CC 01-18-71 - . CIty 0~ C:~ERTJ~O, State of California 10300 ::~~~ ~venue, Cupcrtin~, California Tel.rl~~~: 252-4~~ CC-ïl KI~l,TTES OF TIŒ JlEGUL,UoHEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD JA.\1.J.-\RY 18. 1971 III THE COUNCIL OIAHBER, CITY HALL QJPEIttINO, CALIFORNIA ~or 5tQkes called tbè aeeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the ...esbl&¡,.. in the f1a& salute. 11011 Ca' ¡ eo....~..=." attendil1i&: Fiugerald, Frolich, Green, Noel and Mayor Stok.s. A,s attending: Acting City Manager Ryder, Clty Attorney Adams. "d,,~ins Director Sisk, Assistant Planner Cowan, Public Works Diree!:~ :.rborough, Chief Building Inspector Benevich and Recording SecrclJ~:' :.'dores White. Absent: Parks and Recreation Dlrector PArh"", roll call ~~_. ~~~5 ~pet 1~¡r 1. ::~:~~~1 of ~i~utPs of regular c2eting of January 4, 1971. It \o.".1!' -~ ......: l'y Counciloa:'1 ~;oel, seccnà¿d hy Councilman Green and pas:-.~ ~ .:. ~1ayor Stokes a~staininf.) th.-:t the ~tinutes of the meeting of J3~~_: " 1971 be a?pr~¥ed as sub~ilted. It ....a.~ :::.:': ;,t this t.¡~e ::y rouncil=;]:~ Fn,lich that a correctiC'ln appt'.:tft.":' ::J.....c been o":e:rl:..·oked in the ~!inutes of thE: rr.ectin~ of DecPr".~';:" 2:. !970 and in~u!rE"d as to ","iH?ther or not the staff \.:cuJd be pr,"~~~:': :;'.f .1 report co::.~(;rning the ....·jdth of parking stalls in c""""c~c." _ c'\"'lopc>ents lccate') within the City. Acti!'lg City Manager Ryd~r :-:.: -.cJ Counc1l:oan frolicl, that a staff report ,,'as in the pro"~" ··'>lng prepared i:¡ this regard. J r:¡inut(-~ I ap;>ro,""d Writt~~ :---~~ieütions ---- 2. ,~.,.. Calvin C. Flint, District Superintendent, FoC'thill ~'.-'~.'nity College District, objecting to cO::ælercial zonin~ : ~~:- t~c northwest corner of Sti'vcns Creek 30ulcvard and ,:,:ling Road; suggesting in lieu thereof planped develop- ~.~t _ commercial intent. (See Item No.9) Actin : ':1" ~n"¡:l!r R)'der indicated that this communication, altlwu¡:h address<: to the City Council, had been referred to the Planning eo...iss:~" ~~J discussed at their last meeting in connection with Appliea!:." 18-Z-70 aM 8-V-70. It was suggested by Mr. Ryder that tbls itc= ~~ discussed with Item No. 9 on the agenda. Page 2 " . , c.-u:tications cU."ussion I I I ! , r ¡ Mnutes of the City Council, .January 18, 1971 CC-77. Written C "1c:ations (continued) 3. City of SaD Mateo Resolution aemorializins the California Legislature to provide meaningful tax relief for the '-- owner by enacting legislsture for tax refora which eabodies a b.I......c¡ revenue prograa to Met the ongoing Deeds of the Citiu. 4. City of lialto Resolution urgins annual inspec:tion of every motor Y8hicle for efficient eaission control devices. It vas suggested that Items 3 and 4 be endorsed by the City if the Council wished to do so at this tilDe. S. FrOD Hr.. F. W. Hughes, Leader, Cadette Girl Sc:out Troop 960, protestiag the closing of the Cupertino parks at dusk. The Mayor indicated that a request had been received to speak orally on this particular item. 6. FrOlD Mr. .J. F. Moire, Directo~, Americdn Festival of Arts, requesting permission to present an art show on the malls of Vallco Shopping Center, March 11, 12 and 13, and also requesting the waiver of a business license fee for this non-rrofit association. It vas moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by CouncillDan Green and passed unanicously that the request for permission to pr~5ent an art show at Vallco Shopping Center be approved with a waiver of the license fee. 7. From Mr. John A. Hardoui,', requesting endorsement of a proposal entitled Regional Seed-Money Corporation, the "Santa Clara Plan". The Council ...,..bers were informed by Mayor Stokes that this part icular lIatter would be taken up at the Inter-City Council meeting scheduled for Jdnuary 27th. 8. From Kathryn Ryner requesting the City to enact a ban on sale oC beverages in non-returnablp containers and of detergents contalnlng phosphates and on enzyme presoak products. Subsequent to the suggeetion by Mayor Stokes that this it~ be taken up at tbe next Inter-City Council meeting, Councilman ~oel entertained a IDOtion that the :atter be forwarded to the Inter-City Council. It was lIention<d by Counc:ilJ:13n Green that the Solid Waste Co,,,.i Uee had pre- viously taken up tbis particular item a~d, after some discussion, it vas ag.:e.,d to hold the matter in abeyance pending a report from the Committee to the Councl1. 9. Appeal by Mr. J. Robert Dempster on behalf of applicants from decision of the Planning Commission on ^pplic~tions 18-Z-70 and 8-V-70. (Ratification by Council of public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, 1971.) · .. ftinutps of the City Oouncil, January 18, 1971 Written Communications (continued) , , It va. lIIOVed by Counc:1lJUn Noel, seconded by Councilman Prolic:h and ....ed uuanbaoualy that the public hearing relative to Applications 18-%-70 and 8-V-70 whic:h is .cheduled for Tue.day, February 16, 1971, .. ratified. , .J 10. Appeal by Mr. Hugh Lacey, Vic:e President of Uric:h Enterprise.. frO":. dedsion of the Planning Coaia1ss1on on Applications 2o-'IH-70 and 28-U-70. (Ratification by Council of public hearing scheduled for Monday, February 1, 1971.) On a m~tion by Councilman Frolicb, a second by CouncilmaD Xoel and a unanimous vote, tbe public bearing scheduléd for Monday, FebruarJ 1, 1971 ~as ratified. II. From Mr. George Fernandez, Principal, Cupertino High School, expressing appreciation for City assistance in sending the band to the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade. Mr. Fernandez' letter was read by Acting City Manager Ryder for the benefit of all present. lla. Appeal by Mr. R. D. Koenitzer from approval of Application 25-U-70 of Foto:nat Corporation, and request for pu;,];c hearing to be scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, 1971. Acting City }mnager Ryder introduced Mr. Koenitzer's whic~ had been received after the publishiag of the agenda. It was moved by Counci1J::an :;oel, seconded by Counciloan Green and passed by a unanimo~s vote that Item 24 be removed from t~é agenda and be scheduled for public hearing on Tuesday, February 16, 1971. lIb. From tbe League of ~o~en Voters of Central Santa Clara requesting to wlthdraw original request to address the Council relative to Application l4-Z-70 (See Ite:> !;o. 46). Upon presentation of this _~~.unication by Mr. Ryder, It~ 14(b) was eliminated from the pending a~enda. Upon the suggilstion of Mayor Stokes that a motion be entenalned, it vas lIoved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Gre~ and