June 12, 1968I [J 11 CITY OF CUPERTING� State of CallfOrnia 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Calffirnia 95014 Phone. 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE, REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE CONTROL CO11MITTEE LLD JUNE 12, 1968 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Small, who. subsequently led the assemblage in the flag salute. I Committee members present: Aguilar; Fitch;,Youmans, McLaren; Small. Also present: Ch I ief Building.Ins p pctor Benevich; Recording Secretary Matzley. There were no written communication. When Chairman Small asked for verbal communications, Mr. M.W. Smith of 8099 Presidio Drive, Cupertino, told the Commissioners that, despite previous complaints to this committee, the trash about the Speedee. Mart on,Bubb and McLellan Roads was stil) very much in existence., that there was still;. no trash receptacle to replace the old cardboard box and that the litter from the I store was strewn about for blocks. Further, that the landscaping was badly in need ®f watering and was dying, in fact two trees were already dead.,Mr. Smith also mentioned the recent mishap where a small boy had opened an ice machin e, fallen into it,,, and had suvi-f ocated when the door shut in a machine much like the once ,found ®n the Sppedee Mart premises, Chief Building Inspector Benevich.stated- that he had contacted the operator of the 7 - 11 storerelative-to the cleanliness problems, that the man was very much aware of what was needed and that he was most cooperative. Mro Benevich pointed out, however., "that this was actually a matter off -cooperation between the store operator and the neighb I orhood as,411 attempts by the store to police the area would be futile utile if parents neglect to teach their children that debris belongs in receptacles and not on City streets. Member Youmans queried if it would bepossible to induce the operator. to discontinue the sale of "Slurpees" since the white paper cups containing this liquid seem to com rise the majority of complaints -P of neighbors, but ind -were ications -we �,, th-a t this was a major sales item and the City had no jurisdiction in enforcing a discontinuance. Member McLaren pointed out thatshe had, previously i.nquired as to the 'possibility .. of. a . store--! provided bicycle rack and it was repeatedl� stressed that,, no matter what the proposal, cooperation between ope.rator.an'd neighborhood was imperative. Chairman Small suggested that the operator of the store and represent- atives from the Homeowners As.sociation be invited to meet with this body in an effort to solve some of the obvious difficulties, and directed that both sides be cont I acted and requested, in the spirit of cooperation, to join the Committee and that this matter be placed on the agenda after the operator and the Homeowners Association re- presentatives have met. call to order flag salute roll call written rba.1s mplaints iterated spector's inion sembersl iueries suggestion irman page 2 late request minutes corrected minutes approved applications 23 7- HC- 68 present- ation dis- cussions 237- HC- 68 approved with conditions amendment roll on votes Minutes of H Control June 12, 1968 Verbal Communications coat°d HC-11 Chief Building Inspector Benevich stated that a late request had been received relative to an application for approval of an identifying sign for the West Valley Industrial Park. Member Aguilar moved, Member McLaren seconded and it was passed unanimously that this matter be added to the existing agenda as the last item under "Applications". Member McLaren asked that the record be corrected to show that it had been her recommendation to have bicycle racks installed by the owner of the 7 - 11 store instead of, as recorded, by the school. Member Aguilar moved, Member Fitch seconded and it was passed unanimously that the minutes of the May 22, 1968 meeting be approved as corrected. Applications A Application 237-HC-68: W.A. Sutton, 1618 Kennewick Drive, Sunnyvale; requesting review of the existing Batting Range located at 22202 Homestead Road. Chairman Small advised the new Committee members that this was a case of a yearly review of the original approval. After the applicant had submitted recent photographs of the site, comments ensued relative to the weeds around the site, the lumber stacked in the vicinity and the wooden boards in evidence. The applicant stated that he knew of the short- c omings and promised to do whatever was necessary. During the ensuing discussions it was brought out that the applicant intended to take down the existing sign and replace it with painted canvass. Further, that the land to the south side of this property was not under the responsibility of the owner. Member Aguilar moved that Application 237-HC-68 be recommended for approval for one year with the following conditions: that the weeds and the grass will be removed from all existing property that is either leased or operated by the Batting Range and that the applicant come in with an application for a new sign, all this to be done within thirty days. Member Fitch seconded. Member Youmans amended the motion to add: that the immediate access road and parking spaces be oiled. Member Fitch seconded. The amendment passed 5 - 0, after which the original motion was passed unanimously. • • a B 1. Minutes of ,H Cohtrol, Junne 12, 1965 B. Application 321-HC-68o Harman Cupertino, Inc., 400 Main Street, Los Altos; "requesting approval of the landscaping of the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant, located At 1052O S. Saratoga-Sunnnyvale Road, , HC- 11 page 3 Mr. Lex ®verzet, Vice President of Harahan Cupertino, Inc., presented the application stating that everything ..had'been •d''®xne `to affect the present - requested landscaping and presented a lay -out ' t®' illunstrate the anon proposed landscaping. The Committee members stated that there were several --things lacking ,eQ no 'irrigation system in the landscaping; no�-dvidence of a 614 berm around the landscaping, that the' tries inn the landscaped area:- were dying and that the trash containers.