December 13, 196710300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 Phone: 252-4505
a .
C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N 0
Calif ornia
TIME: 8:00 P.m.
PLACE: Council Chambers, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino
Comm. present: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Kowitz, Irwin
Comm. absent: Comm. Klausmeyer
Staff present; Bill Benevich
A. Written - There were none
B. Verbal - There were none
NOVEMBER 22, 1967
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm. Kowitz, to approve the
Minutes of November 22, 1967, as it stands.
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Kowitz, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer
Motion carried, 4-0
A. Application: 306-HC-67, Otsen Signs, 15500 Corinne Drive,
Los Gatos, requesting Arch. & Site Approval for an Exception
to Sign Ordinance #353, Sec. 6.131, to erect a shopping
centerzign on Blaney Ave. for the Boulevard Shopping Center,
which is located at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Blaney Ave.
The applicant was not present.
Moved by Comm. Aguilar, seconded by Comm. Kowitz, to place
Application 306-HC-67 at the foot of the calendar.
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Kowitz, Irwin
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer
Motion carried; 4-0
B. Application:. 1 -HC-6 Joseph Lodato A° 3 3 79 p 1215 Airport Blvd.
San Jose, requesting Arch. & Site Approval to construct an
"Arbys" Restaurant, to be located on the north side of Stevens'
Creek, approximately 262' west of the intersection. of Stevens
Creek & Saratoga -Sunnyvale Rd. (Cont.)
Mr. Goodwin Steinberg, AIA of 90 East Gish Rd., San Jose presented
the rendering of Arbys. He was unable to obtain the sample materials,
as he promised.
In the initial proposal they had talked about dark brown porcelain- •
ized metal roof, natural dark brown very similar color to wood
units, tan stone against dark brown wood. They are now proposing
more of a mustard beige corrugated. Front edge would be a red
trim at one point, the exterior color would be fairly muted.
Chairman Irwin asked what materials would be used for the uprights
where the glass goes from the counter shelf to the ceiling.
Mr. Steinberg replied that one piece glass will be used, door
frame in these units will be anodized aluminum. Their past buildings
have been plain aluminum.
Chairman Irwin commented that since the stone work has been set
up, and also that what appears to be nice wood work on the wall,
we should like to carry through as much as possible on any uprights,
rather have wood encased material so that you would have the
strength but it would also give the appearance of wood. The
general trend looks half modern and half ancient similar to the
two -door house down the street. Would like to see more of the
real materials rather than synthetics.
Comm. Fitch asked if the front setback would be used for outside
eating area. He feels the outside eating area has a high appeal
but it has to be maintained at a level otherwise it becomes highly
distasteful. Feels some landscaping would enhance the area.
Mr. Steinberg .replied that Arbys do maintain their grounds and
their operation is very clean.
Chairman Irwin stated this could be made part of the conditions.
Comm. Kowitz stated that what disturbs him about this type of
operation is that we never, see the total integration of the plan
until we have hassled through the building then we start worrying
about the outside eating area and we know from experience in other
businesses like this they do cause quite a problem. This render-
ing seems to be wide open and not enclosed. When you have a large
eating area it is unattractive.
Chairman Irwin hopes that a better job will be done than the
Arbys he has presently seen, in terms of no metal furniture but
some good solid redwood furniture. Would like to impose upon
this application a great deal more landscaping because we have
to offset the one thing which would get more play in terms of
comments and that is the barrel roof and which would get the most
criticism. We would have to offset this in many ways as possible,
landscaping is one of them.
Mr. Steinberg feels the City could impose these conditions as
stated and Arbys state their conditions and feels Arbys will be
able to operate under these conditions.
Comm. Aguilar asked where the garbage area would be. Mr. Steinberg •
stated the trash cans are well -concealed in the eating area and
are of the box -type container to match the umbrella and furniture.
- 2 -
Comm. Kowitz asked if the patio area would be fenced in or is
it separate from the parking area or enclosed. Does not like
parking right up against the building like McDonald's or other
franchises have.