passed unanimously tbat the communications received be accepted ¡~r filing. Reverting back to Item S and II, the Mayor at this time introduced Diane Hughes and Kathie Cutts who had requested to speak concerning the closing of parks at dusk and on behalf of the CupertiDo students. Diane Hughes, 20060 Peacb Tree Lane, Cupertino and Kathie Cutts of 3335 Hauricia Avenue, Santa Clara came forward to th~ podium. IUss Hughes spoke on behalf of the Glrl Scouts and the teenagers of Cupertino voicing concern as to the parks being closed at dusk. She CC-77 Page 3 18-Z-70 and 8-V-70 heariRS ratified 20-TM-70 bearinR ratified Item 24 removed ! rc-:. agendñ cor.unun! cat ions received park presentation · , ..... . " :* ~. ~ Onited Fu"¿ Allard prese::t- at ion to C~~y - ,"-tea of the City ~ 111, January 18, 1971 œ-7.7 Written ec-unicati_ (,--"f-'..O uU, as a result of ~ the parks at an earUer tt.e, the Cirl S-ta _ld 1_ tbeIr _iDg plac:e and tbe teeoagers _lei alao 10ee a place for -A:b& 6w recreation. Sbe went on to say that tile t-aers are" _ ~f.. for a ''yes'' vote on the proposition to ..t"t.in tile Pl:..[ 1 c- rate vitb no increase. She _101 a "no" ..cite _ld result 1II'8IÙIy -.re young people looking fat _thing to de> after sc~l 111 die ....ung becsuse it would _ the end of tIIœ c:œpetitive sporU J!ft'&r- and open school policy at Cupertino Biab SchoGl on TuuIiay _iDgs. Sbe concluded by sayiDg that this _ld also sean the ... of the band and music progr_. In connection lith the ....., program, Kathie Cutts, on behalf of the Cupertino High School .~~ts, thanked the Council for the contribu- tion which made their recent trip to Pasadena possible. As a solution to tbe parks and rec:reation problem sbe suggested that a listing be published shoving prosr.aas and their various times. Oral ~unications 12. Request by Cou=cillllen for removal of items froa the Consent Calendar. There ~~r~ no requests ~e at this time. 13. ?resentation of recognltion award to the ~ayor by ~r. Tom Va is, Cacpaign Direc:~or of United Fund, for the Clty ~ployees par- ticipation. Mr. Vais, 10483 Chishola Avenue, Cupertino, presented an a~ard to the Mayor oa behalf of tbe C-:iT:ed Fund In appreciatio:. for I:1Onies received from the .~ployees of t~ City of Cupertino. He concluded by saying tbat this was the first full-fledged effort on the part of the employees and the ënited Fund was very thankful. 14. Request to address the Council relative to Applicatlon 14-Z-70. (See Item No. 46). a. Mrs. Nancy Hertert on behalf of the Friends of the Foothi.lls Committee. '. A representative fQr Mrs. aertert came forward and requested on her behalf that this itea be continued for hearing in conjunction witb Item 46 on the agenda. b. League of WoBen Voters of Central Santa Clara. Tbis request was prevloas¡y rescinded from the agenda. Report of Commissions IS. TransportatiOD Policy Committee - Mayor Stoltes . , ~- . ___ of tbe City Counc:il, 3 ., 18, 1971 , "~ _ I. of ec-bdons (contiøleol) ,'.... reportcl by the H8)ror that. there vas discussion at the laet :,"; r (I.. 88 to consideratiOD of 1Øeria posa1biUtie8 for 8 ..... .,st- c,,.,~ 'r 1-1.. tho: _in conielon of ~ County of Santa Clara vbJ.ch ~ ,......... by the Fed-:.r81 GoI_ r. He said a spedal lIHtiJIC ... "~8dIeoIuled for January 28t1a __ he _lei contact the c-nc:1l .. .. .-. I ~, individually, as to the C1£y's position concerning this ~ .,. ~ vben infonoation is rece1-.cJ. 16. P1a:ming PoUc!y c-1tt_ - Coundllllan Fitzgerald .. report was pnsen.:ed. bat it ... indicated that a meeting bacJ ~ scheduled to he beld cluriJIC the :oonth. 17. Inter-City Council - Kayor Stokes \,.. Mayor rerorted that a meeti:, had been held during the pa~t veek, _~.r, itecs discussed ver~ aai=ly carry-ov~r items. He said he bad aothing tc present in the vay of a report at this tine. 18. Leaguc of California Cities - ~ayor Stokes 19. AsSC\c!3t:'on of Bay Area G<,."\."er;:ents - Councilnan Fr:J~,ic';; 20. Flo~! C0ntrol Adv~5~ry C-~:S~i0~ - C0~~cilnan ~=el 21. Santa Cl.ara County .ater _...~:ssion - CouncilI:lan ·:.:el There were n~ =~et1ng reports p=e~~~~~~ r~latfve to Itc~s :G thrc~g~ 21 on the agcc.¿ð. 22. Solid ~3ste Committee cf Plbncing Policy Coœmittee - COUndl....n Green c:øuncUman Grccn reported that a ",e«dng had b.....n held of ih!s C4=a1ttee wher. lhe subject of f~d;ng ior study of disposal sites was discussed. A presentatlon vas :aèe, he Raid, by a con~ulting fira resarding a study of the potrntib:ity of Type 1 to handle ~ic materials in Santa Clara County and also, because of ~ity concern over amou~t of ~isposable bottles and containers, 11. ~s decided a sub-comlllit~ee be s~t up to investigate the practicality oi prohibiting sale of non-returnahle bottles. He _luded by saying that there would be a further report on this U- ¥bicb be would present to the Council when available. P1aDnina Coaalssion 23. Submission of Kioutea of January 11, 1971. ~~, Application 25-U-70 of Fotoaat Corporation for Use Perait to all~ the construction of a drive-thru photographic proc:ess- i~ fAcility at the SODtbeast corner of Saratoga-Sunnywale Road and Stevens Creek --.Ievard, in a P (Planned Develop- . '.7' 7·' cc-77 Page S I ! I , I C '1 . ! C'unc 1 t'.(-'n S "':eetl!'".~ I report s "............;.~>-,., '''' ._~~.- .... 6 .:1" 7-V-70 approved í ¡ San Jose ¡ rf,ferral presentaci.oø I I . . _t.. of tbe City Council, .Jamaary 18, 1971 pI-fl1a Coaaaission (<.ontinued) CC-7¡ aeot) Zone. Apprøwal rec_ncled by Plannin¡ eaat.s1øD Resolution No. 840 oa J_ry 11, 1971. .urill& back to It.. Ita, IIayor Stokes reiterated that this it. ... baeD ac:beduled for pub1.1c: bearing on Pebruary 16, 1971. 25. Application 7-V-70 of Padf1c Gas and Electric Coapany for a Variance to allow the fence be1ght to be inc:reased (r_ 6 feet to 8 feet on the easterly property line and tbe property line adjacent to Hæaestead Road and Blane) Avenue in an ML (Light Indu~'rial) Zone. Approval recommended by Planning CamIIIission Kesolution No. 841 on January 11, 1911. (See Itea No. 31 for H-Control rec:ommend6tions and Item No. 44 for resolution of approvaJ.) Planning Director Sisk reported that the r~quest was for an increase in beight of the solid masonry wall encompassing the P G & E fac:il~ty adjac~nt to the property line fron 6 feet to 8 feet. He said that vhen tbe zoning development plan ".as approved the staff had overlooked the 8-foot wall as indicated and vas now recommcnding approval, along witb tbe Planning Comnisslon, of a Variance. It was mov~d by Councilman Green, s~conded by Councilnan Frolich and passed una~ioously th~t Application 7-V-10 be approved as presented. 