May 24, 196710300:Torre Ave-, Cupertino, Calif,, 95ol4, Phone: 252-4505
8e,QO P.M.
Council Chamber, City Hall .10300 Torre -Ave.,. Cupertino
- I ;
Commo present; Fitch,,, Small,., Stern, Irwin
Comm. absent'.- Kow tz
,Staff present. Chief Building Inspector, Bi11 Benev ch
Recording ;Secretary, Lois.Inwards
A, Written -- There .were none,
Bo Verbal
1.,. Mr.o.,Walter Adams, 18690 Blyswood, Los Gatos,
asked the Committee. if they.wou.'ld consider.
his ;proposed signat..this meeting o His
application was placed on the. agen.da..
QF MAY 10,:1967
Moved by Comm,.Fitch, seconded, by Commo..Small, that the
Mnu:teS of May ,10, - 1967 be:_ accepted as recorded,
AYES. Comm.- Fitch,; Small, ,,Stern., Irwin
NAYS e : None,
ABSENT: Comm..Kowitz
Motion carried, 4-0
A, Application,. 270-HC-67, Richard J,., Kehrig, 963
Orchid Way, San Jose, requesting Archo.&;Site
Approval to construe .a Standard Oil service
station to be located at .the southeast'corner
of Homestead Road and Blaney. Avenue.
Mr. Richard Kehrig, 963 Orchid Way, San Jose, said the
building materials used in the construction of this
service station are compatible to those which will be
used in the entire shopping center: adobe -shade slump
stone and simulated shake roof (Fire Zone 2 does not
allow cedar shake roof unless building is completely
Elevations of the service station were placed on the
bulletin board and a small rendering of the artist's
conception of the shopping center buildings was passed
among the Committeemen to illustrate the colors which
will be used.
Comm. Stern asked if the red barn and old house will
come down. Mr. Kehrig said all existing buildings will
be coming down when the entire shopping center is built.
He noted that the architect forgot to show on the plans
the covered pump island on Blaney and the driveway from
the shopping center to the service station.
Mr. Selander, of Standard Oil, explained that the hip
roof building will have a light beige concrete the roof.
Planting will be at the corner radius, rear and side
property lines, and in front of the restrooms. The
"fin sign" (pole sign) will conform to the new Sign
Ordinance. He confirmed that the slump stone will go
all around the building.
Comm. Fitch asked about provisions for trash. Mr.
Selander said the 8 x 20 trash enclosure will be of
slump stone and attached to the building. There will
be hose bibs for the planters, with one control valve
per planter, plus one in the building.
Comm. Fitch asked what other signs they are planning
to have. Mr. Selander said there will be one pole sign
and a spanner sign on the end of the building and one
the pump island canopy. They cannot anticipate what other
signs the lessee will request. Lighting will be under
the pump box and on all fcur sides of the building.
There will be four electrcliers geared to hit the
entrances but not to blind the motorists.
Comm. Fitch asked about beverage and candy machines.
Mr. Selander said they will be located inside the
building. There will be a drinking fountain between
the restrooms.
Comm. Fitch asked if they are contemplating trading
stamp signs, etc., and if so, he requested they be
placed on a reader board or sentinal sign.
Mr. Selander confirmed that there will be 6" concrete
Moved by Comm. Fitch9:seconded by Comm. Sma'11,,to
recommend to the City Council approval of application
270-HC-67, per the following°
1; Per prints submitted, showing,slump.stone
exterior and simulated. shake roof.
20 10 standard conditions.
3. Per the signs as.spelled out on the prints..
ko Landsca-ping; to be approved._ by' the Arch & :S to
Committee prior to final.acceptance,of ;the
building by the Building Department®
Motion was amended by Comm, Fitch, seconded,, by Comm;
9mall,.:that this approval is subject to the approval
of the Tentative -and Final Maps.
Vote.. on Amendment.
AYES. Comm. .Fitch,.Small; Stern,.,Irwin
NAYS. None
ABSENT: Comm... Kowitz
Motion carried, 4-0 "
'Vote on Motion -
AYES Comm. Fitch,, Small, Stern, Irwin
ABSENT`.- Commo.Kowitz
Motion carried, 4-0
B.. Application 237-HG-679 W. A. -Sutton, 1618 .Kennewick,
Sunnyvale, resubmitting for Arch. & Site, Approval
to extend existing batting range at 22202 Homestead
Roads from one. cage to three cag:eso
Mr.,®: W. A. -Sutton; 1618 Kennewick, Sunnyvale, noted
there were two problems that specifically needed to be
clarified: parking -anal trash collection. He.said
Mr Aronson; the property owner, has arranged for
adequate parking adjacent to the tennis courts, from
'the; access .road, which is. well :<off the: heav ly-travelled
Homestead Road. There is a steep :bank Pin,this area
along Homestead Road, and it is inconceivable that
cars would attempt to park these and allowthe children
try: to climb down to the bath-ng, cages°;
Mr,. Sutton has arranged to have a large trash receptacle
there that periodically will be taken to the dump,
Admittedly; this is a difficult place to keep tidy
because snacks are purchased nearby and eaten here,
This is also the Moose Club picnic area. They, too, have
provided trash barrels.