Am Mr. Steinberg feels this would create a problem because of the
qW circulation of people as they get out of cars ' they move across
the patio, they would trip, cars would bump; this would off -
balance their operation. Would interfere with circulation because
of carry -out operation.
Comm. Fitch asked if there was a representative from Arbys present
to,describe their operation.
Mr. Chevsky of Arbys Inc., 232. E. Millbrae Ave., Millbrae, stated
they are .a fast-food, take-out operation that sells quality sand-
wiches for 79 cents.. Are not in the same circumstance as
McDonald's, as they sell 19 cent items. Arbys have to sell in a
very warm and aesthetically beautiful location. The one in '
San Jose is the first unit in the 12 western states. Are trying
to make the second unit better than the first one. All the
points that have been mentioned are 'very well taken. The fence
will be movable planters in big redwood tubs. There will be 20
seats inside, picnic type tables in front and eating in
Arbys do not cater to kids but to adults, affluent'teenagers.
Will be selling sandwiches, milk shake, coffee, tea and soft.
drinks. People will not spend much time there.
Mr. Charles Baer, 20451 Stevens Creek Blvd., resident who resides
next to the proposed restaurant stated he had no objections t . :o
the operation whatsoever, but was only concerned about his back-
yard privacy. There is a picket fence there now but feels this
is not sufficient. During the summer months they have family
gatherings. He wondered if it were possible to have them put:up
a'cement block fence or a 1 x 2.2 redwood fence that the City
would allow.
The Chief Building Inspector stated that since Mr. Baer's property
is zoned commercial, a masonry fence is not required. Mr. Chevsky
stated Arbys does not have any objections to putting up a fence.
It would probably be similar in nature to the one in San Jose.
It is a prefab type of concrete panel fence and it is painted a
soft light beige, brick texture surface, will stand up to abuse
and is 61 high. Mr. Baer will be satisfied as long as he has
Comm.. Fitch feels that we will be concerned with the sign and that
it should be considered an integral part of the operation.
Mr. Steinberg stated the sign is basically similar to a hat, is
brown in color with few lettering on a simple column.
The Chief Building Inspector advised they are allowed 3% of the
gross floor area and that both areas will be calculated.
Chairman Irwin feels the building itself advertises the business.
This should be integrated as part of the plan. The committee
would like to advise of what handicap they may be fa-cing as a
result. This may have to come in for an Exception to the Sign
Mr. Steinberg hopes to get an approval of the building first and
come in Later for the sign. Feels he is not prepared at this time
to discuss tree sign
Chairman Irwin stated that one of the problems with the barrel .
roof is that the lighting which lights the foyer is quite extensive
and feels it detracts from the beauty of the building. Is there
some wort of way to break up the concentration of light as you
Mr. Steinberg stated the light shining on the activity is very
important part of this type of operation. The lights aim straight
down, is geared to take care of the inside.
Comm. Aguilar would rather see more natural. color for roof, either
grey or tan. In addition,fence should not be more than 21, could
be used as a bench to break up patio area. One objection to land-
scaping is maintenance.
Chairman Irwin asked if it were possible to have matte finish for
the color of the metallic components, roof, uprights that support
the glass.
Mr. Steinberg replied it was definitely possible. All metal parts
to be charcoal. bronze or black with natural finish. I.f black is
used, it is to have a matte finish. Wood siding in walnut color;
stone is "Arbys Ohio stone."
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm. Aguilar, that Application
313-HC-67 be recommended for approval to the City Council per the
following conditions:
1 Per the print and elevations submitted
2 Per the 10 standard conditions
flPer the rendering submitted
The exterior building detail. to be as following:
The roof to be a natural tan with a matte finish;
the uprights to be of a charcoal bronze color or
matte finish for black only. The wood siding on
the exterior to be of a walnut finish, and stone to be
"Arbys Ohio stone." The fence to be brought up at the
same time as the sign and landscaping.
The Chief Building Inspector feels the fence should be part of the
conditions because we do have a citizen who wants privacy and
since the applicant does not have any objections.
Comm. Aguilar amended the motion to request 6' precast concrete
fence, color to match building, seconded by Comm. Fitch.