26. Ref~rral fro~ City of San Jose: Application ~o. PD C-7G-12-196 of P~ter F. Bianco for rezoning 10.4 acres from R-I (F~sidential Sicgl~-f~ily) to R-I-Bó-PD (Residential Single-family 6000 square foot lots - Plan"ed Development). Said property is lo,at~d at the southwest corner of ~cClellan Road and Bubb Road. (Applicaticn rev¡e~ed by Planning Commission on January 11, 1971 - Res'. tion No. 851.) ~r. Sisk dcscribed the property as being located within the Cit1 of San Jose and having becn referred to the City of Cupertino as a courtesy in that it was located adjacent to Cit~· He said the proposed cOllllllercial USe indicated ~as to be a service station on the corner commenting further that the Planning Commission had not found fault with the development but were concerned about the proposed cOODercial use on the corner because of an abundance of commercial use already located in the area. In concluding his presentation, Hr. Sisk informed the COuncil that the action requested was an indication of the City's feeling" to the City of San .Jose. Hr. John Stewart, representing Creegan and D'Angelo, Civil Engineers, Bud Newman with Mackay Haaes and :larty Hess of Dick Finian and AssociateB c:aae forward for discusslon. Several transparancies vere pre-ented by Mr. Newman while he described the various land uses in the L....ediate area. He COI!IØ>ented that com- ..rcial use would be preferred on the corner because of future develop- ..nt in tbe area and was D~essary to provide for the remainder of the project which was ~o he sinrle-family homes. . . ~tes of the City Council, .January 18, 1971 Planning Commission (continued) 511ðes wete sbown of the pilot project consisting of 28 units located fa Santa Clara al;.,., vith colored rendedngs. He desc:ribed the project as baYing tbe folloving features: the hOlIes wwld cluster ,ill "IJ" shaped 6-plexes incorporating a plaza, ..jor _11, .inor _l1s ... .ini-p~rks; a comlllon driveway would run tbrougbout the project; . recreation area would he provided; bOIIel! would be cO!lDected to prages witb tbe en~rances to the sarages screened by landscaping; riled roofs would be used and tbe bOll3B would be selling in the range of $30,000 to $34,000. . These hOlies, be continued, had been designed for f8IDUies with no children or posRibly one teenager and would appeal primarily to persons desiring to maintain a small amount of both indoor and _tdoor foot&ge. CouncIlman Noel commented that he liked the development but was concerned aDout the commercial use proposed on the corner and suggested that the residential area be carried out to include the corner. At this time, Mayor Stokes recognized a request from Mr. M. W. Smith, 8099 Presidio Driv.., Sail Jose, to address the Coundl. ~. Smith mentioned th~t he ~as an adjac~nt property C'Jner to th~ proposed development and a<õèed that he had spokl'n tü the Council previously regarding co:":,,ercial use on the sa::>e ,;ite. He was of the opinion that there was r.eav:: comerdal use already located in Cupertino and felt certain pr~hlen,; exi,;teJ with this proposed project which were: ingress and egress because only one entrance vas aV3ilabl~ to the area. t:-.e units wer.'! very close tcfotether and also located in close proxi~ity to the surrounding property owncrs reducing privacy. In response to Mr.. Smith's cc=ents, Mr. Stewart hroll¡:ht out the following points: 1) 1/3 of the residences were two-story units with the r"m.1ining 2/3's being of one-story dwellings, 2) witl. the c:losest seconð stor) winduJ being 105 feet from the nearest neighbor, privacy would not ~e a probl~. 3) cui-de-sacs were to he 34 feet flom curb-t~-~~~ò as co~?ared to the City of San Josc's standard of 36 feet in width and 4) a 54-foot minimum would be maintained betveen structures. In concluding, it was lIentioned that a recreational vehicle storage area had been provided at ~he loss of two units, 50 per cent of the area was to be open area and the resident1al development had been oriented inward and away from búth streets. Councilman Green voiced his agreement with Councilman Noel that the development \las a good one except for the commercial use proposed. Be then entertained a lIotion that the Planning Commission's recom- aendations be accepted witb the exclusion of the commercial zoning proposed which was seconded by ~~ncilman Fitzgerald and passed by s unanillous vote. CC-77 Page 7 San Jo:;e referral discussion Planning Ccr.nmit;!lion's recomrnenda t 0 accepted Page 8 :C-51,088.5 _,....ed ·;-31,015. T _~ :,oved :-':.OB8.6 :c: :'led _~ :soaping :-5:,162 . ;~;:- ~ved -.,~ '~nation : ~ ~?ted . . .....te. of V. City Counc:ll. 1 ry 18, 1971 CC-17 .Architec:tural and Site Av.»nnra1 ar.-1ttee 27. S.....I...iOll of m-ce. of Jannary 6, 1971. 21. Ie- I btion f_ ~J _&1 of Appl1~ation øc-51,OI8.S of t) 'ue, lac.. f.w..... at I0231lubb 10M. Ntlic Vorb J)1rector !arbu. ". reported that tile aip __ wttlaia die Sip OrdiaaDc:e, aftar tIIdda 1& _s DOVe<! by Coundlaø JIoel, D.ded by t.aøc:ilaaD C~ .. ....... _!..ous1y that Application BC-Sl,088.S be approwed. 29. Rec~ ~ndatiCJII for ~r_~al of Appli<3t1on RC-51,015.7 of Federal Slgn~ f~r a at¡a at Cro.sr~~~s ShoppiDl Center for Su:>.'-urst ICatural F__. It vas move~ ::r Coun~ll111an Soel. seconded by C:uncll Green aDd passed unan~=sly that Appl1G8t~ HC-51,O!'. ~ ;e approved. 30. Re<~~ndation for a77roval of AF,:::1::~n HC-51,08~.~ of Be:-::..l:-d W. Stewart for sc:eenin, .1:':-- ':"'.!itioning u::1t at Va:¡.i:,,,e Building, .::<at~ at 100< ~_':~ Road. ~_ Yarborc~~' r~?~rted t~a~ :~ 5tructur~ ~.~~ :~ ~onfo~a~c~ to t.~e architc::_=~ ...'n the r~¡='¿er :1f the :-......~_~:".;; it w;as t~."!'~ =:r:~d bj· c.:;.:.~.::..:~.::t !':ocl, ".::':~-:'::.: :,:: C....·~:·~.:-·.·· ...;.;~.. .....lJ r,s.:..,~J; ~nimouslv :o~: A.p1icati~~ ~C-5:,088.6 be .::::ved. 31. R,,::=,c-iatlon fo: ~-:~:,."..-al of A;,,:_:~::~'n nC-51,1~2 of P.a.::.::..: G.1S and Elf:~':r:c Co:!ïpany :....:- '. ..:-j,.;caping at. !la:1.ey A",- _, a~d 1l000est~~ L:;ad. It was r"p,-::'" ;y Mr. Yar;;"r~b that the ~-c"i~.,l pl:m cal:ed for ;a;.anese s:¡:~ ?:':1~S along t~.e .bove-ml~l1tL."':-."": ,:"~,.h!U'ays ar.d. ~:1aS::Juch as these 'W't?:-; ·..~r:.. slow-grc·.r:..::¡ t.rê'Cs. th~ "i;';:': i"':dnt had agr~ed to sa;;stltute ~:t"rey Pines i~ ~~is area. I:. WaS mo\"€: ::; Cvuncilman =;=-e~. 