:-as' well as outlined in: the minu es a��lata��e to;
the remarks made by the applicant. h?urther,9 that the e poster Freez-.el
sign would=need to adhere to these; same specifications in. a 1a g
manner ag th®se' proppsed for the other.. tenants-4
page 6
Minutes of H Control September 11, 1968 HC-17
Application 369- HC-68 cont'd
369- HC-68
Member Fitch moved to recommend Application 369- HC-68 for approval for
the sign only, with the following conditions: 1) per the minutes as
recorded; 2) per the artist's rendering and the print submitted for
the main shopping center sign as submitted, allowing for a recommend-
ation of a variance of the sign Ordinance as requested; 3) per the
sign specifications as described and submitted by the applicant for
the individual businesses and as specified on the print as submitted.
Member Aguilar seconded.
Member Aguilar amended the motion to state, for clarification purposes,
that none of the tenants within the shopping center be permitted a
roof sign or any signs other than those described by the applicant,
and that none of the tenants be permitted to have a sign of a larger
square footage than the one allowed by the sign Ordinance. Member Fitch
Member Youmans suggested that the approval be made further congingent
upon the additional condition that the builder shall install and specify
in the leases a standardized uniform sign on the front of each of the
shops within the shopping center which is to comply to the spaces as
limited by the sign Ordinance and which shall not be installed on the
roofs of any of the shops.
roll call
The amendment passed 4 - 1 with Member McLaren voicing the "No" vote,
on votes
after which the original motion passed by the same vote with Member
McLaren again indicating the "No" vote.
Chairman Small called a recess at 10:00 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 10:10 p.m.
371- HC-68
B. 371- HC-68: Robert M. Conlon, P.O. Box 56, Antioch; requesting
approval to construct an 1800 sq.ft. building (boat sales)
located at the northwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard
and Vista Drive.
Mr. Robert Conlon explained that, contrary to the listed agenda, approval
was sought for the 1800 sq.ft. construction as well as the 1024 sq.ft.
sales office construction, and proceeded to explain the physical lay-
out of the proposed site, the locations for the two proposed buildings
and the building materials to be used. He stated that the service
building would provide for minor repairs to, and adjustments of, boat
equipment and the installation of various components, and that no
major repairs to equipment would be considered. Also, that the property
would be screened off by a recessable cyclone fence on rollers, which
of pro-
fence would not be in evidence during the daytime but would be rolled
out after business hours to provide for security of the equipment.
Mr. Conlon stated that several boats would be displayed during the
day which would then be rolled to the rear of the property on low, ground -
hugging dolleys after normal hours of operation.
Minutes of H Control September 119 1968
Application 371-HO=68 cpnt°d.
HOm 17
page 7
The Recording Secretary was directed. to read the minutes of tiie .
meeting of the Flanning Oounmission..unnder data of September 9, 1968
during whichn the Tentative Map as wdl- as the Use Permit for thf s
application had been approved, This reading afforded the Commi. ttee
members the know Iledge of the conditions. which had been imposed .0
� read
the application by the planniang.'0ommissiono
considerable discussion ensued; on -the on -site lighting plans, . the..
material to be used in the construction of the proposed buildings,
the passibility of substituting the cyclone fence with a slump ::.
A disc-ussionns
stone fence, and several suggestion were made relative -to a different
'designs for the service building;
It was the consensus among the Committee members that nno , decision
relative to this application could be reached at this time as it
was ascertained that the height of the fence was not within the
confines of the Ordinance, the roofs had been pla nned withn, paterial-
anther than :that required for Fire Zone 2, and :because thee renderin g&
defined .
as submitted were not true to size -and dimension;
Member Fitch moVed to continue Applicat ion-37 F-H0768 ;to the next
regularly scheduled meeting of this Committee Member Youmans
The Chair directed the applicant to submit more specific plans for
the service building as well as for the landscaping, the proposed
sign (s) and the on -site lighting. The applicant was further
instructed to contact the Building Department relative to the
Ordinance requirements for bath the fence and the roofing; material
� directives
and adherence to the Planning Department checkiist, as well as to
contact the architect in an attempt to incorporate
all requirements in the amended plans which are to be presented
to this Committee at their next meeting.
The motion pgsped unanimouslyo
nation passed
F. 372aggY.68o Dan Bandley9 10054 Soutrn; Saratoga=Sunnyvale
.372-HC 76h
Road,. upert tino9 requesting approval to.construct a'...;
oe lrq $teak1,1 sit-in restaurant,located on the east side
of Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road, north of the Shell Oil service
Mr. Tom Henderson, Civil Engineer, represented the (sppla carfntoand;.-t d
grade .the presentation stating that the proposed const u0CLcn would
be built of rough -sawn board and bate with used brick, amber glass
and plain windows, the roof to be constructed of Ro�Tile cement,
shakes. Farther, that the parking stalls providedwere sufficient
present -
in number to meet the Ordinance requireementsq the landscapiAg .to
b standard "Mr. Steak" landsca in .,including Yucca trees, junipers,
e p ffi
Mango trees and pines, as well as a provision for a fully enclosed,,
fenced and gated trash area, and that that landscaping would be
enhanced by' -colored rock to compliment the board and batto
page 8
roll call
on votes
no new bus.1
Minutes of H Control September 11, 1968
Application 372- HC-68 coat°d
Member Aguilar moved to recommend Application 372- HC-68 for approval
as to the building site and landscaping, per the plans and specifications
as submitted excluding any signs on the buildings, subject to the 12
Standard Conditions and the Planning Department checklist, with the
further condition that the proposed colored landscaping rock be sub-
stituted by tan bark. Member Fitch seconded.
Member Aguilar amended his motion to state that the exterior lighting
plans for the project be submitted at a later time, prior to the
issuance of a building permit. Member Fitch seconded.
The amendment passed unanimously, after which the original motion
1passed 5 - 0.
Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business other than various comments from
individual Committee members relative to continuing Ordinance violation
cases within the City of Cupertino.
There was no new business.
Member Aguilar moved, Member McLaren seconded and it was passed unanimously
that the meeting be adjourned.
(The meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m.
RecordJAg Se etary
1s/ E. James Small