Mr. Sutton said the existing structure was merely an
experiment and will be taken down in order to extend
the one cage to contain thcee batting cages. There
will be poles around the cages with wire to hold the
nylon netting off the ground. The posts will be red-
wood stained.
Chairman Irwin asked the applicant if he has looked into
any other materials other than netting. Mr. Sutton said
netting is used to avoid damaging the baseballs. He is
trying to keep the overhead down and, thereby, keeping
the price within reach of most of the young boys.
Chain link fencing would cost almost 3 times as much
as the netting arrangement and would damage the balls.
Comm. Fitch asked if there had been any objections from
anyone. Neither the applicant nor the staff was aware
of any objections.
Mr. Sutton explained that he regarded this first arrange-
ment as an experiment. He looks upon this new proposal
as a prototype, and he would like to operate on this
basis for 2 or 3,years. Be was agreeable to review of
the operation by the Committee at any time.
Comm. Small noted that this operation probably performs
a very good service, although it leaves a lot to be de-
sired, aesthetically. But it must be remembered that
this is in an industrial zone.
Chairman Irwin was concerned that this operation will
probably grow, and he would like the Committee to have
strict control over it.
Comm. Fitch said Mr. Sutton should be commended for
attempting to bring something like this to Cupertino.
It is a good, healthy business, with the youngsters
in mind.
Moved by Comm. Small, seconded by Comm. Stern, that
application 237-HC-67 be recommended to the City Council
for approval, with the conditions that the posts are
to be stained, the parking facilities shall be as shown
on the plan, and approval to be subject to review by
this Committee within six months.
Motion was amended by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm.
Stern, that the area is to be maintained in a profes-
sional manner.
Vote on the amendment:
AYES: Comm. Fitch, Small, Stern, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Kowitz
Motion carried, 4-0
Vote on motion.
AYES. Comm Fitch, Small, Stern, Irwin
ABSENT. Comm.. Kowitz
Motion carried, 4-0
Ca Application: 223-272-HC-67,_Smla Lands, Ltd,
22186 Homestead Road,.resubmitting for.Arch,; &
-Site Approval to construct .two industrial 'bu:ild-
ings to be located on the -.east -side of -,the
ex.sting:industrial building at Simla,Lands,
Mr.4 Aronson, 21450 Columbus Avenue., Cupertino,. presented
his plans for the two industrial buildings, The
`Co.mmittee decided they should be incorporatedinto
"just:: the one file number o .272-HC-67 a
Mr,:Aronson wept over his plans, as recorded in the
Minutes of May lOth; He said the original application
was -.for one building; for which present plans call for
a 'redu.ction. in. size of that concrete block building and
for another, taller building of tilt -up -concrete con-
struction. The front of the taller building -will have
exposed aggregate trim. He pointed outtheexisting,
mature trees. -which will remain. The new parking spaces
are laid.out 10 x 20 to conform with the -Ordinance.
The buildings will have built-up tar and gravel roof
which will be hidden behind:a parapet..The leases will
allow forthe tenants to come before this body,`with
plans for air conditioning, signs, etc.
Comm..,Small..asked if the applicant Was -willing to clean
up the landscaping in front of the now -defunct Milkhorn o
Mr.Aronson said.this was what he planned to do on the
up-comng,four-day Weekend®
Mr, Aronson'Went on'to'say there will be'dou.ble lights
every 30'' along the buildings. No accommodations ,have
been `.made for electroliers in -the parking lot;- There
areno residences nearby to be affected by these lights, Fitch asked about fencing,. Mr. Aronson repeated
Mrm Rich's plans (as noted in the Minutes of the previous
mee-ting) for ;a 'fence to. protect his building materials
'Mr.Small suggested that<applicant come inseparately
When ".he' gets' his payout ,for his binds, fences, etc,
Comm.,..Small asked if there would be any cement mixing
in this area Mr,, Aronson said there would not.
Chairman Irwin noted there is a deficiency of six,parking
spaces in order to comply with the Ordinance Mr, Aronson
said -.there -will be many more parking spaces in the -area
toward . the towers.