=were ou�s�.de the buildingo lack of Chairman Small, read the applicable portion of the minutes of requirements February 14, 1965 at which time the approval for the construction stated of_the;:venture had been given and rea.terated'all: the conditions -that had begin placed upon the approval, one of which, had been the request to submit land.caping`plans prior to the '�building°final. Chief Building Inspector Beitaevich c® mented that hi's department hacl apparently `overlooked this condn.tionn, , Member McLaren pointed out that there is a track on the premise which is used for advertisipg purposes anad •al6'® life-size' image of Colonel Sanders had been placed in the front.'parking' Iota Member Aguilar felt that the trncl€,,was. a four- sided sign and thet violations applicant replied that he would be happy to remove the truck cited entirely if this was the pleasure o the Committee. Member 'Fitch moved to recommend Application 321:mHC=6$ for approval. 321-HC-68 with the following cohdidionst 1) that the landscaping`-and-irrigatioxn approved system are in place and maintained,- 2), that this ppr oval is coati= with tangent 'upona the 1966'struck now being used as a.. delivery truck 'be, conditions parked either in the rear `of the" site or compl,6tely, removed -from the property.. Member Aguilar seconded aiaad it':was passed unanimously. C. Application 336-HC-68e Manuel Marchant, 10100 Fleming `Avenue San 'Tose; r questiang approval to construct a commercial 336mHC=68 building to be located on the 6Azt side of Saratoga'-Suntym' vale Road, between the Wells Fargo Bank and the Cupertino Town Cenatero Mr, Robert Marthant presean-id the. pplicat3on, stating that it complied with the standards of"the Town Center and that the applicm present- ation had not been changed from that originally submitted in 1965- ation Member Fitch' moved to recommend Application 336-HC®68 for• approval 336-H&-68 with thfoWwndt 1' sub ect to the U St4ndard i approved Conditi6ns9 .2) per the plot plan, eleva:tio"n and floor plan as ' ' with submitted," 3) that the approval be contingent. capon the lsnzi'm conditions scaping plansto be submitted' prior to the is'suanace' "of ' a buaildiAg perrmit; `4) that the application' adhere "to the Planning Department check list, Member Aguilar'seconded and -it -was passed un.gnimousFya page 4 Minutes of H Control June 12, 1968 339-RC-68 D. Application 339-HC-68: Sharon L. Sondrol, 3358 Stevens Creek Boulevard, San Jose; requesting approval to erect a 6' x 12' wood carved pole sign, to be located at 20760 Stevens Creek Boulevard. The applicant presented the plot plan and asked, through the Chief Building Inspector, that she be permitted to discuss removal of the proposed sign to a different site with a planter to protectively present- surround the sign and the landscaping. Miss Sondrol also stated ation that the sign represented the Montgomery Coat of Arms, that the and request property owner was aware of her request to have the sign moved and to move that he had no objections. Further, that the new site for the sign sign would be within the allowable 3% of the site area and would be erected perpendicular to the traffic. 339- HC-68,-• Member Aguilar moved to recommend Application 339-HC-68 for approval approved with the plans and specifications as submitted, that the new location with of the sign be as indicated on the plot plan, subject to the 12 conditions Standard Conditions including a landscaped area and a 6" concrete berm around the sign and that the sign be compatible in color to the surroundings and that the sign be maintained at all times. Member Fitch seconded. Ayes: Members Aguilar, Fitch, McLaren, Small Noes: Member Youmans Absent: None 343-HC-68 E. Application 343-HC-68: Mark Systems, Inc. 10950 Tantau Avenue, Cupertino; requesting approval to erect a 3' x 10' concrete sign, to be located at 10950 Tantau Avenue. Mr. Walter Ward, the general manager of Vallco Park, and Mr. Robert Bernstein, the architect, presented the plans for the proposed sign stating that Mark Systems was most anxious to move into their new present- location, that the sign was a low identifying sign to be placed ation perpendicular to Tantau Avenue, that it would be 3' high and 10' long, of the same finish as the concrete on the building, showing enamel and tile with spot lights placed off center so that the direction of the lights is off Tantau Avenue. 343- HC-68 Member Fitch moved to recommend application 343-HC-68 for approval approved per the plans and description as submitted, subject to any of the applicable 12 Standard Conditions. Member Aguilar seconded and it was passed unanimously. Mr. Bernstein proceeded to explain the landscaping by use of an artist's tendering and a detailed plot plan, commenting that the landscaping landscaping would consist of three concentric rings of plantings itemized with Ginco trees fronting on Tantau Avenue and Modesto Ash trees fronting Homestead Road. He said that the inner ring would consist of a row of Italian stone pine and the green ring next to the building would consist of low plants and Magnolia trees with up - lighting under the Magnolia trees. Mr.Bernstein explained that the Ginco trees would grow quite high and that the second ring of greenery would provide continued winter greens when the outer row defoliates. HC-11 E 11 Minutes of H Control June 12, 1968 Application 343-HC-68 cont'd Member:Aguilar moved to recommend the landscaping of Application_ 343-HC-68, Phase 1, for approval, subject to the applicable condi- tions of the 12-ftandard Conditions, with the added condition that the trees be compatible and /or equivalent in size to,a,t.hree.