November 22, 1967F'
l.J; O .Tb- re-, Avenue., Cupe.rt1mhD, C8_1_ifo.rn a. 95014.Pha, oneF
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CaunciL C, era.,, 10;Torre Aweriu,e, C'.ape.rtzn6
S.A L,,Ur =1 . Toe TER', FLAG
Gomm., pre,tt AEgu l_ar, FZt.clhti.,;, Irwin:
C omt e, aka. s ent: a M,,me y,.'e°r ;. Kowz_t:
Staff pre ae� a Bz11_ Be.n
A-- Wrztte-n — There were non
B.. Ue r• b.a 1 - The r_-e rnre. re, none:;
No E E-H 9:: 1967
G 1rman Irwin, w� s.he di t a have. ane s,.t<ate , ient an, -age= 2,,, resga rds�g:
the: Marian build:' m gr clar ized a "'U'ha a were., now.,, in plawa,,e aan
aann_o,t be era s alIT rem,,ave d ; whi_ah �� e,aaveaff t uo. aL a n.; Gaut o= C e:
would. b,e_ t.o: paint the umiLts ta eLtheir match thep.ara_pset: or- wha:t-
ever° s:urrou�md, ng; aalor w lah. wa°s' the:, 1_e:a°st ol�rje�ctzanabl�� mat to;
pa-i nit t.he. parapet 1ts;e1f`...r�:
The°. G .ef B,u: ld lhape c.tarz sztate.d that he:: has: afinae t+allhe:dta,
W'al_ter W`ard,,, g,e-neraT. manager af" Val:I_c.o. Park, and t fi beexal
resolved.: The, zta wz17 he carn:c�auflaged=,P there. is nee, ire �d .car°
the p,admt s_che e--, .. Va.11 cao - Pa<rk_ ha req w-esto?d� that. Vva ra an i nm, 0,r e. a;s-
t:he height of the pa`rape.t thrall. to czn --ail the unlit',& .
lYLo V e-d la:}y C.o rnm a. F'zt. c h =, s e_c o.n d.e d, by C a:rnrrr e . l g-:l ar;, o axp,r ov e they
Msnute.sT af. Nove.mb,er with coirrec:tT_ons.�
AYES C omrr a. Agp.,- I ar-,;; Fi_t:eh.V Zrwzr
NA.Y None
ABSENT:'z Gomm., K1a.,usimeyr,owtz.
Application: 187-HC-65, Gemco Store, 20745 Stevens Creek Blvd.,
requesting Arch. & Site Approval to install a new concrete block
wall for a nursery enclosure.
Mr. Art Branum, General Manager of.Gemco Store, presented the
plan of the proposed concrete wall. The largest portion will
consist of concrete pre -formed building blocks. Color will match
the grocery addition, which is in the back of the patio section,
when completed. This wall will cover the existing poles and
support the overhang, but there will still be a dimension of
approximately 22' left open. Roof material will be of corrugated
Comm. Fitch asked if they would continue to use as it is now.
Mr. Branum stated that the cyclone fence will stay as is to house
the green plants. It will remain exactly as is now. Fertilizers,
peat moss, etc. will be contained inside. Nothing will be kept
outside the fenced area.
Chairman Irwin asked if the door leading to the patio area would
be removed. Mr. Branum stated the inside door will stay as it is.
Comm. Fitch asked about the exterior lighting of the area.
Mr. Branum stated there will be 150 W. floodlights on the 10' poles,
which he feels is sufficient to light the outside area.
Moved by Comm. Aguilar, seconded by Comm. Fitch, to recommend for
approval to City Council Application 187-HC-65 per plan and
specification submitted, plus the 10 standard conditions.
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer, Kowitz
Motion carried, 3-0
Application: 237-HC-66, W. A. Sutton, 1618 Kennewick Dr., Sunnyvale
resubmitting for Arch. & Site Approval review of the Batting Range,
located at 22202 Homestead Rd.
Mr. Bill Sutton, 1618 Kennewick Drive, Sunnyvale, submitted pictures
of the Batting Range for review.
Chairman Irwin stated he looked at the installation on his way home.
Commended Mr. Sutton and his father on the good job they have done
and feels that this is a valuable function to Little Leaguers.
Also, that this Batting Range looked very delightful in comparison
to some of the batting ranges he has seen on a recent trip.
Comm. Fitch feels this area has improved and feels the Suttons have
made an honest endeavor to clean the area, and feels since there
has been an effort to improve and improvement has been made, revie—
could be extended to a more indefinite period and put on the basis
of what Mr. Sutton has done and an occasional approval by the
Building Department.
- 2 -
Chairman Irwin feels we should have a handle on this, we are
concerned that the area may develop into something different,
.-wherein this type of use would no: longer be applicable. It is
not contemplated to change now or in 6 months, but this is the
reason for review.
The Chief Building Inspector feels' this- application should be
subject to review periodically. The next review will be in the
middle of the operation and feels it would be the right time for
Moved by .Comm Fitch, seconded by Comma Aguilar, to have- the
applicant resubmit to Arch. & Site Control review in six months.
