FAC 03-28-00 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting March 28, 2000 o CALL TO ORDER At 7:08 p.m. Chairperson Charlene Pai called the meeting to order in Conference Room C&D. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Charlene Pai, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Hema Kundargi, Janet Mohr, Carl Orr, Mary Sievert, Rita Young Parks & Recreation Commissioners present: Frank Jelinch, Edye Stein City Staff present: Steve Dowling, Kimberly Smith, Dorothy Steenfott Guests: Don Bragg, Pegasus Development, Paul Lettieri, Guzzardo and Associates, and artists Roger Berry, Richard Deutsch, Scott Donahue, Steve Gillman, Katherine Keefer APPROVAL OF MINUTES Orr moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of February 8 and the regular minutes of February 22. Mohr seconded and motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk gave a brief update regarding Apple Computer's proposal to provide a $100,000 in lieu fee for public art. She stated that city council decided to accept the in-lieu amount to be used for fine arts or other community programs with the collaboration of Apple Computer and the Fine Arts Commission. NEW BUSINESS City Clerk reported that the Fremont Union High School Student Art Show will take place April 19-29 and that judges are needed. Mohr, Kundargi and Young agreed to serve as judges. March 28, 2000 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Fine Arts Grants Beard presented the ad hoc committee's recommendation as follows: $750 for the San Jose Chamber Players and $475 for the South Bay Guitar Society and waive the facilities fee for the Cupertino Symphonic Band. The ad hoc committee chose not to award grants to the Living Arts Theater and the Cupertino Historical Society. At this time, Beard stated that the committee felt the Historical Society was in the Parks and Recreation area. He also stated that the committee likes the Living Artist program, but felt that it should be geared towards children. Sievert moved to accept the ad hoc committee recommendation. Orr seconded and motion passed unanimously. B. Cherry Blossom Festival. Kundargi reported that 10 schools are participating, and the banners will be put up in Memorial Park every day the week before. C. Review budget narratives for 2000-2001 fiscal year. Continued to April 25 meeting. D. Review of goals list Continued to April 25 meeting. Four Seasons Comer public art project and artists presentation of macquettes. Don Bragg, Pegasus Development, provided an update on Four Seasons Comer. He stated that plans for the apartments and retail will be reviewed at the April 10 Planning Commission meeting. Roger Berry described his "Four Seasons" proposal for the project as a sculpture of five parts, four shadow sculpture elements and a two dimensional "time rose". He stated that his concept was conceived for a location in the center of the park. As the landscape plans develop, that location could change substantially. March 28, 2000 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 Richard Deutsch presented his model named "Duet". He described his concept as a tribute to the city's rich past while keeping an eye to its inventive future. The sculpture would be made up of an abacus, a silo, a silicon wafer and a natural stone monolith. The abacus was chosen for its poignant reference to the computer industry and for its pure beauty in form and function. The silo was chosen as a landmark identifying the location of Cupertino because they used to be placed high above buildings and could be seen from long distances. The silicon wafer speaks to the advancement of the computer/information age as it holds up the abacus, and hand-carved into the granite wafer will be fruits and crops that once represented the harvest of Cupertino. The monolith will hold up the silo. Steve Gillman and Katherine Keefer presented their "Go proposal" based on the ancient game. They stated that they took the basic grid layout of the park and tilted and raised portions of the lawn squares. Added to the squares are large black and white ovoid shapes "go" tiles. Scott Donahue presented his "First Steps" model. The model displays three figures, all twice life-size and form a triangular relationship near the center of the Four Seasons Comer. The figures are that of a mother, father and child made of aluminate concrete with integral color and fiberglass. Paul Lettieri stated that the original concept was to have pedestrian walkways along the edge of the apartments and hotel. He also stated that the site is not flat and that the original drawing did not take into account the grading changes. Paul then presented a preliminary drawing that does include changes in grade, accommodates entrances to the restaurant, hotel and the park and provides emergency vehicle access. Steve Dowling stated that the plans for the hotel and apartments need to move forward and committee approval for the new drawing that reflects the grading changes and emergency vehicle access is needed. The Four Seasons Comer ad hoc committee agreed that the new plans were acceptable. ADJOURNMENT The meeting as adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Dorothy Ste&~f~ Record~ Secretary