-, year stock and as.per the pr ints, pla.ns-and descriptions as.sub-. matted, Member Fitch seconded and it was passed un,animously. Chairman Small called a recess at 10:05p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:15 p.m. F. Application.344-HC-68-..Roy Sebrell, 8.29 Williams Way9 Mountain View; -requesting approval, 'to -c-Onstru.ct. a duplex,. on Lot 49� La Cresta #2. Mr. Sebrell, the applicant, presented the plot plans -and explained that this proposal was for lot ,49.pn Alpine Drive'in the La'Cresta subdivisibn., the exterior of the duplex to be stucco with raised texture design, that it would .:have -,'wpQdwork along the entree. length of theporch, the roof tobe I of.'heavy shake shingles and that; it would have four -roll-up,:type garages;and- a - total of 3800 square feet,.i Member,Aguilar moved to recommend.AppItcation 344-HC-68 for appro- Val, -subject to the 12 Standard. Conditions -and with the plans. prints and specifications as siubmitted,. Membe-r. McLaren seconded and it.was,.passed unanimously. G.- -Application 3454HC068: Uni.on, Oil ,.Company of California-, 'PaO. Box 940., San Jose.;-. �teques,ting approval., to cons Lruc,,t ,,.a service statlon9to be located.on:the southeast corner _of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Bubb Rqmod, Mr. R. T. Green, the representative of the Union oil Company,,ex- plained the plot plan and artist',s rendering, stating that there.., were 616.,separate:.plantings -in-, -:Iandscaped,area on the perimeter of the Bubb Road,frontage and that this area would be raised and be of 41 height.at.the,center6 Mr.. Green said that since the. West Valley Industrial Park would not have ,any plantings, his company had-;Attempted.to provide as.muchlandscaping as possible with a uniformly low maintenance consideration, incorporating underground, sprinkler systems. , X Mr,.Green went on toe V laift-, the -architecture which. had been changed from the usual the CupP.rtino:I Amok, surroundings, oundings, indicating the use,, of -red ,.,S anish.ceram 'p ic ' tile with a masonry wall.=of Adobe slump. stone Ind.:, -canopy columns,.O., HC- 11 page .Lanascaping approved with conditions recess 344-HO-68 present- ation 344- HC- 68 approved. 345-HC-68_ present-,, ation architecture.:, exp la ine d page 6 questions raised and answered discussions audience comments use of rear portion of site questioned signs discussed statements Minutes of H Control June 12, 1968 Application 345-HC-68 cont'd The members raised questions relative to the trash storage and Mr. Green stated that the proposal provided for a 10' x 10' permanent container, five feet in height with frontal doors. Chairman Small wanted to make the condition that any proposed vending machines be placed away from the outside of the building and Mr. Green assured the Committee members that provisions had been made not only to place any vending machines in the interior of the building but also that metal tire storage racks had been abolished by his company some two years ago. Further that, by order of the U.S. Department of Justice, no trailer franchises were allowed on service stations. Considerable discussion ensued relative to the signs and the danger of having subsequent service station dealers and/or operators exceed the allowable number of signs. Mr. Green maintained that the proposed signs would consist of only the following: 1) the Union 76 trade -mark sign, 2) two Union Oil building signs and 3) the price sign. Mr. M. W. Smith, a member of the audience, questioned the 4' high enclosure around the landscaped area fronting Bubb Road. Chief Building Inspector Benevich advised the Committee members that a four foot high enclosure was not permitted under the Ordinance and Mr. Green immediately agreed to reduce the height to the allowable three feet. The Committee members questioned the proposed use of the rear portion of the site. Mr. Green explained that, originally, the seller of the property could not adequately split the lot, that the station was not in need of that area at all and that his company had proposed to either black -top the area or maintain it as a weed -free area. He commented that this portion of the site has no access to Stevens Creek Boulevard thus eliminating any plans for a non -compatible use, but that the administration might possibly consider the construction of a branch office for this site without necessitating additional parking or access. Member Youmans wanted to be assured that no additional signs than the ones previously indicated would appear at a later time. Chief Building Inspector Benevich cautioned that there would probably be additional signs and that he would prefer to have them placed on the light standards as opposed to being placed on the ground. Further, that there would be the inevitability of Blue Chip Stamps signs and flags. Mr. Green stated that, originally, a lessee is restricted in the number of signs he can display and that he adheres to it for a time but that some operators become rather lax . However, as soon as the Building Inspector calls the Branch Office' attention to such violation, the company will have the signs removed. HC-11 r-i •