AYES® Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Irwin
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer, Kowitz
Motion carried, 3-0
Application: 313-HC-67, Joseph So Lodato,.1215 Airport Blvd.,
San Jose, requesting Arch. & Site Approval to construct an B1Arby`s"
Restaurant, to be located on the north side of Stevens Qreek Blvd ,
approximately 262' west of the intersection: of Stevens Creek and
Saratoga -Sunnyvale Rd.'
Mr. Robert Jakob, representative of Arbys Inc Western Div sIon,
231 E. Millbrae Ave., Millbrae, presented plans of the propoaed;`
restaurant. The original is a standard building design that has
been built and now operating in 58 locations throughout the U.S.,
another 40 to 50,are under construction. There is one located
on Stevens Creek, 5 miles east of here with the original design..
This design is a modification of the building in order 'to bring
the building to conform with the architectural design found and
approved in most western cities
Mr. Goodwin Steinberg, A,I,.Ao, 90 Gish Rd., San Jose, was present
at this meeting to go over some of the details of the plan'
-The Chief Building Inspector stated that Mr. Steinberg has not seen
the revised plot plane The broker and Mr. Lodato, owner of the
property, came in to the office earlier in the day and the -City.
staff helped revise the site plane The building was moved 2. fta
in order to enlarge the 29' to a 351 approach, and to conform to
a 10 x 20 parking space.
Comma Aguilar asked if any of the objections have been corrected.
The Chief Building Inspector stated it has as far as the site plan
is concerned.
Chairman Irwin asked if the barrel roof was a fixed situation. He
feels that this type of roof design is for the purpose of advertise-
merit, are reproduced from one building to another and end up becoming
one big sign Asked if it were possible to change the design feature
without upsetting Arby's total plan,
Mr. Steinberg stated that they wish to retain the: basic round front
projection. The oval is their trademark and is the one 'rigid item°
3 _
The building material is concrete block on rear portion of the
building, stone in the front, barrel roof on the front half of the
building and a square roof on the back half of the building with
silver aluminum trim in some areas, and masonry base from back
end to front end. They plan to use black trim instead of plain
aluminum trim, brown stone or slump stone walls. Roof will be a
porcelainized metal, will have texture instead of being a gravel -
roof type. They have talked over the color scheme and feel building
will turn out to be well -designed.
Chairman Irwin asked Mr. Steinberg if they had a colored rendering
showing this unit in its perspective and its color scheme as we
would see it. He stated that it is in the working drawing form
and it is not yet in perspective form.
Comm. Aguilar feels color would be more representative of what is
actually being submitted.
Comm. Fitch asked how the sign is going to be presented in con-
junction -with the building. The Chief Building Inspector stated
the sign is not part of this application and that he explained to
Mr. Lodato earlier what is allowed and he understands that he is
allowed 3% of the gross floor area.
Comm. Aguilar feels brick would be much more attractive than stone.
Mr. Steinberg explained that stone is the trademark for Arby's;
that slump stone is easier to handle and is a local stone in Ohio.
Comm. Fitch asked Chairman Irwin whether the committee would be
asking the applicant to return with the proposal as he would plan
to submit for our recommendation in regard to the building and the
plot plan and what was stated here or are we going to act on what
we have here and have that reflected on plans to be submitted
prior to any acceptance by the City.
Chairman Irwin stated that he, as an individual, would like to see
the plan in its perspective with colors, and is interested in two
things basically: 1. how you would handle the front treatment,
which would face the road; how the lighting would work and the
total effect, 2. definitely would like to see neutral or dark
stained wood used on sides, not necessarily black. The committee
will go along with the plot plan.
Mr. Steinberg stated it is very difficult to have colored rendering
because of not getting the true color, but if we bring in a monotone
and samples of colors of the materials, would this be acceptable.
The Chief Building Inspector stated this has been done with the
Varian building.
The Chief Building Inspector was asked to comment on the wood siding,
and he stated the City would allow wood material provided it is
backed with incombustible material.
Comm. Aguilar suggested the applicant submit a landscaping plan
along with the application and considers this important for his
decision. would like to have some indication of the type of
landscaping and how it would affect the building.
- 4 -
Moved by Comm. .Aguilar, seconded by Comm. Fitch, to continue
Application 313-HC-67 to the next scheduled meeting and requested
that Mr. Steinberg submit a rendering and the sample materials as
he stated.
Comm. Fitch commented that the architecture is unique and an
outstanding attempt has been made to present something that would
be acceptable to the City and suggested the applicant continue
his attempt for a selection of materials to enhance to its utmost,:
Comm. Aguilar made an amendment to motion to include the request
for basic landscaping plan along with this application, seconded
by Comm. Fitch.
AYES: Comm. Aguilar, Fitch, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Klausmeyer, Kowitz
Motion ;carried, 3-0
Chairman Irwin requested the Chief Building Inspector instruct the
operators of the Car Wash located between Silverado and Bollinger
on Highway 85 to turn their wide lights down. The lights shine
directly toward the roadway in both directions.
There were none
Moved by Comm. Aguilar, seconded by Comm. Fitch, to adjourn.the
meeting at 9:20 P.M.
Motion carried, 3-0
s/ Keith Irwin