5e,:ondeJ by ·:,"'J:1cíloan Frolich and ;I.ssed una~.:=~·"5 ly that Appl ic.ation IIC-51.1t: '0" .'pproved. Parks and R.::eation Cometsslac 32. Su:':::s5ion of Mi",!:~ of January 12, 1971. Afcer reco~~::icn was made ~y ~he Mayor of ~rg. Vin~ent's resignation frOlll the P¿~k3 and Recreati~ C~ission, it ~a3 ooved by Councilman ¡ Creen. sec0~i~~ hy Councl1~ Fr~lich and pa55~¿ by a unant:ous vote co accept t:~ :esignatlon of ~s. Vincent. · Mayor Stoke, ,uggested that it be aade kno~~ a ~ac~ncy nOW existed on I the Comm1ss::n and, after it va. autually ahr~eJ that the closing date · for applica::ons would be Febnury 19th, hI' requested Mr. Ryder contact I prevlous ap?:i~ants and place an advert1sCT:Icnt ia the Courier to this i affect. , · . . BlDutes of tòe City Council, .January 18, 1971 rarks and "r-.:rution ComIIIiss1oa (continued) ClDDcern vas indic3ted by Mayor Stokes, Council=n FroUch and Counc:il _ Creen Nl'3rding yarious c-.sts shown in the Minutes of the !'arks and ~ecrut1OD Meting heU January 12th. Qlancillllan CrHD requested clarification as to inference IUd. reprd- fill the r~a1 of the Wilson Park building aad indicated that the Jo1Dt aeeti=J MDtioaed vas not . new itt'll but one that bad been .-.Ier discussicn by the Counc:il for aany lIonth5. He vent 011 to .., that he ~erstood·tbat a full-tiae leader ~as to be hired as . liaison a~ to develop progr..s to acc~date the public: needs, adding tha: :~ 80st distressing item of all ~a. the statmeat made that there ...." a drastic decrease in teenage r"~grams and that we 'Mere only ~:.y:::~ them "lip service". He iß(~u:!"ed as to what the -drastic è",::ea.es" were in this area statir.~ th.1t there were 22 activi::" 3~ Collins Schools alone. ln cè~:inuing he saij he did no: :,,,: :his was an acc~:ate stat~er.: :è cake on behalf of the Pa::"~ 1::": ~E"cr£.....tiOl. ':c.:::::'.:;!= ~':'1, ~('..:a'..l~I!..' ;:1..' had., personally., worked V~:: .~::; .ith Dany pecr:c O~ gctti~t ~ ~0~d issue passed which fai>. ~r. Cree:: : .~: -.:-: indicated .....4_ :;:-oblCr.15 '~'.' ~a\'e occurrf:d at :.'he park::. '-._ :-_~~'::. u:1ique ~,,~: e:;o::!:,ted i~ I..'t:-.': ,,:it'¡~s a5 ""..ell a~d ef!orts ..-~: _ ~~ ::-:.:: -::J.de to -..c:--. -:...:t tht>~t! !':"~'":-:l:-'," in a rnc;¡r.ir.~f1.Ü a~~ r;ttL~:- ~'--_'r. lh· ",;:d"~, :#. ~<:-,:, t.;~::' :\:C' ''If dts('us~~"'n at the P2:' ~ -~ ~~~fcatio~ C:-~~~~~~n ~:~~:~"'~ ~_J not display a~ attitude ~': :. ':-.:r.:Hi0n ('If ¿"'£::--: ~'-, 50h'\' :"'. -~ pr,',",lcn~ a¿:'i:-:g :.hat the:.: .: .:_ ::a.\·c to ~(> a ~::~-.t t'ffl'r~ ~; .......".;. togt"thcr tc ;rovide f _: ~ :-,:'::. i~o needs. I!j, conclu.:. .-__ :_:~ \.~"r.r:tt·nts, ~:'. Green r.ll'nti:"'.\'¿ that approx~=-2:.ely $172,000 '.'0; ,,:"-;: spcnt on r~o:"H ion "h:c", :.;: surpasse~ the j sum spen:. 7, --'::'::f, thf" City 5';' :':.~ prohlí":-:'.5 ,1:"l :'tot being ig~ored but the $::.0:::"- i5 such that '-'e !:Just sit ~:','r. .md deten:¡ine ...hat is ncces~~~' :: ì:':."olve tec~a.ger5. He c\.· '::,~~'~..:c j Pat Lo"'"e's su~~estio as to in":';. _.......:.: progra':!1s bu: i::¿icatcd t:-..1.: :;~..~re had been reference aade in t>.: '. _-....::.'-. material t:-..,}:. ?f(>ssur(' ,.;.j::: :-l'in~ put on to reduce t..nage F- ;:~=, ,.hich he felt ".'a_ net accu",:~e. Hc then voiced his f.,eling t:-,.: :: i< easier to ig:.Dre a pr~~l<,': :':.10 to plan for it and stn."~~:.':' :.-.¿ ~~cessity 0: =i:eting wjth t~..: ¡arks and Recreation ~lssic~_ :~:.~13tclYt to straighten out at;3r~nt misunderstandinr.s and exist:~. ~:è'l,'ms. Mayor Stck" <or.:inued the dls~ussion by referring to a stateoent tha be was to ~....i';~ ~cntacted the Co::cission 'Ce~.lf¿Ï!:g a joint meet.ing. Be explai"-,: :~at he had infor:ed the staff to contact the commission and arran;:< a =~~ting at the beginning of the year. Referring to c:oament$ ~::' r~g3rJ to the ~ission's role in the hiring of the new Parks a=~ ~ecreation Director, ~e indicated that the hiring of personnel i. s:lely done by the City Manager ~ithout further screen- ing froll a="o~e or any group includ,ng thc City Council. He then questioncd ¿<tiCD taken at tbe pre~íous Council ceeting wbich he load .issel!. CC-17 Page 9 Parks an~l F.ccrcat i ,..'In ~nnu:'f'''' òig("u,,~('d L 10 evening recreati_1 progralllS Eo be clear_ - -- _tea of t:æ City Counc:il, -S--.ry 18, 1971 CC-77 hrb and læc=ution ec-iAiaa (continued) .:111 response to the Mayor'. iJooqooft')' as to action taken relatlye to tbe ,~ ,.. a: buildinl" for Padta and kcrution Progr_, CouncilJDan ....l1c:h i»I!icated his uaderst...r1ng to be tbat progr_ing -Xci be _tailed ~ing the bid... of a, lIeigbboTl>OOd Center Direc:tor and, .... this kiri,,& of a director. there would be an i_cliate re-openlng bn eve~ activities. Be _101 be felt this was tbe general opinion of tbe rðKi::der of the CouDc:ll as vell. I · I I I · · ! CDanc11ma=. :r~lich clarified ....eral items ~~ich had appeared to be ~inte<7:~:~! quotes. He .eaøt to convey. =.ct that he did not know wbat the c.."CC~S$ion vas supposed to do but t':!t he was not sure what the ordinance ;::~~Jed for the Coaaission's fu~::icns and he suspected that the c..~_'$ioners, theaselves, did net ~~cw that their duties were. He ::~:i=.ued by say1na that he had s.e~t some: tilDe trying to convey t: :-< :c~ission that the Council re:c~nized that there was a commun::~:_:~ ?roblea and tr~t the Coune::. in no way, intended to infer :~..i: l--·- .":1¿ group .a.s ~o blame. !-:e 5..ii.i he requested that Mrs. Vi::.:,:-: .:::-:; the other ~i5sioners rr?'::J.:n until a i.1cetlng could ~ ana:,;" _ _,'.quent to :::e CÜy Hanager' > ,,:rival to discuss a Dew OrJ.:.;-." ...-:.3. it ,...as his i...'"!rres5ion t~:_..: :'\:'5 "'ould be her intent also. ~iSC1.SS:,-:- litéuhli'... :,uildi::;:- to ca..·:':.- -::'~'..l('J, ·....!I.ere:.:: !'..ayor Stokes ::-::,-~r.ted that his undec- ,:"_. ¡';l.aL .....~:C' __'........... ùt.: IhJ I.......~. .l11o~ v.. ~.t..: o.~c vf Lilt: -', ~v~nin~5 =~~-4~e~tly bu~ :~~. until a person ~as hired '_ ~~ildin; i~~ :==:rol acti~~:~~~. C.oU:1ci:- ~ a teu¡:,ç:-.:.,:, ~n Fr,,"I_.: 5Uper"'i,;:~ .:. _~~ ~uggest~~ ~~¿ ;o~sibl1it~ :.:'g place _~:~: a dir~~~~:- , .:::1t::[' su~~~·:;:e-c. :.·xifi....ati...':: ::~:~~s to co~:i~e. :~ :~~ Girl Scouts rin~in~ .~ :~::"t"d.. to ·..:~-;.~ch Cou!'1.ci 1- -, -a.:" to allo'J adult Co~cer~ '0- ,-"::ated by Å:ti~¡ City Mana,_: ,vJèr dS to Councilaan frolic~~'~ ~. ;;.:,.t1<,0 Ot)(~r.i::.¡ ~p a";cnues t..' .:._':'~tìondl prublms rf'lattve to pr,'\;:,I.': '. -""":~ .;¡nd 10.::1:.::1; c: the hu~l::.:-:: .lOlJ l'utside policing. He furt:',":: .·_~"".J.tC'd tha:. s;J,;<r:islon nuy ;-:: :-è ~nou¡;;h and pointed out tha: '- 4.:-¿.::tOr coul::' ;>cssi::ly be ~ir,-'': .':::Ün 4 to 6 weeks. At this: _-" ".\y"r Stokes recognizèd Mrs, ,. ',I. HUllhes, 20060 Peach Tree L.1.::.:~ ·_:"~rtino. Leac!i:r of th~ Cadette ,:i.rl Scout Troop 960. '-/hose f~_~,·.: ..1$ that pro!