Comm. Fitch asked about the landscaping plan. Mr.
Aronson said they are going along with the same type
landscaping as is already rhf�re. In addition, they
will have movable planters around the tilt -up building.
Comm. Fitch noted two triangular sections in the parking
area that could be developed into nice planters. Signs
and landscaping should be evaluated at a later date,
when the plans are firm.
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm. Small, that
application 272-HC-67 be recommended to the City Council
for approval with the following conditions:
1. Per the prints submitted relative to the two
proposed buildings.
a. Showing location of existing trees
b. Exterior lighting per prints
C. The signs, bins arrangement, fences, and
landscaping to be submitted for final
approval of Arch. & Site Control Committee
prior to final acceptance by Building Department
2. 10 standard conditions.
3. Parking spaces to be in compliance with City
AYES: Comm. Fitch, Small, Stern, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Kowitz
Motion carried, 4-0
D. Application: 274-HC-67, Paul H. Holsinger, Jr.,
22260 Lantis, Los Altos, requesting Arch. & Site •
Approval to construct a "Mr. Steak" restaurant to
be located on the nort-least corner of Stevens
Creek Blvd., and Stelling Road, adjacent to the
Shell Oil Service Station.
This item was postponed.
E. Application: 275-HC-6`T, Ad Art, Inc., 1225 North
Fifth Street, San Jose, :requesting Arch. & Site
Approval to erect a 3' x 25' metal and plastic
marquee sign for "Tiff,3ny Billiards" located at
the Portal Plaza Shopping Center.
Mr.. Jim Mc Ley, of Ad Art, presented the rendering of the
proposed sign. He said this sign is to goon the roof;
it will sit on the beams. . They: will <then be on the same
level as the other signs in the shopping center. The
only change is the word "Tiffany's" will be red rather
than green. Thus building sits back 300' from.:Stevens
Creek Blvdo
Mr. Bob Loomis, 10637 Creston Drive, Los Altos, said
most of the other signs for this._ shopping center were
made by another 'company., but they couldn't seem to come
up with something acceptable to him. He felt this Ad .Art
signwas much superior.
Moved by Commo.Stern, seconded by Comm. Small, that
application: 275'-HC-67 be -recommended to the City Council
for approval on the basis of the drawings.submitted,
with the understanding that the cue poles are not to
be more than 10' above the rooflinem
AYES. Comm, Fitch., -Small, Stern, Irwin
NAYS- lNone
ABSENT. Comm Kowitz
Motion carried, 4-0.
F. Application 276-HC-67, Adams Wallpaper Studio,
10066 So. -Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road,. Cupertino,
requesting Arch,o & Site Approval to +.erect a. sign,
Mr.- Falter Adams, 18690 Blyswood,. Los Gatos,_said he
would like: to have: this woodensign constructed and hung
at 10066 So..Saratoga=Sunnyvale,:Road. It is to go on
`.the front of the former Chamber of- Commerce -building.
Mrs.. Adams, 18690 Blyswood Los Gatos9,said this is her
business. She has been there since October, but with-
out a sign, her business location. is hard for people
to find o She said the background ,is bl'ack9 the : s,croll
is White with black letters, and,the oak leaf is gold shading.
'Moved by Comm, Stern, seconded by Comm, -.Small., that
..application 276-HC-67 be recommended to the City Council
for approval on the basis of plans submitted.
AYES- Comma Fitch. -Small,., Stern, Irwin
NAYS. None
ABSENT. Comma Kowitz
Motion carried, 4-0
_ _7 _
A. Kohn's Produce Depot. Chairman Irwin will bring this
violation of the Sign Ordinance to the attention of
the City Council.
B. The sign at the old City Hall location will be coming
before this Committee in the near future.
C. The junk cars have been cleared away from the old
Gagliasso house.
D. The Goodwill Pick -Up Stations are beginning to look
like trash collectors.
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm. Small, to direct
the staff to write a letter to Goodwill Industries re-
commending they pick up more often, especially at their
Bollinger and Blaney Station, and that they contact the
Chairman of this body with regard to what action they
plan to take. A carbon copy is to go to the Council.
AYES: Comm. Fitch, Small, Stern, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Kowitz
Motion carried, 4-0
A. Mayor Fitzgerald asked the Committee, in the case of
new shopping centers, to consider.conditioning their
approval to the effect that the sign surface can be
changed but the sign shall stay essentially the same.
This restriction should help when secceeding lessees
come in for approval of their signs.
Moved by Comm. Stern, seconded by Comm. Small, to adjourn
the meeting at 10:40 P.M.
/s% Keith Irwin
ATTEST: Chairman T
Chief Build n spector