CC 5-13-19 #6 All-inclusive Playground at Jollyman Park_Written CommunicationsCyrah Caburian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Caryl Gorska <gorska@gorska.com> Monday, May 13, 2019 2:46 PM Steven Scharf; Liang Chao; Rod Sinks; Jon Robert Willey; Darcy Paul Timm Borden Magical Bridge playground Follow up Flagged Mayor Scharf, Vice Mayor Chao, and Council Members Paul, Sinks, and Willey: cc 5/13/19 Item #6 Creekside Park is a much better choice for the Magical Bridge playground for the following reasons: •Creekside Park is larger than Jollyman Park •Creekside has double the number of parking spaces of Jollyman (important because existing Bay Area all-inclusive playgrounds draw people from other cities) •Creekside is close to bus stops on both the 25 and 26 routes; Jollyman is much further from a bus route (one mile?)•Creekside is in a more dense neighborhood, so more people nearby will be able to enjoy it •Creekside is close to schools: Cupertino High School (with an active Best Buddies Club), Sedgwick Elementary, Eaton Elementary, and Hyde Middle School •Jollyman is in a neighborhood that already has more amenities than Creekside •Jollyman is being considered for a dog park, which could be threatening to users of the all-inclusive playground ( and could create an actual threat) AND, most of all, I am shocked that matter involving millions of dollars was pushed through by city staff without any semblance of community engagement, transparency, or accountability. Caryl Gorska 10103 Senate Way Total Control Panel To: dpaul@cupe1tino.org From: gorska@gorska.com Remove this sender from my allow list You received this message because the sender is on your allow list. 1 Cyrah Caburian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag : Flag Status: Lisa Warren < la-warren@att.net > Monday, May 13, 2019 3:43 PM City Council ; City of Cupertino Planning Dept.; Cupertino City Manager's Office; City Attorney's Office Steven Scharf; Liang Chao ; Darcy Paul ; Jon Robert Willey; Rod Sinks; Kitty Moore; Alan Takahashi; R Wang ; Vikram Sa xena; David Fung All Inclusive Park Location in Cupertino Follow up Completed Mayor, Vice Mayor, Council Members and Planning Commissioners, Pardon any duplicate of this message. I have sent to the 'group email' as well as individuals to hopefully assure receipt of the message. I have been advised that not all of you are getting things sent to you, or that they are going to spam folders in some cases. Here is what I want to convey: I understand that you have been sent, or will be sent, a comprehensive email with well researched and compelling information from resident Rahul Vasanth regarding the location of Cupertino's proposed All Inclusive Park. Please read it carefully and fully. Rahul is a Library Commissioner and likely signed with 'Representing myself only', as has become the habit of many city commissioners. I can guarantee that the message Rahul is sending is the same sort of message that many residents would like you to 'hear', so I know that he is representing a large number of community members when requesting that Creekside Park be identified as the location for Cupertino's All Inclusive Park. Thank you, Lisa Warren Total Control Panel To: ssc had@ cu perti no.org From: la -wan·en@att.net Remove this sender from my allow li st You received this message because the sender is on your allo w list . 1