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fi.t h, Kcwitz, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer
Motion carried, 40
Vote on the Application.,
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch
NAYS: Comm. Kowitz, Irwin
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer
Tie vote, 2-2
Chairman Irwin advised that the application 313-HC-67 is tied
with a vote of 2-2, which neeit-her ", passes _rDr rejects. He also
advised that Mr. Chevsky can appeal 'to the City Council for
next Monday's meeting if he submits a letter tomorrow morning.
Mr. Bob Wilkinson, 4401 Bari-ria Dr,!.ve, San Jose, wished to make
a comment. Under Roberts Rule of Order the chairman has no
vote. Unless it is 'tie breaking, yc?u:don7t poll the chair° if
your committee is so chartered to use Roberts Rule of Order,.you
are out of order to poll the chair.
Chairman Irwin explained that this :is a 5-man committee. The
chairman is appointed to conduct the proceedings as orderly as
possible. We are not in a hearing and since Roberts Rule of
Order is a basis in conducting a meeting, the chairman always
has had a vote on these issues. It is not one of breaking a tie.
Chairman Irwin went on to explain a section of the Arch. &*,Site
Control Ordinance that a quorum consists of 3 appointed members
of the Arch. & Site Control Committee ' . An application may be
approved or denied by a single majority. In the event of a tie
vote, the chairman shall have a deciding vote.
Chairman Irwin feels this application should pass on to the City
Council it stands and if they, so rule that we should have
done the other, then we will hear about it.
The Chief Building Inspector feels this should be passed on to
the City Council and if an appeal is in writing to the City Clerk
within 5 days, Mr. Steinberg and Company will be heard at the,
City Council meeting as Written Cormnunications and at that time
the City Council can set a time for hearing 2 weeks hence.
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by, Comm. Aguilar to allow the use the rendering as he sees fit.
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Kowitz, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer
Motion carried, 4"0
Application.: 314-HC-67, Robert E. Murray, 1556 Waxwing Ave.,
-Sunnyvale, requesting Arch. & Site Approval to construct an
additional classroom at the Bethel Lutheran Church, located at
10181 Miller Ave.
Mr. Bob Wilkinson, 4401 Barina Drive, San Jose, general chairman
of the committee for the church, presented the plans of the class-
Comm. Kowitz asked if this plan adheres to the basic design of
the church building.
Mr. Wilkinson stated the church has a first addition, second
addition to that building and the main sanctuary. The roof line,
gables on the roof, the texture of' the paint and the roof material
will all be tied together. The building was originally in our
master plan, which was at one time submitted and was to have been
done in the future. This is the future plan.,
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that tl-,L,-,y prc'pose to Pjai-,,.t alnld a.
:is to be installed.
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be basically commercial.
This is considered a true mansard roof. There is a slight slope,
straight surface and flattens out again and drops down to a
hidden flat roof in behind to take care of vents, ducts, etc.
All heating ducts within the building will not be on the.roof.
There will be some mechanical equipment but all will be hidden.
.The mansard roof is a typical window of chateau proportion. The
balance of the front has the portico in brick coming across the
full length with a low roof tying the 2 structures together.
There are small louvered -vents simulating a storm window. This
appears at the various elevation of the smaller units. The
building will be frame construction with steel structural supports,
will I be of plaster, probably clinker brick (burned brick, European
quality). The roof will be Johns Manville New Heavy Asbestos
Shingles. It will be deep black grey in color. The window will be
of the same basic color as the, front doors, heavy tintodized alumi-
num. Found that it will produce lasting appearance, won't fade
nor twist. Color has the full country look of brick and warm
plaster with dark trim and dark roof. They propose to install a
normal, high wall across the- back which is a requirement, either
masonry or slump stone block. The trees that are indicated, which
would wrap around the building may be imported olives, may possibly.b
Liquidambar or White Birch.
The Chief Building Inspector advised Mr. Heid that the City has
street trees in that area and asked if this would be in conflict
with on -site landscaping. Melaleuca is designed for.Stevens'Creek
Fairway, and he believes Mr. Long would like to put some Liquid-.
ambars on Miller Ave. Mr. Heid feels this would blend in.