>less could bè e::,::~lled e:ff"ctively ~cause c: :'. :det that [r~ parents were :",i~g and picking up their c~::.::.::: ..lnd 3 recre.a~ioa le~der 35 \o.~~¡ ,l~ a supervisor would H on Ju:'-. ~';,¿ said there were two to thre~ lcaders for every 28 girls in addit:c: :: th~ recreatlon leader on s::< and, if the parks were: c:losed a: ._". thcrc woult! he four IDOrc !'e"~. during which vandalism could oce.:. :0 close the park at dusk, she ;aid, would cause :ore ham th~\~ f:':":· It was "''''. ,: >:_ Councilaan Creen, sl'conded ~y Councilman Frollch and passed U;',':': :.:_~.ly that all programs be: cledr..J through the City ~ager's ~:::~~. · - Ø1DUtes of the City Council, .January 18, 1971 'arks and Recreation CoDaission (continued) It vas tbea request.." " Councilman Green tbat a staff report be ~lIDted 1ndic..tL~ ,058 c:ircuastances inherent to the drastic decrease La teeD progrøa, .pedficdly, tbe progrøa which had ... elWnated siDc:e last ,ear. '!be Mayor asked Mr. Ryder to Instruct the Parks and llecreation co..iasion to present a report as requested by CouncillDan Green. 33. Report on propoRd Spring recreation progr8111 schedule. II1aSlllucb as Mr. Parham vas absent from the meeting. tbis report was DOt prese~ted at tbis tilDe. water Cocaission 34. s~ ~eeting. Library C~~ission 35. ~: ~eeting. Cupertin: Citizens Goals, C=ittee 36. :;_'v-:.bsion of Hinutes of Steering Comdttee oi :.e:ing of January 5, 1971. 37. :;~~is.ion of ~inutes of St"..ring Conmittee of :.e~ing of January 12, 1971. 38. F:e,entation of the first phase repørt relatin~ to th.. .èArge ..de by the City Ct'un.il of dciininK goals and c:;,<tives for future de~elopment of this City. Mr. Slsk ¡,:.'t"'.'<i tlw Council that Hr. Anzel",o had requested that his r"p"rt :-.. h.rld in abeyance for hearing at the end of the agenda as he WO~:~ ~e late in arriving to the Deeting. Public ¡~~.ri~gs 39. S"ne. Ord inanres 40. ~econd reading of Ordinance No. 467(b): "An Ordinance of the City of Cupertino Amending Ordinance No. 467 by the Designation of Additional StOp Intersections at Scofield Dri~e and Western Drive and at Dempster Avenue, Fitzgerald and Peninsula Avenue". Subsequent to a reading by the Mayor, it 'was IIOVed by ~ouncilman Frolic and seconded by Councilaan Noel that Ordinance 467(b) be read by title only and that the Mayor's reading constitute the second reading of said ordinance. CC-77 Page 11 staff report requested goa I" Tl'port continut°¡j Ord. 467(b) second readin~ rase 12 . 467(11) ._ t'" Ord. 475 second reading Ord. 475 enacted Res. 3006 adopted .. - Ø1autes of the City Cauoc:il, .January 18, 1971 a:.-77 Ordinances (continued) Ares: IIoe8 : ANent: Caanc:ilaell Pitas_ald, FroUcb. Creen, Roel and Mayor Stokes -- .... It vas then _ved by c-ncu.an Frol1cb and Mccmded by Coaoc:1Þan Creen that Ordinanc:e 467(b) be _ted. Ayes: lIoee: Absent: Counc:i1aen Fitzgerald, FroUcb, Green, Noel and MaJOr Stokes !CoDe !loDe 41. Second reading of Ordinance 110. 475: "An Ordin,'nce Relating to eaergency Organizations and Functions and Repealing Ordinance So. 28 of the City of Cupertino". After a r~ading by ~ayor Stokes, it was ~ved by Councilman Noel and seconded ;y ~uncilman Fitz~erald that OrJinaoce 475 be read by title only 3~d t~~ Mayor's reading constitute toe second reading of this ordinance. Ayes: Noes: Absent: C:~:c~lmen Fitzgerald, Frolich. Green, ~oel and Mayor Stokes :-:~e ,:~~ It was ::,<c ="""d by Councilman ¡¡ocl ar. ¡ ~e"ond..d by CouncU..."n Fltzgera:'; :,..t Ordinance 475 be enact{'j. Ayes: Noes: Absent: ;:, "..;:':.': Limen Ff tZlera ld. Froll~·.:. l~rè\'n ~I)cl and ~ayor Stok~s ::...~~~ S"::':.III! Resoluti":'.$ 42. ~::. 3006: "A Resolution of the City Council of the :'ity of C_~ert in" Allowing Certdin CI.. ;-:s .111.1 D<'I>ands Payable in the ,\="<1nts and fr_ the Funds as "erein.tit"r Deseribed for ~alaries and Wages fur the Payr,,:1 Pcriod EnJing January 12, : '171". After an ::troduction by Councilman Flt%~erald, It was moved by CouncilmA:'. Green and seconded by Councilman 1Ioel that Resolution 110. .3006 bè a.!opted. Ayes: Noes: Absent: (,,.."CUllen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Gr"en, Noel and Mayor Stokes Sone S-:>ne 43. s-:>. 3007: "A Ilesolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the A:<c>unts and froa the Funds as Hereinafter Described for General and Kisc:ellaneous Expenditures". . . .. .. of the City Council, Ja~ 18, 1971 ae.oJUions (cC''''t inued) .. Jaroductioa >õas ..de by CouncUJIaD Fitzgerald, after which it ... ~ " - by Council%1an Green and see-oded by Councilman Noel tbat -. ·-1011 No. 3007 be adopted. d ~.A._ .....: . : Councll::en Fitzgerald, Prol1ch, Green, Noel and Mayor Stokes Rone Rone ... Ro. 3008: "A Rèsolutioa of the City Council of tbe City of Cupertino Granting a VariaDCe to Pacific Gas and Electric: Company to Allow tbe Feace Height to be Increased frOll 6 feet to 8 f.~' nn the Easterly Property Line and the Property Line Adjac~t to R~mestead ØDad; Located 3t SC'utheast Corner of Homestead Road and Blaney kVenwe in a Light Industrial (ML) Zone". After . readin~ õy ~Ayor Stokes, it was Doved by CC'uncilcan Xoel ~ seconded by :~~~cilDan Fitzgera:¿ that ResolutiC'n ~o. 3008 be aðøpted. Ayes: .... : Absent : Counci::-::~ Fitzgerald, F:-o:1ich, Crf:cn, ~C'¿"! and }byor Sto~:es None None 45. No.3:::: ".\ Resolutic:: ~: t;;" City Ccun."1 Oi the City c CupeT::~: "~~ressing Its :::tention to (h~",e lhC' Zoning on Certa::: ?r=r~rties in ::-...e- ~.a:,y ¡\,:enuc Ar~J.'·. ~~ Stokes rc~_~-:~J clarjfica::~~ :f thl§ it~~. :0 ~hich Pu~l:c Yorks D1rectcr ":".;:- ':!~"!J~h expla::-~ :.~.a:' th':'s Res~<I,;:i"n .....ould r:"c·....:.ce. for all&nment :: '-,r" ,\"enue by a ~:.a::g" of zoninf .'n "3id road'"ay. It ... .oved bv :~"~cil~an Noel _~ s£ccnded by C~uncilMan Fitzgerald t~ bsolut1c':. ..'. 3010 be adol'te~. Ay..: IIoea : ».rt: Counc:. _=....~ None None Fitzgerald, r~~:i:h, Green, ~~~1 and Mayor Stokes A recess was C&::ë¿ ~y ~yor StOLe5 at 8:45 p.lI. and the Meetin~ vas r_eDed at S:0~ p.... Daft.lsh~d Businèss 46. Report :r~ Pl3nning eon.ission and con~ideration of Appeal of Appli~ation 14-Z-70 of Van ~oag requesting reversal of Planni~ ~ission Resolction No. 825 denying the granting for pre'oning of approxiBately 54.7 acres froll County AI-40 (Single-iaaily Cluster) zr.d R3 (~lultlple-:alnily) use intend Said pr~.crty is located DOrtherly and southerly of Stevens Craek !culevard, approxt.arely 1600 feet· west of Foothill aouelvard. (rubllc Hcarine c:losed December 21, 1970.) CC-77 Page 13 hs. 3007 adopted IRes. 3008 ,a¿orl ed ¡Re~. 3010 ! adonted i rec~~.S ca ll..."d ,,'¡ .,' ~. t - Appeal 1,-%-jO- heari.. _t "eb. 16da lliDUtea of the City C_ I'. 