ASAC 51,689.1February 26, 1987 Nunzio Cicero Cicero's Pizza 20010 Stevens Creek Boulevard Cupertino, CA 95014 SUBTECTa APPLICATION ASAC 51,68901 Dear Mr. Cicero At their meeting of January 20, 1987, the City Council instructed you to returnto the Architectural and Site Approval Committee (ASAC) with a modified design for the shed at the north side of your restaurant. The Council felt that with staff Is assistance, an acceptable design could be accomplished. Please have your designer or contractor contact me, so we may resolve this situation. I will be happy to assist them design a proposal which can be approved by ASACo At the ASAC meeting, as you may recall, one of the.Committee members, suggested three ways to improve your project. 1. Construct one integrate roof over the rear s'cructures, 2 Construct a trash.enclosure, and 3. Contain all equipment such as racks, hoses, and mats within the chain link enclosure. Please contact me within 10 days so we may expedite your application and avoid further enforcement action. Sincerely, CITY, OF CUPERTINO 1 Cft-4 of Cuvertj"o 10300 Torre Avenue P.O. Box 580 Cupertino, California 95014 Cupertino, California 95015 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT January 13, 1987 Nunzio Cicero 20010 Stevens Creek Boulevard Cupertino, CA 95014 SUBJECT. Application ASAC 51,68901 Dear Mr. Cicero: This letter will Confirm the decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Cam ittee given at its meeting of Januar 12 , 1987. The subject application was recommended for approval per the conditions specified in the enclosed copy of ASAC Resolution No. 1255. This application has been forwarded to the City Council for final review and will be placed on the agenda for their meeting of January 20, 19870 Sincerely, CITY OF Randal Ra Tsuda Planner I enclosure let516891(3:dl)