Mr. Heid stated there is some thought of a free standing sign on
the corner. Thinking very seriously of large gold letter,
indicating the name of the organization on a horizontal band on
heavy timber. All signs will be the same.
Sign and landscaping plan will be submitted later.
The committee feels this is a fine presentation and a real asset
to the City.
Moved by Comm. Aguilar, seconded by Comm. Fitch, to recommend to
the City Council approvalof Application 315-HC-67, per plans,
specifications submitted as to Phase I only and per 10 standard
conditions. Landscaping and sign to be submitted later.
AYES.- Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Kowitz, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer
Motion carried, 4-0
Application: 316-HC-67, Gordon F. Jensen, 1605 Honfleur Drive.,
Sunnyvale, requesting Arch. & Site Approval to construct a church
building to be located at 10271 Stelling Rd.
IF Mr. Gordon F. Jensen, 1605 Honfleur Drive, Sunnyvale, presented
the plan of the proposed church building. This building is for
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, known as the
Mormon. Church. This is similar to a parrish. Property is located
across from De Anza College. This plan was developed in the Salt '
Lake City office and has been built a. number of times. The size
is 16,000 sq. ft., all brick veneer, single story and similar to •
the one on Fremont Rd. Mr. Rausmassen, the architect, has been
coordinating this with the Salt Lake office, and Mr. Jensen feels
he is not versed on this project.
Comm. Kowitz advised the applicant that the height ordinance
allows 25' and this building is 26'.
The Chief Building Inspector stated there is another church with a
90' tower and does not think there will be too many problems.
This church could ask for an Exception to the Height Ordinance.
Mr. Jensen presumes the church has a Use Permit for the building
from the Planning Commission (2-U-67), but does not recollect
whether the tower was included. The main concern had to do with
utilities, fences, things of this type.
The Chief Building Inspector advised the committee that if the
architecture is in keeping with the thinking of the committee, if
an approval is in the offing and it might be subject to coordi-
nation with the City ordinances, not to hold up the application.
Comm. Kowitz feels the architecture is very good, no problems from
that standpoint, adheres to ordinances of the City, and parking
appears to be adequate.
Chairman Irwin feels the driveway should be wide enough for a
2-way traffic even though marked for one-way.
Comm. Fitch showed some concern about the appurtenances and vents.
Mr. Jensen replied that all are in the back and not visible from
the front on 5telling Rd. The only visible item will be the
Chairman Irwin would like to see roof material be compatible with
De Anza College instead of composition roof. Building itself is
compatible with the area.
Mr. Jensen asked what alternatives do they have for roof material.
He feels the is too expensive. Asbestos shake was suggested.
Chairman Irwin suggested the applicant bring in color scheme and
rendering to the next meeting and (,also suggested the architect
be present.
Moved by Comm. Aguilar, seconded by Comm. Fitch, to continue
Application 316-HC-67 to our next scheduled meeting.
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Kowitz, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer •
Motion carried, 4-0
The representative for Otsen Sign Company did not appear at this
-g -
a'Zoved by Comm. Aguilar, seconded by Comm. Kowitz, to continue
306-HC-67 until so advised by the applicant in
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Kowitz, Irwin
NAYS-. None
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer
Motion carried, 4-0
Chairman Irwin noticed last weekend that the Produce Depot was
again displaying illegal signs. The truck was placed about 150'
to -wards the freeway on Highway 85 with 2 huge signs, signs placed
against the telephone pole, against the produce bins, A"frame
sign, but with neater printing.
Chairman Irwin stated that nothing has been done about the ice
machine at Stop & Go Market. He wrote a letter about 7 months
ago with no results.
The Chief Building Inspector suggested that another letter be
sent to the owner and if not done within a given time, then the
City should do_somethingphysically.
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm. Aguilar, to draft a letter
to the owner of Stop & Go'Market in reference to the ice machine
placed in front of their market, 10021 S. Blaney Ave.
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Kowitz, Irwin
NAYS-. None
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm. Aguilar, to adjourn
the meeting at 10-'45 P.M.
Chief Building Inspector"',-,.
ZsZ Keith Irwin