3aauary 18, 1971 CC-77 uot iD1sbed Iud.... (c= I' ~) *:'01' St.. request" .. "'taID frma discussioa ancI vote 011 this it. __ of Ida ~fJ Lip to the individ~ iøwlYed. I1poa Vice !layor JIoe¡ J ,.J¡w. . to ao oral request 88ðe ..,. IIrs. Bertert, it ... :I~. -.. ..,. City Attomey .... that it -U not be proper CÓ .... JIer COIIIIIents at tbi. tme .. the public: buring bad ~ pcew1Gualy closed relative to this applica- tion. !t. v~. _ed by Counc:l~ Fitzgerald and seconded by CGunc:1l111aD Creea tbt tbe pub\1c ..__~. be re-opened 00 this applú:ation, however. 110 vot" vas cal_ at this tilDe. Discussice. followed cluria. which the suggestion vas ....se by Kr. Ads1IIs that tbe llatter be cOlltfll"- for inclusion in a duly-ooticed pui;Hr.: hearing. He said that, v\~her it wa" an oral cOIIDUoication relating to the =<!",its of tbe applit:~tioo or n"t, this is ao area involving a public :,~~",ing and sug&ented that th.' communicatiOO$ be continued for a :.:"1-11 public hear1D& on the matter. Dialogue ccnt inued, aDd it vaS suggested that the matter either dis- cussed :=:ediately or c~t~ed for public hearing at a later date. It ~as ~~~J by Councll~ 'reen and second~d by CouD~i~~ Fit~gerald that t~, a?~eal be dlsc~ss~ at this time and that Mrs. ~ertert be allowed to be ~,¿",i. along with a--y others whc ~ight wish to spÞ-3'. ~o vote was take~ cc :ois motion a~ C~cilman Fitzgerald withdr~. his previously enterec c::ion to re-~ ~be public hearing. CouncilBaa Green also ~rit~¿:'~..· :-::'5 second at ~h.1s time. It ~as :ce~ ~oved by ~ilsan Fitzg~rald that the public hearing be re-c;.~ed on this a?plication to be set for the meetiag of Februa~' :Ò. 1971. The wetion was sec"nJed by Councllaan Frolich and t~e ::llowing vote was taken: Ayes: Noes: Absta:::: : Absent: :cuncUmen Fiur;e:ald, :~uncilman Greea ~yor Stokes Sane Frolich .tnd Noel It ~.ts ~gsested by CcuDCllaaD Frolich that a procedure be established to avcii :~is type of prObte. in thc futurc and, further, that it bcc:ome a poli:, :~at when a sa~~er is continucd, thc group invol~ed re-open the p~~::< hcaring to enable furth~r discussion at the next meeting. Mayor S~~,,"s 3greed that it: would bc a good policy to lea'.'e the public hearings ~pen and Clty Þ~tDrney Adams i~dicatcd that there vould be no l"g31 ~bjection to Ùlis procedurc. Mayor S:c"es asked Kr. Byder to procced with establishaent of the sug&cst,,~ policy. . Kr, Pu~:%, Chairman of tbe ~lanning Coomission, stressed the point that there is .t drastic: differeece betwccn prcsentations at the ilanning . . f . , ~-'. ¡' T,: ¡ r .. Minutes of tbe City Coanc:il, .January 18, 1971 Unfinished Business (c:oet1nued) ;" eø.mission level aDd t~ City Council level and discussion continued briefly. " , City Attorncy Ad... SDgIested tbat the staff get together to outline procedures relative to the relationsbip of oral co.eunications to public bearings and Mayor Stokes indicated bis concern that people go to great leDgtba to set on tbe calendar and should be heard when they do. He agreed that a ¡>rocedural outline vas a good idea. . 38. Presentation of the first phase report relating to the charg made by the City Cðuncil of defining goals and objectives for future develo~nt of thiH City. Mr. Sail Anzelmo outlined acco~plishments by the C~ittee during the past five months and 1ndic~ted various ke> points ~~ich had beer. under discus~ion. He s~~d the first phasc of the C~ittee's efforts consisted of a serie3 of brainstorming scssions ~here the Cocmittel split into smaller groups ~ho, In turn, provideé 12 topics as a bas? . for determining the id""'tity of the City of Cu~ertir.c. These 12 topici areas, he said, were t:~~ consolidated into 7 ~ain tc?ics, those I topics being Governcent and Implementation {co~ering the basic ! structurc of City Gover~nt), Public Finance (cc,er:n~ tax reforms 1 and cash pa)~ents for 1é:.:Jå aCGuisition as well aos '''a:'':'ous types of I d~velop:'J.cnt), Human Re.5~·,;rc~s Developmet,~ and Cu¡tt..:~¡ PiJtlcrn5 I (covering the four oai::. grc'Jps consistil¡~ of tec:":<sg£::"s, minority I groups or lack of the::t,:lder citizen~ and house"i';~,), Eou~ing (covering lo",-income h"'~si::¡; and density), Co:::c.,"C, it:' Serviccs and Transportation (bike pa~~~. ecoYogically compati:!e ~ra~sport¿1tion networks, ~tc.). Physi:ó: Co~unity Developcent; P~~se II and Business De~elopment. With the help of vlsual aids, Mr. Anzelmo summarized the 7 major areas by saying that ~~t tad been donc was to de7êlJ~ a broad basis fOJ looking êt a City. ?e said that thc Committee ~aè mutually a&reed to use tbe topics developed in Phase I as a ?:an for ~orking on Pbase 2 wbich would lzst for approximately 6 I:omhs. At the completion of tbe 6 mo::.ths and subsequent to puol ic .,< arings, he said a final report wou!d be prescnted to the Council for approval. In responsc to Councilnan ~oel's inquiry, Mr. Anzel:o indicated that the number of people allowable withln the Committee had becn dis- cussed and it was bi~ feeling that the Committec could expar.d greatly and still cover the topic. Councilman Frolicb indlcated bis concern that great amounts of time could be spent on investigating details and overlooking the broad goals, to whicb Mr. Anzeløo respondcd that Fhase 1 vas only for obtaining di~ersified ideas and Phase 2 would become more involved ~th specifics resulting in solidification of general ideas. a;,... 77 Pqe lS Goals COI'l...'n:' ':.':.ei: ?~a5Ç,: : re?or-: discc:.~sion Page 16 5:0.00 sign ri"clai~i~g :~e a??:"-:>ved C':'ry Manager a;>point:1ent ; ,,""'a l1zed . . Minutes of the City Council, January 18, 1971 CC-7 1JDfiDisbed Bua1aaes (continued) It vas streaael ., ODaÞc:ibaan Fitzgerald that c:o.plete staff coopera- tion would be aeceaaary to el1lll1nate vasted efforts and discussion followed briefly_ Mayor Stokes iDdicated his favorable cOllllents reprding the CODIIIIit tee's efforts on behalf of the City Council and the citizens an': thanked Mr. Anzeblo for hi. presentation. New Business 47. Establiabm~t of a fee payable by the owner for the reclailDing of previously removed unauthorized S!3DS within ten days after their having been removed. It was explained by Hr. Ryder that the Sign Ordinance provides that a fee may be enforc:ed. He commented that the aw~er is notified to remove his sign and often times the Corporation Yard holds signs for many ~eeks without thelr being reclaimed. If an owner of a slgn does not rcoove the sign within a reasonable leagth of time an ~ployee must do it and the proposed fee is an estimate of value of ti~e required to r~ove such signs. ~e co~cluded by saying that a Minute Order setting the fee at $10.00 ~ould be sufficient action takea and would be reco~ended at this t~e. It ~a. mo~ed by Couacil=an Fro1ich, second~d by Councilman Green and pas$~d unani~ously that a Mlnute Order be i~¿':'c3:ed settinR a charge of SlO.OO for reclaiaing of any unauthorized sig~s "'hich would cover the ,ost of removal of same. 48. Formalizing appointment and salary of ~r. Robert W. ~Iinlan as City Manager ~ho ass~es offioe February I, 1971. Mayor Stokes explained that Mr. Quinlan :·,.S t~ be ,,??ointed at a salary of $23,000 per year with his date of emploj~~nt to begin February 1, 1971. It was moved by Ccuncilman Noel and seconded by Councilllan Green that the appointment be formally ~lde of Mr. Quinlan as City Manager at a salary of $23,000 per year to begin on ~~bruary 1, 1971. Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Soel and Mayor Stokes None None 49. Proposal for the planting of City 3treet trees on the western side of Peninsular Avenue. Acting City Manager Ryder cor.ullcnted that it had been requested by the Director of Public Works that the City con~ider planting street trees 1n this particular area because It is an entrance to the City and lIould provide a better ilDage. lie said. if this was to be done nOli, .. ~ . Minutes of the City Council, January 18, 1971 Rev Busi,ess (continu~) tile c:ost would be approxiutely $500,00 for 32 trees to be planted or the matter could he carried over to the :lext budget. It vas r- ended by Mr. Ryder £hat this planting be approved. A discussion followed, vbere1D it vas generally agreed that the plaating would be favored with the exce~tion of Councilaan Fro1ich tIbo indicated bia c:ooc:ern as providing a benefit to the c-nty ratber than to the City sayiøa t!aat he vas not in favor of this project" It vas IDOved by Counclx.an Noel and seconded by Counc:ilJlaD Gr2en that tbe trees be planted,as recommended, along tbe western side of Penin&ul.r Avenue. Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Green, Noel and Mayor Stokes Councilman Frolich Ñone Anne Anger thanked the Council for allowing for this pla~ting and indicated to Councilman Frolich that Monta Vista also had to sactafice their main s:~eet for this prcject. Bruce Wenniger took vigorO'.1s c~jection to Cou:.cilrnan Fro':' i c'h.' s nay vote anò discussion of t~e subject ~as concluded at ~tis tL~e. 5J. ProF~sal for the esta~lishment of an undergrour.: ~:ilities district on Blaney A~enue. Publ ~c \~or~s DiT':.~tor Yarbor;::'_gh referred to a property ¿:é.g~a:::1 indicating h0~ a district c:~:: be set up and requested ë~~~crization by the City C~uncil for t~e s:aff to initiate such a dis:r:ct in conjunction ~ith the Blaney A~enue lmprove~ents. The prç?:~ed undergrounding, he said, ~oul¿ coSt approxicately $11,000 ë~¿, if Price Avenue ~as to be in~luded. the cost would be $l~,JOC for the entire project. He tben explained the various lot situations and, after sa=e dis- cUS.i"." Ma)"or Stokes questicced the benefit to the indi·..i::ual who vas currently living in an ol,;.,r home to pay $300.00 to connect the utilities to his h~e. ?e then indicated that P G , E ~~~ld be providing $16,000 of the grand total of the entire project 8aOUDting to $68,000. DialoRue continued, after which it was indicated by CounciJ~n Noel tbat tbe proposal would be favorable, however, questioned proceedinR inasmuch as this group of property owners along Blaney had resisted previous road widenin& plans and it would appear that they would profit froll this projecl. It was suggested by Councilaac Creen that comments be obtained from the property owners involved prior to making any type of decision and, further, in the event that tbe $300.00 became a problea for tbe in- divJdual land owner, the City consider absorbing this SOOUDt. CC-77 PaRe 17 Peninsular tree coasents tree planting approved Blaney ;"0:(#::'.;-.: undcrgrr;<.;;.,:: ~.;: district discuss¡'cn ?!Ige 18 C:lity ...qr .....i.. 4w ..yed . -- :~or::1.t -.,è::dar ...... peed IlilaItU of the City Caunell, w I 18, 1971 IX-77 ... Badness (CllQt1Dued) u. _ lIOVed by Qrauc:il_ Q. ~ J c "UCIed by Coundbum Fluleral4 -.I passed f__ly tb:at . J. -...... beariDg be sc:beduled c:oneerniDa _ ....ft&<.:. ..... .cUiU.. dC..... R- _ Blauey AftDl1e. ·.t _ re,,_" that Hr. ~- " do:" presellt results of . Suu.rJ of ..tJM! 1oc:a1 laDII _rs c:onc:_...... dd.s project for future pr.._tat~ to die <:--11. tk. 'IarborlJll&ll qaesUOI1ed tile - _ __eats 00 Price Avenue aød ..~.ted that the Counc:il ..11_ dIat property owners dedic:atias their property receive the CIttIo. ~ter and paving adjacent to their :fronuge to allow reasonable a1~tives to work with sbould the i district prou to be 1IIIprac:U.ca1. ~ :In response t: !fro Yarboroup. the liayor said the City Counc:il should ~t have to set policy indicarias information such as this sho-ld be provlded by:;'" staff for CouDcil consideration. It was then suggested by ~yor St:<.s t~at tbis item ~ continued for a better presentation aDd Mr. Yar:':::;;gh agreed to d.o so. . It ~as rec~==¿~ed by the PablLc .orks Direct~r :hat the City consider iDcl~ding ~~:ôs. gutters and paT'-g of Pri:e AVè~~e regardiess if portions are :,~~ by asses~t =r not. He Cc""c:~Jed by saying t~at r.:t.e owners ::.a.:. :¿t!n unable co ~ a proper dc:~.:.~...ùl1 wÍlt:U éI~~e";' De~aUbc. 0: lack of ~::::::1.ltlnn. !!ayor Stokè; ~::¿:catcd that ~.e :~:: this was ::,':è a staff ,.,at~er than a ~uncil :::~;'cn and shoul¿ ~ 7~t to~ether as a district proposal pr:or to pr::¿~:ation. Cc::.sent Ca...i.::.:.ãr 51. Rè;::_:ion No. 3009: t::e :~:y of Cupertï:>o ~A Kesol~tioa cf kiopting a Ci\'i~ :he City Council of ~t!fense Operations 2:~::-. . , . ¡ I 52. Re",:~:ion NO. 3011: -A Resolution c: o~~ City Council of the :~oy of Cupert'-~ Lc~epting Quit~:a:~ Deed and Authoriza- t:.:':: ::-~ Jason Ch.ur'Cier"'. 5~. Res::~:ion No. 3012: -A Ieso1ution cf t~e City Council of the Ci:: :f Cupertino Sa~ting the C:ncept of a Hld-Peninsu1a Reg ::~l Park and Opeø Space District'"" 54. A~~e.:~nce of municipal ~.pro.ements in conjunction with the Col:l~ School projec~ OD Vista Drive. It vaS mû~~ :~ Councilaan Soe1 aDd .cconded by Councilman Fitzgerald that the lÁ'::;;ent Calendar be ~ed. Ayes: JIoes : .ülsent : Cc-.:::...:::'lmen F1tzgerdA!. PrøliLh, Green. Socl and Kayor Stokes Soœ SaGe ,_ '.o,£.~ --.......-.. ......._..~ - - . ....J:.:.. ,_ of the City Council, 3 7 18, 1971 . , j.ì.n of Officers f ~ c ,,·;,.<'55. City Staff :."';.~: '. i'. ' ." , City 1føa&er Byder W.. . the Council that tbe rec· '... ,f. ,,' of r-.!elfD& the ~ "1' - '-er.. previously disc....... .,.. . be on a tme and _ted.I. "'111. Be said, as is, the Cb-'-r ~'i-fi'a aesthetically pleaaq .. is _t fanctionaUy deaipe4. j(¡" explained by Kayor Stolœs tIIae "h". Byder. Mr. Benevic:h UI4 ..... proposed tœ rsocieUøs .. fDc:lude prwrily tbe eUaiaaU_ ~ .~ places at the Council cJesk, a relocatiOD of tbe voti11! lipts, die _tire desk being moved o.4~.t towards the rear of the Cb.m.r . tistance of 1-112 feet and tIJIP 10uer table being expanded to seat die City Manager. City Attorney as _11 as the CÜy Clerk and Jtec:ord- ÚIC Sec:retary" C:-Ci:man x"": "..estioned the cost of the rl!l:lO<!eling to which ftt. Ryder in=ica:~ tbe total COS~ to be unkno.~ but estimated at $4,000 by ~r. 31essing includ~ electrical ~~rk, architectural fee, et cetera. A:so responding to an inquiry ,y Councilman Xoel, ftt. Rvder in::==~~ the Council ~hat individual c0ntractors could not bid tids par:i~:;:ar item. A suggestion .~> :~:n offered by City Attorney Aj~,s that authoriza- tlcm be give:: :::a: the proposed remodeling CM:S ""l "xceed $3.500, after which :: .~> so moved by ~~cil~an ~oel and seconded by C-CUman F~:::~::. Ayes: JIoes : AÞsent: Cou::~::::¿:: Fitzgerald, Frclich, Green. X:el and Kayor Stokes None Non.: 1t vas tben re-.;t:ested by Hr. RJÓer that, due to a change in the work ~s of the ct:st:~ia~, a shift differential be icposed in the SUID of $10.00 per ",ee;". lit vas 1D0veci ,,~' C:uncUman GreeD aDd secoaded b)" Councilman Frolich ~ authorizat:cn be given for a shift differential of $10.00 as r...,ested. A7es: ....: M t: eaun<:il:len Fitzgerald. Frolich, Green, ~oel and Mayor Stokes None None ~_1' Stokes a:mcunced that, after 8 years vitb tbe City, Kr. Parbaa, ~ and Recreation Director, bad resigned. He continued by ..yil1l ~ Mr. Parhaa bad built a very anique parks and recreation prograa ~ the City aDd it would be _It diffic:ult to fill this position. .. tMicated, bovever, that Ik. ParbaJII vould not be leaving the City t.c. _ld he going into tbe real estate buciness and he hoped that ....··-c:e would be given by Mr. Parbaa vhen needed. ,.'.>i.:¥-'<t~" ._. Œ-77 Pa¡¡e 19 staff reports ChBmber retnodeUnlt authorized shift differential authorized Hr. Parham's resignstion announced , .... 20 tioøa1 ta additional discussioa and reporcs "~'c:-;;' . .. . 1IIøutea of the City Council, .January 18, 1971 ~rt of Officers (cont1øued) ;,..Council was iDfomed, .. ~ic:ated previously in the City Manager's , t, that twO bouse8 located 011 Mary Avenue vere to be burned on , . T'.-e bouse8 hÄ been previÒU8ly cODCl_ed. CC-7~ , îi'.CODtiDU1Dg his uport Ik. Ryder ..tloned that the Radio Club lease . dcaft bad been ~tted to the Radio Club _bers and Assurance Sc:1enc:es YoaIÌdatioD for their approval and bad DOt, aa yet, been returned. ~dDI City Hanaaer Ryder indic:ated that a request had been ..de by a stouP of Vest Valley students for permission to paint house DUllhers _ curbs for tbe locai resideDts at a charge of $2.00 per hOllle. Ina81llUch as there v"re no objec:tions offered, it was moved by CouncilJD8n Fitzgerald and seconded by Councilman Creen that approval be given, subjec:t to clearanc:e tbrough the San Jose Solicitation Commission, that the work be pleasing and, further, that a Business License be obtained . Ayes: Noes: Absent: (~uncilmen Fitzgerald. Frolich, Green and Mayor Stokes co~ncillD3n Noel Xone At this ti=~ Acting City Manager Ryder voiced his gratitu~e for the coufidence and assistance shown him durin~ the past 7 month:; as t\ctlng City Mana~er' ~~yor Stokes responded by thanking Mr. Ryder on behaJf of the Cit, Council as well as th~ citizens for a job well done which far surpa5seJ what was expected. The Mayor went on to say that with adairatica and respect on the parts of the City Councl1 and t,e Clty employees h~ wished to also thank Mr. Ryder for all the addt'ional efforts and extra burdens he had carried during these several months. It was reported by Public Works Director Yarborough that a llrter had been recei~ed from the State Division of Highways regarding siinaliza- tion of tr.e intersection of Rodrigues a~j Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. He said the letter indicated tbat justification had not ~een shown to warrant the proposed signalization. Mayor Stokes su~gested that Assembl>~n Hayden be contacted in the State Legislature with respect to tbe possibility of a discussion being held relative to this traffic signal. . Hr. Benevich reported that Mr. Frank Dorsa of San Jose Commercial Sweep Company r~d been contacted and Mr. Dorsa had indicated that efforts would be made to clean the Mervyn's parking lot near the hour of 6:00 a.m. instead of in the early morning hours as previously done. . 56. City ~ncil.en Councilaan Green questioned the status of the Joint Planning Council proposa~ previously before the Council in August of 1970, to which Hr. Sisk responded that the proposal had been befor~ the City Planning Øirectors Association in October and thc last action taken by that group was that no definite decision could be made. - - . Minutes of the CIty Council, .J~nuary 18, J97l , Report of Officers (continued) ~~ncilaan Fitzgerald indic:ated that it was his understanding the proposal bad been sent to the City Mana~crs ^ssoc:iation also and tbe aatter was now pending recommendations fro. botb the City Managers Associatioa and the Planners Association. Tbe subject of the trees to be located in tbe Civic Center Plaza was brougbt up by the Mayor Who suggested that these trees be made avail- able to CUpertino citizens vishing to offer a donation. He felt it could be feasible to plaèe appr(., date plaques on these trees as requested by the donor. It was ~oved Ly Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Green and passed unanimously that tbis matter be referred to the staff for tbe setting of administrative policies in tbis regard. 57. Recognition by Mayor of non-agenda items. Tbe Mayor tC::linded the Council m('mbers of the meeting to be held of the Inter-City Council on January 2ìth cO",::Iencing at 4:00 p.m. He said t:,is meeting "'as to be aJong the liues of a labor seminar and sug£~$:~d that as many members as possihle be in attendance, ^djouræ:e:1t CC-77 Page 21 Civic Center Plaza tree discussion meetir¡£ rC:!1j nd ~T As there .a5 no further business introduced, it was moved by Green. Sf,:o:lded b}· Councilnan Noel and passed by a un:mir.\ous the meeti~, be adjourned. , I CouncJ.lman ··C'te that adjour;:~(.n[ The meeti,,& was declared adjourned b)' :Iayor Stokes at 10:43 p.m. ArrRQVED: /5/ Gary G. Stokcs ¡·1ayor. City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ ;~. E. Ry1er City Cieri< .